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The SSF is defined \ +as ", + Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + SubsuperscriptBox["F", "\[Alpha]", "full"], + RowBox[{"(", "x", ")"}]}], " ", "=", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"q", " ", + RowBox[{ + SubscriptBox["\[Del]", "\[Alpha]"], "\[Phi]"}], + RowBox[{"(", "x", ")"}]}], " ", "=", " ", + RowBox[{ + SubscriptBox["\[Sum]", + RowBox[{" ", "l"}]], + RowBox[{ + SubsuperscriptBox["F", "\[Alpha]", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"(", "full", ")"}], "l"}]], + RowBox[{"(", "x", ")"}]}]}]}]}]], "InlineFormula",ExpressionUUID-> + "876146b0-533c-4794-ac1e-bb736472d5ad"], + ". 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We use the extended \ +homogeneous functions: \"ExtendedHomogeneous\"->\"\[ScriptCapitalI]\",\"\ +\[ScriptCapitalH]\". +Function for the spherical harmonics from the SpinWeightedSpheroidalHarmonics \ +package. \ +\>", "TableText",ExpressionUUID->"f3aabf0c-b64f-4b81-8eea-8a2cb02b2e95"]} + }]], "DefinitionBox", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.942141154893359*^9, 3.942141167490918*^9}, { + 3.942141218119972*^9, 3.942141272518942*^9}, {3.942141455762315*^9, + 3.9421414602227173`*^9}, {3.942141622702108*^9, 3.94214162518362*^9}, { + 3.942141733176551*^9, 3.942141758654153*^9}, {3.942144052000224*^9, + 3.9421440695920277`*^9}, {3.942220527255641*^9, 3.9422205616923027`*^9}, { + 3.942220616655838*^9, 3.942220647984312*^9}}, + CellID->10099451,ExpressionUUID->"55f22141-8312-4e9f-91cf-c65341b1445e"], + +Cell["\<\ +Functions used to compute the time component of the SSF. Ft is the function \ +that make use of the Extended Homogeneous TeukolskyPointParticleMode \ +functions.\ +\>", "Caption", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.942141660361294*^9, 3.942141718279648*^9}, { + 3.942220657214017*^9, 3.942220671907213*^9}}, + CellID->90264844,ExpressionUUID->"6950d5ca-c244-4f8b-8097-2a51fa367899"], + +Cell["", "Text", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.942221156442549*^9, 3.942221158469576*^9}}, + CellID->55216985,ExpressionUUID->"294ac8ec-82e5-4ed4-b0f1-970587b4a299"], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell["Defining the function ", "MathCaption", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.942137231912928*^9, 3.942137234561428*^9}, { + 3.942141648216139*^9, 3.9421416509241858`*^9}}, + CellID->957778326,ExpressionUUID->"aa37db9d-4b87-4fd6-a5f1-a60453952a50"], + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"Ft", "[", + RowBox[{"lmax_", ",", "r0_", ",", "\[Theta]_", ",", "\[Phi]_"}], "]"}], ":=", + RowBox[{"Block", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{ + "l", ",", "psi", ",", "ylm", ",", "\[Omega]", ",", "m", ",", "ft", ",", + "ftsum", ",", "ftder", ",", "orbit", ",", "t", ",", " ", "marray", ",", + " ", + RowBox[{"kk", "=", "1"}]}], "}"}], ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"\[Omega]", "=", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"KerrGeoFrequencies", "[", + RowBox[{"0", ",", "r0", ",", "0", ",", "1"}], "]"}], "[", + RowBox[{"[", "3", "]"}], "]"}]}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{"orbit", "=", + RowBox[{"KerrGeoOrbit", "[", + RowBox[{"0", ",", "r0", ",", "0", ",", "1"}], "]"}]}], ";", + "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{"ftsum", "=", "0"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{"For", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"l", "=", "1"}], ",", + RowBox[{"l", "<=", "lmax"}], ",", " ", + RowBox[{"l", "++"}], ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"ft", "=", "0"}], ";", " ", "\[IndentingNewLine]", + "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{"For", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"m", "=", "1"}], ",", " ", + RowBox[{"m", "<=", "l"}], ",", " ", + RowBox[{"m", "++"}], ",", " ", "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"PrintTemporary", "[", + RowBox[{ + "\"\<(l,m)=(\>\"", ",", "l", ",", "\"\<,\>\"", ",", "m", ",", + "\"\<)\>\""}], "]"}], ";", + RowBox[{"psi", "=", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"TeukolskyPointParticleMode", "[", + RowBox[{ + "0", ",", "l", ",", "m", ",", "0", ",", "0", ",", "orbit"}], + "]"}], "[", + RowBox[{ + "\"\\"", "->", + "\"\<\[ScriptCapitalI]\>\""}], "]"}], "[", "r0", "]"}]}], ";", + + RowBox[{"ylm", "=", + RowBox[{"SphericalHarmonicY", "[", + RowBox[{"l", ",", "m", ",", "\[Theta]", ",", "\[Phi]"}], "]"}]}], + ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{"ft", " ", "=", " ", + RowBox[{"ft", " ", "+", " ", + RowBox[{"psi", " ", "ylm", " ", + RowBox[{"Exp", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"-", "I"}], " ", "m", " ", "\[Omega]", " ", "t"}], + "]"}]}]}]}], ";"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", "]"}], ";", + "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{"ftsum", " ", "=", " ", + RowBox[{"ftsum", "+", "ft"}]}], ";"}]}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", + "]"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]", "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{"(*", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"the", " ", "m"}], "=", + RowBox[{ + "0", " ", "contributions", " ", "disappear", " ", "with", " ", "the", + " ", "time", " ", "derivative"}]}], "*)"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{"ftder", " ", "=", + RowBox[{"D", "[", + RowBox[{"ftsum", ",", "t"}], "]"}]}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{"Return", "[", + RowBox[{"2", "*", + RowBox[{"Re", "[", + RowBox[{"ftder", "//.", + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"t", "->", "0"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], "]"}], ";"}]}], + "\[IndentingNewLine]", "]"}]}]], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->CompressedData[" +1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQBmIQ7efxfBV7/FvHnYF3VoPopt4N20D0Oh617SD6kuzu +aZxA+rv1QTA9Kf3QVxD9YZsgIxeIf+gMP4i+8EZGGESXzUooNgDSBYp3wXQQ +I28ViF4itRVMvzGs/Q6it8j7/ADRqyx9mQ1BdOAaMC1/o80JRC+J+eQMov8x +sAaB6GkRKsEgWiSwvgBEX239UQKipdwKakF05geuBhBduta0C0TzRX/uB9FJ +83mmguiWbZJgeolEzBwQvaeCezWI3r01dQOIPvNk+3YQPblI7xCIVm7tPAGi +/WZePguic27OOg+iAf5xjis= + "], + CellLabel->"In[4]:=", + CellID->1990390817,ExpressionUUID->"84edb793-00e7-4b16-b938-0b656636b16e"] +}, Open ]], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell[BoxData[Cell["Evaluating Ft for a specific orbit, summing up to lmax. 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"]"}], + RowBox[{"(", + RowBox[{"l", "+", + RowBox[{"1", "/", "2"}]}], ")"}]}], "-", + RowBox[{"Brs", "[", + RowBox[{"1", ",", "1", ",", "r0"}], "]"}]}]}], ";", + RowBox[{"frsum", " ", "=", " ", + RowBox[{"frsum", "+", "frreg"}]}], ";", + RowBox[{"PrintTemporary", "[", + RowBox[{"\"\\"", ",", " ", "frsum"}], "]"}], ";"}]}], + "\[IndentingNewLine]", "]"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{"Return", "[", + RowBox[{"Re", "[", "frsum", "]"}], "]"}], ";"}]}], "\n", + "]"}]}]}], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.942137175227577*^9, 3.942137182884976*^9}, { + 3.942137269517274*^9, 3.942137273189048*^9}, 3.942137588726344*^9, + 3.942137683621517*^9, {3.942137792150061*^9, 3.942137797734239*^9}, { + 3.942137923260655*^9, 3.942137928609926*^9}, {3.942138346120269*^9, + 3.942138347955966*^9}, {3.942138738292568*^9, 3.942138739519793*^9}, { + 3.942144089183816*^9, 3.942144189729599*^9}, {3.942145049377819*^9, + 3.94214505300451*^9}, {3.942145321126213*^9, 3.942145323018759*^9}, { + 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", "of", " ", "the", " ", "radius", + " ", "is", " ", "set", " ", "to", " ", "50.", " ", "For", " ", "high", + " ", "modes", " ", "you", " ", "might", " ", "need", " ", "to", " ", + "increase", " ", "the", " ", "input", " ", + RowBox[{"precision", ".", " ", "I"}], " ", "used", " ", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"If", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"r0", "<=", + RowBox[{"75", "/", "10"}]}], ",", + RowBox[{"N", "[", + RowBox[{"r0", ",", "450"}], "]"}], ",", " ", + RowBox[{"N", "[", + RowBox[{"r0", ",", "150"}], "]"}]}], "]"}], ".", " ", "Here"}], " ", + "is", " ", "set", " ", "to", " ", "50", " ", "for", " ", + RowBox[{"semplicity", "."}]}], "*)"}]], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.942224090033414*^9, 3.9422241428081007`*^9}}, + CellLabel->"In[20]:=", + CellID->699711998,ExpressionUUID->"c0e0ce97-e1e9-4d2c-a85c-872c79b117b7"], + +Cell[BoxData[{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"lmax", "=", "20"}], ";"}], " "}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"r0", "=", " ", "14.0`50"}], ";"}], " "}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"\[Theta]", "=", " ", + RowBox[{"\[Pi]", "/", "2"}]}], ";"}], " "}], "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"\[Phi]", "=", "0"}], ";"}], " "}]}], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.942138542963327*^9, 3.942138572632593*^9}, + 3.942138914643141*^9, {3.9421394730886507`*^9, 3.942139485885414*^9}, { + 3.9421397733843412`*^9, 3.942139778917722*^9}, {3.942140004279954*^9, + 3.942140008405602*^9}, {3.942140291292697*^9, 3.942140293263699*^9}, + 3.942140841773409*^9, {3.9421413287384357`*^9, 3.942141329507963*^9}, { + 3.942141469116177*^9, 3.942141469187954*^9}, {3.9421417902926817`*^9, + 3.942141832060416*^9}, {3.942141980315327*^9, 3.9421419804237347`*^9}, { + 3.94214213064893*^9, 3.942142135025815*^9}, {3.942142288378697*^9, + 3.942142288444841*^9}, 3.94222382989306*^9, {3.942223879298691*^9, + 3.942223882793073*^9}, {3.942224439153614*^9, 3.942224444573619*^9}, { + 3.942383602341716*^9, 3.9423836029284887`*^9}}, + 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To compute the tail contribution, let's \ +compute the numerical values again and save the contribution from each l-mode \ +in a table: \ +\>", "MathCaption", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.942137231912928*^9, 3.942137234561428*^9}, { + 3.942141648216139*^9, 3.9421416509241858`*^9}},ExpressionUUID-> + "bd016a52-3078-4cb4-9187-f3daec2da8de"]], "MathCaption", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.9422245487763367`*^9, 3.942224664808625*^9}, + 3.943337043730833*^9}, + CellID->1494422815,ExpressionUUID->"46bafea7-e59c-4992-9388-1b0f772aab67"], + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"FrRegLTab", "[", + RowBox[{"lmax_", ",", "r0_", ",", "\[Theta]_", ",", "\[Phi]_"}], "]"}], ":=", + " ", + RowBox[{"Block", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{ + "frreg", ",", "frfull", ",", "l", ",", "frsum", ",", "fr", ",", "rr", + ",", "radius", ",", "tab", ",", "total", ",", "precision"}], "}"}], ",", + "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"frsum", "=", "0"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{"fr", "=", "0"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{"frfull", "=", "0"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{"radius", "=", " ", + RowBox[{"N", "[", + RowBox[{"r0", ",", "50"}], "]"}]}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{"Print", "[", "radius", "]"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{"tab", "=", " ", + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"radius", ",", "\[IndentingNewLine]", + RowBox[{"ParallelTable", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"l", ",", + RowBox[{"Re", "[", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"FrlInf", "[", + RowBox[{"l", ",", "radius", ",", "\[Theta]", ",", "\[Phi]"}], + "]"}], "-", + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"Arps", "[", + RowBox[{"1", ",", "1", ",", " ", "radius"}], "]"}], + RowBox[{"(", + RowBox[{"l", "+", + RowBox[{"1", "/", "2"}]}], ")"}]}], "-", + RowBox[{"Brs", "[", + RowBox[{"1", ",", "1", ",", "radius"}], "]"}]}], "]"}]}], + "}"}], ",", "\n", + RowBox[{"{", + RowBox[{"l", ",", "0", ",", "lmax"}], "}"}]}], "]"}]}], "}"}]}], + ";", "\n", + RowBox[{"Return", "[", "tab", "]"}], ";"}]}], "\n", "]"}]}]], "Input", + CellChangeTimes->{{3.942137936508555*^9, 3.942137946261796*^9}, { + 3.942137986115159*^9, 3.942138040243754*^9}, {3.942138122112694*^9, + 3.942138123422206*^9}, {3.942138571719482*^9, 3.942138580384219*^9}, { + 3.9421388749592867`*^9, 3.942138889050469*^9}, {3.942139022972274*^9, + 3.942139154057678*^9}, {3.942140933636879*^9, 3.942140948714075*^9}, { + 3.942141339537921*^9, 3.942141345175329*^9}, {3.942141820241903*^9, + 3.942141822967451*^9}, {3.942141984236898*^9, 3.942141985422217*^9}, { + 3.942142137868664*^9, 3.942142137942362*^9}, {3.94214577986683*^9, + 3.942145789274973*^9}, 3.942146096842903*^9, {3.942383607014358*^9, + 3.942383660295099*^9}}, + CellLabel->"In[26]:=", + CellID->1283425651,ExpressionUUID->"900b0d8b-4762-47b9-8af9-f66168f84fe7"], + +Cell[CellGroupData[{ + +Cell[BoxData[ + RowBox[{ + RowBox[{"RadiusFrLTab", " ", "=", " ", + RowBox[{"FrRegLTab", "[", + RowBox[{"lmax", ",", "r0", ",", "\[Theta]", ",", "\[Phi]"}], "]"}]}], + ";"}]], "Input", + 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{"Dynamic", None}, "Index" -> {}, + "Function" -> ListLogLogPlot, "GroupHighlight" -> + False|>|>]]& )[<| + "HighlightElements" -> <| + "Label" -> {"XYLabel"}, "Ball" -> {"IndicatedBall"}|>, + "LayoutOptions" -> <| + "PanelPlotLayout" -> <||>, + "PlotRange" -> {{-0.12612240908625716`, + 2.995732273553991}, {-16.285615158874407`, \ +-11.401257706765916`}}, "Frame" -> {{True, True}, {True, True}}, + "AxesOrigin" -> {-0.12612240908625716`, -16.285615158874407`}, + "ImageSize" -> {500, 500/GoldenRatio}, "Axes" -> {True, True}, + "LabelStyle" -> {}, "AspectRatio" -> GoldenRatio^(-1), + "DefaultStyle" -> { + Directive[ + PointSize[0.012833333333333334`], + RGBColor[0.368417, 0.506779, 0.709798], + AbsoluteThickness[2]]}, + "HighlightLabelingFunctions" -> <|"CoordinatesToolOptions" -> ({ + Exp[ + Part[#, 1]], + Exp[ + Part[#, 2]]}& ), + "ScalingFunctions" -> {{Log, Exp}, {Log, Exp}}|>, + "Primitives" -> {}, "GCFlag" -> False|>, + "Meta" -> <| + "DefaultHighlight" -> {"Dynamic", None}, "Index" -> {}, "Function" -> + ListLogLogPlot, "GroupHighlight" -> False|>|>], + ImageSizeCache->{{4.503599627370496*^15, -4.503599627370496*^15}, { + 4.503599627370496*^15, -4.503599627370496*^15}}], + Selectable->False]}, + Annotation[{{ + Annotation[{ + Directive[ + PointSize[0.012833333333333334`], + RGBColor[0.368417, 0.506779, 0.709798], + AbsoluteThickness[2]], + Point[CompressedData[" +1:eJxTTMoPSmViYGAQAWIQDQMzYlvKLLXVD7y3/PXPSe+Z/fbl+csKz6od4GZe +W/Vq8kd7nwLPxTOVNaDy3+xFfi0oYIzXPGDc+/a744Gf9ofWLC+bFaZ1gElB +6xf36j/2zh+6LHsktQ+ERxmtK1L6b18uv+3DvJ3aB4pXW9tvWsTgEK+z/zCP +kw7UfEaHrV2pD5N36hwQC926e2M2k8PKo23165V1D/iY129/rMfs4F140GlB +s+6B2nmX94g9ZHaI+SYrJntb90Bgj6E2SyuLw23GqLu92noHlu++LnZKhtVB +Lf5dAWuZ3gF5D19LsVWsDh/zfohG79aDup/N4ZpF4H2rP3oHqup/HcxexeZg +JM2xwcBS/0DbxGyranl2h+pnmU/WF+kf0NnMwmbWx+5Q+0X7rMRK/QMTHxdX +O31nd6iTNdy8547+AQC8Lo/l + "]]}, "Charting`Private`Tag#1"]}}, <| + "HighlightElements" -> <| + "Label" -> {"XYLabel"}, "Ball" -> {"IndicatedBall"}|>, + "LayoutOptions" -> <| + "PanelPlotLayout" -> <||>, + "PlotRange" -> {{-0.12612240908625716`, + 2.995732273553991}, {-16.285615158874407`, -11.401257706765916`}}, + "Frame" -> {{True, True}, {True, True}}, + "AxesOrigin" -> {-0.12612240908625716`, -16.285615158874407`}, + "ImageSize" -> {500, 500/GoldenRatio}, "Axes" -> {True, True}, + "LabelStyle" -> {}, "AspectRatio" -> GoldenRatio^(-1), + "DefaultStyle" -> { + Directive[ + PointSize[0.012833333333333334`], + RGBColor[0.368417, 0.506779, 0.709798], + AbsoluteThickness[2]]}, + "HighlightLabelingFunctions" -> <|"CoordinatesToolOptions" -> ({ + Exp[ + Part[#, 1]], + Exp[ + Part[#, 2]]}& ), + "ScalingFunctions" -> {{Log, Exp}, {Log, Exp}}|>, + "Primitives" -> {}, "GCFlag" -> False|>, + "Meta" -> <| + "DefaultHighlight" -> {"Dynamic", None}, "Index" -> {}, "Function" -> + ListLogLogPlot, "GroupHighlight" -> False|>|>, + "DynamicHighlight"]], {{}, {}}}, + InterpretationBox[{ + TagBox[{{{}, {}, + TagBox[ + {RGBColor[1, 0, 0], AbsoluteThickness[2], Opacity[1.], + LineBox[CompressedData[" +1:eJwVjWs01GkcgKeJ/lGpqCGTtpW5MeNv05wuW95Xatux5TByJnKkJENMuii1 +qRVKayiarMus1jJoc8mtqKl+bC3JpViXIooooxmXkUvIth+e85zn0/PtgSNC +XyqFQtn1lf8tq33lu9s/2C592CE104cBpeGOq/+lO6GACDvb7QcZ4KiaOJNA +90ImffWtvV9btso55yhdgp5z8n5gHWJAedmU3X76OXR40OH+X2IG1Ea56LvT +45BZ29SX4iAGuAVOD+6mp6FxZ1l/wykGpHS96BbS81FWh8KQJ2XAq/xb46f2 +PUKtHnc4M2UMUD9oyOY7VaFO0WhKeg8D3Fvt0wL/qUd5VYo1VgZMqHnAd9kb +3IRCXfu09C1M8Gm6c0mwoRVlzdREKvyZ4JtvtN3epR0x5Kd/LEhhQsefudnG +oi60MNJ0fuIzJojVe260x7xFmuV+zPZJJiwPFFjflvUg/o7u0DIuC8IXBov6 +z/QiZsjbtc2eLMgpX9cUL3qP7PXNJ69KWXBB4Gf4yLMfOTx0CZ0AFtCnGgac +0QAysZfzA0dY4HclK9rPUY1oz8JyU9lskNjQQ9U/DaJUF9k8Ly82pEx2UwKv +DyF6WE3p9FU2iHYeyV6TPIzM9+fzfavZoC2gpcbGjKC9rRYW8dNs6NcJGdqY +oEVrxdyMBD4HNnubD5rJRhGLwI9mgzggqVVtKon8hIrdn9wmMjjwmRPwQXp5 +DFUS5EdNBwd8k3R6jMPGkWn0OrqnkSVYL9JcfHV4AiUoHfUXCCzB5XictEsy +iVaeHtJLj7AEV5WgK9H7M9pa8num/J4lFAiV164emkJV3Z0+F8csQVwRNlzh +N41U8n17sr+zAoq9h1whmkFM6Qmjpf5WMFKoznm29wt6U6n1kiis4G9bOTXT 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DynamicBox[(Charting`HighlightActionBox["DynamicHighlight", {}, + Slot["HighlightElements"], + Slot["LayoutOptions"], + Slot["Meta"], + Charting`HighlightActionFunction["DynamicHighlight", {{{{}, {}, + Annotation[{ + Directive[ + Opacity[1.], + AbsoluteThickness[2], + RGBColor[1, 0, 0]], + Line[CompressedData[" +1:eJwVjWs01GkcgKeJ/lGpqCGTtpW5MeNv05wuW95Xatux5TByJnKkJENMuii1 +qRVKayiarMus1jJoc8mtqKl+bC3JpViXIooooxmXkUvIth+e85zn0/PtgSNC +XyqFQtn1lf8tq33lu9s/2C592CE104cBpeGOq/+lO6GACDvb7QcZ4KiaOJNA +90ImffWtvV9btso55yhdgp5z8n5gHWJAedmU3X76OXR40OH+X2IG1Ea56LvT +45BZ29SX4iAGuAVOD+6mp6FxZ1l/wykGpHS96BbS81FWh8KQJ2XAq/xb46f2 +PUKtHnc4M2UMUD9oyOY7VaFO0WhKeg8D3Fvt0wL/qUd5VYo1VgZMqHnAd9kb +3IRCXfu09C1M8Gm6c0mwoRVlzdREKvyZ4JtvtN3epR0x5Kd/LEhhQsefudnG +oi60MNJ0fuIzJojVe260x7xFmuV+zPZJJiwPFFjflvUg/o7u0DIuC8IXBov6 +z/QiZsjbtc2eLMgpX9cUL3qP7PXNJ69KWXBB4Gf4yLMfOTx0CZ0AFtCnGgac +0QAysZfzA0dY4HclK9rPUY1oz8JyU9lskNjQQ9U/DaJUF9k8Ly82pEx2UwKv +DyF6WE3p9FU2iHYeyV6TPIzM9+fzfavZoC2gpcbGjKC9rRYW8dNs6NcJGdqY 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+XPEtcmolYSjxqQ/rE4EF83Mz3dpI8NqIjm8dJ7CncUaS50sS/gPfQVSN + "]]}, "Charting`Private`Tag#1"]}}, {}}, <| + "HighlightElements" -> <| + "Label" -> {"XYLabel"}, "Ball" -> {"InterpolatedBall"}|>, + "LayoutOptions" -> <| + "PanelPlotLayout" -> <||>, "PlotRange" -> {{0, + Log[20]}, {-15.924534578236198`, -10.694615222972802`}}, + "Frame" -> {{False, False}, {False, False}}, + "AxesOrigin" -> {0., -15.924534578236162`}, + "ImageSize" -> {360, 360/GoldenRatio}, "Axes" -> {True, True}, + "LabelStyle" -> {}, "AspectRatio" -> GoldenRatio^(-1), + "DefaultStyle" -> { + Directive[ + Opacity[1.], + AbsoluteThickness[2], + RGBColor[1, 0, 0]]}, + "HighlightLabelingFunctions" -> <|"CoordinatesToolOptions" -> ({ + Exp[ + Part[#, 1]], + Exp[ + Part[#, 2]]}& ), + "ScalingFunctions" -> {{Log, Exp}, {Log, Exp}}|>, + "Primitives" -> {}, "GCFlag" -> False|>, + "Meta" -> <| + "DefaultHighlight" -> {"Dynamic", None}, "Index" -> {}, "Function" -> + Plot, "GroupHighlight" -> False|>|>]]& )[<| + "HighlightElements" -> <| + "Label" -> {"XYLabel"}, "Ball" -> {"InterpolatedBall"}|>, + "LayoutOptions" -> <|"PanelPlotLayout" -> <||>, "PlotRange" -> {{0, + Log[20]}, {-15.924534578236198`, -10.694615222972802`}}, + "Frame" -> {{False, False}, {False, False}}, + "AxesOrigin" -> {0., -15.924534578236162`}, + "ImageSize" -> {360, 360/GoldenRatio}, "Axes" -> {True, True}, + "LabelStyle" -> {}, "AspectRatio" -> GoldenRatio^(-1), + "DefaultStyle" -> { + Directive[ + Opacity[1.], + AbsoluteThickness[2], + RGBColor[1, 0, 0]]}, + "HighlightLabelingFunctions" -> <|"CoordinatesToolOptions" -> ({ + Exp[ + Part[#, 1]], + Exp[ + Part[#, 2]]}& ), + "ScalingFunctions" -> {{Log, Exp}, {Log, Exp}}|>, + "Primitives" -> {}, "GCFlag" -> False|>, + "Meta" -> <| + "DefaultHighlight" -> {"Dynamic", None}, "Index" -> {}, "Function" -> + Plot, "GroupHighlight" -> False|>|>], + ImageSizeCache->{{4.503599627370496*^15, -4.503599627370496*^15}, { + 4.503599627370496*^15, -4.503599627370496*^15}}], + Selectable->False]}, + Annotation[{{{{}, {}, + Annotation[{ + Directive[ + Opacity[1.], + AbsoluteThickness[2], + RGBColor[1, 0, 0]], + Line[CompressedData[" +1:eJwVjWs01GkcgKeJ/lGpqCGTtpW5MeNv05wuW95Xatux5TByJnKkJENMuii1 +qRVKayiarMus1jJoc8mtqKl+bC3JpViXIooooxmXkUvIth+e85zn0/PtgSNC +XyqFQtn1lf8tq33lu9s/2C592CE104cBpeGOq/+lO6GACDvb7QcZ4KiaOJNA +90ImffWtvV9btso55yhdgp5z8n5gHWJAedmU3X76OXR40OH+X2IG1Ea56LvT +45BZ29SX4iAGuAVOD+6mp6FxZ1l/wykGpHS96BbS81FWh8KQJ2XAq/xb46f2 +PUKtHnc4M2UMUD9oyOY7VaFO0WhKeg8D3Fvt0wL/qUd5VYo1VgZMqHnAd9kb +3IRCXfu09C1M8Gm6c0mwoRVlzdREKvyZ4JtvtN3epR0x5Kd/LEhhQsefudnG +oi60MNJ0fuIzJojVe260x7xFmuV+zPZJJiwPFFjflvUg/o7u0DIuC8IXBov6 +z/QiZsjbtc2eLMgpX9cUL3qP7PXNJ69KWXBB4Gf4yLMfOTx0CZ0AFtCnGgac +0QAysZfzA0dY4HclK9rPUY1oz8JyU9lskNjQQ9U/DaJUF9k8Ly82pEx2UwKv +DyF6WE3p9FU2iHYeyV6TPIzM9+fzfavZoC2gpcbGjKC9rRYW8dNs6NcJGdqY +oEVrxdyMBD4HNnubD5rJRhGLwI9mgzggqVVtKon8hIrdn9wmMjjwmRPwQXp5 +DFUS5EdNBwd8k3R6jMPGkWn0OrqnkSVYL9JcfHV4AiUoHfUXCCzB5XictEsy 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"Label" -> {"XYLabel"}, "Ball" -> {"InterpolatedBall"}|>, + "LayoutOptions" -> <|"PanelPlotLayout" -> <||>, "PlotRange" -> {{0, + Log[20]}, {-15.924534578236198`, -10.694615222972802`}}, + "Frame" -> {{False, False}, {False, False}}, + "AxesOrigin" -> {0., -15.924534578236162`}, + "ImageSize" -> {360, 360/GoldenRatio}, "Axes" -> {True, True}, + "LabelStyle" -> {}, "AspectRatio" -> GoldenRatio^(-1), "DefaultStyle" -> { + Directive[ + Opacity[1.], + AbsoluteThickness[2], + RGBColor[1, 0, 0]]}, + "HighlightLabelingFunctions" -> <|"CoordinatesToolOptions" -> ({ + Exp[ + Part[#, 1]], + Exp[ + Part[#, 2]]}& ), + "ScalingFunctions" -> {{Log, Exp}, {Log, Exp}}|>, + "Primitives" -> {}, "GCFlag" -> False|>, + "Meta" -> <| + "DefaultHighlight" -> {"Dynamic", None}, "Index" -> {}, "Function" -> + Plot, "GroupHighlight" -> False|>|>, "DynamicHighlight"]]}, + AspectRatio->NCache[GoldenRatio^(-1), 0.6180339887498948], + Axes->{True, True}, + AxesLabel->{None, None}, + 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27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"6136db4c-0d36-4585-87d7-f2afb2aca6ff", + CellID->1630704534], +Cell[48614, 1212, 470, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"95361cce-dc02-4651-b693-0f7460ac68ea", + CellID->1064799924], +Cell[49087, 1224, 468, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"3b475e6d-a126-4010-a8dc-cef60c236a53", + CellID->1111092217], +Cell[49558, 1236, 468, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"df89a164-7774-48d0-8641-ca1e5e8528af", + CellID->1756580454], +Cell[50029, 1248, 468, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"e88b9d98-1e10-4653-97da-072e71fa7a9e", + CellID->1389995069], +Cell[50500, 1260, 470, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"7f7ff0cc-d6e8-41e3-8060-9aee0a39822a", + CellID->1320012617], +Cell[50973, 1272, 470, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"857b2a33-b704-4895-ae22-e9c45ff7fc5e", + CellID->1945980409], +Cell[51446, 1284, 468, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"004e4b72-6e5a-405a-959e-e2bddc56bc0a", + CellID->2064273900], +Cell[51917, 1296, 468, 10, 27, 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"Print",ExpressionUUID->"87e32844-557e-4b5f-a726-17660fa7703c", + CellID->2002155220], +Cell[56158, 1404, 468, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"e65e261d-3c14-4ebb-8b46-3e349a6121a5", + CellID->1301517697], +Cell[56629, 1416, 467, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"0b7a8e2b-81f5-40af-9e8d-dec817a59619", + CellID->339505137], +Cell[57099, 1428, 470, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"b0ac1d2f-7780-4be5-84d8-e319179fade2", + CellID->198787480], +Cell[57572, 1440, 466, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"fd308416-76f5-4dc1-b7c2-268da0ad0924", + CellID->1684105275], +Cell[58041, 1452, 469, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"fec86806-3cd6-4337-877f-9e6157974985", + CellID->922889465], +Cell[58513, 1464, 468, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"7be339a9-0ae6-4392-a246-f198822bbcba", + CellID->1876339621], +Cell[58984, 1476, 468, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"ee3a6320-2e40-4315-9666-08c0dab6176c", + CellID->1990137599], +Cell[59455, 1488, 468, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"b5fe3a5c-56df-4baf-b687-f51d015fe730", + CellID->1184824368], +Cell[59926, 1500, 468, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"ce8338ed-4ac7-42b2-9032-b3aca3f45952", + CellID->1874777992], +Cell[60397, 1512, 470, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"d5c2c908-785f-4024-ba01-5780c53a4c99", + CellID->1513642760], +Cell[60870, 1524, 468, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"1661333f-b28b-4baf-8667-da275636d37c", + CellID->702584958], +Cell[61341, 1536, 472, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"c96bc9d3-da2f-44d0-b36f-3543d91bce03", + CellID->1480297900], +Cell[61816, 1548, 469, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"a5d6bcf3-7fac-4ce5-8cfd-f90316ee0697", + CellID->768754805], +Cell[62288, 1560, 468, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"cc59fe9a-a71b-4465-85c5-d44766d5aafb", + CellID->1200387283], +Cell[62759, 1572, 468, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"10a19a70-3228-43ac-8601-afd6501513fe", + CellID->1447685463], +Cell[63230, 1584, 467, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"c480718c-d75a-4181-a19c-0dca1f4ff3bc", + CellID->259856131], +Cell[63700, 1596, 468, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"6d465938-eec0-4716-814f-90d1d9c5f96d", + CellID->1567739366], +Cell[64171, 1608, 471, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"86a9446d-2145-4998-8a42-77fe2ed419fe", + CellID->1518659319], +Cell[64645, 1620, 470, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"15a424a7-d44b-4f84-a968-f06a3f05cc9e", + CellID->1264029838], +Cell[65118, 1632, 470, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"c195e261-a63a-4a72-a6aa-95328577d659", + CellID->1641251142], +Cell[65591, 1644, 470, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"2f32aab0-a8d6-4b22-8ea4-2103a339fcfa", + CellID->80497879], +Cell[66064, 1656, 468, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"fd14e004-eebd-49eb-9bbe-ee0359645bb8", + CellID->13154743], +Cell[66535, 1668, 472, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"4eacb1f4-e6f4-4d6b-9d77-6f9729d080fc", + CellID->2048433607], +Cell[67010, 1680, 468, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"3021bb1c-b7a8-4bb0-9f2e-6439f25fa449", + CellID->1713287792], +Cell[67481, 1692, 470, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"1f28d0bb-1751-460f-af5c-c08d0390ed2f", + CellID->1767181168], +Cell[67954, 1704, 473, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"5aff4805-f284-44eb-a721-077df6e2ed98", + CellID->1315052566], +Cell[68430, 1716, 469, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"e4dfd459-6329-456b-9097-2b4345ad397e", + CellID->186781838], +Cell[68902, 1728, 472, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"df720014-1ba2-4934-a407-ce10b8f0599a", + CellID->1768742999], +Cell[69377, 1740, 470, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"9e7c379d-417b-4299-bfab-f94e4acdc7bb", + CellID->1794942419], +Cell[69850, 1752, 470, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"0cb84262-2300-4283-bf7f-97ab6c324b2f", + CellID->1894446724], +Cell[70323, 1764, 470, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"af3409bb-5eae-44c8-b413-c85b01da1042", + CellID->1373539846], +Cell[70796, 1776, 470, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"706968c2-5bfa-40fd-9f4f-5c223efcb16c", + CellID->1782470119], +Cell[71269, 1788, 469, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"0fc53502-1d35-4b82-b9e7-0d1cd525015a", + CellID->578414383], +Cell[71741, 1800, 471, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"9e94b4bb-ec63-48d1-8666-4e130a5130f0", + CellID->1899548759], +Cell[72215, 1812, 470, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"7019e134-e745-4ca9-82e6-582c2dd4edf8", + CellID->1224096211], +Cell[72688, 1824, 469, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"ef8b4df2-46b8-4cce-a36b-b6120ef47e57", + CellID->491680017], +Cell[73160, 1836, 467, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"09fbb9ea-54f8-4415-abaa-dbfee7dc9b30", + CellID->148972063], +Cell[73630, 1848, 470, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"d7f78574-71e8-4fdf-9ed5-07941cf6531c", + CellID->1955014086], +Cell[74103, 1860, 469, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"f3dc3a74-a30a-4ceb-aa35-e87070bd3140", + CellID->1421944302], +Cell[74575, 1872, 472, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"c092b187-edfc-48e4-8c5c-e9e14430fa80", + CellID->1419859898], +Cell[75050, 1884, 471, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"47a9e0a3-62e0-4c0f-9fb6-21e1bceba28c", + CellID->747020222], +Cell[75524, 1896, 469, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"cd61eed0-34ac-4784-9119-fb2c0fe6e876", + CellID->979470792], +Cell[75996, 1908, 470, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"0d04eefb-8bec-4602-ba8a-5005577b9b48", + CellID->1503446889], +Cell[76469, 1920, 470, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"18d80501-8196-4e9e-9e0c-c64cbf1c2172", + CellID->1139272821], +Cell[76942, 1932, 471, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"573e1a59-fc74-43b0-b57d-684101be896c", + CellID->794105895], +Cell[77416, 1944, 470, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"0b07e0a1-adde-40be-a22b-833c97738f2f", + CellID->2074394807], +Cell[77889, 1956, 470, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"4cee745f-dc2e-45f3-922d-d66d959256e3", + CellID->2103995851], +Cell[78362, 1968, 470, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"26638c32-3133-4308-bc2c-510e84bd9626", + CellID->1392536255], +Cell[78835, 1980, 472, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"4bf03229-6477-4003-b460-85cb1fbfe296", + CellID->1080052779], +Cell[79310, 1992, 470, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"741f8964-c91a-4fc2-8e35-01199f0f07dd", + CellID->1915272209], +Cell[79783, 2004, 470, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"cd18f9bf-3645-4461-b536-24914d23514e", + CellID->1347631780], +Cell[80256, 2016, 469, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"2d8b3749-d080-413c-939e-e1f544db48c2", + CellID->137301551], +Cell[80728, 2028, 473, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"84440e3a-269a-46af-b68f-74709da6b61a", + CellID->1229730779], +Cell[81204, 2040, 473, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"97934a78-796e-4f0a-8ca5-8dd5a106dc87", + CellID->702583925], +Cell[81680, 2052, 472, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"0687d3b4-6496-4d99-8d5f-ca5766149743", + CellID->1462936269], +Cell[82155, 2064, 472, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"658880df-694b-4903-bb5a-dce53d5c6735", + CellID->1029598580], +Cell[82630, 2076, 470, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"24dcdcdf-bd4d-4a5e-9229-764199a4bc31", + CellID->40106534], +Cell[83103, 2088, 470, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"36f21ff2-1f96-439d-b8a4-99f86e634812", + CellID->1908135427], +Cell[83576, 2100, 470, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"cd56f705-606a-4c97-afb7-f7da19575c13", + CellID->1658820938], +Cell[84049, 2112, 472, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"10b7ae3e-976f-4407-b796-ad1cb14ddf5e", + CellID->1170799612], +Cell[84524, 2124, 468, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"e0d6c493-393e-4afd-9129-c329b319cd64", + CellID->236421423], +Cell[84995, 2136, 469, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"746ebcf3-b070-4e6b-9e9d-345c20f2f453", + CellID->690109411], +Cell[85467, 2148, 470, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"df2f0220-3882-44c5-853b-f4a51384ff5b", + CellID->109693230], +Cell[85940, 2160, 470, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"5871a669-5745-446b-901b-53e3cf836592", + CellID->1073147484], +Cell[86413, 2172, 472, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"eee3743b-d813-4f5c-a5cb-b83a20700a82", + CellID->1822096082], +Cell[86888, 2184, 473, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"1a8cec97-5097-4086-b9ca-4a27a425d4a6", + CellID->852043954], +Cell[87364, 2196, 471, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"8ff98333-f48b-4061-b6a2-0d573efbad5f", + CellID->881776682], +Cell[87838, 2208, 471, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"1a0e03c5-a619-4c18-9e1c-43458ac04014", + CellID->236046427], +Cell[88312, 2220, 471, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"ea23abe0-4804-414b-8978-be662e92a4bc", + CellID->830002580], +Cell[88786, 2232, 470, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"10f561c5-b8d2-4e99-94b8-4a214526ee64", + CellID->1947074795], +Cell[89259, 2244, 472, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"567ad41d-c9f3-4933-af19-b8fc4c9d4d0b", + CellID->1130266579], +Cell[89734, 2256, 471, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"62df5fa6-4b54-4a29-8c29-5165818b194c", + CellID->1897535538], +Cell[90208, 2268, 472, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"aa67c2a4-16e8-43bb-91fe-7a21a764208f", + CellID->1747629216], +Cell[90683, 2280, 472, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"37e6f703-50c0-473e-9613-99a818b4e842", + CellID->1270393293], +Cell[91158, 2292, 474, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"663979b9-0a2e-454d-8ffd-1356fb7a10a7", + CellID->1217656977], +Cell[91635, 2304, 472, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"cff4dcea-9e2e-493e-8088-3b5d5f2c11e7", + CellID->1789140176], +Cell[92110, 2316, 472, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"8767e77f-79ef-49b0-956b-5717a0db2ab1", + CellID->1012912738], +Cell[92585, 2328, 469, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"db9544d5-e52e-4721-b0f7-4a43818d8be2", + CellID->921517797], +Cell[93057, 2340, 470, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"6245dc56-d755-405d-9798-7de7d3b7fecb", + CellID->297552015], +Cell[93530, 2352, 470, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"ce90ef0c-117c-4915-a315-a2c9e92576d9", + CellID->1614785889], +Cell[94003, 2364, 472, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"f508ea7d-d11e-46e3-b426-233f9ef43d75", + CellID->1955589284], +Cell[94478, 2376, 471, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"bc4aa8fa-cfda-49c0-9ea0-b2cd3ae68762", + CellID->351878853], +Cell[94952, 2388, 472, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"b234bbd7-d01b-491e-89da-62ed0908b486", + CellID->2005402180], +Cell[95427, 2400, 470, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"3420d64a-b099-4697-8e49-f8b105274bd2", + CellID->38599595], +Cell[95900, 2412, 471, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"efce6351-9027-4bff-bffa-28d56f07278b", + CellID->203331771], +Cell[96374, 2424, 472, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"f845ff4c-5c30-4bab-949c-f2674e007b60", + CellID->750592820], +Cell[96849, 2436, 471, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"ca76d0d3-8908-46a9-9e62-0409863d880e", + CellID->894583262], +Cell[97323, 2448, 470, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"ba0c06d7-bfce-43c7-b359-414ff2222a78", + CellID->727871787], +Cell[97796, 2460, 474, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"02faabd0-d9d0-4075-9f14-c9a125ab112d", + CellID->1274270797], +Cell[98273, 2472, 474, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"cb882724-a61e-4b83-8489-3440005b4c9e", + CellID->1962357295], +Cell[98750, 2484, 472, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"bcd1d10f-d9f2-4bec-b60c-25775a4a0442", + CellID->285206439], +Cell[99225, 2496, 471, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"fc312cf2-5c54-48a5-96bb-2520373f1ea2", + CellID->281120169], +Cell[99699, 2508, 473, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"c957c096-d79b-4a15-b1fb-e8eb2257dda3", + CellID->322656983], +Cell[100175, 2520, 471, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"b24a06d7-d0e6-47a2-937d-efbdd8794f30", + CellID->499704606], +Cell[100649, 2532, 471, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"6dda7855-d346-46a0-83f0-9b11a887c8f6", + CellID->1874253272], +Cell[101123, 2544, 475, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"cabd5fda-aec1-40df-8566-27304730b817", + CellID->1284608308], +Cell[101601, 2556, 472, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"bd0ce0de-bb61-4215-8fa3-df4e0a09f902", + CellID->1758729265], +Cell[102076, 2568, 471, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"0ac87086-75a4-4273-9bf2-b0eacd29b555", + CellID->997839547], +Cell[102550, 2580, 472, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"f00d8729-ebd9-4bf4-acb3-89d8593aa3c7", + CellID->989467006], +Cell[103025, 2592, 470, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"f8b65c0c-0493-47d4-9c3d-067a0d3d951b", + CellID->2006091121], +Cell[103498, 2604, 471, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"86348e69-c285-4b1c-8c39-8d3bee760bd2", + CellID->880212747], +Cell[103972, 2616, 472, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"45104968-d2fe-4191-b8f7-5347f2d3641a", + CellID->1868278293], +Cell[104447, 2628, 472, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"a8412bc9-ef53-402c-bfa0-92ec3badf18a", + CellID->1794867664], +Cell[104922, 2640, 470, 10, 27, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"256c2fff-6f6a-409f-8936-aed651f066b1", + CellID->638039439] +}, Open ]] +}, Open ]] +}, Open ]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[105453, 2657, 419, 6, 58, "MathCaption",ExpressionUUID->"139e2491-65a5-468e-b855-43c48c7cbcff", + CellID->1092717571], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[105897, 2667, 253, 5, 33, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"2db6e953-1032-4fdc-a0f9-6f59a66f018d", + CellID->620046824], +Cell[106153, 2674, 319, 5, 32, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"0a432737-95af-4ad7-8e20-984683654565", + CellID->1143001802] +}, Open ]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[106509, 2684, 358, 9, 33, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"c01f607d-b76e-440a-88f4-b3096fe5831b", + CellID->1791726223], +Cell[106870, 2695, 2022, 40, 506, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"97296091-d4dc-4667-bea7-5fdfae316f43", + CellID->1190063799] +}, Open ]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[108929, 2740, 897, 22, 106, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"c43f7e98-d725-44fa-9481-eb6221156e4c", + CellID->842357200], +Cell[109829, 2764, 9647, 228, 398, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"3f415332-fc88-4639-8061-1ab1fbd12992", + CellID->12858048] +}, Open ]] +}, Open ]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[119525, 2998, 821, 17, 60, "MathCaption",ExpressionUUID->"12798ad0-502a-4be4-ac15-81b5b8332ffa", + CellID->1517931683], +Cell[120349, 3017, 564, 13, 33, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"bf3a6f62-1fec-4ba1-98f3-abfbde3a6ef6", + CellID->1779883919], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[120938, 3034, 1866, 41, 234, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"53d50c10-f4e8-4590-bc36-af7236c11960", + CellID->2107145134], +Cell[122807, 3077, 35263, 786, 404, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"25052509-207c-4031-9428-79cff6e2a02f", + CellID->1356848036] +}, Open ]] +}, Open ]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[158119, 3869, 455, 6, 58, "MathCaption",ExpressionUUID->"868e3e89-0e8f-41a2-a01f-71b29fda6ecf", + CellID->465649956], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[158599, 3879, 352, 9, 33, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"b8f5314b-0770-40a1-9c43-6b72bbb52695", + CellID->1240973681], +Cell[158954, 3890, 316, 5, 32, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"43ea00f6-b701-47df-be7a-95b178f2b883", + CellID->416093559] +}, Open ]] +}, Open ]], +Cell[159297, 3899, 612, 11, 36, "Text",ExpressionUUID->"eab2632b-b640-4fe2-b457-90756b42aa9f", + CellID->151398904], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[159934, 3914, 381, 5, 53, "Subsection",ExpressionUUID->"7fea6b7b-71b7-4da2-a121-8bbc53ee04b9", + CellID->1700483889], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[160340, 3923, 216, 2, 54, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"6d4ce05e-6f96-49ae-923a-2481029c7820", + CellID->2036569527], +Cell[160559, 3927, 1816, 52, 73, "Text",ExpressionUUID->"0637fab5-1bc7-4e97-ae11-0580c3f0340c", + CellID->465449090], +Cell[162378, 3981, 1606, 27, 112, "DefinitionBox",ExpressionUUID->"74204d4f-2786-432b-941e-820011263099", + CellID->1667413256], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[164009, 4012, 474, 6, 47, "MathCaption",ExpressionUUID->"0725a208-4322-4914-81a6-169d9b2c1698", + CellID->1597588263], +Cell[164486, 4020, 2814, 71, 178, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"3079d8b3-612e-49f9-9879-4466f07140bd", + CellID->823715139] +}, Open ]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[167337, 4096, 674, 10, 52, "MathCaption",ExpressionUUID->"5ad99a3b-6f3a-432b-865d-ec02f12f09d4", + CellID->2122196974], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[168036, 4110, 1118, 32, 106, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"ae9a9647-490e-4612-94a2-22b989f2610e", + CellID->1203144656], +Cell[169157, 4144, 1016, 28, 126, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"2fe7573b-de6c-44e8-8dda-bd81f95616d4", + CellID->1077691481] +}, Open ]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[170210, 4177, 1503, 37, 154, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"4c98904a-32da-4cd8-8c0c-e6257a7069a7", + CellID->1918375563], +Cell[171716, 4216, 30819, 676, 326, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"40d9e76c-0cfe-48a5-be2b-607bc77e16b6", + CellID->883642369] +}, Open ]] +}, Open ]], +Cell[202562, 4896, 1560, 33, 126, "MathCaption",ExpressionUUID->"829806ae-78c1-4c60-8bce-37ae8d86980b", + CellID->414955284], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[204147, 4933, 524, 7, 47, "MathCaption",ExpressionUUID->"2ef8ee06-d6ef-4d24-bcbb-7a1f2a8081f7", + CellID->1591856392], +Cell[204674, 4942, 707, 17, 82, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"a6c184a8-ed85-4879-88a4-87616e772855", + CellID->883923269] +}, Open ]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[205418, 4964, 635, 9, 36, "Text",ExpressionUUID->"d555c8d9-c14c-488d-b483-f69ad63b75f8", + CellID->232346910], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[206078, 4977, 674, 14, 106, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"25028a0b-9bed-439c-8a14-073316802db6", + CellID->174421853], +Cell[206755, 4993, 269, 4, 32, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"c2b54a25-f1dc-4394-b8d6-78b5bbf225ac", + CellID->1527876778] +}, Open ]], +Cell[207039, 5000, 2532, 63, 274, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"2a1edb63-23f4-4798-a22b-dd94ea699964", + CellID->1232996958], +Cell[209574, 5065, 2554, 64, 274, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"77b3b1c9-4a20-4212-a65d-d8090f87a511", + CellID->1623592428], +Cell[212131, 5131, 2553, 64, 274, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"c5bbfa7a-f43f-4345-b5e4-60ef8cc9347b", + CellID->1425941378], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[214709, 5199, 234, 3, 82, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"a1870c26-b9b9-4321-9de8-de384950dc83", + CellID->700226141], +Cell[214946, 5204, 512, 12, 63, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"98347940-059e-49a2-96f2-eb633b642e12", + CellID->1563040667], +Cell[215461, 5218, 512, 12, 36, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"74357f2b-ec6f-4e82-a6db-4f7553d7561f", + CellID->2004520165], +Cell[215976, 5232, 513, 12, 36, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"d771c000-9a5c-4a67-96b5-845d716a8881", + CellID->246959019] +}, Open ]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[216526, 5249, 615, 16, 58, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"3097699c-2475-4b81-9a0f-d51b9719b2f1", + CellID->858115887], +Cell[217144, 5267, 381, 6, 32, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"65cc1e94-58c0-46a3-abf3-476874773899", + CellID->1701826329] +}, Open ]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[217562, 5278, 663, 18, 88, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"b6612a9e-638c-4149-95a1-0177db6973ce", + CellID->1385363458], +Cell[218228, 5298, 313, 5, 32, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"1205168d-3bb1-4794-a01a-0bec0e12fbf2", + CellID->260417110] +}, Open ]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[218578, 5308, 300, 6, 58, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"1d833fb0-cbdf-4a93-a4da-7b1f8534cc4a", + CellID->1083170362], +Cell[218881, 5316, 387, 6, 32, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"5fa993b4-7d24-4117-88ef-f0984fb310f3", + CellID->258695184], +Cell[219271, 5324, 389, 6, 32, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"236c38df-d244-4ce3-9884-a9f7737944bb", + CellID->1383055960] +}, Open ]] +}, Open ]], +Cell[219687, 5334, 544, 9, 36, "Text",ExpressionUUID->"5efd6169-4a37-4b01-a709-b575425e8ebb", + CellID->2000429178] +}, Open ]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[220268, 5348, 837, 18, 127, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"c4a00f04-f16c-4711-bc99-f1291c424e31", + CellID->1697309843], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[221130, 5370, 2931, 69, 229, "MathCaption",ExpressionUUID->"67d77d29-4b8d-42af-a62e-7975b75684f8", + CellID->1326761549], +Cell[224064, 5441, 2886, 78, 239, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"8dc59c2e-e9bd-4ff5-b5a6-e1d75252e8a8", + CellID->1222286968], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[226975, 5523, 308, 6, 33, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"c552b903-ccdd-491c-b72e-084a26ed4405", + CellID->673545036], +Cell[227286, 5531, 345, 5, 32, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"78562372-d16a-479a-8e2d-ab8f1ca3273d", + CellID->658524592] +}, Open ]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[227668, 5541, 697, 17, 130, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"092388a1-fe8d-4ed5-b641-77f1f3a1f2e6", + CellID->1387797505], +Cell[228368, 5560, 464, 7, 32, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"15d1886a-a97c-4679-8a7c-47e4a822cc3e", + CellID->1839584753] +}, Open ]], +Cell[228847, 5570, 283, 6, 33, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"398ae5c2-6f68-4f09-983d-fb793cb27ee3", + CellID->581035060], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[229155, 5580, 1245, 35, 58, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"1751262a-4a2c-4292-b501-e63c2e02cc5f", + CellID->1749452550], +Cell[230403, 5617, 5298, 173, 245, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"7970dfa6-d5b1-47cd-af2e-11a0ba9056ed", + CellID->1806801848] +}, Open ]] +}, Open ]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[235750, 5796, 659, 18, 54, "MathCaption",ExpressionUUID->"f19e3de3-7d40-499c-94ad-617f979c13ff", + CellID->785446671], +Cell[236412, 5816, 834, 27, 178, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"73902b36-5cdf-46e3-8344-d54c794493e1", + CellID->1869573878] +}, Open ]] +}, Open ]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[237295, 5849, 356, 8, 56, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"caa0184c-842d-40c8-adbd-d3c739a4bc4a", + CellID->852509315], +Cell[237654, 5859, 9242, 270, 359, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"016d0242-f459-4255-a02e-87eee1d98a61", + CellID->113164421] +}, Closed]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[246933, 6134, 359, 8, 51, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"02cd4521-ecef-4d60-b6bf-d24fd1e2b1cd", + CellID->1698056947], +Cell[247295, 6144, 32254, 847, 913, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"fa2c53eb-57e9-45cb-ad18-50afa5ba4c5b", + CellID->1332923246] +}, Closed]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[279586, 6996, 407, 9, 51, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"48bca989-4fea-43cc-bcb6-604ca1b2042a", + CellID->1621520952], +Cell[279996, 7007, 51814, 1260, 3299, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"d61db50c-93cc-4898-b968-fb2ef65af017", + CellID->1335159834] +}, Closed]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[331847, 8272, 492, 10, 49, "Subsubsection",ExpressionUUID->"bd465dd1-f2a0-4574-b065-033bc2e8bb8a", + CellID->1072109088], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[332364, 8286, 266, 5, 33, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"3126df88-c696-43e7-85f4-fa549149eefe", + CellID->2038143478], +Cell[332633, 8293, 221, 4, 32, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"db0843ee-f6fd-4ccb-9c6f-2836e3fa0c5f", + CellID->2103837016] +}, Open ]], +Cell[332869, 8300, 5881, 136, 370, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"7a2cd097-7148-4a09-8e52-d5e88111e726", + CellID->1173884636], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[338775, 8440, 1432, 32, 154, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"fa985f54-5805-4f13-a578-5219dd32fac4", + CellID->1715100115], +Cell[340210, 8474, 968, 15, 32, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"059204be-2c3f-4a06-9392-1465131554c0", + CellID->870480057], +Cell[341181, 8491, 969, 15, 32, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"72f253ca-d5e9-48b7-9161-a3d11803f6a4", + CellID->1499714635], +Cell[342153, 8508, 947, 14, 32, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"3aed619e-9e30-40f5-a3a5-b4dbfb4f5243", + CellID->688305606], +Cell[343103, 8524, 926, 14, 32, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"6b9dcd6e-6217-4d8c-84f6-25a862748b8a", + CellID->2005397300], +Cell[344032, 8540, 931, 14, 32, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"733c07a7-0a90-4de1-a1c4-66846dda28f5", + CellID->2104065082], +Cell[344966, 8556, 930, 14, 32, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"a4c834a1-d6da-470c-84dd-dbca8aa0b352", + CellID->408618025] +}, Open ]], +Cell[345911, 8573, 1364, 38, 119, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"877df8dd-3169-4d18-bf34-781d44e28d3e", + CellID->436923609], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[347300, 8615, 956, 27, 130, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"616a2dac-ca37-44fd-be05-ab514cd1a873", + CellID->758194269], +Cell[348259, 8644, 379, 5, 32, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"2a807486-b0f6-4a3e-9505-0921dd2ce2f9", + CellID->2137926716] +}, Open ]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[348675, 8654, 456, 8, 106, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"195ef415-5ab8-4a22-aaeb-2294ce332448", + CellID->1844172899], +Cell[349134, 8664, 270, 4, 32, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"44a44a61-dad1-45b1-ba69-833180913aab", + CellID->1921592382], +Cell[349407, 8670, 269, 4, 32, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"238e32fe-d3a2-4b73-bdaf-b14b7ebb738f", + CellID->196597041], +Cell[349679, 8676, 328, 5, 32, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"5f62c149-0e69-4d82-b3a8-4f2c59481991", + CellID->1376619001], +Cell[350010, 8683, 370, 6, 32, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"ff327965-2d9c-42ee-aec7-7fe3bc23aa9a", + CellID->1994220676] +}, Open ]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[350417, 8694, 227, 4, 31, "Text",ExpressionUUID->"beefb52a-433c-4b9f-92c8-f86b8957f994", + CellID->1473839670], +Cell[350647, 8700, 2730, 66, 274, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"4a29a608-8165-46dd-98e0-b7d7d36c521a", + CellID->2136118533], +Cell[353380, 8768, 2600, 64, 274, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"c07b0580-4c01-4b52-b834-509fc9729e81", + CellID->112573585], +Cell[355983, 8834, 2598, 64, 274, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"bf8e8700-5c79-4d1e-be61-82de8878776f", + CellID->91150088], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[358606, 8902, 301, 4, 82, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"32b2df71-0c8f-4d8a-ab09-c8094b598445", + CellID->803688705], +Cell[358910, 8908, 344, 9, 36, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"558dabeb-31d3-47b1-8e4f-ea163a0cc658", + CellID->1947505256], +Cell[359257, 8919, 346, 9, 36, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"8950bf9b-5d76-46ce-885a-5bebb275c573", + CellID->1922573665], +Cell[359606, 8930, 344, 9, 36, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"8700f2aa-4bf2-4add-99e2-02160f402c73", + CellID->1656634893] +}, Open ]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[359987, 8944, 677, 15, 58, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"dc2c0949-98fb-4919-84cd-9bfb6f723868", + CellID->2071408952], +Cell[360667, 8961, 325, 6, 32, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"57df09a1-0059-4658-9673-2db1a605080f", + CellID->1340985998] +}, Open ]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[361029, 8972, 763, 20, 88, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"587a78de-7882-4c27-91f6-9c560c9c9e02", + CellID->1312854747], +Cell[361795, 8994, 314, 5, 32, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"90f2ce46-eb96-4d3e-a1b6-a023cc70aeb8", + CellID->161244616] +}, Open ]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[362146, 9004, 400, 8, 58, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"18159337-26ed-45d1-ba14-01a47215dbcc", + CellID->1902743551], +Cell[362549, 9014, 351, 6, 32, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"cece521c-5feb-46ed-964f-3d9bfae71664", + CellID->53460338], +Cell[362903, 9022, 350, 6, 32, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"1a56e11e-ad27-488f-a021-27952435c1b6", + CellID->859736320] +}, Open ]] +}, Open ]], +Cell[363280, 9032, 422, 7, 36, "Text",ExpressionUUID->"505565f0-b6b2-4555-9210-f8b60d8d5683", + CellID->834606419] +}, Open ]] +}, Open ]] +}, Open ]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[363763, 9046, 192, 2, 93, "TutorialMoreAboutSection",ExpressionUUID->"d354a74e-5b6a-45b4-b11a-252169f753c7", + CellID->1307064998], +Cell[363958, 9050, 180, 2, 30, "TutorialMoreAbout",ExpressionUUID->"3eb49d52-9e6e-464e-bf7f-db9d8a467f50", + CellID->1231196223] +}, Open ]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[364175, 9057, 129, 1, 93, "RelatedTutorialsSection",ExpressionUUID->"634e9c5d-a729-44c9-b281-6373aa7f0eb3", + CellID->1709981116], +Cell[364307, 9060, 108, 1, 30, "RelatedTutorials",ExpressionUUID->"5ed1aee6-7630-42f1-abad-33c98be382bb", + CellID->2026452458] +}, Open ]] +}, Open ]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[364464, 9067, 111, 1, 90, "MetadataSection",ExpressionUUID->"cfbd3714-e87f-4e4b-a096-0e45c3b02b3d", + CellID->1643303833], +Cell[364578, 9070, 476, 12, 33, "History",ExpressionUUID->"fc1bea16-3a30-455a-a73a-a7df40754cae", + CellID->220337164], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[365079, 9086, 122, 1, 27, "CategorizationSection",ExpressionUUID->"ce287e74-ddd4-4f1a-bc07-26c8c1ae9b4f", + CellID->944907920], +Cell[365204, 9089, 137, 2, 44, "Categorization",ExpressionUUID->"f4d2bb91-b357-447c-8f82-cd98e7258500", + CellID->425841875], +Cell[365344, 9093, 144, 2, 44, "Categorization",ExpressionUUID->"be541932-5bb9-4e39-9891-bfc37118c361", + CellID->1708881321], +Cell[365491, 9097, 124, 2, 44, "Categorization",ExpressionUUID->"a56e3805-8311-47da-a638-ec7ba6265e3b", + CellID->722067069], +Cell[365618, 9101, 168, 2, 44, "Categorization",ExpressionUUID->"4694fe36-d6f7-4864-aef2-5c9c541d9266", + CellID->351139486] +}, Open ]], +Cell[CellGroupData[{ +Cell[365823, 9108, 110, 1, 39, "KeywordsSection",ExpressionUUID->"913a5901-64ed-44c8-903e-029017fad039", + CellID->316279246], +Cell[365936, 9111, 99, 1, 26, "Keywords",ExpressionUUID->"6ba3ee4b-02f9-49ee-92e5-ba943d588040", + CellID->683261197] +}, Open ]] +}, Open ]] +} +] +*) +