Biomes in the overworld are mostly technical, and serve little purpose other than interfacing with vanilla mechanics which require biomes.
- For example, structure generation is tied to biomes.
- Feature placement on the other hand is normally tied to biomes in vanilla, but this is not the case in Big Globe.
Nevertheless, the full list of overworld biomes is:
- Beach
- Cherry Forest
- Cherry Plains
- Cold Dense Forest
- Cold Light Forest
- Cold Plains
- Cold Wasteland
- Deep Dark
- Spawns deep underground, below where caves can take you.
- Be prepared to dig a lot to find it.
- Deep Ocean
- Glacier
- Ocean
- Overgrown Beach
- River
- Shallow Ocean
- Swamp Forest
- Swamp Plains
- Swamp Wasteland
- Temperate Dense Forest
- Temperate Light Forest
- Temperate Plains
- Temperate Wasteland
- The Core
- Spawns even deeper underground, below the deep dark.
- Full of molten rock.
- Ashen Wastes
- Full of charred trees.
- Wither skeletons can spawn here.
- Crimson Forest
- Inferno
- Basically the basalt deltas, but with a cooler name.
- Blazes can spawn here.
- Nether Wastes
- Valley of Souls
- AKA soul sand valley, but once again, I like cool names.
- Wither skeletons can spawn here.
- Warped Forest
- Pale Garden
- Yes, this is a nether biome in Big Globe, not an overworld biome.
- Chorus Forest
- End Barrens
- End Mountain
- End Plains
- Overgrown End
- The Void
In addition to all the vanilla structures, the following structures also spawn in Big Globe worlds:
- Mega Dungeons: Very large dungeon structures full of many spawners and lots of loot.
- Geodes: Very large pockets of air surrounded by crystals.
- Come in amethyst and prismarine variants.
- Amethyst geodes spawn underground everywhere.
- Prismarine geodes spawn under oceans.
- Mega Trees: Very large trees.
- Underground Pockets: Large pockets of water or lava.
- Water and lava variants can be found in caves.
- Bigger Desert Pyramid: Exactly what it sounds like.
- Contains a labyrinth underneath it with a hidden entrance.
- You won't find it by digging down in the center.
- Contains loot.
- Contains a labyrinth underneath it with a hidden entrance.
- Campfire: Small decorative structure.
- Usually has logs around it to act as benches.
- 50% chance of having a tent nearby.
- If there is a tent, then there's another 50% chance that the tent will have some beds, a chest, and a crafting table.
- Houses: Alternate place you can find villagers.
- Come in small, medium, and large variants.
- Log cabins: Just like houses.
- There is only one size of log cabin.
- Lakes: Sources of water and lava on the surface.
- Water lakes also act as a source of lily pads, sugar cane, clay, and mud.
- Lava lakes also act as a source of magma, blackstone, and basalt.
- Surface mineshafts: A mineshaft accessible from the surface.
- If you get lost in one, try to find any corridor that goes upwards. Up always takes you out.
- Well: Decorational, usually has water inside.
- Windmill: Has a villager inside.
- Quartz Geode: Very large pockets of air surrounded by rough and budding quartz.
- Nether Pillars: Connect distant areas in the nether.
- Depending on how they spawn, they can sometimes be useful as bridges across the nether terrain.
- Sometimes broken in the middle, looks more like a massive spike in this case.
- Soul Campfire: Found in the valley of souls, contains a soul campfire, and a few charred log benches.
- No tent though.
- Underground pockets: Source of lava or soul lava in the nether.
- Soul lava pockets can be found in the valley of souls.
- Regular lava pockets can be found in all other nether biomes.
- Portal temple: A temple-like structure.
- Has 4 nether portals on top, but each one only has a 50% chance of being lit.
- Randomized contents inside, including:
- Well: Contains a block of lava surrounded on all sides by other blocks.
- Farm: Source of nether wart and either glowstone or shroomlights.
- Table: Can have some other useful blocks on top.
- Furnace: A fire surrounded by nether brick.
- 50% chance of being soul fire.
- 50% chance of having a chimney.
- Spawner: It's a blaze spawner.
There are no new structures for the end yet. Just vanilla end cities.
- Overgrown Sand: Transitional block which blends the border between deserts and grassy biomes.
- Has gravity, like regular sand.
- Can have both cactus and grass/flowers/etc... placed on top of it.
- Overgrown Podzol: Transition block which blends the border between dense forests and grassy biomes.
- Rose: I liked the old rose texture before it was replaced with poppies, so I re-added it.
- Very rare. If you find one, consider yourself very lucky.
- Can be potted.
- Short grass: Shorter version of vanilla grass.
- Mushroom spores: Can be found in mushroom caves.
- Sticks: Vanilla sticks can be placed as blocks with Big Globe installed.
- Spawns in the world near trees.
- Flint: Vanilla flint can be placed as a block with Big Globe installed.
- Spawns in the world more commonly near rivers.
- Rocks: Smaller than a block, decorative and functional.
- Can be picked up without a tool.
- Can be used for crafting stone tools.
- Effectively, this means you don't need to make wooden tools anymore. You can skip straight to stone if you want to. It's not like you were planning on using wooden tools to break more than a few blocks anyway.
- Can be thrown.
- Skips on water.
- Is destroyed by lava.
- Functions as ammunition for the slingshot.
- As of Big Globe 4.0, you can place anywhere from 1-6 rocks per block.
- Spelunking Anchor and Rope: Used to descend deeper into caves when you find a sudden drop.
- Place the anchor on the edge of the drop, and then right click it with rope.
- Crystalline Prismarine: Source of prismarine crystals and shards.
- Can be found on the ocean floor.
- More common in deeper oceans.
- You no longer need to find an ocean monument to craft sea lanterns. You're welcome.
- Can be found on the ocean floor.
- Slated Prismarine: Decorative.
- Found in prismarine geodes.
- Can be made into slabs and stairs.
- Clouds: Make up the bulk of skylands.
- Negates fall damage if you land on them.
- Some clouds are infused with aura.
- Extract the aura by right clicking with an empty bottle.
- River Water: Flows fast, but doesn't spread.
- Be careful not to fall in, because they flow faster than you can swim.
- There is a gamerule to make river water flow at the same speed as vanilla.
- Molten Rocks: Found in the core.
- Emits more light the more molten it is.
- Turns into a random ore when cooled with water.
- Ores are weighted based on which are likely to spawn at that location.
- Can't be collected, even with silk touch, but can be moved by pistons.
- Ashen Netherrack: Makes up the surface of the Ashen Wastes biome.
- Charred Wood: Charred trees spawn in the Ashen Wastes biome.
- Their wood can be crafted into everything you're used to making out of wood.
- Charred leaves can drop ash.
- Sulfur Ore: Source of sulfur.
- Sulfur Block: Storage block for sulfur.
- Can be used as a furnace fuel. Lasts 12000 ticks (enough to smelt 60 items).
- Wart Weed: Decorative, spawns in most nether biomes.
- Charred Grass: Decorative, spawns in most nether biomes.
- Blazing Blossom: A new flower for the nether.
- Can be crafted into blaze powder.
- Can be potted.
- Glowing Goldenrod: Another new flower for the nether.
- Can be crafted into glowstone dust.
- Can be potted.
- Soul Lava: Makes up the ocean of the valley of souls biome.
- Functions just like regular lava.
- In bucket form, can be used as a furnace fuel.
- Lasts for 20000 ticks (enough to smelt 100 items).
- If water cools it down, it turns into crying obsidian, not regular obsidian.
- Soul Cauldron: Created by putting soul lava into a cauldron.
- Rough Quartz: Kind of like amethyst blocks, but for nether quartz.
- Found in quartz geodes.
- Budding Quartz: Like budding amethyst, but grows quartz buds instead of amethyst buds.
- Also found in quartz geodes.
- Quartz buds and clusters: Like amethyst buds and clusters, but drops nether quartz instead of amethyst.
- Yes, this means that nether quartz is renewable now.
- Chorus Nylium: Makes up the surface of biomes covered in chorus trees in the end.
- Overgrown End Stone: Transitional block between end biomes covered in end stone, and end biomes covered in chorus nylium.
- Chorus Spores: A new grass-like block for the end.
- Comes in short, medium, and tall variants.
- Can be used to make awkward potions.
- Void Clouds: Like regular clouds in the overworld, but darker.
- Negates fall damage if you land on them.
- Some clouds are infused with aura.
- Extract the aura by right clicking with an empty bottle.
- Voidmetal Blocks: Storage block for voidmetal ingots.
- Torch Arrows: Used to light things up at a distance.
- Works as ammunition for the vanilla bow.
- Upon hitting a block, places a torch (if possible).
- Upon hitting a mob, lights it on fire for a few seconds.
- Upon hitting a creeper, causes it to explode.
- If you have LambDynamicLights installed, torch arrows will emit light while flying.
- Percussive Hammer: Used to find nearby caves.
- Hit it on the side of a block, and it will play a sound.
- If there's an air block within 32 blocks behind the block you hit, you'll hear a 2nd sound after a short delay.
- Slingshot: Throws rocks faster and more accurately than you can just by right clicking with the rock in your hand.
- Ball of String: Helps you find your way out of caves.
- Put the ball and up to 8 other pieces of string in a crafting grid to add more string to the ball.
- Put the ball in a crafting grid alone to remove string.
- It can hold a basically unlimited amount of string.
- Right click the ground with a ball of string to start laying down a line of string.
- The string line will follow you as you walk around.
- Back-tracking will collect the string again.
- Ash: Obtained from charred leaves, used to brew potions of withering.
- Can also be crafted into black dye.
- Sulfur: Obtained from sulfur ore in the nether, can be used to craft torches and campfires.
- Also works as a furnace fuel. Lasts for 1200 ticks (enough to smelt 6 items).
- Bottled Aura: Obtained by right clicking an aura-infused cloud or void cloud with an empty bottle.
- Can also be found in end city chests.
- Used to craft waypoints.
- Waypoints: Used to travel to hyperspace.
- Waypoints come in both public and private variants.
- Public waypoints can be seen by everyone on multiplayer.
- Private waypoints can only be seen by the player who placed them on multiplayer.
- Right clicking a placed waypoint with a nametag will rename it.
- Renaming a waypoint item in an anvil will also changed the name displayed when placed.
- Waypoints come in both public and private variants.
- Voidmetal Armor: A new tier which protects you from ender pearl fall damage.
- Does not protect against any other kind of fall damage.
- Has the same protection and durability as netherite.
- Does not provide knockback resistance.
- Is not immune to fire or lava.
- Voidmetal Upgrade: Used to upgrade diamond armor to voidmetal armor in the smithing table when combined with voidmetal ingots.
- Found in end city chests.
- Can be duplicated with void clouds and diamonds.
- Voidmetal ingot: Used to create and repair voidmetal armor.
- Can be made into blocks for storage.
- Blocks function as a valid beacon base.
- Can be used to activate a beacon.
- Can be made into blocks for storage.
- A new dimension that serves as a fast travel mechanic.
- Travel to hyperspace by placing a waypoint and walking into it.
- Inside hyperspace you can see every private waypoint you've placed so far, and every public waypoint placed by anyone else on a multiplayer server.
- Hyperspace has no blocks in it, so you are forced to fly constantly.
- Fly into a waypoint to travel out of hyperspace.
- If you find a way to continue flying when you exit hyperspace, please report that as a bug.
- Distance in hyperspace is non-linear.
- The distance between waypoints in hyperspace is the square root of the distance between those waypoints outside of hyperspace.
- This means that if you have 2 waypoints 100 blocks apart from each other in the overworld, they'll only be 10 blocks apart in hyperspace.
- Hyperspace (and waypoints in general) look cooler when Satin is installed.
- Hyperspace can be disabled in Big Globe's config file if you find it overpowered.
AKA where to go when you need a specific resource.
- Oak: Spawns where foliage is high, temperature is moderate, and magicalness is moderate.
- Birch: Spawns where foliage is moderate, temperature is moderate, and magicalness is moderate.
- Spruce: Spawns where foliage is moderate and temperature is low.
- Dark Oak: Spawns where foliage is high and temperature is low.
- Acacia: Spawns where foliage is moderate and temperature is high.
- Jungle: Spawns where foliage is high and temperature is high.
- Cherry: Spawns where foliage is moderate or high, temperature is moderate, and magicalness is high.
- Mangrove: Spawns where foliage is moderate or high, temperature is moderate, and magicalness is low.
- Coal: Spawns with the same frequency everywhere.
- Iron: Spawns everywhere, but more frequently at higher Y levels.
- Copper: Spawns everywhere, but more frequently at higher Y levels. More common than iron at high Y levels, but less common than iron at low Y levels.
- Gold: Spawns below 128 blocks below the surface, and gets more common the deeper you dig. Only spawns where the temperature is above average, and spawns more commonly as temperature increases. You may want to dig in a desert for this ore.
- Redstone: Spawns below 128 blocks below the surface, and gets more common the deeper you dig. Only spawns where the temperature is below average, and spawns more commonly as temperature decreases. You may want to dig in a snowy area for this ore.
- Lapis: Spawns below oceans near the surface.
- Diamond: Spawns below 256 blocks below the surface, and gets more common the deeper you dig.
- Emerald: Spawns at all Y levels, but is more common at higher Y levels. Also more common in hilly areas.
- Nether Gold: Spawns most frequently in crimson and warped forests, and less frequently in ashen wastes.
- Nether Quartz: Spawns most frequently in crimson and warped forests, and less frequently in nether wastes and ashen wastes.
- Sulfur: Spawns most frequently in nether wastes, and less frequently in ashen wastes.
- Ancient Debris: Spawns in all biomes except the valley of souls, has twice as much in the inferno biome. More common at lower Y levels, and has extra bonus amounts below the lava oceans.
There are no ores in the end yet.
- Glowstone: Most common in crimson forests, warped forests, and infernos. Less common in nether and ashen wastes. Does not spawn at all in the valley of souls.
- Shroomlights: In the centers of wart block clusters on crimson and warped trees.