Releases: BoltzExchange/boltz-web-app
Releases · BoltzExchange/boltz-web-app
Bug Fixes
- only set failure reason for current swap (#595) - (a4169fe)
- log settings buttons (#597) - (53a303a)
- copy amount with correct denomination (#599) - (47ec05c)
- handle chain swaps not being available - (bd3e00a)
- chain swaps to unconfidential Liquid addresses - (8e3fa41)
- increase refund QR size (#606) - (3625883)
- initialize secp before creating claim transaction (#607) - (2af6839)
- chain swap lockup address link - (edae12f)
- chain swap miner fee calculations (#610) - (0416a9d)
- add
(#591) - (f557118) - play sound on successful swaps (#536) - (caa861a)
- show amount on success page (#590) - (dc5150d)
- add browser notification (#528) - (e5461f7)
- chain swaps (#551) - (caffdda)
Miscellaneous Chores
- remove license disclaimer in README - (d514c82)
- add Bull Bitcoin as integration (#603) - (f305eaf)
- fix wording of refunded line - (5a80247)
- change headline to Bitcoin Bridge (#604) - (18d4b95)
Bug Fixes
- disable swaps to unconfidential addresses (#566) - (55d87f7)
- add 1 sat to miner fee when swapping to unconfidential address - (56ef80f)
- capitalize subline (#570) - (55b4bb8)
- hot reload issue (#577) - (c4bde0c)
- improve close of settings box (#580) - (9029b0a)
- retry claiming on reload (#582) - (96c0268)
- add geyser integration (#574) - (1efa4d2)
- add setting menu (#549) - (1719ce0)
- change license to AGPL3 (#588) - (77d96b8)
- capture logs in browser storage (#576) - (e8a9689)
- add
for release chores (#565) - (accef30)
Miscellaneous Chores
Bug Fixes
- NPM package version - (6a1cb3c)
- remove RBTC from beta and mainnet (#512) - (cd6d2d0)
- register serviceworker on / (#511) - (11bb6f9)
- error handling for null swap in pay (#515) - (6471a7d)
- show EVM coop refund on lockup failed (#517) - (992959b)
- bail validation and refactor create button labels (#500) - (9bef8c2)
- CSS for external links in menu (#527) - (972d825)
- only retry claims of Taproot swaps (#531) - (5559cf1)
- catch exception on refund page (#534) - (a7928f4)
- node stats when LND is offline (#539) - (e472f91)
- QR code placeholder size (#541) - (5806d2d)
- multiple claim transactions being broadcasted (#542) - (00c253c)
- remove spaces when copying (#543) - (a3da6c1)
- multiple tabs local storage issue (#544) - (6ac99d5)
- hide network in navbar on mainnet (#550) - (2f50a51)
- disable until lnurl is fetched and submitted (#553) - (6f56d54)
- regtest invoice validtion on mainnet (#554) - (2c59c0c)
- fix "Back to Docs Home" link - (6926d17)
- add email to footer (#502) - (4225a41)
- Telegram icon for footer (#505) - (cd72aee)
- dynamic config (#507) - (b701332)
- add user feedback to copy button (#516) - (bd1dd61)
- prevent refunding to lockup address (#523) - (0ea46d8)
- switch assets based on input (#503) - (53924e1)
- localized BTC denomination separator (#538) - (70f4842)
Miscellaneous Chores
- bump follow-redirects from 1.15.5 to 1.15.6 (#513) - (e0eacf6)
- update dependencies (#518) - (50fbc8f)
- update CI checkout action (#519) - (a5a9af2)
- change youtube link to playlist (#522) - (2808f16)
- add canary link (#526) - (626f0d1)
- use compareTrees function from boltz-core (#532) - (efbd8fa)
- show return to page only on mobile (#537) - (029ae81)
- prepare release v1.3.2 - (46561e2)
- bump vite from 5.2.4 to 5.2.6 (#552) - (2b291d4)
- move create button signal to context (#497) - (19ccdbc)
- build scripts (#508) - (c366cb1)
- use solid-icons instead of single SVGs (#510) - (9d4603e)
- create swap with lnaddress / lnurl (#535) - (eb4465e)
- node stats formatting (#540) - (51fa596)
Bug Fixes
- Autoswitch off by 1 (#467)
- Catch error on 0 amount invoices (#477)
- Safety check if swap was found (#484)
- Disable WebLN invoice button on invalid amount (#479)
- Retry Taproot claims (#487)
- Remove duplicate spacer for BTC swaps (#490)
- Improve pasting (#496)
- Address was not validated after assets switch (#475)
- Handle WIF encoded private keys (#462)
- Cooperative submarine claims (#463)
- Switch from SSE to WS (#464)
- Cooperative EVM refunds
- Migrate all endpoints to API v2
- Fetch node public key
- Add boltz status page to footer (#466)
- Add youtube link and create footer nav (#476)
- Add testnet link (#486)
- Show WASM error page if not supported (#485)
- Amount max/min error should have prio over other errors (#483)
- Only show refund button when file is uploaded (#471)
- Add loading animation (#493)
- Implement Satcomma formatting for sats amounts (#494)
- Intermediate step when uploading refund json and proper error (#489)
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Add aqua and marina as integrations (#461)
- Update dependencies (#472)
- Remove unused dependencies
- Bump CI Node version
- Bump @openzeppelin/contracts from 5.0.1 to 5.0.2 (#495)
Bug Fixes
- Refunds on invoice payment failure (#406)
- Network button margin (#407)
- Swap list alignment (#400)
- Invoice with millisats precision amount (#425)
- Use of DOM element references after component cleanup (#421)
- Copy onchain amount (#433)
- Coalesce Boltz fee with 0
- Do not create swap when WASM is not available (#446)
- Pair hash of RSK
- Disable refund button while transaction is being created (#453)
- Refunded status button green (#454)
- Refunds strings (#455)
- Lnurl error message (#457)
- Tweak QR code scanner options (#458)
- Taproot swap refund files
- Undefined asset on refund page (#459)
- QR code scanner (#323)
- Add version footer (#410)
- Placeholders for amounts instead of 0 on load (#394)
- Taproot swaps
- Uncooperative claim fallback
- Use API v2 to fetch pairs
- Automatic denom switcher (#395)
- Deeplinks for wallets (#378)
Miscellaneous Tasks
- Disable address input autocomplete (#404)
- Move tests to TypeScript (#413)
- Move main components to ts (#415)
- Move utils to TypeScript (#416)
- Move status pages to TypeScript (#417)
- Cleanup src file structure (#424)
- Use on testnet (#429)
- Bump boltz-core version
- Bump follow-redirects from 1.15.3 to 1.15.5 (#449)
- Update vite (#450)
- Clarify wording on refund page (#456)
- Prepare release v1.3.0
- Buttons width 100% (#379)
- Move signals and ecpair to TypeScript (#408)
- Move components to TypeScript (#409)
- Use strong types for window.webln (#412)
- Remove clickable amount component (#423)
- Amount conversion (#420)
- Amount calculations (#422)
- Fetcher not using global signals (#427)
- FeeChecker not using global signals (#428)
- SwapChecker into component (#431)
- Move feeCheck from helper (#432)
- Use create context for signals (#430)
- Use PayContext for signals (#434)
- Claim and refund logic (#435)
- Use globalcontext remove signals
- Update boltz-core
- Use globalcontext remove signals and fetcher (#439)
- Revert to 0 as placeholder for amounts
- Fix validation test for Taproot
Bug Fixes
- Handling of LNURLs
- Order of swap history
- Fixes scrollbar jump when clicking into swapbox (#311)
- Alignment past swaps (#310)
- Alignment past swaps (#315)
- Out of context execution of effects/memos (#322)
- Missing space in Create (#326)
- Remove timeout blockheight from swap flow (#309)
- Handle js error when asset is missing on api (#329)
- Disable contract code match check
- Skip refund step for RSK
- ES translations (#333)
- Es lang typo (#336)
- LNURL fetching error handling (#345)
- Webln paste invoice gets deleted (#343)
- Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: can't access lexical declaration 'validateAmount' (#350)
- Node.js version in CI (#356)
- Small ES lang fix (#362)
- Only show expiry warning for mainchain (#367)
- Only set onchain address for Reverse Swaps (#371)
- Failure reason gets overwritten (#365)
- Create button label on language change (#364)
- Asset select based on available pairs (#369)
- Empty swaplist on
- Make min and max clickable (#303)
- Browser language detection (#301)
- Use swapbox on
(#289) - RSK swaps (#306)
- Refund step for normal swaps (#258)
- Embedded swap box for iframes (#328)
- Add Boltz icon to QR codes (#330)
- Improved create swap button (#317)
- Extract from bip21 follow up (#349)
- Add zh (#375)
Miscellaneous Tasks
- V1.1.2 changelog
- Dependency updates
- Bump browserify-sign from 4.2.1 to 4.2.2 (#295)
- Update dependencies (#314)
- Add pre commit config (#319)
- Prettier import order (#320)
- Remove unused test snapshot
- Optimize hr css (#331)
- Update vite security fix (#347)
- Default to BTC denomination (#384)
- V1.2.0 release prep
Bug Fixes
- Invoice validation (#282)
- Check fee amount instead of pair hash (#283)
- Only claim from inside swapchecker (#284)
- Change calculated send/receive amount on fee update (#285)
- Save selected send/receive asset in localstorage (#288)
Miscellaneous Tasks
- V1.1.1 changelog
- Trivial dependency updates
- Remove unused i18n check
- Update i18n
- Decimals handling for 0.000 (#287)
- Release v1.1.2 preparation
- Remove usages of deprecated createStorageSignal
- Switch to @bitcoinerlab/secp256k1