Space NFT looks like:
owner: Principal;
id: TokenId;
metadata: MetadataDesc;
Types.MetadataDesc for this project looks like:
purpose: #Rendered ;
data: spaceAsHtmlTextBlob // Text.encodeUtf8(spaceAsHtmlText) to get Blob from Text (probably change to spaceAsJsonFormattedTextBlob later)
key_val_data: [
key = "ownerName";
val = #TextContent ownerName;
key = "ownerContactInfo";
val = #TextContent ownerContactInfo;
key = "aboutDescription";
val = #TextContent aboutDescription;
key = "spaceDescription";
val = #TextContent spaceDescription;
key = "spaceName";
val = #TextContent spaceName;
key = "creator";
val: #PrincipalContent caller;
key = "creationTime";
val = #Nat64Content generatedTimestamp;
key = "protocolEntityId";
val = #TextContent protocolEntityId;