Keet is a peer to peer chatroom that enables high quality file transfers. It can be used for video chats, but it's peer to peer and you don't need to pay a monthly fee. It uses cryptography, but it has no blockchain or any tokens. You can also connect LND to it to accept bitcoin payments.
I don't like asking for people's email. It's not that I have any ideological reasons for this, it's just that e-mail kinda sucks. Adam back tried to fix it in the 1997. It would have worked, but nobody else cared. As it turns out,. that thing that could fix e-mail became the backbone of the bitcoin time-chain.
I like Substack, but I don't want you to give Substack your e-mail address.
I would prefer if you joined my Public Keet Chatroom. My goal is for it to become a sufficiently decentralized public communications channel. Please run Keet on your computer.
Share this so others may join.
Update Keet now has a broadcast only room. This way, I can broadcast all my new blog posts on this room and my readers can get notified.