- C version: Fixed help message to display the
argument when the--help
argument is chosen - C version: Fixed a formatting bug in the
argument - C version: Fixed a bug where the program would raise no key file provided error even when the user provided a key in the
- C version: Added 2 new file extentions to the Programming file type:
- C version: Renamed header file
- C version: Added definition for GNU Source because the
function did not show up on Linux systems automatically
- C version: Bugs and security fixes
- C version: Aliencrypt has now been rewritten in C with an manpage and a Makefile for installation
- More colors
- Program can be ran with command line options
- Safety checks
- Better performance
- Status checks
- Decrypt files option
- Remove Exif Metadata option
- Both versions: Overwrite passes to the shred in both program versions have been upgraded to 5
- Both versions: Show files option shows more files up to 9999
- Python version: Fixed an issue where ebook file extentions were not being checked (.lrf, .mobi)
- Python version: Fixed key length
- Python version: Removed feature to encrypt filenames as it made filenames too long on some systems and caused errors
- Python version: Removed lowercase options to generate keynames
- Python version: Removed install.sh script
- Python version: Removed File check from where it would check if Aliencrypt.py is one of the files
- Minor change to filename and README file
- "Show files" option now shows file permissions
- Fixed a bug where Aliencrypt collected files when the user input an invald option
- Names for decryption keys are now unique each time they are generated
- New option to overwrite files with random data and delete them
- "Show files" option now shows file sizes including B, KiB, MiB, GiB, and TiB
- New color: Dark Tech
- Minor changes
- Alienscrypt must now be ran as root to protect files from tampering. See README for details
- Aliencrypt can now be ran as a compiled binary by running the install script
- Code redesign and logic
- New colors and new option to change colors
- Encrypt option now encrypts names of files for maximum protections
- Aliencrypt creates a decryption key when needed
- 18 new file extentions and 5 new file categories for file information
- 3 new colors including Frozen Dark, Holiday Season, and Happy Go Lucky
- After entering in your chosen path, you can show file information to see how many of a different type of file that you have. These include:
- Archive files (.tar, .zip, .7z, .iso, etc...)
- Audio files (.mp3, .m4a, .wav, .wma, etc...)
- Document files (.pages, .docx, .pdf, .txt, etc...)
- Font files (.tff, .otf, .eot, .woff, etc...)
- Image files (.png, .heic, .jepg, .jpg, etc...)
- Scripting / Programming files (.py, .c, .java, .js, etc...)
- And much MUCH MORE!!!
- You can also show the list of files in the directory that you are encrypting after chooisng a path encrypt files, or exit for another time
- Made don't want to encrypt files? that's okay! You can choose to go back to the options or exit as well
- More efficient code to improve user experience
- The lines
with open('alien.key', 'wb') as alien:
to remove the function of making an unecessary decryption key
- New logo and byline for program
- Clears command line interface before running with
- First release