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The VisualEditor

This is the visual companion of Miller for our the digital exibition websites.

Build a specific version for a project is as easy as:

  • get your project name, e.g. histjust

  • get the git tag in master branch with git tag, e.g. v1.1.7

  • copy cp .env.example .env and edit REACT_APP_MILLER_CLIENT_ID according to the target Miller instance

  • verify the values of REACT_APP_DOCUMENT_SCHEMA

  • build using make and concatenate project name and version number in the BUILD_TAG: env variable

    BUILD_TAG=your-visual-editor-v1.1.7 make build-docker-image

If your project should support Mapbox, jsut add the env variable REACT_APP_MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN in your .env file. If there's a valid value, the editor "new module" page will display two additional modules, Module Map and Module Text & Map

Local development with setup proxy

Instead of using just PROXY_HOST, from v1.1.4 onwards we use setupProxy using the http middleware proxy. If yoiu run using make run-dev or yarn start a nice setupProxy.log file will appear next to package.json that would make transparent which Proxy is using.

Additional Notes

In the source code we usually refer to the env variable REACT_APP_EDITOR_BASENAME. This is generated from the PUBLIC_URL that is not integrated in the react app as such.