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Notes on Kubernetes course

Why Kubernetes

  • to scale up our app we want to scale up only the worker container not the e.g. NGINX container
  • Elastic Beanstalk would scale up by multiplying the whole app = all containers including NGINX
  • = if we have an app that needs to run multiple different containers

What is Kubernetes

  • cluster = Master + Nodes
  • Node = Virtual machine or physical computer
    • can run anything = multiple different types of docker containers
  • Master = controls what runs on each Node
  • Load Balancer = outside of cluster and redirects traffic to the Nodes

Working with Kubernetes

  • minikube = sets up local env tiny cluster = for dev purposes
    • just to create and run a single Virtual Machine = Node
  • for production = e.g. Amazon EKS, Google GKE
  • kubectl = used for managing containers in the node
    • used both for dev and in production

Docker Compose vs Kubernetes

  • Docker compose:
    • builds the containers
    • 1 config for multiple containers
    • sets up networking = port mapping etc.
  • Kubernetes
    • needs already built containers, e.g. on DockerHub
    • 1 config file per object
    • networking has to be set up manually
    • => config file to set up the networking

Kubernetes Configs

  • configs are for creating objects not containers
  • object = a thing that exists in Kubernetes cluster
  • multiple objects can run on a single Node
  • object types:
    • Pod
      • runs 1 or more docker containers
      • a grouping of containers with a very similar purpose
      • = contaners that absolutely have to be ran together = e.g. a DB and a container monitoring the DB
      • smallest thing to deploy to run a single container
    • Service = setup networking inside the cluster
      • 4 subtypes: = under key spec: type in the config
        • ClusterIP
        • NodePort = expose a container to the outside worls, only good for dev purposes!
        • LoadBalancer
        • Ingress
    • ...
  • apiVersion: specifies the set of objects that we can use
    • e.g. v1 gives us access to objects Pod and Service and others
  • kind = type of the object = e.g. Pod, Service

Pod config

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: client-pod
    component: web            = this key-value pair can be anything its just a label that can be used by other objects to select this object
    - name: client
      image: stephengrider/multi-client
        - containerPort: 3000

Service config

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: client-node-port
  type: NodePort             = sub-type of Service object, for dev only, for prod use ClusterIP
    - port: 3050             = port that other object can use to acccess the target Pod
      targetPort: 3000       = same as the containerPort of the target Pod
      nodePort: 31515        = port that we type into browser to access the target Pod, thats why this is useful mainly for dev work
    component: web           = looks for all object = target objects (e.g. Pods) with this key-value pair and applies this port mapping to it

Networking on a Node

  • kubeproxy = at the beginning at each Node
    • look for Services = networking objects
  • each Node has an IP address - we need that to access the Node = it's not on localhost!
  • get the IP by minikube ip

kubectl commands

  • kubectl apply -f <config> = apply config = update or create objects
  • kubectl apply -f <directory> = apply all configs in the directory
  • kubectl get <object type> = e.g. pods, services, deployments,pvc, pv (= persistent volume) type=Kind
  • kubectl describe <object type> <object name> = get a lot of information about the object
  • kubectl delete -f <object config file> = deletes object with same name+type
  • kubectl logs <object identifier> = write out logs, the ID is the first column of kubectl get


  • kube-apiserver runs on it:
    • it monitors what object it runs and how many copies of the objects are running
    • it tells the Nodes what to run

Imperative vs Declarative management of the cluster

  • imperative = do exactly these steps
    • Kubernetes supports this also = but we don't want to use this!
    • we would have to check the current state ourself
  • declarative = I want the end result look like this
    • = edit the deployment file and pass it to master, it will find out the current state of the cluster and make the needed changes to reach the desired end state
Declarative: How to update objects vs Creating a new one?
  • Name+Kind is an unique identifier of object in cluster:
    • if there is some existing object in cluster with the same Name+Kind => kubectl will update this object instead of creating a new object
Limitation of updates through changes in config for Pods
  • we can only update image
  • we cannot to update port
  • => to update everything use a different Type = Deployment

Deployment type vs Pod type

  • Pods
    • runs a single Pod = set of containers
    • allows changing only image in config when updating
    • for dev only
  • Deployment
    • runs a set of Pods - uses Pod template for it
    • monitors state of each pod
    • we can change any property in config when updating - it will delete and recreate Pods if we change their port
    • for dev and production
Deployment config
  • client-deployment.yaml:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: client-deployment
  replicas: 1                = create N replicas of the specified Pod
  selector:                  = similar to service in Pod config = How do I find the created Pod after master creates it for me? I will match the key-value "component: web"
      component: web
  template:                  = list a template for the Pod we want to create
        component: web
        - name: client
          image: stephengrider/multi-client
            - containerPort: 3000
Networking: Why use Service object?
  • Deployment type object creates N Pods:
    • all of them have assigned internal IPs that we cannot access from outside
    • that IP can be changed at any time - if the Pod is restarted
  • Service object watches over all Pods that matches it's selector and routes traffic to them
Trigger Deployment to update Pods with newest version of docker image
  • we updated the Docker image that we use
  • the image name stays the same
  • there is no version to specify in the Deployment config
  • if we don't change anything in config => kubectl apply will not do anything

How to do this? 3 possibilites:

  • deleting the Pods and recreating it
    • not a rolling update
    • prone to errors
  • tag our image with a version and use that tag in the config:
    • image: name/my-image:v3
    • we cannot use env variables in config = we have to write that :v3 to the config
    • adds steps to deployment process
  • use imperative command to update our Deployment with a latest version of our image
    • we still have to tag our Docker image with version
    • use $GIT_SHA as a tag = hash of the current commit = git rev-parse HEAD
    • we can then easily check which commit is running on the Pod`
    • but we don't have update the config - it will have no version tag
    • best way - we can automate this
    • run kubectl set image <object type>/<object name> <container name>=<new image to use with tag>

Production deployment

  • combine configs into a single file = just divide the configurations by ---:


config for Pod
config for Service

Networking: ClusterIP

  • ClusterIP = exposes set of pods to other object in cluster = not to outside world
  • Ingress Service = connects outside world to the ClusterIPs
  • NodePort = exposes to outside world = for dev only

ClusterIP config:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: client-cluster-ip-service
  type: ClusterIP
    component: web
    - port: 3000           = how other ports access the pods
      targetPort: 3000     = the actual port in the pods

Persistent Volume Claim

  • needed for Postgres

Volume in DOcker world:

  • Volume =
  • Postgres container writes its data into file system in the container
    • if the container crashes => file system in container gets deleted
  • volume on host machine = we map the container file system to a part of file system outside of Docker
  • if container crashes -> new one will connect back to the same volume
  • do not increase replicas of postgres container if they are mapped to a single volume = they would write over themselves

Kubernetes world: Volume:

  • Volume = specific object that allows a container to store data at the Pod level
    • this Volume can be accessed by all containers in the same Pod = if some container dies -> new container can access it again
    • but if the Pod dies - the Volume dies as well
    • not good for storing data for DB - because we use Deployments that can restart Pods

Persistent Volume:

  • persists outside of a Pod
  • separate from any Pod

Persistent Volume Claim:

  • not an actual volume

  • advertisement to what persistent volumes are available inside the cluster

  • Statically provisioned Persistent Volumes = created ahead of time = can be used immediately

  • Dynamically provisiones = created when some Pod asks for it

  • this PVC will be attached to some Pod -> then Kubernets will provide the storage

  • Acess Modes:

    • ReadWriteonce = only one Node can access it at the same time
    • ReadOnlyMany = multiple Nodes can read from this
    • ReadWriteMany = can be read and written to by many Nodes
  • storageclass

    • kubectl get storageclass
    • default while developing on local = get it on host machine
    • or cloud providers = AWS, GCP, ...
  • kubectl get pvc = get claims

  • kubectl get pv = get actual allocated persistent volumes

  • has own config specifying available Persistent Volumes:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: database-persistent-volume-claim
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 2Gi       = 2 GB

Postgres Deployment config with the PVC:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: postgres-deployment
  replicas: 1
      component: postgres
        component: postgres
        - name: postgres-storage     = this allocates the volume specified in the PVC config
            claimName: database-persistent-volume-claim
        - name: postgres
          image: postgres
            - containerPort: 5432
          volumeMounts:               = this mounts the volume to the containers
            - name: postgres-storage
              mountPath: /var/lib/postgresql/data = folder in the container
              subPath: postgres       = folder in the PVC

Passing environment variables to the containers

  • HostName of redis = redis-cluster-ip-service = Name of the ClusterIP object of Redis deployment
  • static env values = easy = just put it to env section
  • all env variable values MUST be provided as string! = even e.g. postgres port = '5432'

Passing secrets = e.g. PGPASSWORD

  • type of object Secrets = like Service, Deployment

    • securely store information available to other objects
    • do not use config to create the Secret object => manually use imperative command
    • kubectl create secret generic <secret_name> --from-literal <key>=<value>
      • secret_name = refer to it later in a pod config
      • --from-literal = in this command not in a file
    • kubectl create secret generic pgpassword --from-literal PGPASSWORD=admin
    • kubectl get secrets
  • use the Secret in the Deployment config:

    • set it up in the Postgres container as well in the container connecting to the Postgres

- name: PGPASSWORD  = env var name in the container
      name: pgpassword = name of Secret object
      key: PGPASSWORD  = key-value pair inside the Secret object

Networking: Getting traffic into cluster from outside

  • Load Balancer Service = legacy way of getting some amount of traffic into a cluster

    • creates and configures Load Balancer on your cloud provider = e.g. LB on AWS
  • Ingress = new way of getting traffic into cluster from outside world


  • multiple implementations - e.g. NGINX Ingress

    • use ingress-nginx = led by Kubernetes community
    • do not use kubernetes-ingress = led by company nginx
    • they have diff. documentaions!
  • setup is based on environment = local or AWS, GC

  • write config describing routing rules to get traffic to services inside cluster => Ingress Controller inside kubectl constantly monitors the desired routes and sets up NGINX Pod that routes the traffic to services inside our cluster

    • in case of ingress-nginx Ingress Controller and Pod with NGINX is the same thing

Setup on Google Cloud

  • Google Cloud Load Balancer will be created for us to send traffic into our cluster
  • this traffic is sent to Kubernetes Load Balancer service inside the cluster
  • This LB inside the cluster sends the traffic to nginx-controller Pod that routes the traffic to correct services inside the cluster
  • the NGINX Pod routes the traffic directly to our Deployment objects inside the cluster skipping the ClusterIP networking service attached to these Pods

Ingress Configuration

  • docs -> general -> mandatory command = command that must be run in our cluster = sets up necessary objects before we run the setup specific for AWS/GC/etc
    kind: Ingress
      name: ingress-service
      annotations: nginx 'true' /$1   = if /api/adf comes -> remove the /api and pass the rest of the URL to the Deployment
        - http:
              - path: /?(.*)
                  serviceName: client-cluster-ip-service
                  servicePort: 3000
              - path: /api/?(.*)
                  serviceName: server-cluster-ip-service
                  servicePort: 5000


  • = tool that streamlines installing and managing Kubernetes applications = like e.g. Ingress
  • consists of 2 parts:
    • Helm CLI = Helm
    • server = runs on a Pod in our Kubernetes cluster
  • install it
  • we have to give it permissions to change our Kubernetes cluster
    • on Google Cloud = RBAC = Role Based Access Control

Accounts vs Roles

  • account = identifies whether you are a user or a service = User account, Service account
  • role bindings = give permissions to do something a kubernetes namespace = set of things in cluster