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Their services include: managing leads and residents, offsite contact center for calls, texts & email, reporting credit for tenants, and much more."),s.Ob(),s.Ob(),s.Ob(),s.Ob(),s.Ob(),s.Pb(147,"div",69),s.Pb(148,"div",10),s.Pb(149,"h2"),s.kc(150,"Portfolio"),s.Ob(),s.Pb(151,"div",11),s.Pb(152,"div",22),s.Pb(153,"h3",70),s.Pb(154,"a",17),s.Nb(155,"img",71),s.kc(156," Codewars"),s.Ob(),s.Ob(),s.Pb(157,"p"),s.kc(158,"I enjoy the challenges on Codewars. It allows me to see unique challenges and forces me to solve them in unique ways. I try to spend some of my free time improving my skills on Codewars. "),s.jc(159,i,2,2,"span",72),s.kc(160," You can see my Codewars Portfolio "),s.Pb(161,"a",17),s.kc(162,"here"),s.Ob(),s.kc(163,"."),s.Ob(),s.Ob(),s.Pb(164,"div",22),s.Pb(165,"h3",70),s.Pb(166,"a",73),s.Nb(167,"img",74),s.kc(168," Github"),s.Ob(),s.Ob(),s.Pb(169,"p"),s.kc(170,"I love using Github to store and manage my projects. I'm always looking for ways that I can contribute to projects on Github."),s.Ob(),s.jc(171,b,2,1,"p",72),s.jc(172,n,2,1,"p",72),s.jc(173,r,2,1,"p",72),s.Pb(174,"p"),s.kc(175,"You can see my Github Portfolio "),s.Pb(176,"a",75),s.kc(177,"here"),s.Ob(),s.kc(178,"."),s.Ob(),s.Ob(),s.Ob(),s.Pb(179,"div",11),s.Pb(180,"div",22),s.Pb(181,"h3",70),s.Pb(182,"a",76),s.Nb(183,"img",77),s.kc(184," Bountysource"),s.Ob(),s.Ob(),s.Pb(185,"p"),s.kc(186,"I really enjoy working on open source projects. I think it's fun and it benefits everyone. You can see my Bountysource Portfolio "),s.Pb(187,"a",76),s.kc(188,"here"),s.Ob(),s.kc(189,"."),s.Ob(),s.Ob(),s.Pb(190,"div",22),s.Pb(191,"h3",70),s.Pb(192,"a",78),s.Nb(193,"img",79),s.kc(194," Codepen"),s.Ob(),s.Ob(),s.Pb(195,"p"),s.kc(196,"I test a lot of my project ideas on Codepen. Most of my projects are just prototypes, but they allow me to get a basic proof of concept. 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I'm currently working on other ways to be in contact with you."),s.Ob(),s.Ob(),s.Ob(),s.Pb(211,"h3"),s.kc(212,"Donate"),s.Ob(),s.Pb(213,"div",11),s.Pb(214,"div",83),s.Pb(215,"p"),s.kc(216,"If you'd like to donate, feel free to send me a tip via Ethereum or Algorand."),s.Ob(),s.Pb(217,"p"),s.kc(218,"Ethereum Wallet: "),s.Ob(),s.Pb(219,"p"),s.kc(220),s.Ob(),s.Pb(221,"p"),s.kc(222,"Algorand Wallet: "),s.Ob(),s.Pb(223,"p"),s.kc(224),s.Ob(),s.Ob(),s.Ob(),s.Ob(),s.Ob(),s.Ob(),s.Pb(225,"footer"),s.Pb(226,"div",10),s.Pb(227,"p"),s.Pb(228,"a",84),s.Nb(229,"img",85),s.Ob(),s.Pb(230,"a",86),s.Nb(231,"img",87),s.Ob(),s.Pb(232,"a",88),s.Nb(233,"img",89),s.Ob(),s.Ob(),s.Ob(),s.Ob()),2&c&&(s.Cb(159),s.dc("ngIf",t.codeWarsData),s.Cb(12),s.dc("ngIf",t.githubData),s.Cb(1),s.dc("ngIf",t.githubData),s.Cb(1),s.dc("ngIf",t.githubData),s.Cb(47),s.lc(t.ethAddress),s.Cb(4),s.lc(t.algoAddress))},directives:[o.i],styles:[""]}),c})()}];let h=(()=>{class c{}return c.\u0275fac=function(t){return new(t||c)},c.\u0275mod=s.Kb({type:c}),c.\u0275inj=s.Jb({imports:[[a.a.forChild(l)],a.a]}),c})(),p=(()=>{class c{}return c.\u0275fac=function(t){return new(t||c)},c.\u0275mod=s.Kb({type:c}),c.\u0275inj=s.Jb({imports:[[o.b,h]]}),c})()}}]);