{% method %}
Events sent to your server for inbound and outbound MMS messages.
eventType | The event type, value is mms . |
direction | Direction of message * in - a message that came from the telephone network to one of your numbers (an “inbound” message)* out - a message that was sent from one of your numbers to the telephone network (an “outbound” message) |
from | The message sender’s telephone number (or short code). |
to | Message recipient telephone number (or short code). |
messageId | The unique id of the message resource for this event. |
messageUri | The full URL of the message resource. |
text | The message contents. |
applicationId | The application id associated with the phone number receiving the inbound messages. |
time | The time the message resource was created (UTC, follows the ISO 8601 format). |
state | Message state, values are received |
media | URIs of media files associate with the MMS message. |
deliveryState | Delivery state of the message--present only sometimes, to indicate certain errors |
deliveryCode | Numerical code indicating the delivery status of the message--present only sometimes, to indicate certain errors |
deliveryDescription | Human-readable description of the delivery status--present only sometimes, to indicate certain errors |
segmentCount | The number of segments the message was sent as. This value will always be 1 for MMS messages. |
{% common %}
"eventType" : "string",
"direction" : "string",
"from" : "string",
"to" : "string",
"messageId" : "string",
"messageUri" : "string",
"text" : "string",
"applicationId" : "string",
"time" : "date",
"state" : "string",
"deliveryState" : "string",
"deliveryCode" : "string",
"deliveryDescription" : "string",
"media" : ["mediaUri1", "mediaUri2"...],
"segmentCount": : "integer"
{% common %}
POST http://[External server URL]
"eventType" : "mms",
"to" : "+12534483100",
"from" : "+15035555555",
"time" : "2015-08-04T21:50:12Z",
"text" : "Hello MMS!",
"direction" : "in",
"applicationId" : "a-rj7jf3fz7teaqupveqpug3i",
"state" : "received",
"messageId" : "m-dr4mcch2wfb6frcls677glq",
"media" : [
"messageUri" : "https://api.catapult.inetwork.com/v1/users/{user-id}/messages/m-dr4mcch2wfb6frcls677glq",
"segmentCount" : 1
{% endmethod %}