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Releases: Blazemeter/RTEPlugin


19 Sep 20:19
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This release comes with new features for the plugin, for more information about this changes check the README

  • New RTE-Extractor post-processor:
    • This component adds the possibility to create variables with the current cursor position or to search from a position for next/previous field.
    • IMPORTANT: Due to this implementation response headers were modified. It means, for instance that if you were doing assertions on response headers for an specific pattern, you might have to correct it in order to match with the new structure.
    • Additionally, this implementation will ease the development of future features.
  • Now you can name the samplers while recording!
    • While recording you will find a field where you can specify the name for current screen (sampler). Do not worry if you prefer the older way, we continue adding default sampler name if is not specified.
  • Hide credential support.
    • For those who do not like their passwords to be shown while recording, we added an icon in the lower right corner where you can hide or show passwords. (Hidden by default)
  • We have also fixed some issues:
    • Issue requiring to remove RTERecorder component while running script in blazemeter was solved.
    • Bug which used to remove input by Label/Coords when no value specified was also solved.


20 Aug 18:01
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This version resolves an issue originated in version 2.0. The issue consisted that you were not able to send empty inputs.
Additionally, we have fixed the handling of PA1, PA2 and PA3 attention keys for SSCP LU session screens.


14 Aug 19:33
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This releases adds following new features to the RTE test plan recorder, check the associated changes in README:

  • Ability to select an area of the screen and use it as wait condition to mark the end of the previous interaction (use it as wait for text on recorded sampler).
    • This allows for more robust conditions to detect when next interaction (sampler) should be triggered, specifying a particular text on the screen marking the completion of the processing from mainframe application. Even through default recorded wait conditions are good in most of the cases, we encourage RTE test plan recorder users to use this feature to have more robust test plans.
  • Allow to select an area of the screen to be used as input label for more robust auto completion of input fields.
    • By recording test plans with inputs by label (instead of the default behavior which uses fields positions) your test plans will not be affected by changes in positions of fields in the screen (in particular when screens may vary from user to user).
  • Allow to record assertions for recorded samplers by selecting a screen area.
    • We encourage users to use wait for text recording functionality instead of assertions whenever possible, since they are more robust than using assertions (i.e.: wait for text waits for the text to appear and if not it timeouts, assertions just fail and the update of the screen might have not yet happened). But in some cases it might be helpful to specify a text for wait for text, and define different assertions for other parts of the screen.

Additionally, it includes the changes on dm3270 lib 0.11 release that fix handling input by label on screens generated for SSCP LU session.

Finally, sample results generated by plugin have been simplified and made compatible with older versions of the plugin avoiding forward compatibility issue while loading JTL files in JMeter introduced by 2.0 release.


18 Jul 14:47
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In this second major release of the plugin we have included a major feature that will greatly simplify creating RTE test plans: A RECORDER ELEMENT!
This recorder allows you to interact with a mainframe application (currently supporting tn3270 and tn5250 protocols) as you usually do with a terminal emulator and record every interaction with the mainframe application as a test plan, that can later on be used for functional or load testing.
Please check the updated readme for a guide on how to use it and additional details.

WARNING: JTL files generated by this version of the plugin can't be loaded by other versions of the plugin. 2.1 release fixes this issue.

In addition to the recorder, following fixes have been included in existing sampler and protocol support:

  • Fix tn3270 protocol support:
    • Fix handling alternate screen dimensions
    • Fix handling enter attention keys when no field is modified
    • Fix usage of logging framework to avoid unintentional logging to stdout and provide better control on logged information
    • Fix returned fields to avoid potential wrapping (eg: field starting at row 22 and ending at row 2)
    • Fix enhanced protocol headers sequence numbering for some command replies
  • Fix cursor positioning when a field text is filled to match emulator behavior
  • Fix connection time to be more precise and don’t count sync time (time until keyboard is unlocked)
  • Fixed failing connection to a mainframe application that does not unlock keyboard (may be only requesting some attention key)
  • Performed improvements to simplify the code
  • Updated all dependencies of the plugin


28 Mar 14:01
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This version fixes property naming for inputs by label feature


19 Mar 14:59
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  • This version includes support for setting fields by label: for example if you have a screen containing a field labeled by 'Password' text, then you can now specify the given label instead of the actual position (row and column) of the field. This feature allows for easier scripting and more robust scripts which won't fail if field positions vary on different terminal types.
  • Additionally, dm3270 library has been updated to latest version which includes general fixes (hiding invisible fields on returned screen, and sending back to the server invisible fields marked as modified and unprotected) and improved tn3270 enhanced protocol support (including SCCP LU DATA handling and BID command).


24 Aug 17:41
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Update dm3270 to support sending text to server when no fields have been provided by server.


13 Aug 15:38
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Fixes #1, by fixing tn5250 protocol function (in particular for F13-F24 keys), roll down and roll up keys mapping.


03 Aug 16:36
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Include Blazemeter prefix in sampler and config labels to follow Blazemeter plugins convention.


27 Jul 18:33
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Fix logic to disconnect RTE connections only once per thread group iteration and avoid, for example, an RTE sampler within an If Controller to disconnect the RTE client.