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Releases: Breakthrough/PySceneDetect

PySceneDetect v0.4

14 Jan 05:48
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This latest release includes integrated video splitting via mkvmerge if installed on the system (included with Windows builds). Note, this update changes the behaviour of the -o / --output option. Overview of changes:

  • specifying -o OUTPUT_FILE.mkv will now automatically split the input video, generating a new video clip for each detected scene in sequence, starting with OUTPUT_FILE-001.mkv
  • CSV file output is now specified with the -co / --csv-output option (note, used to be -o in versions of PySceneDetect < 0.4)

The specific components distributed with the Windows binaries are Python 3.4.4, OpenCV 3.1.0, Numpy 1.11.2, and mkvmerge 9.7.1.

PySceneDetect v0.3.6

12 Jan 07:56
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This release includes some performance improvements, internal application structure changes, and a new lightweight installer for Windows that doesn't require an existing Python environment (a portable version is also available). The recommended installation method for Linux and Mac users is to download the source distribution and run sudo install in the location of the extracted files (once you have installed the prerequisite OpenCV and Numpy packages for Python).

  • [enhance] speed improvement when using --frameskip option
  • [internal] moved application state and shared objects to a consistent interface (the SceneManager object) to greatly reduce the number of required arguments for certain API functions
  • [enhance] added installer for Windows builds (64-bit only currently)

The specific components distributed with the Windows binaries are Python 3.4.4, OpenCV 3.1.0, and Numpy 1.11.2.

PySceneDetect v0.3.5

03 Aug 00:24
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This release includes some minor bug-fixes, as well as includes a portable build for 64-bit Windows users that don't want to install a Python environment (download and run scenedetect.exe from a command prompt; note you may need to add the folder to your %PATH% variable manually.).

  • [enhance] initial release of portable build for Windows (64-bit only), including all dependencies
  • [bugfix] fix unrelated exception thrown when video could not be loaded
  • [internal] fix variable name typo in API documentation

The specific components distributed with the Windows binaries are Python 3.4.4, OpenCV 3.1.0, and Numpy 1.11.2.

PySceneDetect v0.3.4

09 Feb 01:34
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This release improves the performance of content detection mode, adds a new command line option for selecting fade bias (threshold mode only), and includes various other improvements. List of changes included:

  • [enhance] added scene length, in seconds, to output file (-o) for easier integration with ffmpeg/libav
  • [enhance] improved performance of content detection mode by caching intermediate HSV frames in memory (approx. 2x faster)
  • [enhance] show timecode values in terminal when using extended output (-l)
  • [feature] add fade bias option (-fb / --fade-bias) to command line (threshold mode only)

PySceneDetect v0.3.3

28 Jan 03:35
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This release marks the first stable release, includes several bugfixes, and is now available on PyPI. Changes:

  • [bugfix] scenes are now written correctly to specified output file when using -o flag (fixes #11)
  • [bugfix] fix indexing exception when using multiple scene detectors and outputting statistics
  • [internal] distribute package on PyPI, version move from beta to stable
  • [internal] add function to convert frame number to formatted timecode
  • [internal] move file and statistic output to Python csv module

PySceneDetect v0.3.2 [beta]

26 Jan 08:08
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This release adds image preview generation and duration (start/stop time) setting via four new command-line arguments (click here to view some examples):

  • [feature] added -si / --save-images flag to enable saving the first and last frames of each detected scene as an image, saved in the current working directory with the original video filename as the output prefix
  • [feature] added command line options for setting start and end times for processing (-st and -et)
  • [feature] added command line option to specify maximum duration to process (-dt, overrides -et)

PySceneDetect v0.3.1 [beta]

23 Jan 07:05
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New release with two new command line options - down sampling and frame skipping - both focused on performance/efficiency.

  • [feature] added downscaling/subsampling option (-df / --downscale_factor) to improve performance on higher resolution videos
  • [feature] added frameskip option (-fs / --frame_skip) to improve performance on high framerate videos, at expense of frame accuracy and possible inaccurate scene cut prediction
  • [enhance] added to allow for one-line installation (just run python install after downloading and extracting PySceneDetect)
  • [internal] additional API functions to remove requirement on passing OpenCV video objects, and allow just a file path instead

PySceneDetect v0.3 [beta]

08 Jan 15:59
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The first major release of PySceneDetect, including all major features and functions. See the new file for helpful tips on how to use the new detection modes, and for optimal threshold values to try.

Changes from include:

  • major release, includes improved detection algorithms and complete internal code refactor
  • [feature] content-aware scene detection using HSV-colourspace based algorithm (use -d content)
  • [enhance] added CLI flags to allow user changes to more algorithm properties
  • [internal] re-implemented threshold-based scene detection algorithm under new interface
  • [internal] major code refactor including standard detection algorithm interface and API

PySceneDetect v0.2.4 [alpha]

22 Dec 14:01
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Bugfix with OpenCV version checking code - from the previous release, v0.2.3-alpha - for older versions of OpenCV (2.4 and older) on certain Linux distributions.

PySceneDetect v0.2.3 [alpha]

07 Aug 12:37
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Bugfix so PySceneDetect works with the latest version of the OpenCV (3.0.0+) Python module while retaining compatibility with older versions. Note that although OpenCV is now at version 3, the Python module is still referenced as cv2.