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Sandertv edited this page Sep 10, 2018 · 32 revisions

BlockSniper Commands

Every command available will be listed here.

Brush Command

The brush command allows you to change properties of the Brush, which is a Golden Carrot. As of the 2.0.0 update of BlockSniper, the brush can now be edited through a GUI, which can be automatically opened or opened using this command. For a full list of types and shapes, please refer to the Types and Shapes Documentation.

Command Usage Description Aliases Permission
/brush /brush Opens up the brush GUI to modify BlockSniper related features /b blocksniper.command.brush

Clone Command

The Clone command allows copying or making a template from the given selection. If you chose a template, it will be saved to a file and a name for the template needs to be given. If you chose a copy, no name is needed.

Command Usage Description Aliases Permission
/clone /clone [parameter: text] [name: text] Clones the area you are watching with the current brush size and shape blocksniper.command.clone


Parameter Usage Description
Template template [name: text] Clones the block selection with the current brush size and shape to a sharable file in the templates folder
Copy copy Clones the block selection with the current brush size and shape
Schematic schematic [name: text] Clones the block selection with the current brush size to a schematic file

Paste Command

The Paste command allows pasting the latest copy or template from a file to your world. Templates can be downloaded from other sources to paste in your world.

Command Usage Description Aliases Permission
/paste /paste [parameter: text] [name: text] Pastes the given copy or template on the location looked at blocksniper.command.paste


Parameter Usage Description
Template template [name: text] Imports the given template from the file and pastes it on the location looked at
Copy copy Pastes the latest copy on the location looked at
Schematic schematic [name: text] Imports the given schematic from the file and pastes it at the location looked at

Undo/Redo Command

The Undo and Redo Commands allow you to revert the last modification done, for when you make a mistake.

Command Usage Description Aliases Permission
/undo /undo [amount: int] Undoes the last modification done /u blocksniper.command.undo
/redo /redo [amount: int] Undoes the last undone modification blocksniper.command.redo

BlockSniper Command

The BlockSniper command allows you to list or change some plugin related stuff.

Command Usage Description Aliases Permission
/blocksniper /blocksniper <reload|menu> Get information or open the menu of BlockSniper /bs blocksniper.command.blocksniper

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