Grunt is used for building, including concatenating, minimizing, documenting, linting, and testing.
$ [sudo] npm install -g grunt
- Install the dependencies and build dependencies
$ cd /path/to/roslibjs/
$ [sudo] npm install
Before proceeding, please confirm you have installed the dependencies above.
To run the build tasks:
cd /path/to/roslibjs/
grunt build
grunt build
will concatenate and minimize the files under src and replace roslib.js and roslib.min.js in the build directory. It will also run the linter and test cases. This is what GH Actions runs when a Pull Request is submitted.
grunt dev
will watch for any changes to any of the src/ files and automatically concatenate and minimize the files. This is ideal for those developing as you should only have to run grunt dev
grunt doc
will rebuild all JSDoc for the project.