I have a few personal projects I seem to be making little progress on as well as technologies I would like to learn. In this 100 days of code, I want to learn how to use Vue.js and rebuild the website of my table tennis club in it. If there is spare time, I'd like to also include my portfolio.
Today's Progress: Went up to 7/66 videos of a Vue.js tutorial.
Thoughts: So far so good, Vue is a bit different from Angular which I learned throughout my student career, but for now the differences seem minimal. The v-
tags will take some time getting used to though.
To Do: Continue the tutorial
Today's Progress: Went up to 14/66 videos of a Vue.js tutorial. Learned about conditional rendering as well as list rendering.
Thoughts: Vue seems to be a bit easier to grasp than Angular, but that might be because i'm familiar with component based systems. However, i do find the v-tags to be quite easy to use. The template tag is quite nice as well.
To Do: Continue the tutorial
Today's Progress: Went up to 27/66 videos of a Vue.js tutorial. Learned about event handling, form handling, modifiers and computed properties in Vue.
Thoughts: Froms and event handling is mostly the same as I've experienced in Angular, though made a bit easier. I also learned what the difference is between computed properties and methods in vue. Furthermore, i found out by mistake I can view my app on my phone when running a vue application in development. That'll make mobile development that much easier.
To Do: Continue the tutorial
Today's Progress: Went up to 34/66 videos of a Vue.js tutorial. Learned about Vue components, component props and provide/inject.
Thoughts: The way of handling components is pretty easy. The non-props is new to me however. I don't remember having anything like that in Angular when I was using it. I'm now officially halfway through the tutorial series, so i can start rebuilding the table tennis website soon!
To Do: Continue the tutorial
Today's Progress: Redid the CSS for showing pictures in an album. Added a nice effect to accentuate the hovered over picture. Sorted the albums in descending order so the newer ones show first.
Thoughts: It's been a hot minute since i did CSS so this was a good refresher, though this came with hardships.
Link(s) to work
To Do: Continue the tutorial
Today's Progress: Added a help command and switched out discord.py for pycord on a discord bot project. Fixed the slash commands that were already there.
Thoughts: It's annoying that the discord python bot community has been so divided with the packages. Searching for pycord issues is definitely harder since you come across a lot of discord.py stuff
Link(s) to work
To Do: Continue the tutorial
Today's Progress: Went up to 40/66 videos of a Vue.js tutorial. Learned about component events and slots in vue.
Thoughts: Slots seem pretty powerful to pass in data from a parent component. It will definitely warrant some experimentation.
To Do: Continue the tutorial
Today's Progress: Fixed the stamboom response from the bot. Added a clear command to the bot where the user can specify how many messages they want to remove.
Thoughts: Finally making decent progress on the bot. I need to ask which commands they would like to see other than some basic ones as well!
Link(s) to work
To Do: Continue the tutorial
Today's Progress: Translated everything of the security folder in the vapor documentation to dutch.
Link(s) to work
To Do: Continue the tutorial
Today's Progress: Started upgrading the Heimdal website from version 3.0.5 to 3.1.14
Link(s) to work
To Do: Continue the tutorial
Today's Progress: Tested the changes in the upgrade to the Heimdal website
To Do: Continue the tutorial
Today's Progress: Started upgrading the Heimdal website from version 3.1.14 to 3.2.14 and tested it
Link(s) to work
To Do: Continue the tutorial
Today's Progress: Translated all leaf documentation for vapor and started translating fluent documentation.
Link(s) to work
To Do: Continue the tutorial
Today's Progress: Continue translating the Vapor Documentation
Link(s) to work
To Do: Continue the tutorial
Today's Progress: Finished translating the Vapor Documentation
Link(s) to work
To Do: Continue the tutorial
Today's Progress: ...
Thoughts: ...
Link(s) to work