- Increment package versions
- Update build scripts to use new clean script
- Bump DataverseClient dependency and upgade to net6.0 - DynamicsValue#90
- Update package dependencies
- Bump Dataverse dependency to 1.0.1
- Updated build script to also include the major version in the Title property of the generated .nuspec file - DynamicsValue#41
- Limit FakeItEasy package dependency to v6.x versions - DynamicsValue#37
- Updated nuget package references
- Bump Dataverse dependency to 0.6.1 from 0.5.10 - to solve DynamicsValue#20
- Also replaced Microsoft.Dynamics.Sdk.Messages dependency, as it has also been deprecated by MSFT, to Microsoft.PowerPlatform.Dataverse.Client.Dynamics 0.6.1 - DynamicsValue#20