Toothpick is a Dependency Injection library for Java & Kotlin.
An important part of Toothpick is its ability to generate code at compile-time to avoid doing expensive reflection at
runtime. This is handled by an annotation processor, which uses Java's apt
and Kotlin's kapt
Recently, Google has released an alternative, modern annotation processor, built for Kotlin and compatible with Java
projects: KSP (Kotlin Symbol Processor). This API is much faster than kapt
on Kotlin projects.
This projects aims to reimplement Toothpick's annotation processor with Kotlin-based technologies. It now uses KSP for better build performance, and generates Kotlin code for improved type safety.
Important note: This processor is mostly a drop-in replacement for the official
processor, but compatibility was not a main goal. You might need to make small changes to your code in order to build using this module.This is in part because of fundamental differences in the way KSP models Kotlin code compared to
, and in part because of the differences in generated Kotlin code vs. Java code (nopackage
visibility modifier, for example.)
plugins {
// Remove this if you don't have any kapt(...) processors left in your dependencies:
// kotlin("kapt") version "..."
// Use the version that matches your Kotlin version!
id("") version "1.6.10-1.0.4"
repositories {
maven { url = uri("") }
dependencies {
// Remove this:
// kapt("com.github.stephanenicolas.toothpick:toothpick-compiler:...")
ksp {
// If you need to, specify some extra options.
// See ToothpickOptions.kt for documentation.
arg("option1", "value1")
arg("option2", "value2")
// ...