This guide covers the basics of how to contribute to the Whitehall project.
Ruby code should follow the rules below and also follow the testing guideline s.
Frontend code should follow the css and javascript guidelines.
- Make a feature branch
- Work in any way you like
- Rebase your branch into logical commits before sending a pull request - follow our Git styleguide
- If you're working off the Pivotal backlog, include the ticket number in the pull request details
- Pull requests are automatically integration tested using Travis CI, which will report back on whether the tests still pass on your branch
- You may rebase your branch after feedback if it's to include include relevant updates to the master branch. We prefer a rebase here to a merge commit as we prefer a clean and straight history on master with discrete merge commits for features
- When merging a pull request, include the Pivotal ticket in the merge commit details.
- Titles and navigation links should only capitalise first letter, not every word.
- URLs should use hyphens, not underscores.
- Follow the style guide.
- Don't commit additional whitespace
- Use ruby 1.9.2 hash syntax wherever possible
- Models should have:
- All associations at the top
- Then any scopes
- Then validations
- Then code
- Follow the GOV.UK Ruby styleguide