- https://www.udemy.com/course/docker-and-kubernetes-the-complete-guide/learn/lecture/20914618#overview
- also see the notes on Docker that describes the project structure:
- to scale up our app we want to scale up only the worker container not the e.g. NGINX container
- Elastic Beanstalk would scale up by multiplying the whole app = all containers including NGINX
- = if we have an app that needs to run multiple different containers
- cluster = Master + Nodes
- Node = Virtual machine or physical computer
- can run anything = multiple different types of docker containers
- Master = controls what runs on each Node
- Load Balancer = outside of cluster and redirects traffic to the Nodes
= sets up local env tiny cluster = for dev purposes- just to create and run a single Virtual Machine = Node
- for production = e.g. Amazon EKS, Google GKE
= used for managing containers in the node- used both for dev and in production
- Docker compose:
- builds the containers
- 1 config for multiple containers
- sets up networking = port mapping etc.
- Kubernetes
- needs already built containers, e.g. on DockerHub
- 1 config file per object
- networking has to be set up manually
- => config file to set up the networking
- configs are for creating
- object = a thing that exists in Kubernetes cluster
- multiple objects can run on a single Node
- object types:
- runs 1 or more docker containers
- a grouping of containers with a very similar purpose
- = contaners that absolutely have to be ran together = e.g. a DB and a container monitoring the DB
- smallest thing to deploy to run a single container
= setup networking inside the cluster- 4 subtypes: = under key
in the config- ClusterIP
- NodePort = expose a container to the outside worls, only good for dev purposes!
- LoadBalancer
- Ingress
- 4 subtypes: = under key
- ...
: specifies the set of objects that we can use- e.g.
gives us access to objectsPod
and others
- e.g.
= type of the object = e.g. Pod, Service
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: client-pod
component: web = this key-value pair can be anything its just a label that can be used by other objects to select this object
- name: client
image: stephengrider/multi-client
- containerPort: 3000
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: client-node-port
type: NodePort = sub-type of Service object, for dev only, for prod use ClusterIP
- port: 3050 = port that other object can use to acccess the target Pod
targetPort: 3000 = same as the containerPort of the target Pod
nodePort: 31515 = port that we type into browser to access the target Pod, thats why this is useful mainly for dev work
component: web = looks for all object = target objects (e.g. Pods) with this key-value pair and applies this port mapping to it
= at the beginning at each Node- look for Services = networking objects
- each Node has an IP address - we need that to access the Node = it's not on localhost!
- get the IP by
minikube ip
kubectl apply -f <config>
= apply config = update or create objectskubectl apply -f <directory>
= apply all configs in the directorykubectl get <object type>
= e.g. pods, services, deployments,pvc, pv (= persistent volume) type=Kindkubectl describe <object type> <object name>
= get a lot of information about the objectkubectl delete -f <object config file>
= deletes object with same name+typekubectl logs <object identifier>
= write out logs, the ID is the first column ofkubectl get
- kube-apiserver runs on it:
- it monitors what object it runs and how many copies of the objects are running
- it tells the Nodes what to run
- imperative = do exactly these steps
- Kubernetes supports this also = but we don't want to use this!
- we would have to check the current state ourself
- declarative = I want the end result look like this
- = edit the deployment file and pass it to master, it will find out the current state of the cluster and make the needed changes to reach the desired end state
- Name+Kind is an unique identifier of object in cluster:
- if there is some existing object in cluster with the same Name+Kind => kubectl will update this object instead of creating a new object
- we can only update image
- we cannot to update port
- => to update everything use a different Type =
- Pods
- runs a single Pod = set of containers
- allows changing only image in config when updating
- for dev only
- Deployment
- runs a set of Pods - uses Pod template for it
- monitors state of each pod
- we can change any property in config when updating - it will delete and recreate Pods if we change their port
- for dev and production
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: client-deployment
replicas: 1 = create N replicas of the specified Pod
selector: = similar to service in Pod config = How do I find the created Pod after master creates it for me? I will match the key-value "component: web"
component: web
template: = list a template for the Pod we want to create
component: web
- name: client
image: stephengrider/multi-client
- containerPort: 3000
type object creates N Pods:- all of them have assigned internal IPs that we cannot access from outside
- that IP can be changed at any time - if the Pod is restarted
object watches over all Pods that matches it's selector and routes traffic to them
- we updated the Docker image that we use
- the image name stays the same
- there is no version to specify in the
config - if we don't change anything in config =>
kubectl apply
will not do anything
How to do this? 3 possibilites:
- deleting the Pods and recreating it
- not a rolling update
- prone to errors
- tag our image with a version and use that tag in the config:
- image:
- we cannot use env variables in config = we have to write that
to the config - adds steps to deployment process
- image:
- use imperative command to update our Deployment with a latest version of our image
- we still have to tag our Docker image with version
- use
as a tag = hash of the current commit =git rev-parse HEAD
- we can then easily check which commit is running on the Pod`
- but we don't have update the config - it will have no version tag
- best way - we can automate this
- run
kubectl set image <object type>/<object name> <container name>=<new image to use with tag>
- combine configs into a single file = just divide the configurations by
config for Pod
config for Service
= exposes set of pods to other object in cluster = not to outside worldIngress Service
= connects outside world to the ClusterIPsNodePort
= exposes to outside world = for dev only
ClusterIP config:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: client-cluster-ip-service
type: ClusterIP
component: web
- port: 3000 = how other ports access the pods
targetPort: 3000 = the actual port in the pods
- needed for Postgres
Volume in DOcker world:
- Volume =
- Postgres container writes its data into file system in the container
- if the container crashes => file system in container gets deleted
- volume on host machine = we map the container file system to a part of file system outside of Docker
- if container crashes -> new one will connect back to the same volume
- do not increase replicas of postgres container if they are mapped to a single volume = they would write over themselves
Kubernetes world: Volume:
- Volume = specific object that allows a container to store data at the Pod level
- this Volume can be accessed by all containers in the same Pod = if some container dies -> new container can access it again
- but if the Pod dies - the Volume dies as well
- not good for storing data for DB - because we use Deployments that can restart Pods
Persistent Volume:
- persists outside of a Pod
- separate from any Pod
Persistent Volume Claim:
not an actual volume
advertisement to what persistent volumes are available inside the cluster
Statically provisioned Persistent Volumes = created ahead of time = can be used immediately
Dynamically provisiones = created when some Pod asks for it
this PVC will be attached to some Pod -> then Kubernets will provide the storage
Acess Modes:
- ReadWriteonce = only one Node can access it at the same time
- ReadOnlyMany = multiple Nodes can read from this
- ReadWriteMany = can be read and written to by many Nodes
kubectl get storageclass
- default while developing on local = get it on host machine
- or cloud providers = AWS, GCP, ...
kubectl get pvc
= get claims -
kubectl get pv
= get actual allocated persistent volumes -
has own config specifying available Persistent Volumes:
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: database-persistent-volume-claim
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 2Gi = 2 GB
Postgres Deployment config with the PVC:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: postgres-deployment
replicas: 1
component: postgres
component: postgres
- name: postgres-storage = this allocates the volume specified in the PVC config
claimName: database-persistent-volume-claim
- name: postgres
image: postgres
- containerPort: 5432
volumeMounts: = this mounts the volume to the containers
- name: postgres-storage
mountPath: /var/lib/postgresql/data = folder in the container
subPath: postgres = folder in the PVC
- HostName of redis =
= Name of the ClusterIP object of Redis deployment - static env values = easy = just put it to
section - all env variable values MUST be provided as string! = even e.g. postgres port = '5432'
Passing secrets = e.g. PGPASSWORD
type of object
= like Service, Deployment- securely store information available to other objects
- do not use config to create the Secret object => manually use imperative command
kubectl create secret generic <secret_name> --from-literal <key>=<value>
- secret_name = refer to it later in a pod config
- --from-literal = in this command not in a file
kubectl create secret generic pgpassword --from-literal PGPASSWORD=admin
kubectl get secrets
use the Secret in the Deployment config:
- set it up in the Postgres container as well in the container connecting to the Postgres
- name: PGPASSWORD = env var name in the container
name: pgpassword = name of Secret object
key: PGPASSWORD = key-value pair inside the Secret object
Load Balancer Service = legacy way of getting some amount of traffic into a cluster
- creates and configures Load Balancer on your cloud provider = e.g. LB on AWS
multiple implementations - e.g. NGINX Ingress
- use
= led by Kubernetes community - do not use
= led by company nginx - they have diff. documentaions!
- use
setup is based on environment = local or AWS, GC
write config describing routing rules to get traffic to services inside cluster => Ingress Controller inside kubectl constantly monitors the desired routes and sets up NGINX Pod that routes the traffic to services inside our cluster
- in case of
Ingress Controller and Pod with NGINX is the same thing
- in case of
Setup on Google Cloud
- Google Cloud Load Balancer will be created for us to send traffic into our cluster
- this traffic is sent to Kubernetes Load Balancer service inside the cluster
- This LB inside the cluster sends the traffic to nginx-controller Pod that routes the traffic to correct services inside the cluster
- the NGINX Pod routes the traffic directly to our Deployment objects inside the cluster skipping the ClusterIP networking service attached to these Pods
Ingress Configuration
- docs -> general -> mandatory command = command that must be run in our cluster = sets up necessary objects before we run the setup specific for AWS/GC/etc
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: ingress-service
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/use-regex: 'true'
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: /$1 = if /api/adf comes -> remove the /api and pass the rest of the URL to the Deployment
- http:
- path: /?(.*)
serviceName: client-cluster-ip-service
servicePort: 3000
- path: /api/?(.*)
serviceName: server-cluster-ip-service
servicePort: 5000
- = tool that streamlines installing and managing Kubernetes applications = like e.g. Ingress
- consists of 2 parts:
- Helm CLI = Helm
- server = runs on a Pod in our Kubernetes cluster
- install it
- we have to give it permissions to change our Kubernetes cluster
- on Google Cloud = RBAC = Role Based Access Control
= identifies whether you are a user or a service = User account, Service accountrole bindings
= give permissions to do something a kubernetes namespace = set of things in cluster