diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
index d5060a1..1e87205 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/ci.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
@@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ on:
- main
- branches:
- - main
diff --git a/.lintr.R b/.lintr.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..669a395
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.lintr.R
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+linters <- lintr::default_linters # -[ diff with dv.templates 3ca8d7a10cfc7ad2307644dcac603e1f1f0feb72]-
+linters <- lintr::modify_defaults(
+ linters
+ , line_length_linter = NULL # we see how long lines are when we write them
+ , indentation_linter = NULL
+ , trailing_whitespace_linter = NULL
+ , cyclocomp_linter = NULL # prevents trivial amount of nesting and long but straightforward functions
+ , object_name_linter = NULL # we have reasons to capitalize. nobody in our team CamelCase. shiny does
+ , object_length_linter = NULL # we don't type long var names just because
+ , pipe_continuation_linter = NULL # wickham being overly prescriptive
+ , trailing_blank_lines_linter = NULL # natural extension of trailing_whitespace_linter, present on the template
+if(identical(Sys.getenv('CI'), "true")){
+ linters <- lintr::modify_defaults(
+ linters
+ , object_usage_linter = NULL # R lacks var declarations; it's easy to assign to the wrong variable by mistake
+ ) # We only disable this lint rule on github because it fails there because
+} # of a long-standing lintr bug
+exclusions <- list("tests")
index 3580a5c..84c819a 100644
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Package: dv.listings
Type: Package
Title: Data listings module
-Version: 4.0.1
person("Boehringer-Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co.KG", role = c("cph", "fnd")),
diff --git a/NEWS.md b/NEWS.md
index c57e10e..d8ab946 100644
--- a/NEWS.md
+++ b/NEWS.md
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+# dv.listings
+- Remove support for data dispatchers.
+- Provide early feedback of module misconfiguration.
# dv.listings 4.0.1
The module allows now to
diff --git a/R/CM.R b/R/CM.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15de061
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/CM.R
@@ -0,0 +1,639 @@
+# YT#VH0ae1b0c3bf862b3b93194fa0f023686d#VHd74cfd54b905c92b95c251b87af2e842#
+CM <- local({ # _C_hecked _M_odule
+ message_well <- function(title, contents, color = "f5f5f5") { # repeats #iewahg
+ style <- sprintf(r"---(
+ padding: 0.5rem;
+ padding-left: 1rem;
+ margin-bottom: 20px;
+ background-color: %s;
+ border: 1px solid #e3e3e3;
+ border-radius: 4px;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.05);
+ box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.05);
+ )---", color)
+ res <- list(shiny::h3(title))
+ if (length(contents)) res <- append(res, list(shiny::tags[["div"]](contents, style = style)))
+ return(res)
+ }
+ app_creator_feedback_ui <- function(id, ui) {
+ id <- paste(c(id, "validator"), collapse = "-")
+ ns <- shiny::NS(id)
+ hide <- function(e) shiny::tags[["div"]](e, style = "display: none")
+ res <- list(
+ shiny::uiOutput(ns("ui")),
+ hide(shiny::checkboxInput(inputId = ns("show_ui"), label = NULL)),
+ shiny::conditionalPanel(condition = "input.show_ui == true", ui, ns = ns)
+ )
+ return(res)
+ }
+ app_creator_feedback_server <- function(id, warning_messages, error_messages) {
+ id <- paste(c(id, "validator"), collapse = "-")
+ module <- shiny::moduleServer(
+ id,
+ function(input, output, session) {
+ output[["ui"]] <- shiny::renderUI({
+ res <- list()
+ warn <- warning_messages
+ if (length(warn)) {
+ res[[length(res) + 1]] <-
+ message_well("Module configuration warnings",
+ Map(function(x) htmltools::p(htmltools::HTML(paste("\u2022", x))), warn),
+ color = "#fff7ef"
+ )
+ }
+ err <- error_messages
+ if (length(err)) {
+ res[[length(res) + 1]] <-
+ message_well("Module configuration errors",
+ Map(function(x) htmltools::p(htmltools::HTML(paste("\u2022", x))), err),
+ color = "#f4d7d7"
+ )
+ }
+ return(res)
+ })
+ shiny::outputOptions(output, "ui", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
+ if (length(error_messages) == 0) {
+ shiny::updateCheckboxInput(inputId = "show_ui", value = TRUE)
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ return(module)
+ }
+ # Wrap the UI and server of a module so that, once parameterized, they go through a check function prior to running.
+ module <- function(module, check_mod_fn, dataset_info_fn) {
+ local({
+ # Make sure that the signature of `check_mod_fn` matches that of `module` except for the expected differences
+ check_formals <- names(formals(check_mod_fn))
+ if (!identical(head(check_formals, 2), c("afmm", "datasets"))) {
+ stop("The first two arguments of check functions passed onto `module` should be `afmm` and `datasets`")
+ }
+ check_formals <- check_formals[c(-1, -2)]
+ mod_formals <- names(formals(module))
+ if (!identical(check_formals, mod_formals)) {
+ stop(paste(
+ "Check function arguments do not exactly match those of the module function",
+ "(after discarding `afmm` and `datasets`)"
+ ))
+ }
+ })
+ mandatory_module_args <- local({
+ args <- formals(module)
+ names(args)[sapply(args, function(x) is.name(x) && nchar(x) == 0)]
+ })
+ wrapper <- function(...) {
+ # Match arguments explicitly to provide graphical error feedback
+ # https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-lang.html#Argument-matching
+ module_ui <- function(...) list()
+ module_server <- function(...) NULL
+ module_id <- "error_id"
+ matched_args <- try(as.list(match.call(module)), silent = TRUE)
+ error_message <- attr(matched_args, "condition")$message
+ if (is.null(error_message)) {
+ missing_args <- setdiff(mandatory_module_args, names(matched_args))
+ if (length(missing_args)) {
+ error_message <- sprintf("Missing mandatory arguments: `%s`.", paste(missing_args, collapse = ", "))
+ }
+ }
+ if (is.null(error_message)) {
+ args <- list(...)
+ evaluated_module <- do.call(module, args)
+ module_ui <- evaluated_module[["ui"]]
+ module_server <- evaluated_module[["server"]]
+ module_id <- evaluated_module[["module_id"]]
+ }
+ res <- list(
+ ui = function(module_id) app_creator_feedback_ui(module_id, module_ui(module_id)), # `module` UI gated by app_creator_feedback_server
+ server = function(afmm) {
+ fb <- local({
+ res <- NULL
+ if (!is.null(error_message)) {
+ res <- list(
+ warnings = character(0),
+ errors = error_message
+ )
+ } else {
+ # NOTE: We check the call here and not inside the module server function because:
+ # - app creators interact with the davinci module and not with the ui-server combo, so
+ # errors reported with respect to the module signature will make sense to them.
+ # The module server function might use a different function signature.
+ # - Here we also have access to the original datasets, which allows us to ensure call
+ # correctness independent of filter state or operation in a single pass.
+ # - "catch errors early"
+ args <- append(
+ list(
+ afmm = afmm, # To check receiver_ids, among others
+ datasets = afmm[["data"]][[1]] # Allows data checks prior to reactive time
+ ),
+ args
+ )
+ # check functions do not have defaults, so we extract them from the formals of the module for consistency
+ missing_args <- setdiff(names(formals(module)), names(args))
+ res <- do.call(check_mod_fn, args)
+ }
+ return(res)
+ })
+ app_creator_feedback_server(
+ id = module_id, warning_messages = fb[["warnings"]], error_messages = fb[["errors"]]
+ )
+ # TODO: Modify afmm to the `map_to` flags in the API. `dv.papo` relies on this
+ # nolint start
+ if (FALSE) {
+ filtered_mapped_datasets <- shiny::reactive(
+ TC$honor_map_to_flag(afmm$filtered_dataset(), mod_lineplot_API, args)
+ )
+ bm_dataset <- shiny::reactive({
+ shiny::req(bm_dataset_name)
+ ds <- filtered_mapped_datasets()[[bm_dataset_name]]
+ shiny::validate(
+ shiny::need(!is.null(ds), paste("Could not find dataset", bm_dataset_name))
+ )
+ return(ds)
+ })
+ # TODO:
+ corr_hm_server(
+ id = module_id,
+ bm_dataset = bm_dataset,
+ default_value = default_value, subjid_var = subjid_var, cat_var = cat_var, par_var = par_var,
+ visit_var = visit_var, value_vars = value_vars
+ )
+ }
+ # nolint end
+ if (length(fb[["errors"]]) == 0) {
+ res <- try(module_server(afmm), silent = TRUE)
+ }
+ return(res)
+ },
+ module_id = module_id,
+ meta = list(
+ dataset_info = {
+ # extract defaults from the formals for consistency
+ missing_args <- setdiff(names(formals(module)), names(matched_args))
+ args <- c(args, formals(module)[missing_args])
+ do.call(dataset_info_fn, args)
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ return(res)
+ }
+ roxygen_wrapper <- function() { # to keep parameters in the reference docs
+ args <- (match.call() |> as.list())[c(-1)]
+ do.call(wrapper, args, env = parent.frame())
+ }
+ formals(roxygen_wrapper) <- formals(module)
+ return(roxygen_wrapper)
+ }
+ container <- function() list2env(x = list(messages = character(0)), parent = emptyenv())
+ assert <- function(container, cond, msg) {
+ ok <- isTRUE(cond)
+ if (!ok) container[["messages"]] <- c(container[["messages"]], msg)
+ return(ok)
+ }
+ is_valid_shiny_id <- function(s) grepl("^$|^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$", s)
+ generate_check_function <- function(spec) {
+ stopifnot(spec$kind == "group")
+ # TODO: Check that arguments that depend on arguments TC$flagged as `optional` are optional too.
+ res <- character(0)
+ push <- function(s) res <<- c(res, s)
+ push("function(afmm, datasets,")
+ param_names <- paste(names(spec$elements), collapse = ",")
+ push(param_names)
+ push(", warn, err){\n")
+ push("OK <- logical(0)\n")
+ push("used_dataset_names <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())\n")
+ subjid_vars <- character(0)
+ for (elem_name in names(spec$elements)) {
+ elem <- spec$elements[[elem_name]]
+ attrs_ids <- setdiff(names(attributes(elem)), c("names", "docs"))
+ attrs <- attributes(elem)[attrs_ids]
+ if (isTRUE(attrs[["subjid_var"]])) {
+ subjid_vars <- c(subjid_vars, elem_name)
+ }
+ if (elem$kind == "mod") {
+ push(sprintf("OK[['%s']] <- CM$check_module_id('%s', %s, warn, err)\n", elem_name, elem_name, elem_name))
+ } else if (elem$kind == "dataset_name") {
+ push(sprintf("flags <- %s\n", deparse(attrs) |> paste(collapse = "")))
+ push(sprintf(
+ "OK[['%s']] <- CM$check_dataset_name('%s', %s, flags, datasets, used_dataset_names, warn, err)\n",
+ elem_name, elem_name, elem_name
+ ))
+ } else if (elem$kind == "col") {
+ push(sprintf("subkind <- %s\n", deparse(elem$sub_kind) |> paste(collapse = "")))
+ push(sprintf("flags <- %s\n", deparse(attrs) |> paste(collapse = "")))
+ push(sprintf(
+ "OK[['%s']] <- OK[['%s']] && CM$check_dataset_colum_name('%s', %s, subkind, flags, %s, datasets[[%s]], warn, err)\n",
+ elem_name, elem$dataset_name, elem_name, elem_name, elem$dataset_name, elem$dataset_name
+ ))
+ } else if (elem$kind == "choice_from_col_contents") {
+ dataset_param_name <- spec$elements[[elem$param]]$dataset_name
+ push(sprintf("flags <- %s\n", deparse(attrs) |> paste(collapse = "")))
+ push(sprintf(
+ "OK[['%s']] <- OK[['%s']] && CM$check_choice_from_col_contents('%s', %s, flags, '%s', datasets[[%s]], %s, warn, err)\n",
+ elem_name, elem$param, elem_name, elem_name, dataset_param_name, dataset_param_name, elem$param
+ ))
+ } else if (elem$kind == "choice") {
+ push(sprintf("flags <- %s\n", deparse(attrs) |> paste(collapse = "")))
+ push(sprintf(
+ "OK[['%s']] <- OK[['%s']] && CM$check_choice('%s', %s, flags, '%s', %s, warn, err)\n",
+ elem_name, elem$param, elem_name, elem_name, elem$param, elem$param
+ ))
+ } else if (elem$kind == "function") {
+ push(sprintf("flags <- %s\n", deparse(attrs) |> paste(collapse = "")))
+ push(sprintf(
+ "OK[['%s']] <- CM$check_function('%s', %s, %d, flags, warn, err)\n",
+ elem_name, elem_name, elem_name, elem$arg_count
+ ))
+ } else {
+ push(sprintf("'NOTE: %s (%s) has no associated automated checks'\n", elem_name, elem$kind))
+ push(sprintf("' The expectation is that it either does not require them or that'\n"))
+ push(sprintf("' the caller of this function has written manual checks near the call site.'\n"))
+ }
+ }
+ if (length(subjid_vars) > 1) {
+ stop(sprintf("This API specifies more than one subjid variable: ", paste(subjid_vars, collapse = ", ")))
+ }
+ if (length(subjid_vars) == 1) {
+ subjid_var <- subjid_vars[[1]]
+ push("for(ds_name in names(used_dataset_names)){\n")
+ push(sprintf(
+ "OK[['%s']] <- OK[['%s']] && CM$check_subjid_col(datasets, ds_name, get(ds_name), '%s', %s, warn, err)",
+ subjid_var, subjid_var, subjid_var, subjid_var
+ ))
+ push("}\n")
+ # TODO: If there is a dataset flagged as `subject_level_dataset_name`:
+ # [ ] check that subjid_var is unique
+ # [ ] check that the subjid_var values of all other datasets are a subset of its values
+ }
+ push(sprintf("return(OK)\n"))
+ push("}\n")
+ return(res)
+ }
+ # NOTE: For the moment call by running: devtools::load_all(); CM$generate_check_functions()
+ generate_check_functions <- function(specs = module_specifications, output_file = "R/check_call_auto.R") {
+ styler_off <- "({\n# styler: off"
+ styler_on <- "\n\n})\n# styler: on\n"
+ res <- c("# Automatically generated module API check functions. Think twice before editing them manually.\n")
+ res <- c(res, styler_off)
+ style_code <- function(code) {
+ s <- paste(code, collapse = "")
+ s <- parse(text = s, keep.source = FALSE)[[1]] |>
+ deparse(width.cutoff = 100) |>
+ trimws("right") |>
+ paste(collapse = "\n")
+ return(s)
+ }
+ for (spec_name in names(specs)) {
+ if (!grepl("::", spec_name, fixed = TRUE)) stop(paste("Expected API spec name to be namespaced (`::`):", spec_name))
+ denamespaced_spec_name <- strsplit(spec_name, "::")[[1]][[2]]
+ check_function_name <- paste0("check_", denamespaced_spec_name, "_auto")
+ res <- c(res, sprintf("\n\n# %s\n", spec_name))
+ res <- c(
+ res,
+ c(check_function_name, "<-", generate_check_function(specs[[spec_name]])) |> style_code()
+ )
+ }
+ res <- c(res, styler_on)
+ contents <- paste(res, collapse = "")
+ writeChar(contents, output_file, eos = NULL)
+ return(NULL)
+ }
+ test_string <- function(s) {
+ is.character(s) && length(s) == 1
+ }
+ check_module_id <- function(name, value, warn, err) {
+ assert(err, test_string(value), sprintf("`%s` should be a string", name)) &&
+ assert(warn, nchar(value) > 0, sprintf("Consider providing a non-empty `%s`.", name)) &&
+ assert(
+ err,
+ is_valid_shiny_id(value),
+ paste(
+ sprintf("`%s` should be a valid identifier, starting with a letter and followed by", name),
+ "alphanumeric characters, hyphens and underscores."
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ check_dataset_name <- function(name, value, flags, available_datasets, used_dataset_names, warn, err) {
+ ok <- check_flags(name, value, flags, warn, err)
+ if (ok) {
+ zero_or_more <- isTRUE(flags[["zero_or_more"]])
+ one_or_more <- isTRUE(flags[["one_or_more"]])
+ zero_or_one_or_more <- zero_or_more || one_or_more
+ if (zero_or_one_or_more) {
+ min_len <- 0
+ if (one_or_more) min_len <- 1
+ ok <- assert(
+ err,
+ is.character(value) &&
+ all(value %in% names(available_datasets)) &&
+ length(value) >= min_len,
+ paste(
+ sprintf(
+ "`%s` should be a character vector of length greater than %s referring to the following dataset names: ",
+ name, c("zero", "one")[[min_len + 1]]
+ ),
+ paste(sprintf('"%s"', names(available_datasets)), collapse = ", "), "."
+ )
+ )
+ } else {
+ ok <- (
+ assert(err, !missing(value), sprintf("`%s` missing", name)) && # TODO: ? Remove this one
+ assert(
+ err,
+ test_string(value) &&
+ value %in% names(available_datasets),
+ paste(
+ sprintf("`%s` should be a string referring to one of the available dataset names: ", name),
+ paste(sprintf('"%s"', names(available_datasets)), collapse = ", "), "."
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ if (ok) used_dataset_names[[name]] <- value
+ }
+ }
+ return(ok)
+ }
+ list_columns_of_kind <- function(dataset, type) {
+ res <- names(dataset)[sapply(seq_len(ncol(dataset)), function(x) TC$is_of_kind(dataset[[x]], type))]
+ return(res)
+ }
+ # TODO: use check_flags instead and remove
+ optional_and_empty <- function(flags, value) {
+ return(isTRUE(flags[["optional"]]) && length(value) == 0)
+ }
+ check_dataset_colum_name <- function(name, value, subkind, flags, dataset_name, dataset_value, warn, err) {
+ if (optional_and_empty(flags, value)) {
+ return(TRUE)
+ }
+ ok <- FALSE
+ valid_column_names <- list_columns_of_kind(dataset_value, subkind)
+ zero_or_more <- isTRUE(flags[["zero_or_more"]])
+ one_or_more <- isTRUE(flags[["one_or_more"]])
+ zero_or_one_or_more <- zero_or_more || one_or_more
+ if (zero_or_one_or_more) {
+ min_len <- 0
+ if (one_or_more) min_len <- 1
+ ok <- assert(
+ err,
+ is.character(value) &&
+ all(value %in% valid_column_names) &&
+ length(value) >= min_len,
+ paste(
+ sprintf(
+ "`%s` should be a character vector of length greater than %s referring to one of the following columns of dataset `%s`: ",
+ name, c("zero", "one")[[min_len + 1]], dataset_name
+ ),
+ paste(sprintf('"%s"', valid_column_names), collapse = ", "), "."
+ )
+ )
+ } else {
+ ok <- assert(
+ err,
+ test_string(value) &&
+ all(value %in% valid_column_names),
+ paste(
+ sprintf("`%s` should be a string referring to one of the following columns of dataset `%s`: ", name, dataset_name),
+ paste(sprintf('"%s"', valid_column_names), collapse = ", "), "."
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ return(ok)
+ }
+ list_values <- function(v) {
+ res <- ""
+ if (is.factor(v)) {
+ res <- sprintf('"%s"', levels(v))
+ } else if (is.character(v)) {
+ res <- sprintf('"%s"', unique(v))
+ } else {
+ browser()
+ }
+ res <- paste(res, collapse = ", ")
+ return(res)
+ }
+ check_flags <- function(name, value, flags, warn, err) {
+ ok <- FALSE
+ min_len <- max_len <- 1L
+ if (isTRUE(flags[["optional"]]) && is.null(value)) {
+ ok <- TRUE
+ } else {
+ if (isTRUE(flags[["zero_or_more"]])) {
+ min_len <- 0L
+ max_len <- +Inf
+ } else if (isTRUE(flags[["one_or_more"]])) {
+ min_len <- 1L
+ max_len <- +Inf
+ }
+ ok <- assert(
+ err, min_len <= length(value) && length(value) <= max_len,
+ ifelse(min_len < max_len,
+ sprintf(
+ "`%s` has length %s but should have length in the range [%s, %s].",
+ name, length(value), min_len, max_len
+ ),
+ sprintf(
+ "`%s` has length %s but should have length %s.",
+ name, length(value), min_len
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ if (ok && isTRUE(flags[["named"]])) {
+ ok <- assert(
+ err, length(value) == length(names(value)) && all(nchar(names(value)) > 0),
+ sprintf("All elements of `%s` should be named", name)
+ )
+ }
+ return(ok)
+ }
+ check_choice_from_col_contents <- function(name, value, flags, dataset_name, dataset_value, column, warn, err) {
+ ok <- check_flags(name, value, flags, warn, err) &&
+ assert(
+ err, all(value %in% dataset_value[[column]]),
+ sprintf(
+ "`%s` should contain only values present in column `%s` of dataset `%s`: %s.",
+ name, column, dataset_name, list_values(dataset_value[[column]])
+ )
+ )
+ return(ok)
+ }
+ check_choice <- function(name, value, flags, values_name, values, warn, err) {
+ ok <- check_flags(name, value, flags, warn, err) &&
+ assert(
+ err, all(value %in% values),
+ sprintf(
+ "`%s` should contain only the following values: %s.",
+ name, list_values(values)
+ )
+ )
+ return(ok)
+ }
+ format_inline_asis <- function(s) {
+ paste("", s, "
+ }
+ check_function <- function(name, value, arg_count, flags, warn, err) {
+ ok <- check_flags(name, value, flags, warn, err)
+ if (ok) {
+ if (is.function(value)) {
+ value <- list(value) # make single functions behave like vectors of one element, for simplicity
+ }
+ for (i in seq_along(value)) {
+ f <- value[[i]]
+ ok <- ok && assert(
+ err, is.function(f) && length(formals(f)) == arg_count,
+ sprintf("`%s[[%d]]` should be a function of %d arguments", name, i, arg_count)
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ return(ok)
+ }
+ check_subjid_col <- function(datasets, ds_name, ds_value, col_name, col_var, warn, err) {
+ ok <- assert(
+ err, col_var %in% names(datasets[[ds_value]]),
+ sprintf(
+ "Expected `%s` value (%s) to be present in the dataset indicated by name `%s` (%s)",
+ col_name, col_var, ds_name, ds_value
+ )
+ )
+ return(ok)
+ }
+ check_unique_sub_cat_par_vis <- function(datasets, ds_name, ds_value, sub, cat, par, vis, warn, err) {
+ ok <- TRUE
+ df_to_string <- function(df) {
+ names(df) <- sprintf("[%s] ", names(df))
+ lines <- capture.output(print(as.data.frame(df), right = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, quote = TRUE)) |> trimws()
+ return(paste(lines, collapse = "\n"))
+ }
+ dataset <- datasets[[ds_value]]
+ unique_cat_par_combinations <- unique(dataset[c(cat, par)])
+ dup_params_across_categories <- duplicated(unique_cat_par_combinations[par])
+ ok <- assert(err, !any(dup_params_across_categories), {
+ prefixes <- c(rep("Category:", length(cat)), rep("Parameter:", length(par)))
+ first_duplicates <- head(unique_cat_par_combinations[dup_params_across_categories, ], 5)
+ names(first_duplicates) <- paste(prefixes, names(first_duplicates))
+ dups <- df_to_string(first_duplicates)
+ paste(
+ sprintf("The dataset provided by `%s` (%s) contains parameter names that repeat across categories.", ds_name, ds_value),
+ "This module expects them to be unique. Here are the first few duplicates:",
+ paste0("
", dups, "") + ) + }) + + supposedly_unique <- dataset[c(sub, cat, par, vis)] + dups <- duplicated(supposedly_unique) + + ok <- ok && assert(err, !any(dups), { + prefixes <- c( + rep("Subject:", length(sub)), rep("Category:", length(cat)), + rep("Parameter:", length(par)), rep("Visit:", length(vis)) + ) + + first_duplicates <- head(supposedly_unique[dups, ], 5) + names(first_duplicates) <- paste(prefixes, names(first_duplicates)) + dups <- df_to_string(first_duplicates) + paste( + sprintf("The dataset provided by `%s` (%s) contains repeated rows with identical subject, category, parameter", ds_name, ds_value), + "and visit values. This module expects them to be unique. Here are the first few duplicates:", + paste0("
", dups, "") + ) + }) + + return(ok) + } + + list( + module = module, + container = container, + assert = assert, + generate_check_functions = generate_check_functions, + check_module_id = check_module_id, + check_dataset_name = check_dataset_name, + check_dataset_colum_name = check_dataset_colum_name, + check_flags = check_flags, + check_choice_from_col_contents = check_choice_from_col_contents, + check_choice = check_choice, + check_function = check_function, + check_subjid_col = check_subjid_col, + check_unique_sub_cat_par_vis = check_unique_sub_cat_par_vis, + message_well = message_well + ) +}) diff --git a/R/TC.R b/R/TC.R new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2d916c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/R/TC.R @@ -0,0 +1,367 @@ +# YT#VH5cf018ae9cef0cbf83422a7d2b6b6b04#VH00000000000000000000000000000000# +TC <- local({ # _T_ype C_hecks + # basic types + T_logical <- function() list(kind = "logical") + T_factor <- function() list(kind = "factor") + T_character <- function() list(kind = "character") + T_date <- function() list(kind = "date") + T_datetime <- function() list(kind = "datetime") + T_integer <- function(min = NA, max = NA) list(kind = "integer", min = min, max = max) # allows numeric if all values are integer + T_numeric <- function(min = NA, max = NA) list(kind = "numeric", min = min, max = max) + + # permissive types + T_anything <- function() list(kind = "anything") + + # sum types + T_or <- function(...) list(kind = "or", options = list(...)) + + # known- and variable-length collections + T_group <- function(...) list(kind = "group", elements = list(...)) + + # domain-specific types + T_mod_ID <- function() list(kind = "mod") + T_dataset_name <- function() list(kind = "dataset_name") + T_col <- function(dataset_name, sub_kind = T_anything()) { + list(kind = "col", dataset_name = dataset_name, sub_kind = sub_kind) + } + T_color <- function() list(kind = "color") + T_CDISC_study_day <- function() list(kind = "cdisc_study_day", min = NA, max = NA) + T_YN <- function() list(kind = "YN") + T_choice_from_col_contents <- function(param) list(kind = "choice_from_col_contents", param = param) + T_choice <- function(param) list(kind = "choice", param = param) + T_fn <- function(arg_count) list(kind = "function", arg_count = arg_count) + + T_is_of_kind <- function(var, type) { + res <- FALSE + if (length(type) == 1 && is.na(type)) browser() + + if (type[["kind"]] == "or") { + for (option in type[["options"]]) res <- res || T_is_of_kind(var, option) + } else if (type[["kind"]] == "anything") { + res <- TRUE + } else if (type[["kind"]] == "factor") { + res <- is.factor(var) + } else if (type[["kind"]] == "character") { + res <- is.character(var) + } else if (type[["kind"]] == "date") { + res <- inherits(var, "Date") + } else if (type[["kind"]] == "datetime") { + res <- inherits(var, "POSIXt") + } else if (type[["kind"]] == "numeric") { + res <- is.numeric(var) + } else if (type[["kind"]] == "integer") { + res <- is.integer(var) || (is.numeric(var) && all(var[is.finite(var)] %% 1 == 0)) + } else if (type[["kind"]] == "logical") { + res <- is.logical(var) + } else if (type[["kind"]] == "cdisc_study_day") { + res <- (is.integer(var) || (is.numeric(var) && all(var[is.finite(var)] %% 1 == 0))) && all(var[is.finite(var)] != 0) + } else if (type[["kind"]] == "YN") { + res <- ((is.character(var) && setequal(unique(var), c("Y", "N"))) || + is.factor(var) && setequal(levels(var), c("Y", "N"))) + } else { + browser() + } + return(res) + } + + # flags + T_flag <- function(x, ...) { + flag_names <- list(...) + + unknown_flags <- setdiff( + flag_names, + c( # common flags + "optional", "zero_or_more", "one_or_more", "as_array", "named", "ignore", + # domain-specific flags + "subject_level_dataset_name", "subjid_var" + ) + ) + if (length(unknown_flags)) browser() + + flag_values <- as.list(rep(TRUE, length(flag_names))) + flags <- stats::setNames(flag_values, flag_names) + return(do.call(structure, append(list(x), flags))) + } + + T_map_to <- function(orig, dest) structure(orig, map_to = dest) # maps dataset col to a type the module understands + + # Pair documentation with module API ---- + + T_get_type_as_text <- function(elem) { + res <- "" + + types <- list( + group = "list", + logical = "logical", + factor = "factor", + integer = "integer", + cdisc_study_day = "integer", + numeric = "numeric", + mod = "character", + dataset_name = "character", + col = "character", + color = "character", + character = "character", + date = "Date", + datetime = "POSIXt", + YN = '"Y"/"N"', + `function` = "function" + ) + + if (elem$kind == "or") { + res <- paste(Map(T_get_type_as_text, elem$options), collapse = "|") + } else if (elem$kind == "choice") { + res <- "character" # FIXME: Refer to the type of the column + } else if (elem$kind == "choice_from_col_contents") { + res <- "character" # FIXME: Refer to the type of the column + } else if (!(elem$kind %in% names(types))) { + message(paste("Missing kind", elem$kind)) + } else { + res <- types[[elem$kind]] + } + + return(res) + } + + T_get_use_as_text_lines <- function(elem) { + res <- character(0) + + if (elem$kind == "mod") { + res <- "Unique Shiny module identifier" + } else if (elem$kind == "dataset_name") { + if (isTRUE(attr(elem, "subject_level_dataset_name"))) { + res <- "Subject-level dataset name" + } else { + res <- "Dataset name" + } + } else if (elem$kind == "col") { + if (isTRUE(attr(elem, "subjid_var"))) { + res <- "Unique subject identifier column" + } else { + res <- sprintf("Indexes into dataset `%s`", elem$dataset_name) + if (!identical(elem$sub_kind, T_anything())) { + res <- c(res, sprintf("Expects `[%s]` values", T_get_type_as_text(elem$sub_kind))) + } + } + } else if (elem$kind == "cdisc_study_day") { + res <- "Represents a CDISC (non-zero) Study Day" + } else if (elem$kind == "color") { + res <- "Contains either an HTML (#xxxxxx) or an R color" + } else if (elem$kind == "choice") { + res <- "