diff --git a/bin/WORDLE.8xp b/bin/WORDLE.8xp
index 7a842fd..0816d7d 100644
Binary files a/bin/WORDLE.8xp and b/bin/WORDLE.8xp differ
diff --git a/bin/WORDLE.bin b/bin/WORDLE.bin
index 671e534..b49b951 100644
Binary files a/bin/WORDLE.bin and b/bin/WORDLE.bin differ
diff --git a/bin/WORDLE.map b/bin/WORDLE.map
index 8b0bb01..c7c14f8 100644
--- a/bin/WORDLE.map
+++ b/bin/WORDLE.map
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ Section          Base   Top    High   Length
 .init.reruncheck D1A933 D1A933             0h
 .init            D1A933 D1A95D            2Ah
 .fini            D1A95D D1A991            34h
-.text            D1A991 D1B660           CCFh
-.data            D1B660 D254B1          9E51h
-.rodata          D254B1 D25516            65h
+.text            D1A991 D1B641           CB0h
+.data            D1B641 D25492          9E51h
+.rodata          D25492 D254F7            65h
 .init_array      000000 000000             0h
 .ctors           000000 000000             0h
 .dtors           000000 000000             0h
@@ -33,8 +33,7 @@ _os_DisableHomeTextBuffer = D1A991
 _os_EnableHomeTextBuffer  = D1A9A3
 _random                   = D1A9B5
 _srandom                  = D1AA0C
-__state                   = D1B660
-_os_FontDrawText          = 021E00
+__state                   = D1B641
 _os_FontSelect            = 021E28
 __frameset                = D1AA23
 __frameset0               = D1AA31
@@ -45,10 +44,10 @@ __iremu                   = 000170
 __ishru                   = 000184
 __sand                    = 000200
 __setflag                 = 000218
-.missingappvar            = D254B1
-.libloadname              = D254B6
+.missingappvar            = D25492
+.libloadname              = D25497
 .libloadnamelen           = 000007
-.webaddress               = D254BE
+.webaddress               = D2549F
 __start                   = D1A933
 ___exithl                 = D1A95D
 skip._exit                = D1A95D
@@ -65,34 +64,34 @@ _drawGrid                 = D1AB37
 _clearSquare              = D1ABAA
 _fillSquare               = D1AC1A
 _dispLetter               = D1AC8F
-_winLossDisplay           = D1AD0F
-_enterLetter              = D1ADDF
-_backspace                = D1AE18
-_handleKeys               = D1AE34
-_inDictionary             = D1B048
-_inSelected               = D1B105
-_resetGame                = D1B1C2
-_gameWin                  = D1B201
-_gameLoss                 = D1B2FE
-_evaluateGuess            = D1B3FB
-_init                     = D1B5D8
-_mainGame                 = D1B5FA
-_main                     = D1B645
-_SELECTED                 = D1B670
-_DICTIONARY               = D1E389
+_winLossDisplay           = D1ACF0
+_enterLetter              = D1ADC0
+_backspace                = D1ADF9
+_handleKeys               = D1AE15
+_inDictionary             = D1B029
+_inSelected               = D1B0E6
+_resetGame                = D1B1A3
+_gameWin                  = D1B1E2
+_gameLoss                 = D1B2DF
+_evaluateGuess            = D1B3DC
+_init                     = D1B5B9
+_mainGame                 = D1B5DB
+_main                     = D1B626
+_SELECTED                 = D1B651
+_DICTIONARY               = D1E36A
 _rowPtr                   = D052C6
 _colPtr                   = D052C7
 _answer                   = D052C8
 _guess                    = D052CE
-L_.str                    = D254D3
-_YOU_WIN                  = D254A4
-L_.str.1                  = D254DC
-_YOU_LOSE                 = D254A7
-L_.str.2                  = D254E6
-_PLAY_AGAIN               = D254AA
-L_.str.3                  = D25502
-_reveal                   = D254AD
-_gameRunning              = D254B0
+L_.str                    = D254B4
+_YOU_WIN                  = D25485
+L_.str.1                  = D254BD
+_YOU_LOSE                 = D25488
+L_.str.2                  = D254C7
+_PLAY_AGAIN               = D2548B
+L_.str.3                  = D254E3
+_reveal                   = D2548E
+_gameRunning              = D25491
 _prevkey                  = D052D4
 _#gfx_Begin               = D1A901
 _#gfx_End                 = D1A905
diff --git a/img/IMG_4787.JPG b/img/IMG_4787.JPG
deleted file mode 100644
index 75cb85d..0000000
Binary files a/img/IMG_4787.JPG and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/obj/src/main.c.src b/obj/src/main.c.src
index bd84f8a..3f67301 100644
--- a/obj/src/main.c.src
+++ b/obj/src/main.c.src
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ _clearScreenSafe:
 	ld	hl, -9
 	call	__frameset
-	ld	hl, -75
+	ld	hl, 74
 	push	hl
 	call	_gfx_SetColor
 	ld	de, 0
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ _clearSquare:
 	pop	hl
 	pop	hl
 	pop	hl
-	ld	hl, -75
+	ld	hl, 74
 	push	hl
 	call	_gfx_SetColor
 	pop	hl
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ _fillSquare:
 	pop	hl
 	pop	hl
 	pop	hl
-	ld	hl, -75
+	ld	hl, 74
 	push	hl
 	call	_gfx_SetColor
 	pop	hl
@@ -331,63 +331,48 @@ _fillSquare:
 	section	.text,"ax",@progbits
 	public	_dispLetter
-	ld	hl, -8
+	ld	hl, -4
 	call	__frameset
-	ld	a, (ix + 6)
-	ld	iyh, a
-	ld	b, (ix + 9)
+	ld	d, (ix + 9)
 	ld	h, (ix + 12)
-	ld	c, 37
-	ld	iyl, 1
-	ld	e, c
-	ld	d, b
-	mlt	de
-	ld	a, e
+	ld	e, 37
+	ld	c, e
+	ld	b, d
+	mlt	bc
+	ld	a, c
 	add	a, 68
-	ld	e, a
-	ld	l, c
+	ld	(ix - 3), a
+	ld	l, e
 	mlt	hl
 	ld	a, l
 	add	a, 10
-	ex	de, hl
-	ld	e, iyh
-	ex	de, hl
-	ld	(ix - 2), l
+	ld	(ix - 4), a
+	ld	a, (ix + 6)
+	add	a, -32
+	ld	(ix - 2), a
 	ld	(ix - 1), 0
-	or	a, a
-	sbc	hl, hl
-	ld	(ix - 5), hl
-	ld	l, e
-	ld	(ix - 8), hl
-	ld	c, iyl
-	call	__ishru
-	ld.sis	de, 3
-	add.sis	hl, de
-	ld	de, (ix - 5)
-	ld	e, a
-	ld	(ix - 5), de
-	srl	a
-	add	a, 2
-	ld	e, a
-	push	de
+	ld	hl, 3
 	push	hl
-	pea	ix - 2
-	call	_os_FontDrawText
-	pop	hl
-	pop	hl
-	pop	hl
-	ld	hl, -75
 	push	hl
-	call	_gfx_SetColor
+	call	_gfx_SetTextScale
 	pop	hl
-	ld	hl, 35
-	push	hl
-	push	hl
-	ld	hl, (ix - 5)
+	pop	hl
+	or	a, a
+	sbc	hl, hl
 	push	hl
-	ld	hl, (ix - 8)
+	pop	iy
+	push	af
+	ld	a, (ix - 3)
+	ld	iyl, a
+	pop	af
+	ld	de, 7
+	add	iy, de
+	ld	l, (ix - 4)
+	add	hl, de
 	push	hl
-	call	_gfx_Rectangle
+	push	iy
+	pea	ix - 2
+	call	_gfx_PrintStringXY
 	ld	sp, ix
 	pop	ix
@@ -1537,7 +1522,7 @@ BB18_15:
 	ld	a, (_rowPtr)
 	ld	l, a
-	ld	de, 74
+	ld	de, -75
 	push	de
 	push	hl
 	ld	hl, (ix - 29)
@@ -9815,46 +9800,6 @@ _START_X:
 	dw	10
-	section	.rodata,"a",@progbits
-	public	_LIGHT_GRAY
-	db	222
-	section	.rodata,"a",@progbits
-	public	_GRAY
-	db	181
-	section	.rodata,"a",@progbits
-	public	_DARK_GRAY
-	db	74
-	section	.rodata,"a",@progbits
-	public	_RED
-	db	224
-	section	.rodata,"a",@progbits
-	public	_YELLOW
-	db	229
-	section	.rodata,"a",@progbits
-	public	_GREEN
-	db	4
-	section	.rodata,"a",@progbits
-	public	_BLACK
-	db	0
-	section	.rodata,"a",@progbits
-	public	_WHITE
-	db	255
 	section	.bss,"aw",@nobits
 	public	_rowPtr
@@ -9946,7 +9891,6 @@ _prevkey:
 	extern	__imulu
 	extern	_gfx_SetColor
 	extern	_gfx_Rectangle
-	extern	_os_FontDrawText
 	extern	_gfx_PrintStringXY
 	extern	_gfx_End
 	extern	__frameset0
diff --git a/src/main.c b/src/main.c
index 5f2f1e2..ce24993 100644
--- a/src/main.c
+++ b/src/main.c
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
-//! letters will be lowercase
-// TODO: switch letter handling from os to graphx
+//! letters will be lowercase internally
+// TODO: update rectangle drawing to no clip
 #include <graphx.h>
 #include <keypadc.h>
@@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ const u16 START_X = (LCD_WIDTH - COLS * SIZE - GAP * (COLS - 1)) / 2;
 const u16 START_Y = (LCD_HEIGHT - ROWS * SIZE - GAP * (ROWS - 1)) / 2;
 // color codes
-const color LIGHT_GRAY = 0xde;  // kinda looks blue im no artist
-const color GRAY = 0xb5;
-const color DARK_GRAY = 0x4a;
-const color RED = 0xe0;
-const color YELLOW = 0xe5;
-const color GREEN = 0x04;
-const color BLACK = 0x00;
-const color WHITE = 0xff;
+#define LIGHT_GRAY 0xde  // kinda looks blue im no artist
+#define GRAY 0xb5
+#define DARK_GRAY 0x4a
+#define RED 0xe0
+#define YELLOW 0xe5
+#define GREEN 0x04
+#define BLACK 0x00
+#define WHITE 0xff
 // grid & wordle variables
 u8 rowPtr = 0, colPtr = 0;
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ void clearScreenSafe(color clr) {
     gfx_FillRectangle(0, 0, LCD_WIDTH, LCD_HEIGHT);
 void drawGrid() {
-    gfx_SetColor(GRAY);
+    gfx_SetColor(DARK_GRAY);
     // for some reason x is across and y is down
     // opposite to how 2d arrays are usually done
@@ -109,25 +109,22 @@ void clearSquare(u8 x, u8 y) {
     u8 posx = START_X + x * (SIZE + GAP), posy = START_Y + y * (SIZE + GAP);
     gfx_FillRectangle(posx, posy, SIZE, SIZE);
-    gfx_SetColor(GRAY);
+    gfx_SetColor(DARK_GRAY);
     gfx_Rectangle(posx, posy, SIZE, SIZE);
 void fillSquare(u8 x, u8 y, color clr) {
     u8 posx = START_X + x * (SIZE + GAP), posy = START_Y + y * (SIZE + GAP);
     gfx_FillRectangle(posx, posy, SIZE, SIZE);
-    gfx_SetColor(GRAY);
+    gfx_SetColor(DARK_GRAY);
     gfx_Rectangle(posx, posy, SIZE, SIZE);
 void dispLetter(char letter, u8 x, u8 y) {
     u8 posx = START_X + x * (SIZE + GAP), posy = START_Y + y * (SIZE + GAP);
-    char nullTerminated[2] = {letter, '\0'};
-    os_FontDrawText(nullTerminated, (posx) / 2 + 3, (posy) / 2 + 2);
-    // cover edges with rectangle
-    gfx_SetColor(GRAY);
-    gfx_Rectangle(posx, posy, SIZE, SIZE);
+    char nullTerminated[2] = {letter - 'a' + 'A', '\0'};
+    gfx_SetTextScale(3, 3);
+    gfx_PrintStringXY(nullTerminated, posx + 7, posy + 7);
 void winLossDisplay(u8 pos) {
     // pos: 0 is top, 1 is bottom
@@ -261,14 +258,6 @@ void resetGame() {
     copyStr(answer, SELECTED[randInt(0, SELECTED_LEN - 1)]);
     rowPtr = colPtr = 0;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    char nT[6];
-    for (u8 i = 0; i < COLS; i++) {
-        nT[i] = answer[i];
-    }
-    nT[COLS] = '\0';
-    os_FontDrawText(nT, 0, 0);
 void gameWin() {
     u8 pos = (rowPtr >= ROWS / 2);
@@ -344,7 +333,7 @@ void evaluateGuess() {
             ansFreq[guess[i] - 'a']--;
             fillSquare(i, rowPtr, YELLOW);
         } else {
-            fillSquare(i, rowPtr, DARK_GRAY);
+            fillSquare(i, rowPtr, GRAY);
         dispLetter(guess[i], i, rowPtr);