Level - Medium
Saw this and just couldn't resist.
`nc byuctf.xyz 40014`
This entire problem is just based around writing a script to solve xkcd 2637 (see explanation for algorithm to solve here).
The file chall.py
is used to run the challenge, giving the flag after solving 500 problems. The script solve.py
automatically solves it.
Flag - byuctf{just_over_here_testing_your_programming_skills_:)}
This challenge should be a Docker container that runs python3 chall.py
on port 40014. All the proper files are included in here. The command to build the docker container is (when located inside of this directory):
sudo docker build -t xkcd2637 .
sudo docker network create -d bridge xkcd2637
The command to start the challenge is:
sudo docker run -p 40014:40000 --detach --name xkcd2637 --network xkcd2637 xkcd2637:latest
The command to stop the challenge (since CTRL+C won't work) is:
sudo docker stop xkcd2637