From e8a661decd5ddbbdf657490832cd551aee1e2fa3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: krypciak <>
Date: Sat, 9 Nov 2024 00:39:13 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] CCBot: Fill 'player-clone' info

 input-locations.old.json |  2 +-
 npDatabase.json          | 16 +++++++++++-----
 npDatabase.min.json      |  2 +-
 3 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/input-locations.old.json b/input-locations.old.json
index 1d919bb6..d3480f0b 100644
--- a/input-locations.old.json
+++ b/input-locations.old.json
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
     { "url": "", "source": "" },
     { "url": "", "source": "" },
     { "url": "" },
-    { "url": "" },
+    { "url": "", "source": "" },
     { "url": "" },
     { "url": "" },
     { "url": "", "source": "" },
diff --git a/npDatabase.json b/npDatabase.json
index 8b4d8139..b5f599c8 100644
--- a/npDatabase.json
+++ b/npDatabase.json
@@ -5183,7 +5183,7 @@
     "player-clone": {
         "metadataCCMod": {
             "id": "player-clone",
-            "version": "1.1.1",
+            "version": "1.1.2",
             "title": {
                 "en_US": "Player Clone",
                 "de_DE": "Player Clone",
@@ -5223,16 +5223,22 @@
         "installation": [
                 "type": "zip",
-                "url": "",
-                "source": "player-clone-1.1.1",
+                "url": "",
+                "source": "player-clone-1.1.2",
                 "hash": {
-                    "sha256": "494e7b65d8cf7fc9022a2140c4b4235af1789d7decd56309277a18dd897e6d74"
+                    "sha256": "4d1c059163d2c3ffefa2c10a3d1c79165b6b41dc6b3445fb36b8d13799bdadaf"
         "stars": 0,
-        "lastUpdateTimestamp": 1724476490000,
+        "lastUpdateTimestamp": 1731112652000,
         "releasePages": [
+            {
+                "body": "## 1.1.2 (11/08/2024)\r\n- Changed custom skill icon color to match XPC cheat skills\r\n- Removed character-specific database implementation\r\n- All XPC characters are now supported if XPC is installed",
+                "version": "1.1.2",
+                "timestamp": 1731112652000,
+                "url": ""
+            },
                 "body": "## 1.1.1 (08/23/2024)\r\n- Logic step support changed to xenons-playable-classes",
                 "version": "1.1.1",
diff --git a/npDatabase.min.json b/npDatabase.min.json
index e8644e9f..3a7864c5 100644
--- a/npDatabase.min.json
+++ b/npDatabase.min.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
-{"CCJoystickExt":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"CCJoystickExt","version":"1.0.1","title":"CCJoystickExt","description":"Adds gamepad bindings on L3 and R3 to easily swap elements","repository":"","tags":["QoL"],"authors":"tylercamp","prestart":"mod.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"CCJoystickExt-1.0.1-ccmod","hash":{"sha256":"060228838fbe375f812beef8ea4bf9be12d6a29e57136f2f0be9c796cf2b4ca7"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1723061757000,"releasePages":[{"body":"","version":"1.0.1-ccmod","timestamp":1723061757000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1575236836000,"url":""},{"body":"First release for CCModDB.","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1575087003000,"url":""}]},"CCLoader display version":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"CCLoader display version","version":"1.1.3","title":"CCLoader display version","description":"Displays the current CCLoader version.","repository":"","tags":["base"],"authors":["2767mr","dmitmel","ac2pic"],"dependencies":{"crosscode":"^1.1.0 || 1.0.2"},"prestart":"prestart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"CCLoader-2.25.2-v2.14.2/assets/mods/ccloader-version-display","hash":{"sha256":"4d70053d315086677467e57485a0e88f18c08817e4d36bad2417e98dfbf559ba"}}],"stars":39,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1730456553000,"releasePages":[{"body":"* Updated the mod manager made by @krypciak.","version":"v2.25.2/v2.14.2","timestamp":1730456553000,"url":""},{"body":"* Updated the mod manager made by @krypciak.","version":"v2.25.1/v2.14.2","timestamp":1730140953000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added the mod manager made by @krypciak.\r\n* CCLoader will now warn users if a mod with the same name as another is installed.","version":"v2.25.0/v2.14.2","timestamp":1726755026000,"url":""},{"body":"* Made it easier to debug mod errors on startup (only affects mod developers). #110 #109 by @krypciak ","version":"v2.24.2/v2.14.1","timestamp":1721731431000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added some metadata for the upcoming mod manager","version":"v2.24.1/v2.14.1","timestamp":1717191269000,"url":""},{"body":"* You can now add multiple json patches in a single mod using `mod.addPatch(originalJsonFile, patchFile)` ","version":"v2.24.0/v2.14.0","timestamp":1717081777000,"url":""},{"body":"* Simplify is no longer listed in the mod options\r\n  * Since disabling Simplify is a really bad idea that causes everything to stop working it is now always enabled even if manually disabled.","version":"v2.23.3/v2.13.0","timestamp":1710541968000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed some crashes on linux","version":"v2.23.2/v2.13.0","timestamp":1710069756000,"url":""},{"body":"* Error messages for missing dependencies are now more accurate and less confusing","version":"v2.23.1/v2.13.0","timestamp":1707512312000,"url":""},{"body":"* Log messages are now logged into `log.txt` and `biglog.txt` files found in the CrossCode directory.","version":"v2.23.0/v2.13.0","timestamp":1702844214000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added support for JSON with comments #101 ","version":"v2.22.1/v2.13.0","timestamp":1693135591000,"url":""},{"body":"* Updated patch-steps-lib #99 ","version":"v2.22.1/v2.12.1","timestamp":1687193301000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added a warning for CrossAndroid users showing that `.ccmod` mods are not yet supported.","version":"v2.22.1/v2.12.0","timestamp":1662477162000,"url":""},{"body":"- Improve integration with CrossAndroid.\r\n- New PatchSteps: `CALL` and `MERGE_CONTENT`.","version":"v2.22.0/v2.12.0","timestamp":1655489830000,"url":""},{"body":"- Mods can now declare dependencies on extensions.\r\n- Fixed handling of URLs in the `CCLOADER_OVERRIDE_MAIN_URL` thing.\r\n- Versions of mods are now displayed in the options menu.","version":"v2.21.0/v2.11.0","timestamp":1646682935000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fix handling of mod asset paths for browser support.","version":"v2.20.2/v2.10.1","timestamp":1622237494000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed error messages disappearing on startup","version":"v2.20.1/v2.10.1","timestamp":1621070497000,"url":""},{"body":"- Fix a crash in Simplify when running in the browser.","version":"v2.20.0/v2.10.1","timestamp":1616587224000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added mod icons\r\n* Fixed patches in `.ccmod` files not working\r\n* Added basic `ccmod.json` support\r\n* Removed iframe\r\n* Added `ccmod.injectClass`","version":"v2.20.0/v2.10.0","timestamp":1616062185000,"url":""},{"body":"* Removed definition from CCLoader\r\n  * Speedrunners will have to use the speedrunner branch for now on","version":"v2.19.0/v2.9.0","timestamp":1593375934000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed a bug that caused CCLoader to replace an asset when it shouldn't\r\n* Improved startup time (from CCLoader v2.18.4)","version":"v2.18.5/v2.8.5","timestamp":1592418004000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added focus on game start.\r\n* Removed requirement for plugins to extend `Plugin`.\r\n* Improved mod options menu.\r\n* Fixed loglevel not saving properly.\r\n* Fixed typo in `displayName`.\r\n* Fixed `Mod` typings containing the wrong argument in constructor.\r\n* CCLoader Version Display rework.\r\n\r\nThanks to @dmitmel for contributing.","version":"v2.18.3/v2.8.5","timestamp":1588670337000,"url":""},{"body":"* When no packed mod (.ccmod) is located all other mods are now slightly faster.\r\n* Improved packed mod loading by caching files.\r\n* Fixed packed mods not working on the first launch of CCLoader.\r\n* Fixed packed mods not working in the browser, causing other mods to not load either.\r\n* Replaced OpenDevTools with a flag in `package.json`. The mod still continues to work if not deleted.\r\n* Removed support for mod tables. This should not impact any mods. If it does, please add the definitions to the main CCLoader repository.","version":"v2.18.2/v2.8.4","timestamp":1584995127000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed mods being loaded from subdirectories","version":"v2.18.1/v2.8.4","timestamp":1583781837000,"url":""},{"body":"* Mods can change their name as displayed in the settings by adding a `ccmodHumanName` in their `package.json`\r\n* Other mods can access this name using `mod.displayedName`","version":"v2.18.0/v2.8.4","timestamp":1583577220000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added the ability to load mods distributed as `.ccmod` file\r\n  * `.ccmod` files in the mod directory will automatically picked up by ccloader\r\n  * This feature also works inside the browser","version":"v2.17.0/v2.8.2","timestamp":1580138608000,"url":""},{"body":"* Cleaned up the root folder of the repository","version":"v2.16.1/v2.8.2","timestamp":1579889734000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added interface to allow tools to change the location of the game files.","version":"v2.16.0/v2.8.2","timestamp":1578564224000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed Steam integration not working in newest crosscode version.","version":"v2.15.2/v2.8.2","timestamp":1578252711000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed bug that prevented the game from communicating with Steam.\r\n* Updated patch library to allow more advanced json patching.","version":"v2.15.1/v2.8.1","timestamp":1570226649000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed an error that prevented patches from being applied.","version":"v2.14.4/v2.8.0","timestamp":1566724133000,"url":""}]},"CrossCode C Edition":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"CrossCode C Edition","version":"1.0.0","title":"CrossCode C Edition","description":"The worst mod to ever be created.","repository":"","tags":["cosmetic","fun"],"authors":"elluminance"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"d5f947ca9a631b460624426bd470a99752f43efbe1a327ee39fa78736139bd06"}}],"stars":2,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1714070036000,"releasePages":[{"body":"C the world in a new way.","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1615227351000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1606176263000,"url":""}]},"CrossCode-Brasil":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"CrossCode-Brasil","version":"1.4.1","title":{"en_US":"Tradução em PT-BR","de_DE":"Tradução em PT-BR","fr_FR":"Tradução em PT-BR","zh_CN":"Tradução em PT-BR","zh_TW":"Tradução em PT-BR","ja_JP":"Tradução em PT-BR","ko_KR":"Tradução em PT-BR"},"description":{"en_US":"Experiêncie o CrossCode em Português!","de_DE":"Experiêncie o CrossCode em Português!","fr_FR":"Experiêncie o CrossCode em Português!","zh_CN":"Experiêncie o CrossCode em Português!","zh_TW":"Experiêncie o CrossCode em Português!","ja_JP":"Experiêncie o CrossCode em Português!","ko_KR":"Experiêncie o CrossCode em Português!"},"icons":{"24":"icon.png"},"repository":"","tags":["language"],"authors":["RookieBr","spacetk00","Sextare","Bugaboo2000","M4sterin","KingTimer12","douglasjfarias","BrTraducoes","2767mr"],"prestart":"prestart.js","dependencies":{}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"","hash":{"sha256":"c48c0cc42a275467a01f8d65d2f70850ca18a579c967a6540ead15fa59cc1cea"}}],"stars":2,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1728235308000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Arrumado erro de crashes e mais.","version":"1.4.1","timestamp":1728235308000,"url":""},{"body":"Remoção de Nulls que estavam causando crahses nos arquivos de texto","version":"1.4.0","timestamp":1727984258000,"url":""},{"body":"Ajuste de Bugs","version":"1.3.0","timestamp":1727304204000,"url":""},{"body":"Um QoL nos arquvios json.patch que melhoraram a velocidade de arrumar os erros","version":"1.2.0","timestamp":1727304204000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.1.0","timestamp":1727137066000,"url":""},{"body":"Versão nova com sala de tradutores e alguns erros corrigidos","version":"NewVersion","timestamp":1718560400000,"url":""},{"body":"Com a DLC funcionando dessa vez.","version":"QuickFix","timestamp":1717293465000,"url":""},{"body":"versão sem nenhum uso do código fonte.\r\n\r\n**Full Changelog**:","version":"Release","timestamp":1717280918000,"url":""}]},"Hadouken":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"Hadouken","version":"1.0.0","title":"Hadouken","description":"Lea yells various forms of HADOUKEN or SHORYUKEN when casting appropriate combat arts.","repository":"","tags":["fun"],"authors":"CookieSalesman"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"CrossCode-HADOUKEN-v1.0-1.1.0","hash":{"sha256":"aef230417fb2f2acb233f47f62f12441b3add64af8264935642abbd3a17b45f8"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708465799000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Added ccode.json","version":"1.1.0","timestamp":1708465799000,"url":""},{"body":"I was told to create a new release","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1671682807000,"url":""}]},"Named-Saves":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"Named-Saves","version":"1.0.0","title":"Named Saves","description":"Lets you rename save slots.","repository":"","tags":["QoL"],"authors":"canbora","prestart":"prestart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"3f73481fc8172d7af78eba5b80fbfb672135a8837c938f60b7f1598874fec1d9"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1709069948000,"releasePages":[{"body":"No new features, but obeys the new mod loader standards","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1709069948000,"url":""},{"body":"Initial release.","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1627413834000,"url":""}]},"New game++":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"New game++","version":"1.3.1","title":"New game++","description":"A small collection of addons to CrossCode's NG+.","repository":"","tags":["ng+"],"authors":["2767mr","dmitmel","prismskey"],"dependencies":{"crosscode":"^1.2.0","ccloader":"^2.14.3"},"plugin":"plugin.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"CCNewGamePP-1.3.1","hash":{"sha256":"6ab9c06f8d2bb31af664c1cec929b8dd55623e43f699c56955555ac9a2ada02a"}}],"stars":4,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708511960000,"releasePages":[{"body":"A small collection of addons to CrossCode's NG+.\r\n\r\n## Features\r\n| Name                 | Cost | Description                                            |\r\n|:--------------------:|:----:|:------------------------------------------------------ |\r\n| **Jetpack**          | 2000 | A jetpack that can be used with CTRL.                  |\r\n| **Invincible**       | 5000 | Attacks received do no damage at all.                  |\r\n| **Overdrive**        | 2000 | All actions are combat arts.                           |\r\n| **Perfect Clone**    | 2000 | Play as Shizuka.                                       |\r\n| **Truly Unbalanced** |  100 | Elements will overload after a single shot.            |\r\n| **Charged Only**     |  100 | It is imposible to shoot uncharged balls.              |\r\n| **No Melee**         |  100 | Close quarter combat is not possible.                  |\r\n| **No Shield**        |  100 | The shield is disabled.                                |\r\n| **No Dash**          |  100 | Lea is unable to dash. Cheating is not allowed.        |\r\n| **No Death**         |  100 | People die if you kill them.                           |\r\n| **No GUI**           |  100 | Like nature intended it to be.                         |\r\n| **Broken Watch**     |  100 | Randomly speeds up and slows down time.                |\r\n| **Tactician**        |  100 | Introduces a turn based combat mechanic.               |\r\n\r\nChanges in this version:\r\n* Added Tactician","version":"1.3.1","timestamp":1708511960000,"url":""},{"body":"A small collection of addons to CrossCode's NG+.\r\n\r\n## Features\r\n| Name                 | Cost | Description                                            |\r\n|:--------------------:|:----:|:------------------------------------------------------ |\r\n| **Jetpack**          | 2000 | A jetpack that can be used with CTRL.                  |\r\n| **Invincible**       | 5000 | Attacks received do no damage at all.                  |\r\n| **Overdrive**        | 2000 | All actions are combat arts.                           |\r\n| **Perfect Clone**    | 2000 | Play as Shizuka.                                       |\r\n| **Truly Unbalanced** |  100 | Elements will overload after a single shot.            |\r\n| **Charged Only**     |  100 | It is imposible to shoot uncharged balls.              |\r\n| **No Melee**         |  100 | Close quarter combat is not possible.                  |\r\n| **No Shield**        |  100 | The shield is disabled.                                |\r\n| **No Dash**          |  100 | Lea is unable to dash. Cheating is not allowed.        |\r\n| **No Death**         |  100 | People die if you kill them.                           |\r\n| **No GUI**           |  100 | Like nature intended it to be.                         |\r\n| **Broken Watch**     |  100 | Randomly speeds up and slows down time.                |\r\n| **Tactician**        |  100 | Introduces a turn based combat mechanic.               |\r\n\r\nChanges in this version:\r\n* Added Tactician","version":"1.3.0","timestamp":1662818967000,"url":""},{"body":"A small collection of addons to CrossCode's NG+.\r\n\r\n## Features\r\n\r\n| Name                 | Cost | Description                                            |\r\n|:--------------------:|:----:|:------------------------------------------------------ |\r\n| **Jetpack**          | 2000 | A jetpack that can be used with CTRL.                  |\r\n| **Invincible**       | 5000 | Attacks received do no damage at all.                  |\r\n| **Overdrive**        | 2000 | All actions are combat arts.                           |\r\n| **Perfect Clone**    | 2000 | Play as Shizuka.                                       |\r\n| **Truly Unbalanced** |  100 | Elements will overload after a single shot.            |\r\n| **Charged Only**     |  100 | It is imposible to shoot uncharged balls.              |\r\n| **No Melee**         |  100 | Close quarter combat is not possible.                  |\r\n| **No Shield**        |  100 | The shield is disabled.                                |\r\n| **No Dash**          |  100 | Lea is unable to dash. Cheating is not allowed.        |\r\n| **No Death**         |  100 | People die if you kill them.                           |\r\n| **No GUI**           |  100 | Like nature intended it to be.                         |\r\n| **Broken Watch**     |  100 | Randomly speeds up and slows down time.                |\r\n\r\nChanges in this version:\r\n* Fixed messed up slowmotions","version":"1.2.1","timestamp":1635233078000,"url":""},{"body":"A small collection of addons to CrossCode's NG+.\r\n\r\n## Features\r\n\r\n| Name                 | Cost | Description                                            |\r\n|:--------------------:|:----:|:------------------------------------------------------ |\r\n| **Jetpack**          | 2000 | A jetpack that can be used with CTRL.                  |\r\n| **Invincible**       | 5000 | Attacks received do no damage at all.                  |\r\n| **Overdrive**        | 2000 | All actions are combat arts.                           |\r\n| **Perfect Clone**    | 2000 | Play as Shizuka.                                       |\r\n| **Truly Unbalanced** |  100 | Elements will overload after a single shot.            |\r\n| **Charged Only**     |  100 | It is imposible to shoot uncharged balls.              |\r\n| **No Melee**         |  100 | Close quarter combat is not possible.                  |\r\n| **No Shield**        |  100 | The shield is disabled.                                |\r\n| **No Dash**          |  100 | Lea is unable to dash. Cheating is not allowed.        |\r\n| **No Death**         |  100 | People die if you kill them.                           |\r\n| **No GUI**           |  100 | Like nature intended it to be.                         |\r\n| **Broken Watch**     |  100 | Randomly speeds up and slows down time.                |\r\n\r\nChanges in this version:\r\n* Added Broken Watch.","version":"1.2.0","timestamp":1635024695000,"url":""},{"body":"A small collection of addons to CrossCode's NG+.\r\n\r\n## Features\r\n\r\n| Name                 | Cost | Description                                            |\r\n|:--------------------:|:----:|:------------------------------------------------------ |\r\n| **Jetpack**          | 2000 | A jetpack that can be used with CTRL.                  |\r\n| **Invincible**       | 5000 | Attacks received do no damage at all.                  |\r\n| **Overdrive**        | 2000 | All actions are combat arts.                           |\r\n| **Perfect Clone**    | 2000 | Play as Shizuka.                                       |\r\n| **Truly Unbalanced** |  100 | Elements will overload after a single shot.            |\r\n| **Charged Only**     |  100 | It is imposible to shoot uncharged balls.              |\r\n| **No Melee**         |  100 | Close quarter combat is not possible.                  |\r\n| **No Shield**        |  100 | The shield is disabled.                                |\r\n| **No Dash**          |  100 | Lea is unable to dash. Cheating is not allowed.        |\r\n| **No Death**         |  100 | People die if you kill them.                           |\r\n| **No GUI**           |  100 | Like nature intended it to be.                         |\r\n\r\nChanges in this version:\r\n* Added Shizuka sprites made by rioreur!\r\n* Fixed a bug in No GUI which caused health bars to be hidden when not enabled but showing it is ","version":"1.1.1","timestamp":1609593278000,"url":""},{"body":"A small collection of addons to CrossCode's NG+.\r\n\r\n## Features\r\n\r\n| Name                 | Cost | Description                                            |\r\n|:--------------------:|:----:|:------------------------------------------------------ |\r\n| **Jetpack**          | 2000 | A jetpack that can be used with CTRL.                  |\r\n| **Invincible**       | 5000 | Attacks received do no damage at all.                  |\r\n| **Overdrive**        | 2000 | All actions are combat arts.                           |\r\n| **Perfect Clone**    | 2000 | Play as Shizuka.                                       |\r\n| **Truly Unbalanced** |  100 | Elements will overload after a single shot.            |\r\n| **Charged Only**     |  100 | It is imposible to shoot uncharged balls.              |\r\n| **No Melee**         |  100 | Close quarter combat is not possible.                  |\r\n| **No Shield**        |  100 | The shield is disabled.                                |\r\n| **No Dash**          |  100 | Lea is unable to dash. Cheating is not allowed.        |\r\n| **No Death**         |  100 | People die if you kill them.                           |\r\n| **No GUI**           |  100 | Like nature intended it to be.                         |\r\n\r\nChanges in this version:\r\n* Added a No GUI option","version":"1.1.0","timestamp":1583701021000,"url":""},{"body":"A small collection of addons to CrossCode's NG+.\r\n\r\nChanges in this version:\r\n* Added a mod description","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1575122125000,"url":""},{"body":"A small collection of addons to CrossCode's NG+.\r\n\r\n## Features\r\n\r\n| Name                 | Cost | Description                                            |\r\n|:--------------------:|:----:|:------------------------------------------------------ |\r\n| **Jetpack**          | 2000 | A jetpack that can be used with CTRL.                  |\r\n| **Invincible**       | 5000 | Attacks received do no damage at all.                  |\r\n| **Overdrive**        | 2000 | All actions are combat arts.                           |\r\n| **Perfect Clone**    | 2000 | Play as Shizuka.                                       |\r\n| **Truly Unbalanced** |  100 | Elements will overload after a single shot.            |\r\n| **Charged Only**     |  100 | It is imposible to shoot uncharged balls.              |\r\n| **No Melee**         |  100 | Close quarter combat is not possible.                  |\r\n| **No Shield**        |  100 | The shield is disabled.                                |\r\n| **No Dash**          |  100 | Lea is unable to dash. Cheating is not allowed.        |\r\n| **No Death**         |  100 | People die if you kill them.                           |","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1568387430000,"url":""}]},"Palicat":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"Palicat","version":"1.0.6","title":"Palicat","description":"A mod that implement the palico from monster hunter world into the game.","repository":"","tags":["cosmetic"],"authors":"rioreur","dependencies":{"crosscode":"^1.1.0","item-api":"^0.*"},"prestart":"prestart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"palicat-1.0.6","hash":{"sha256":"049a5afbdd46c3bd168e4abc3406fb1c987be8dc830f4a2ef0ad2b424fd201f1"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708372645000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Update to comply with the new standard of the mod database","version":"1.0.6","timestamp":1708372645000,"url":""},{"body":"The mod is now up to date with the latest release of CCLoader and item-api.","version":"1.0.5","timestamp":1593459487000,"url":""},{"body":"Added changes in the package.json so the mod is handled by CCModDB","version":"1.0.4","timestamp":1575137778000,"url":""},{"body":"Fixed a BIG problem that made the mod... doesn't work.\r\nthe mod folder was suppose to be \"palicat\" and not \"palicat-master\", everyone of them is find now","version":"1.0.3","timestamp":1564084001000,"url":""},{"body":"First release of the palicat mod for crosscode, adding a new pet with some extra features !\r\n\r\nSome problems in the version dependencies. Are now fixed.","version":"1.0.1-1","timestamp":1562706864000,"url":""}]},"Qine":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"Qine","version":"0.3.1","title":{"en_US":"Qine","de_DE":"Qine","fr_FR":"Qine","zh_CN":"Qine","zh_TW":"Qine","ja_JP":"Qine","ko_KR":"Qine"},"description":{"en_US":"Adds the character Qine as a party member and PvP duel.","de_DE":"Adds the character Qine as a party member and PvP duel.","fr_FR":"Adds the character Qine as a party member and PvP duel.","zh_CN":"Adds the character Qine as a party member and PvP duel.","zh_TW":"Adds the character Qine as a party member and PvP duel.","ja_JP":"Adds the character Qine as a party member and PvP duel.","ko_KR":"Adds the character Qine as a party member and PvP duel."},"repository":"","tags":["party member","pvp duel"],"authors":["sgrunt","XenonA7"],"icons":{"24":"icon.png"},"prestart":"mod.js","dependencies":{"extendable-severed-heads":">=1.1.0"}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"qine-0.3.1","hash":{"sha256":"8db827667134f32a15e98507bee700c97e24445d57c9d0e50275fdc5f5f98287"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708403695000,"releasePages":[{"body":"## v0.3.1 (12-Feb-2024)\r\n  * Qine2 exp drop changed from 1000 to 0\r\n  * Updated to new ccmod.json format","version":"0.3.1","timestamp":1708403695000,"url":""},{"body":"## v0.3.0 (12-Feb-2024) - XenonA7 unofficial\r\n  * Moved mod files to root directory\r\n  * Changelog is now .md\r\n  * Created mod icon\r\n  * Replaced package.json with new ccmod.json\r\n  * Updated dependency for extendable-severed-heads 1.1.0\r\n  * Reformatted headIdx.json.patch and Qine enemy file to use string headIdx\r\n  * Reformatted \\config\\bgm\\track-list.json into **track-list.js**, imported in mod.js\r\n  * Renamed commonEvent \"arena-teleport\" to \"qine-teleport\" to fix a conflict\r\n  * Deleted commonEvent \"qineLoad\" from database.json.patch\r\n  * Added commonEvent \"qine-load\" to qine-events.json\r\n  * Removed unused patch steps from database.json.patch\r\n  * Qine duel enemy now scales to player level\r\n  * Qine duel enemy EXP drop changed from 1000 to 0\r\n  * Commented out the code related to \"no-contact\" in mod.js\r\n  * Added enemy \"qine2\", which is a version without camera steps and dialogue support for external use","version":"0.3.0","timestamp":1707794712000,"url":""}]},"Simplify":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"Simplify","version":"2.14.2","title":"Simplify","description":"Library mod for CCLoader2.","repository":"","tags":["library","base"],"authors":["2767mr","lexisother","dmitmel","elluminance","ac2pic","20kdc"],"dependencies":{"ccloader":"^2.22.0","crosscode":"^1.0.0"},"poststart":"mod.js","preload":"preload.js","postload":"postload.js","prestart":"prestart.js","plugin":"plugin.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"CCLoader-2.25.2-v2.14.2/assets/mods/simplify","hash":{"sha256":"4d70053d315086677467e57485a0e88f18c08817e4d36bad2417e98dfbf559ba"}}],"stars":39,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1730456553000,"releasePages":[{"body":"* Updated the mod manager made by @krypciak.","version":"v2.25.2/v2.14.2","timestamp":1730456553000,"url":""},{"body":"* Updated the mod manager made by @krypciak.","version":"v2.25.1/v2.14.2","timestamp":1730140953000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added the mod manager made by @krypciak.\r\n* CCLoader will now warn users if a mod with the same name as another is installed.","version":"v2.25.0/v2.14.2","timestamp":1726755026000,"url":""},{"body":"* Made it easier to debug mod errors on startup (only affects mod developers). #110 #109 by @krypciak ","version":"v2.24.2/v2.14.1","timestamp":1721731431000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added some metadata for the upcoming mod manager","version":"v2.24.1/v2.14.1","timestamp":1717191269000,"url":""},{"body":"* You can now add multiple json patches in a single mod using `mod.addPatch(originalJsonFile, patchFile)` ","version":"v2.24.0/v2.14.0","timestamp":1717081777000,"url":""},{"body":"* Simplify is no longer listed in the mod options\r\n  * Since disabling Simplify is a really bad idea that causes everything to stop working it is now always enabled even if manually disabled.","version":"v2.23.3/v2.13.0","timestamp":1710541968000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed some crashes on linux","version":"v2.23.2/v2.13.0","timestamp":1710069756000,"url":""},{"body":"* Error messages for missing dependencies are now more accurate and less confusing","version":"v2.23.1/v2.13.0","timestamp":1707512312000,"url":""},{"body":"* Log messages are now logged into `log.txt` and `biglog.txt` files found in the CrossCode directory.","version":"v2.23.0/v2.13.0","timestamp":1702844214000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added support for JSON with comments #101 ","version":"v2.22.1/v2.13.0","timestamp":1693135591000,"url":""},{"body":"* Updated patch-steps-lib #99 ","version":"v2.22.1/v2.12.1","timestamp":1687193301000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added a warning for CrossAndroid users showing that `.ccmod` mods are not yet supported.","version":"v2.22.1/v2.12.0","timestamp":1662477162000,"url":""},{"body":"- Improve integration with CrossAndroid.\r\n- New PatchSteps: `CALL` and `MERGE_CONTENT`.","version":"v2.22.0/v2.12.0","timestamp":1655489830000,"url":""},{"body":"- Mods can now declare dependencies on extensions.\r\n- Fixed handling of URLs in the `CCLOADER_OVERRIDE_MAIN_URL` thing.\r\n- Versions of mods are now displayed in the options menu.","version":"v2.21.0/v2.11.0","timestamp":1646682935000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fix handling of mod asset paths for browser support.","version":"v2.20.2/v2.10.1","timestamp":1622237494000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed error messages disappearing on startup","version":"v2.20.1/v2.10.1","timestamp":1621070497000,"url":""},{"body":"- Fix a crash in Simplify when running in the browser.","version":"v2.20.0/v2.10.1","timestamp":1616587224000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added mod icons\r\n* Fixed patches in `.ccmod` files not working\r\n* Added basic `ccmod.json` support\r\n* Removed iframe\r\n* Added `ccmod.injectClass`","version":"v2.20.0/v2.10.0","timestamp":1616062185000,"url":""},{"body":"* Removed definition from CCLoader\r\n  * Speedrunners will have to use the speedrunner branch for now on","version":"v2.19.0/v2.9.0","timestamp":1593375934000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed a bug that caused CCLoader to replace an asset when it shouldn't\r\n* Improved startup time (from CCLoader v2.18.4)","version":"v2.18.5/v2.8.5","timestamp":1592418004000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added focus on game start.\r\n* Removed requirement for plugins to extend `Plugin`.\r\n* Improved mod options menu.\r\n* Fixed loglevel not saving properly.\r\n* Fixed typo in `displayName`.\r\n* Fixed `Mod` typings containing the wrong argument in constructor.\r\n* CCLoader Version Display rework.\r\n\r\nThanks to @dmitmel for contributing.","version":"v2.18.3/v2.8.5","timestamp":1588670337000,"url":""},{"body":"* When no packed mod (.ccmod) is located all other mods are now slightly faster.\r\n* Improved packed mod loading by caching files.\r\n* Fixed packed mods not working on the first launch of CCLoader.\r\n* Fixed packed mods not working in the browser, causing other mods to not load either.\r\n* Replaced OpenDevTools with a flag in `package.json`. The mod still continues to work if not deleted.\r\n* Removed support for mod tables. This should not impact any mods. If it does, please add the definitions to the main CCLoader repository.","version":"v2.18.2/v2.8.4","timestamp":1584995127000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed mods being loaded from subdirectories","version":"v2.18.1/v2.8.4","timestamp":1583781837000,"url":""},{"body":"* Mods can change their name as displayed in the settings by adding a `ccmodHumanName` in their `package.json`\r\n* Other mods can access this name using `mod.displayedName`","version":"v2.18.0/v2.8.4","timestamp":1583577220000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added the ability to load mods distributed as `.ccmod` file\r\n  * `.ccmod` files in the mod directory will automatically picked up by ccloader\r\n  * This feature also works inside the browser","version":"v2.17.0/v2.8.2","timestamp":1580138608000,"url":""},{"body":"* Cleaned up the root folder of the repository","version":"v2.16.1/v2.8.2","timestamp":1579889734000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added interface to allow tools to change the location of the game files.","version":"v2.16.0/v2.8.2","timestamp":1578564224000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed Steam integration not working in newest crosscode version.","version":"v2.15.2/v2.8.2","timestamp":1578252711000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed bug that prevented the game from communicating with Steam.\r\n* Updated patch library to allow more advanced json patching.","version":"v2.15.1/v2.8.1","timestamp":1570226649000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed an error that prevented patches from being applied.","version":"v2.14.4/v2.8.0","timestamp":1566724133000,"url":""}]},"al-cs-hotkeys":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"al-cs-hotkeys","version":"1.0.1","title":{"en_US":"AL Skill Hotkeys","de_DE":"AL Skill Hotkeys","fr_FR":"AL Skill Hotkeys","zh_CN":"AL Skill Hotkeys","zh_TW":"AL Skill Hotkeys","ja_JP":"AL Skill Hotkeys","ko_KR":"AL Skill Hotkeys"},"description":{"en_US":"Adds hotkeys for custom skill menu and toggle (default \\c[3]X\\c[0] and \\c[3]C\\c[0])."},"icons":{"24":"icon.png"},"repository":"","tags":["QoL"],"authors":["XenonA7","Lubkuluk","nax"],"plugin":"al-cs-hotkeys/plugin.js","dependencies":{"nax-module-cache":">=1.0.0","arcane-lab":">=0.1.0"}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"al-skill-hotkeys-1.0.1","hash":{"sha256":"025a1224619e797698f9f82e7a668c6dec019616fc06bfad5144d26faf46b536"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1722801866000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Updated readme","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1722801655000,"url":""},{"body":"Initial Release","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1722801088000,"url":""}]},"arcane-lab":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"arcane-lab","version":"0.1.8","title":"\\c[3]Arcane Lab\\c[0]","description":":)","repository":"","tags":["player character","party member","maps","quests","boss","puzzle"],"authors":["eisus","ac2pic","WatDuhHekBro"],"dependencies":{"ccloader":"^2.14.1","item-api":"^0.*","extendable-severed-heads":"^1.1.0","modifier-api":"^0.1.0","cc-alybox":">=1.0.0"},"prestart":"prestart.js","poststart":"poststart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"7ebf872f7b058f87a2f1bd5f0f9ee481e7085d02cd292b7da0691d3e70597061"}}],"stars":9,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1722902532000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Only works with CCLoader v2. ","version":"0.1.4","timestamp":1596323727000,"url":""}]},"blades":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"blades","version":"1.5.0","title":"Blades","description":"Asset which replaces balls with blades, now for all classes!","repository":"","tags":["cosmetic"],"authors":["keanuplayz","ac2pic","2767mr"]},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"Blades-1.6.0","hash":{"sha256":"d28fc9eeff4240aa9775ad6bbe4723f9dbcb6defe15b23e483ee490c48acab18"}}],"stars":2,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708114400000,"releasePages":[{"body":"added ccmod.json ","version":"1.6.0","timestamp":1708114400000,"url":""},{"body":"Replaces all balls with blades.","version":"1.5.0","timestamp":1578227305000,"url":""}]},"bobrank":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"bobrank","version":"1.0.1","title":{"en_US":"Bob-Rank","fr_FR":"Rang Bob","de_DE":"Bobreihe"},"description":{"en_US":"Adds an unforgettable special effect on S-Rank","fr_FR":"Ajoute un effet inoubliable au Rang S","de_DE":"Füg ein unvergesslich Effekt an S-Rank an"},"repository":"","tags":["fun"],"authors":["L-Sherry"],"icons":{"24":"icon.png"},"plugin":"plugin.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"8de4833b0c42f8089cf6c13f5131f8cf3c6bd637516d56e1aaa4f1b81a894dbd"}}],"stars":2,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1711969075000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Real final release I totally promise. Unless another modloader breaks compatibility again.\r\n\r\nDon't expect anything else than less crashes. Hopefully.","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1711969075000,"url":""},{"body":"Initial and probably final release.\r\n\r\nWho knows !","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1585689467000,"url":""}]},"cc-alybox":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"cc-alybox","version":"1.1.0","title":"AlyBox","description":"Library mod containing various extra features and fixes.","repository":"","tags":["library"],"authors":"lexisother","prestart":"src/_prestart.js","dependencies":{"ccloader":">=2.22.1"}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"06557de9f24974cad9a31f9b78093ac08aeb31f818a02bccb0970849473006e7"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1722967918000,"releasePages":[{"body":"# Added\r\n\r\n- Added `combat.cnt.{enemyName}` to get the numbers of enemies of a certain type.\r\n\r\n**Full Changelog**:","version":"1.1.0","timestamp":1722967918000,"url":""},{"body":"Initial release","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1698158363000,"url":""}]},"cc-blitzkrieg":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"cc-blitzkrieg","version":"0.5.9","title":"Blitzkrieg (WIP)","description":"Puzzle solving, incresed puzzle difficuly, puzzle and boss collection tools","repository":"","tags":["puzzle","widget","library"],"authors":"krypek","icons":{"24":"icon/icon.png"},"dependencies":{"input-api":">=1.0.2","crosscode":">=1.4.0","ccmodmanager":">=0.9.13"},"plugin":"plugin.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"7eab667c0cc1279616bae5138218063046a264de556b03312077267b2542d391"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1718307434000,"releasePages":[{"body":"","version":"0.5.9","timestamp":1718307435000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.5.8","timestamp":1718188191000,"url":""},{"body":"### Changed\n\n- Moved all options to the CCModManager","version":"0.5.7","timestamp":1718038279000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.5.6","timestamp":1716049803000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.5.5","timestamp":1711563935000,"url":""},{"body":"### Changed\n\n- Differentiate between internal and external file read functions","version":"0.5.4","timestamp":1710626107000,"url":""},{"body":"### Changed\n\n- Made all file system async API\n- Added new file system functions","version":"0.5.3","timestamp":1710624465000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.5.2","timestamp":1709374806000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.5.1","timestamp":1709229726000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.5.0","timestamp":1708867059000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.4.9","timestamp":1708866735000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.4.8","timestamp":1708107873000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.4.7","timestamp":1707220385000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.4.6","timestamp":1705261348000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.4.5","timestamp":1702811707000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.4.4","timestamp":1700639231000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.4.3","timestamp":1700569459000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.4.2","timestamp":1699483638000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.4.1","timestamp":1698528496000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.3.5","timestamp":1696184592000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.3.4","timestamp":1696162745000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.3.3","timestamp":1696152123000,"url":""}]},"cc-capped-stats":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"cc-capped-stats","version":"1.0.0","title":"Capped Stats","description":"Adds a visual stat cap - see your stats for what they really aren't!","repository":"","tags":["fun"],"authors":"elluminance","prestart":"prestart.js","icons":{"24":"icon.png"},"dependencies":{"ccloader":"^2.20.0"}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"afd410d055effb03c46b8604cab4f402a0ec986b2c9394c4af3be3546a594f79"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708372177000,"releasePages":[{"body":"CC Capped Stats v1.0.0\r\n\r\nInitial Release\r\n\r\nCaps your stats because big numbers are scary.\r\n\r\n(April Fools 2021)","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1616775671000,"url":""}]},"cc-character-widgets":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"cc-character-widgets","version":"1.0.1","title":"Character swap widgets","description":"Adds a character swap quick menu widgets","repository":"","tags":["widget"],"authors":"krypek","icons":{"24":"icon/icon.png"},"dependencies":{"nax-ccuilib":">=1.2.3"},"plugin":"plugin.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"","hash":{"sha256":"cce2328b84cc09ca9dba26decece10c86793b229a5b3448e51b39aa64e71ecd6"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1727105757000,"releasePages":[{"body":"### Fixed\n\n- Removed invalid mod tag from `ccmod.json`","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1727105757000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Initial release","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1708253386000,"url":""}]},"cc-discord":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"cc-discord","version":"1.0.2","title":"Rich Presence for Discord","description":"Show off your CrossCode skills in Discord.","repository":"","tags":["cosmetic"],"authors":["dmitmel","ac2pic","keanuplayz","omegalink12","2767mr","lexisother","krypek"],"poststart":"mod.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"CCdiscord-1.0.2","hash":{"sha256":"0c6cda02465a16e99b70f8e271aad886b16b4f2b6c880c9e1c2a52f323cc4772"}}],"stars":5,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708512075000,"releasePages":[{"body":"","version":"1.0.2","timestamp":1708512075000,"url":""},{"body":"Fixed a bug with the play time being displayed incorrectly in thousands of days.","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1652906633000,"url":""},{"body":"Now lighter and doesn't require [mod-require-fix](!","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1626179820000,"url":""},{"body":"Initial Release","version":"v0.1","timestamp":1514155331000,"url":""}]},"cc-enemy-rando":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"cc-enemy-rando","version":"1.0.0","title":"Enemy randomizer","description":"Randomizes the enemy types while keeping it somewhat balanced","repository":"","tags":["fun"],"authors":"krypek","icons":{"24":"icon/icon.png"},"dependencies":{"crosscode":">=1.4.0"},"plugin":"plugin.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"7b930427418b49f04b32a602641c8e868cf40f6cce1de44f2aea86e80809a4db"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1723296362000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Initial release","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1723296363000,"url":""}]},"cc-extra-dialogue":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"cc-extra-dialogue","version":"1.0.2","title":"CrossCode Extra Dialogue","description":"Adds more lore-friendly dialogue for party members.","repository":"","tags":["QoL"],"authors":"anonymous","icons":{"24":"icon.png"},"prestart":"prestart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"a86d29a68960d9b71be1c47bcfea104ac050303f2a8d6bf21fa43f8336c122fd"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1720793527000,"releasePages":[{"body":"","version":"1.0.2","timestamp":1720794818000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1708363457000,"url":""}]},"cc-fancy-crash":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"cc-fancy-crash","version":"1.1.0","title":"Fancy crash","description":"Better crash 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widget","description":"Adds a jetpack quick menu widget","repository":"","tags":["widget","speedrun","fun","cheats"],"authors":"krypek","icons":{"24":"icon/icon.png"},"dependencies":{"nax-ccuilib":">=1.2.8"},"plugin":"plugin.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"e58551773da5c0be232504b07ac5b29aff4ca386333888bac8ec839dcde94644"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1721731493000,"releasePages":[{"body":"### Changed\r\n\r\n- Support the latest version of CCUILib","version":"1.0.4","timestamp":1721731493000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.3","timestamp":1710185123000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.2","timestamp":1710183404000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1708253820000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Initial release","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1708251788000,"url":""}]},"cc-newgame-cheats":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"cc-newgame-cheats","version":"1.0.0","title":"New Game+ Cheats","description":"Adds trophy-point-free NG+ option toggles to CrossCode.","repository":"","tags":["cheats"],"icons":{"24":"icon.png"},"authors":["Hsifnus","ZeikJT"],"dependencies":{"ccloader":"^2.11.0","crosscode":">=1.2"},"postload":"cheats.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"9d25f359c5f3cd2cf37c31df6190ccc6d483e0457731b18492b66cdfe9863c1f"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1723428207000,"releasePages":[{"body":"The original NG+ Cheats mod, now as a `.ccmod`.\r\n\r\n**Full Changelog**:","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1723428207000,"url":""}]},"cc-oldmedia":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"cc-oldmedia","version":"1.0.0","title":"CC-OldMedia","description":"A mod that brings back some old title screen assets.","repository":"","tags":["cosmetic"],"authors":"lexisother","prestart":"src/prestart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"34e6543b7e56bb99fb68e53bba29b95dc8bae267210be65be8bdad89ad413fa2"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1714119350000,"releasePages":[{"body":"","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1685899251000,"url":""}]},"cc-quickinfo-exp":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"cc-quickinfo-exp","version":"1.0.0","title":"QuickInfo EXP Viewer","description":"Shows the EXP the enemy will give you in the quickinfo popup.","repository":"","tags":["QoL"],"authors":"lexisother","poststart":"poststart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"4c970477ed0eb168a7e641746df146636f057e803c4f3518880c669680c5ab91"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1714119352000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Add a package.json","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1687809961000,"url":""},{"body":"Initial release","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1687809625000,"url":""}]},"cc-remastered-melodies":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"cc-remastered-melodies","version":"2.0.3","title":{"en_US":"CC Remastered Melodies","de_DE":"CC Überarbeitete Melodien","fr_FR":"CC Mélodies remasterisées","zh_CN":"CC 重新制作的旋律","zh_TW":"CC 重製旋律","ja_JP":"CC リマスター・メロディー","ko_KR":"CC 리마스터링된 멜로디"},"description":{"en_US":"Replaces some of the music in CrossCode with remastered versions of the original tracks.","de_DE":"Ersetzt einige Musikstücke in CrossCode durch remasterte Versionen der Originaltitel.","fr_FR":"Remplacez certaines musiques de CrossCode par des versions remasterisées des pistes originales.","zh_CN":"用原始曲目的重新制作版本替换CrossCode中的一些音乐。","zh_TW":"用原始曲目的重新製作版本替換CrossCode中的一些音樂。","ja_JP":"CrossCodeの一部の音楽を、オリジナルのトラックのリマスター版に置き換えます。","ko_KR":"CrossCode의 일부 음악을 원래 트랙의 리마스터 버전으로 대체합니다."},"icons":{"24":"icon/icon.png"},"repository":"","tags":["music"],"authors":["Ronkad","elluminance"],"prestart":"prestart.js","dependencies":{"crosscode":">=1.0.0","el-tweaks":">=0.8.1"}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"","hash":{"sha256":"52a33e4b56cdf39b7af158f00aaac4d760a3baf02f58952dc004902d62a34c40"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1728921514000,"releasePages":[{"body":"- better integration with ccmodmanager\r\n- new icon","version":"2.0.3","timestamp":1728921514000,"url":""},{"body":"Removed the Simplify dependency to work better in the CCModManager","version":"2.0.2","timestamp":1724350218000,"url":""},{"body":"This Version adds the el-tweaks Version 0.8.1 as a dependency, because without it there can be anomalies","version":"2.0.1","timestamp":1724325229000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"2.0.0","timestamp":1723989696000,"url":""},{"body":"Finally this mod supports .ccmod - the common crosscode mod distribution file.","version":"1.1.1","timestamp":1723708659000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.1.0","timestamp":1723666069000,"url":""},{"body":"First Release of Crosscode Remastered Melodies - including 16 songs","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1723552930000,"url":""},{"body":"First Release of the Remastered Melodies mod for the game Crosscode","version":"0.0.1","timestamp":1723549157000,"url":""}]},"cc-staircase-effect-fix":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"cc-staircase-effect-fix","version":"1.0.2","title":"Staircase Effect Fix","description":"Fixes staircase effect when moving diagonally","repository":"","tags":["QoL"],"authors":["Unarelith"],"prestart":"prestart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"","hash":{"sha256":"b139a4ed798c1bd8180b4323ea91d580624d4d46dd535cd80bc6da422d8e2caf"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1730401966000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Improved settings menu (thanks to updates in mod manager).","version":"1.0.2","timestamp":1730401966000,"url":""},{"body":"- Improved settings menu\r\n- Added option to smooth player camera only","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1730251123000,"url":""},{"body":"First version.","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1730216746000,"url":""}]},"cc-vim":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"cc-vim","version":"1.6.2","title":"Vim Command Mode","description":"Adds a popup command prompt","repository":"","tags":["dev","widget"],"authors":"krypek","icons":{"24":"icon/icon.png"},"dependencies":{"input-api":">=1.0.0","ccmodmanager":">=0.9.13"},"plugin":"plugin.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"c92d4409b9b1ed0d94671c70c282f2fc9b306379563c189bbc5fc16ccef54fda"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1718187787000,"releasePages":[{"body":"","version":"1.6.2","timestamp":1718187788000,"url":""},{"body":"### Changed\n\n- Moved all mod options to CCModManager\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Fixed `reload-level` moved the player slightly\n- Fixed crash when CCUILib is missing","version":"1.6.1","timestamp":1718038495000,"url":""},{"body":"### Changed\n\n- Improved `map-reload` behaviour","version":"1.6.0","timestamp":1710884226000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.5.9","timestamp":1709375077000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.5.8","timestamp":1709053172000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.5.7","timestamp":1708866651000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.5.6","timestamp":1708542082000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.5.5","timestamp":1708366050000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.5.4","timestamp":1707129130000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.5.3","timestamp":1707128663000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.5.2","timestamp":1706997365000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.5.1","timestamp":1706892345000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.5.0","timestamp":1706816799000,"url":""},{"body":"Added global option setting","version":"1.4.0","timestamp":1697062038000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.3.1","timestamp":1696080469000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.3.0","timestamp":1692812728000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.2.0","timestamp":1692731204000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1692651400000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1692645771000,"url":""}]},"ccloader":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"ccloader","version":"2.25.2","title":"CCLoader","description":"Modloader for CrossCode. This or a similar modloader is needed for most mods.","repository":"","tags":["base"],"authors":["2767mr","dmitmel","ac2pic","Vankerkom","20kdc","lexisother","L-Sherry","elluminance","omegalink12","Silverfeelin"]},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"CCLoader-2.25.2-v2.14.2","hash":{"sha256":"4d70053d315086677467e57485a0e88f18c08817e4d36bad2417e98dfbf559ba"}}],"stars":39,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1730456553000,"releasePages":[{"body":"* Updated the mod manager made by @krypciak.","version":"v2.25.2/v2.14.2","timestamp":1730456553000,"url":""},{"body":"* Updated the mod manager made by @krypciak.","version":"v2.25.1/v2.14.2","timestamp":1730140953000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added the mod manager made by @krypciak.\r\n* CCLoader will now warn users if a mod with the same name as another is installed.","version":"v2.25.0/v2.14.2","timestamp":1726755026000,"url":""},{"body":"* Made it easier to debug mod errors on startup (only affects mod developers). #110 #109 by @krypciak ","version":"v2.24.2/v2.14.1","timestamp":1721731431000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added some metadata for the upcoming mod manager","version":"v2.24.1/v2.14.1","timestamp":1717191269000,"url":""},{"body":"* You can now add multiple json patches in a single mod using `mod.addPatch(originalJsonFile, patchFile)` ","version":"v2.24.0/v2.14.0","timestamp":1717081777000,"url":""},{"body":"* Simplify is no longer listed in the mod options\r\n  * Since disabling Simplify is a really bad idea that causes everything to stop working it is now always enabled even if manually disabled.","version":"v2.23.3/v2.13.0","timestamp":1710541968000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed some crashes on linux","version":"v2.23.2/v2.13.0","timestamp":1710069756000,"url":""},{"body":"* Error messages for missing dependencies are now more accurate and less confusing","version":"v2.23.1/v2.13.0","timestamp":1707512312000,"url":""},{"body":"* Log messages are now logged into `log.txt` and `biglog.txt` files found in the CrossCode directory.","version":"v2.23.0/v2.13.0","timestamp":1702844214000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added support for JSON with comments #101 ","version":"v2.22.1/v2.13.0","timestamp":1693135591000,"url":""},{"body":"* Updated patch-steps-lib #99 ","version":"v2.22.1/v2.12.1","timestamp":1687193301000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added a warning for CrossAndroid users showing that `.ccmod` mods are not yet supported.","version":"v2.22.1/v2.12.0","timestamp":1662477162000,"url":""},{"body":"- Improve integration with CrossAndroid.\r\n- New PatchSteps: `CALL` and `MERGE_CONTENT`.","version":"v2.22.0/v2.12.0","timestamp":1655489830000,"url":""},{"body":"- Mods can now declare dependencies on extensions.\r\n- Fixed handling of URLs in the `CCLOADER_OVERRIDE_MAIN_URL` thing.\r\n- Versions of mods are now displayed in the options menu.","version":"v2.21.0/v2.11.0","timestamp":1646682935000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fix handling of mod asset paths for browser support.","version":"v2.20.2/v2.10.1","timestamp":1622237494000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed error messages disappearing on startup","version":"v2.20.1/v2.10.1","timestamp":1621070497000,"url":""},{"body":"- Fix a crash in Simplify when running in the browser.","version":"v2.20.0/v2.10.1","timestamp":1616587224000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added mod icons\r\n* Fixed patches in `.ccmod` files not working\r\n* Added basic `ccmod.json` support\r\n* Removed iframe\r\n* Added `ccmod.injectClass`","version":"v2.20.0/v2.10.0","timestamp":1616062185000,"url":""},{"body":"* Removed definition from CCLoader\r\n  * Speedrunners will have to use the speedrunner branch for now on","version":"v2.19.0/v2.9.0","timestamp":1593375934000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed a bug that caused CCLoader to replace an asset when it shouldn't\r\n* Improved startup time (from CCLoader v2.18.4)","version":"v2.18.5/v2.8.5","timestamp":1592418004000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added focus on game start.\r\n* Removed requirement for plugins to extend `Plugin`.\r\n* Improved mod options menu.\r\n* Fixed loglevel not saving properly.\r\n* Fixed typo in `displayName`.\r\n* Fixed `Mod` typings containing the wrong argument in constructor.\r\n* CCLoader Version Display rework.\r\n\r\nThanks to @dmitmel for contributing.","version":"v2.18.3/v2.8.5","timestamp":1588670337000,"url":""},{"body":"* When no packed mod (.ccmod) is located all other mods are now slightly faster.\r\n* Improved packed mod loading by caching files.\r\n* Fixed packed mods not working on the first launch of CCLoader.\r\n* Fixed packed mods not working in the browser, causing other mods to not load either.\r\n* Replaced OpenDevTools with a flag in `package.json`. The mod still continues to work if not deleted.\r\n* Removed support for mod tables. This should not impact any mods. If it does, please add the definitions to the main CCLoader repository.","version":"v2.18.2/v2.8.4","timestamp":1584995127000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed mods being loaded from subdirectories","version":"v2.18.1/v2.8.4","timestamp":1583781837000,"url":""},{"body":"* Mods can change their name as displayed in the settings by adding a `ccmodHumanName` in their `package.json`\r\n* Other mods can access this name using `mod.displayedName`","version":"v2.18.0/v2.8.4","timestamp":1583577220000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added the ability to load mods distributed as `.ccmod` file\r\n  * `.ccmod` files in the mod directory will automatically picked up by ccloader\r\n  * This feature also works inside the browser","version":"v2.17.0/v2.8.2","timestamp":1580138608000,"url":""},{"body":"* Cleaned up the root folder of the repository","version":"v2.16.1/v2.8.2","timestamp":1579889734000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added interface to allow tools to change the location of the game files.","version":"v2.16.0/v2.8.2","timestamp":1578564224000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed Steam integration not working in newest crosscode version.","version":"v2.15.2/v2.8.2","timestamp":1578252711000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed bug that prevented the game from communicating with Steam.\r\n* Updated patch library to allow more advanced json patching.","version":"v2.15.1/v2.8.1","timestamp":1570226649000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed an error that prevented patches from being applied.","version":"v2.14.4/v2.8.0","timestamp":1566724133000,"url":""}]},"ccmodmanager":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"ccmodmanager","version":"1.0.2","title":"CCModManager","description":"Mod manager for CrossCode!","repository":"","tags":["QoL"],"authors":["krypek","dmitmel","2767mr","elluminance"],"icons":{"24":"icon/icon.png"},"dependencies":{"ccloader":">=3.2.2-alpha || ^2.0.0"},"plugin":"plugin.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"","hash":{"sha256":"44050d62f41e3d15cd2985f0f186e012afd86ae382e128251fa32627d7a57f76"}}],"stars":4,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1730383796000,"releasePages":[{"body":"### Added\n\n- Left clicking a mod in the Settings tab opens the mod's settings menu\n- Add \"preventResettingToDefault\" property on changeable options\n- Add \"thumbWidth\" property on OBJECT_SLIDER\n\n### Changed \n\n- OBJECT_SLIDER thumb size now has a minimum of 30px\n- On game start, all OBJECT_SLIDER values will be put in their bounds\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Left clicking a mod in the Settings tab doesn't crash anymore\n- Fix crash when clicking the \"Reset Settings\" button some mod's setting page\n- Fix top bar buttons like \"Help\" becoming uninteractable after resetting the mod's settings\n- Fix OBJECT_SLIDER not working properly with floating point numbers","version":"1.0.2","timestamp":1730383797000,"url":""},{"body":"### Changed \r\n\r\n- Clarify the intent in the game start autoupdate prompt\r\n\r\n### Fixed\r\n\r\n- Fix mod list not loading in some very specific cases\r\n\r\n","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1730139722000,"url":""},{"body":"### Changed\n\n- Update the mod repositories to the official (CCDirectLink/CCModDB) from the testing one (krypciak/CCModDB)\n\n### Fixes\n\n- Force CCLoader to update first before any other mods","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1726754757000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Added a tab for mods that have a dedicated settings page\n\n### Changed\n\n- Remember the \"Include local\" and \"Hide library mods\" filter options across game restarts\n- Make the manual enforcer less annoying\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Fixed CCLoader sometimes getting detected as not installed","version":"0.9.22","timestamp":1726389066000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Enforce the manual on all souls\n\n### Changed\n\n- Mod options can now also be opened with mouse right click\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Fixed mod settings and testing buttons being unpresssable on gamepad when the gamepad bindings are changed","version":"0.9.21","timestamp":1724154909000,"url":""},{"body":"### Changed\n\n- Decrease mod size\n- Prevent backspace from quitting the mod manager menu\n- Keep list scroll when entering the mod's options\n- `onPress` and `changeEvent` functions on option entries: `this` is now bound to the option config\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Prevent CCLoader downgrade attempts when using CCLoader3 and downloading a mod that requires CCLoader2\n- Prevent Simplify from installing when using CCLoader3\n- Fixed space being disabled in every menu, not just the mod manager\n- Fixed mod list being unresponsive after exiting out of the filters menu\n- Fixed the mod's options menu sometimes failing to open on keyboard and mouse","version":"0.9.20","timestamp":1723377535000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Added mod installation progress indication\n\n### Changed\n\n- Revert the button order in the mod uninstallation popup to \"YES NO\" from \"NO YES\"\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Fixed the mod menu sometimes being blank when reopening it\n- Block exiting from the mod install menu with keys such as escape\n- Don't block dependency mod uninstalling when all parent mods have been uninstalled in the current session\n- Disallow installing mods that depend on missing extensions (such as DLC)","version":"0.9.19","timestamp":1723222247000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n \n- Added the \"Reset repositories to default\" button to the CCModManager options\n- Added the \"Clear database cache\" button to the CCModManager options\n- Added a checkbox to keep chromium flags on CCLoader update to the CCModManager options\n- Added a checkbox to unpack installed or updated `.ccmod` mods to the CCModManager options\n- Added a button to reinstall all installed mods to the CCModManager options\n- Added the \"Visit release page\" button to the mod changelog menu\n\n### Changed\n\n- Removed the \"v\" before from the mod update dialog for consistency\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Fixed filters menu back button not being clickable by mouse + other weirdness\n- Fixed manual updating of pre-release mods\n- Fixed mod options BUTTON y spacing\n- Fixed mod installation successful dialog poping up before the installation finished\n- Prevent mod description and mod tags overlapping each other\n- Fixed the confirmation buttons for the mod installation prompt getting off-screen when the mod list is too big\n- Improved ccloader3 compatibility","version":"0.9.18","timestamp":1723137335000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Added the mod changelog menu","version":"0.9.17","timestamp":1722881434000,"url":""},{"body":"### Changed\n\n- Update the mod database endpoint","version":"0.9.16","timestamp":1722258714000,"url":""},{"body":"### Fixed\n\n- Fixed crash when switching buttons using a mouse on BUTTON_GROUP","version":"0.9.15","timestamp":1719494766000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.9.14","timestamp":1718300866000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.9.13","timestamp":1718187884000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Added a 'Visit repository' button\n- Added a per-mod options sub-menu\n\n### Changed\n\n- The mod manager is now available in demo versions of the game generated by [crosscode-demonizer](, but the online tab is unavailable","version":"0.9.12","timestamp":1718037909000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Added testing branch support\n\n### Changes\n\n- Mod installation dialog now displays versions","version":"0.9.11","timestamp":1716050076000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Added mod sha256 digest verification\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Fixed game extensions not being handled","version":"0.9.10","timestamp":1713626437000,"url":""},{"body":"### Changed\n\n- Always use small font for the grid view\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Fixed mod list sorting on enabled and disabled tabs\n- Fixed mod last update date not showing on local mods\n- Fixed tag list clipping out of the mod entry box when the tag list too long","version":"0.9.9","timestamp":1710699328000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.9.8","timestamp":1710348422000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.9.7","timestamp":1710281797000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.9.6","timestamp":1710243976000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.9.5","timestamp":1710069687000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.9.4","timestamp":1710069126000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.9.3","timestamp":1709656740000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.9.2","timestamp":1709575973000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.9.1","timestamp":1709575284000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.9.0","timestamp":1708875168000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.8.3","timestamp":1708719371000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.8.0","timestamp":1708698380000,"url":""}]},"ccpostdlc":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"ccpostdlc","version":"1.0.0","title":"CCPostDLC","description":"Adjusts the game to continue after completing the DLC.","repository":"","tags":["QoL"],"authors":"lexisother","dependencies":{"crosscode":">=1.4.0","post-game":">=1.4.0"}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"de939232f9aa884d1986dd4f97023b5f68a2c41b8325e2139ab9a8c015879739"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1714119349000,"releasePages":[{"body":"","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1685899517000,"url":""}]},"char-select":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"char-select","title":"CCCharSelect","version":"1.0.1","description":"Adds a widget for character selection menu.","repository":"","tags":["widget"],"authors":["ac2pic","2767mr","lexisother","krypek"],"dependencies":{"nax-ccuilib":">=1.2.8"},"preload":"preload.js","prestart":"prestart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"char-select-master","hash":{"sha256":"62aa50dc4fb4af2bb5646be15cee4c3c228d0c9c2ab31d61a7d7e9033e1d61aa"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1729017518000,"releasePages":[]},"charged-balls":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"charged-balls","version":"1.0.2","title":"Charged balls","description":"Replaces normal VRPs with charged VRPs","repository":"","tags":["fun"],"authors":"keanuplayz","prestart":"prestart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"CC-ChargedBalls-1.0.2","hash":{"sha256":"f03c037b26839d84d92c76cd22f85bde1d3fcf3ffa437e8260262d0e6ae77c33"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708511711000,"releasePages":[{"body":"","version":"1.0.2","timestamp":1708511711000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1581769583000,"url":""}]},"cheats":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"cheats","version":"1.4.1","title":"Cheats","description":"This mod adds cheats to CrossCode.","repository":"","tags":["cheats"],"authors":"ZeikJT","dependencies":{"ccloader":"^2.11.0","crosscode":">=1.2"},"postload":"cheats.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"CrossCodeCheats-1.4.1-patch","hash":{"sha256":"4a328f0c42e6082fb5bf23e9df868cee20a0711d73df5d17780856c3ee19576f"}}],"stars":5,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1716430809000,"releasePages":[{"body":"See","version":"1.4.2","timestamp":1708498807000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.4.1-patch","timestamp":1708498807000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.4.1","timestamp":1694220933000,"url":""},{"body":"Add jump modifier cheats, prevent invincible from allowing the health bar to go in red, intro skipping, dashing cheats, run speed modifiers, resistance cheat, aim cheat, and puzzle resetting cheat. Written by @grasmanek94 ","version":"1.4.0","timestamp":1630997174000,"url":""},{"body":"Change cross code version support from a range to a minimum.","version":"1.3.7","timestamp":1616610258000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.3.5","timestamp":1612247935000,"url":""},{"body":"Instead of positioning the cheats menu button absolutely it's relative to whichever the first button in the second column is.","version":"1.3.4","timestamp":1580438504000,"url":""},{"body":"No more having to re-enter all your cheat settings every time you load the game, they will now be saved to a separate JSON file. Quit the game and when you load it up again it should have all your cheats just the way you last configured them.","version":"1.3.2","timestamp":1580397396000,"url":""},{"body":"Example: If you disable Credit Cheat then the UI for Credit Multiplier will be disabled.","version":"1.2.3","timestamp":1580270126000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.1.0","timestamp":1580095962000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1580071857000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1580023960000,"url":""}]},"clean-title-screen":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"clean-title-screen","version":"1.0.1","title":{"en_US":"Clean Title Screen"},"description":{"en_US":"Removes Lea from the title screen"},"repository":"","tags":["cosmetic"],"authors":"XenonA7","icons":{"24":"icon.png"},"dependencies":{}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"clean-title-screen-1.0.1","hash":{"sha256":"fbd13967461584e8f74062f6aa1c9fe34c4dce185ec9b8cfa4ea4340fb5c66e2"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708620822000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Compliance with new version format standard","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1708620822000,"url":""},{"body":"Updated to new ccmod.json format","version":"1.1","timestamp":1708404530000,"url":""},{"body":"Initial release","version":"1.0","timestamp":1691905805000,"url":""}]},"crosscode-tweak-pack":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"crosscode-tweak-pack","version":"1.1.2","title":"dmitmel's tweak pack","description":{"en_US":"Micro-mods by dmitmel in a single 999-in-1 package, ranging from QoL tweaks to cheats.","ru_RU":"Микро-моды от dmitmel в одной упаковке 999-in-1, начиная от QoL дополнений и заканчивая читами."},"repository":"","tags":["QoL"],"authors":"dmitmel","icons":{"24":"icon24.png"},"plugin":"src/_plugin.js","prestart":"src/_prestart.js","assets":["data/lang/sc/gui.en_US.json.patch","data/lang/sc/gui.ru_RU.json.patch"]},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"4256deb6c70ae0fc7143b978ff86d50f8c353b3a781344c81bd60b98f5c98242"}}],"stars":13,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1647125834000,"releasePages":[{"body":"See [README]( for more information.\r\n\r\n- The title screen intro skipping module has been improved and really makes the game boot straight into the title screen.","version":"1.1.1","timestamp":1647125854000,"url":""},{"body":"See [README]( for more information.\r\n\r\n- Added a mod for skipping the title screen intro.","version":"1.1.0","timestamp":1644507669000,"url":""},{"body":"See [README]( for more information.\r\n","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1628409348000,"url":""},{"body":"See [README]( for more information.\r\n","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1624300344000,"url":""}]},"crossedeyes":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"crossedeyes","version":"0.6.4","title":"CrossedEyes","description":"Accessibility mod for blind people","repository":"","tags":["accessibility"],"authors":["krypek","2767mr"],"icons":{"24":"icon/icon.png"},"dependencies":{"input-api":">=1.0.0","cc-blitzkrieg":">=0.5.9","nax-ccuilib":">=1.2.9","ccmodmanager":">=0.9.21","crosscode":">=1.4.0"},"plugin":"plugin.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"79fad2ee86c4839ba46091bedeba2473623fd1f698e2919284642714f750eb27"}}],"stars":9,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1724760253000,"releasePages":[{"body":"### Fixed\n\n- Fix game hard freezes due to NW.js update failures (removed `cc-nwjs-manager` and `cc-record` from dependencies)\n- Fix quick menu layout enforcing","version":"0.6.4","timestamp":1724760254000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added \n\n- Added gameplay recording and sending functionality\n\n### Changed\n\n- Moved all mod options from the main options menu to the new mod manager options sub-menu\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Fixed NVDA addon installation on some system configurations","version":"0.6.3","timestamp":1719495990000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added \n\n- Added gameplay recording and sending functionality\n\n### Changed\n\n- Moved all mod options from the main options menu to the new mod manager options sub-menu\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Fixed NVDA addon installation on some system configurations","version":"0.6.3-prerealese.0","timestamp":1718983245000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Announce looping back to the beginning and to the end when navigating through the hints with Gamepad: L1 and Gamepad R1\n- Added Sound Glossary entries for: ball direction changer, ball accelerator and ball decelerator\n- Mapped battles and puzzled up to including rhombus dungeon\n- Added cliff safeguard widget (more info in quick menu help)\n\n### Changed\n\n- Aim analysis, Aim bounce, Wall scan, Announce Y Level are widgets (more info in quick menu help)","version":"0.6.2","timestamp":1716830260000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Added an aim bounce help entry to the analysis menu\n- Added announcing of CCModManager mod testing status\n- Added an option that disables the player idle animation (on by default)\n\n### Changed\n\n- Renamed the \"CrossedEyes\" options category to \"Functionality\" and moved it to the bottom of the list\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Fixed options of some mods (dmitmel tweak pack) not being announced\n- Fixed aim bounce turning on when entering the analysis menu\n- Fixed entity beeping sounds persisting even after their death\n- Fixed unnamed NPC names being announced as MISSING LABEL\n- Fixed aim analysis hint selection persisting when entering the quick menu\n- Fixed hint selecting persisting after the upgrade field in Rhombus Dungeon was used\n- Fixed sound selection persisting after switching categories in the Sound Glossary\n- Made the demo version compatible again","version":"0.6.1","timestamp":1715617865000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Added aim bounce end hint whitelist\n- Added basic inventory menu support\n- Added Y level coordinate announcing (more info in the quick menu help pages)\n\n### Changed\n\n- Also announce the body part in the equipment menu\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Fixed equipment menu items not updating after equipping something new\n- Bump NVDA addon version to the latest available\n- Fixed awful typos all over the place\n- Removed duplicate quick menu analysis help menu entry","version":"0.6.0","timestamp":1713652322000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Added ball changer hint\n- Added hint filtering for battle regions\n- Added puzzle skipping help page\n\n### Changed\n\n- Footstep sounds now play even if not running\n- Puzzle filtering is now called selection filtering\n- Puzzle filtering now only takes effect when the puzzle is not solved\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Fixed map name not getting annouced when switching maps\n- Fixed NVDA addon not working\n- Fixed footstep and wall collision sounds not playing while aiming\n- Fixed character name being repeated after they already said something\n- Fixed hint selection persisting even after the entity dissapeared\n- Fixed custom quick menu buttons not getting annouced","version":"0.5.9","timestamp":1711564012000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\r\n\r\n- Moved mod auto-updating to CCModManager\r\n- Added CCModManager support (go to the options menu and press Gamepad Y)\r\n- Added \"Button denied\" sound to the sound glossary\r\n- Added equipment menu support\r\n- Added quick menu item submenu support\r\n- Added analysis menu help menu\r\n- Added quick menu help menu\r\n- Added a mod icon\r\n\r\n### Fixed\r\n\r\n- Fixed minor punctuation errors at the end of sentences","version":"0.5.8","timestamp":1710348607000,"url":""},{"body":"- Added a few puzzle elements to sound glossary\n- Added info sign hint\n- Added tutorial popups announcing\n- Added hint filtering to only show the hints relevant to the puzzle\n- Added puzzle skip button to the quick menu\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Fixed auto updater not working (you have to update to this version manually)\n- Mod version should be annouced properly now","version":"0.5.7","timestamp":1707221803000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Announce walking onto hints\n- Added recived item announcing\n- Add \"Floating Moving Platform\" puzzle entity hint\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Properly center the interactable sound\n- Fix crash at entering rhombus dungeon (again)\n- A lot of cargo boxes were falsly detected as climbable","version":"0.5.6","timestamp":1707068493000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Added \"Moving Block\" puzzle entity hint\n- Added \"Chest\" hints\n- Added hint for the \"upgrade field\"\n- Added help menu tts support\n- Added full mod multi-language support\n- Added sound glossary help menu\n\n### Changed\n\n- Increased interactable volume slider maximum to 3\n- Fix some entities being falsly treated as interactables (again)\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Fixed crash at entering rhombus dungeon\n- Fixed hints not unfocusing when focused and the filter is changed","version":"0.5.5","timestamp":1706732602000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Added level up tts announcing\n- Added sound glossary\n- Added hints for instant matter objects in Cargo Hold 1\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Added back a nessesery missing container from Cargo Hold 3\n- Fix some entities being falsly treated as interactables","version":"0.5.4","timestamp":1706372077000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Added interactable volume slider\n- Added entity hints volume slider\n- Enemy hint sounds, jump hint sounds, entity hint sounds and hint sounds are now pitched down when they're behind the player\n- Add dash volume slider\n- Added enemy vulnerability multiplier slider (for now only the crab boss is implemented)\n- Make the escape sequence (after defeating the crab boss) a bit easier\n- Add mod auto-update toggle\n\n### Changes\n\n- TTS should now initialize faster\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Fix potential crash on jump\n- Fix deck tutorial target bot not beaing a hint\n- Don't say the map name when it's missing","version":"0.5.3","timestamp":1705950248000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Added to as\n- Removed useless clutter (cargo boxes) from early maps to make them easier and less annyoing\n\n### Fixes\n\n- Fixed some tutorial spelling mistakes\n- Unfocus hints when they no longer can be focused\n- Fix possible crash at game load\n- Fixed selected hints bugging out when more than one hint is selected\n- Fix wall, jump hint and hint sound not respecting global sound volume\n- Fix crash at Cargo Ship - Cabins 1","version":"0.5.2","timestamp":1705325059000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Added jump volume slider\n- Added hints for props that lead to higher palces\n- Add wall scan aim mode\n- Automaticly determine NVDA text speed to adjust dialogue beeping sounds\n- Added wall bump volume slider\n- Added destination map on doors and paths\n- Added a simple text tutorial\n\n### Changes\n\n- Footstep volume now also plays if you only collide with walls only slightly\n- Changed hint name from \"Teleport Ground\" to \"Path\"\n\n### Fixes\n\n- Fix options menu getting interrupted for after entering while in-game\n- Fix some mod sounds persisting indefinitely\n- Fix aim bounce toggling when entering the quick menu (for some people)\n- Fix wall bumping not working on diagonal walls\n- Fix wall sounds glitching on corners\n- Fix wall sounds beaing slightly behind when the player is moving\n- Fix L1 not selecting a hint on analysis screen entry","version":"0.5.1","timestamp":1705103285000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Added a ball bounce predition system\n\n### Changes\n\n- Up/down sounds now don't require a jump to trigger\n- Limit uploaded game log size to 3000 lines\n- Add delay to game log upload\n- Enemy level has been moved to the R2 description\n\n### Fixes\n\n- Wall and jump hint sounds are not on anymore when the player is floating\n- Fixed enemies emmiting sounds after death\n- Deactive toggled hints when the entity is killed\n- Fix gradual game slowdown\n- Fixed NVDA plugn?? (maybe)","version":"0.5.0","timestamp":1704568066000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Added in game settings to the F4 log\n- Add volume sliders for walls, jump hints and hints\n- Make the language selection a list instead of a 2x3 grid\n\n### Fixes\n\n- Hint selection in the analysis screen should no longer spam selections\n- Sound of hitting enemies is now always consistent","version":"0.4.9","timestamp":1703875974000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Announce mod version on startup\n- Flag Doors, Teleport Grounds and Teleport Fields as visited after going through them\n- Say 'new' when entering a previously undiscovered map\n- Also upload NVDA log on F4\n- Add enemy hints\n\n### Fixes\n\n- Fixed game slowdowns, freezes and crashed caused by infinite sound handle stacking\n- Fixed NVDA plugin crash","version":"0.4.8","timestamp":1703719617000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n- Added a note in README about os support and the controller requiremenet\n- Say `uploading` immediately after pressing the F4 keybinding\n- Add save/load menu tts\n- Added text beeing toggle\n- Announce map name when switching maps\n\n### Fixes\n- NVDA addon should correctly install now for all users (hopefully)","version":"0.4.7","timestamp":1703177807000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n- Press F4 to upload to a pastebin like site and copy the link to clipboard\n\n### Fixes\n- Fixed NVDA addon installing and mod auto-updating","version":"0.4.6","timestamp":1703013707000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n- Added changelog\n- When using a dualshock controller, proper button names are said (instead of xbox ones)\n\n### Changes\n- README improvments.\n- Side character messages now end with the speech end.\n- Side character messages don't have a beeping text sound anymore.","version":"0.4.5","timestamp":1703008937000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.4.4","timestamp":1702853091000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.4.3","timestamp":1702844798000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.4.2","timestamp":1702815896000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.4.0","timestamp":1702583148000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.3.7","timestamp":1701985893000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.3.5","timestamp":1701381672000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.3.0","timestamp":1700683137000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.2.0","timestamp":1699483811000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.1.7","timestamp":1698794322000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.1.6","timestamp":1698789860000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.1.5","timestamp":1698774394000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.1.0","timestamp":1698527705000,"url":""}]},"cursedcode":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"cursedcode","version":"0.1.2","title":"CursedCode","description":"Cursed custom maps.","repository":"","tags":["speedrun","maps","puzzle"],"authors":"Symphiel","prestart":"mod.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"CursedCode-0.1.1-2","hash":{"sha256":"7975f9d6862fdfa5066052a52b3e9174ab92df6ae7d8187101f40ca4ccfbd4af"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708368308000,"releasePages":[{"body":"> CCModDB now requires `ccmod.json` to be present.\r\n> Added a NG+ option instead of overriding the 'Skip beginning' option.\r\n\r\nThank you, krypek, for making and adding these changes.","version":"0.1.1-2","timestamp":1708368308000,"url":""},{"body":"Chests are now tracking properly on new game. Fixed an area connection. Optimized gui lang files to be smaller in size.","version":"0.1.1-1","timestamp":1679273493000,"url":""},{"body":"**<ins>OLD VERSION SAVES ARE BROKEN.</ins>** For those who have an old save; you will either have to send it to Symph#9380 (me) on Discord so I can fix it or you have to start a completely new game. Save files should no longer break in future versions.\r\n\r\n**<ins>BUG: CHEST COUNTER DOES NOT INCREMENT CORRECTLY ON NEW GAME.</ins> When starting a new game you can fix this by returning to main menu and loading the Veteran's Bridge autosave.** If you collected your first chest after loading a save file you should be fine.\r\n\r\nQuick Menu is ENABLED by default. Added map functionality for all currently available rooms and areas. Chests can now be tracked on the map. Added names for all currently available rooms. Save files will display proper names now. Added a jingle? Made some areas easier to backtrack and more minor fixes.","version":"0.1.1","timestamp":1679138167000,"url":""},{"body":"Fixed typos and Jump to End teleporter. Fixed Regular Ridge clone from starting too early.","version":"0.1.0-1","timestamp":1678839427000,"url":""},{"body":"Intro, hub and level 1 release. Drop the ccmod file into the \\CrossCode\\assets\\mods directory with CCloader installed. Go into the New Game Plus menu and select the CursedCode option before starting a new game.","version":"0.1.0","timestamp":1678794252000,"url":""},{"body":"Two room release. Drop the ccmod file into the \\CrossCode\\assets\\mods directory with CCloader installed. Import the save in the txt file by pressing F10 when in CrossCode's Load Game menu, then copy and pasting the save code.","version":"0.0.1","timestamp":1676812536000,"url":""}]},"difficulty-mods":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"difficulty-mods","version":"1.0.7","title":"Difficulty Mods","description":{"en_US":"Adjust enemy damage, HP, and EXP gain to make the game as difficult as you like."},"repository":"","tags":["fun"],"authors":"Azure Lazuline","icons":{"24":"icon24.png"},"prestart":"src/_prestart.js","assets":["data/lang/sc/gui.en_US.json.patch"]},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"","hash":{"sha256":"be3ed9a00b4b1b32348761a9ac8cefcf17c99b4106c7240051235c44626a4bfe"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1728942448000,"releasePages":[{"body":"- adjusted Arena scoring (for damage and time) based on the HP scale setting\r\n- HP scale now affects break meter too\r\n- added Enemy Speed setting","version":"1.0.7","timestamp":1728942448000,"url":""},{"body":"fixed a bug with the Burn status effect scaling with HP","version":"1.0.6","timestamp":1728299601000,"url":""},{"body":"scales burn damage down if enemy HP is increased, since it's percentage-based and otherwise it was stronger relatively than normal","version":"1.0.5","timestamp":1728296515000,"url":""},{"body":"fixed a crash with enemy bullets that had no damage info assigned, like monk trial turrets","version":"1.0.4","timestamp":1726866108000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.3","timestamp":1726252336000,"url":""},{"body":"first public release","version":"1.0.2","timestamp":1726199234000,"url":""}]},"el-tweaks":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"el-tweaks","version":"0.8.1","title":"EL's Tweaks","description":"A coremod full of useful functionality for modders, as well as many tweaks for players.","repository":"","tags":["QoL","library"],"authors":"elluminance","plugin":"./dist/plugin.js","dependencies":{"ccloader":"2.x.x"}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"cc92804d72ff66084cd413ec0d4922e9baa0c35f469391029e8266dee812f8c3"}}],"stars":4,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1724166801000,"releasePages":[{"body":"- Fixed issues with music remixes not always loading","version":"0.8.1","timestamp":1724166859000,"url":""},{"body":"- Added music remix selector! This allows multiple modders to add remixes to songs, and users to mix-and-match which remixes they play.\r\n  - The menu is accessible from options, right under the volume settings.\r\n- Added map editor definitions for additions","version":"0.8.0","timestamp":1723954583000,"url":""},{"body":"- Added custom head for Sergey if [extendable-severed-heads]( is installed.\r\n- Added explicit dependency on ccloader 2. (Certain CCLoader 2 features were being used already, but this adds a proper requirement.)\r\n- Fixed crash if CCUILib was not installed.","version":"0.7.5","timestamp":1707590779000,"url":""},{"body":"- Traders who aren't tracked by the base game (i.e. DLC traders) should now properly show their location, instead of `???`. You will have to talk to any traders again to update it.\r\n- Trading will now properly update the credit display on the tracked trade HUD.","version":"0.7.4","timestamp":1705777486000,"url":""},{"body":"- Added proper compatibility for [CCUILib]( for inventory search functionality. (Note: this did not add a dependency. Merely made it work with the updated input field as well.)\r\n- Updated typescript compiler settings which resulted in _significantly_ smaller `.ccmod` outputs. (Down to approximately a third of the size!)","version":"0.7.3","timestamp":1705712841000,"url":""},{"body":"- Fixed shops from potentially allowing more purchases than they're supposed to.","version":"0.7.2","timestamp":1705678451000,"url":""},{"body":"- Fixed arena coin shop giving free items.","version":"0.7.1","timestamp":1705636110000,"url":""},{"body":"- Added trade favoriting/tracking! See the readme for more information.\r\n- [#1] Made it that custom maps can use negative/out of bounds offsets for maps. Thanks @krypciak!","version":"0.7.0","timestamp":1705627388000,"url":""},{"body":"- Fixed arena coin shop assuming you can buy everything at first.","version":"0.6.5","timestamp":1705074680000,"url":""},{"body":"**Additions**\r\n- Added option in the arena to always scale ascended equipment.\r\n- [Vanilla Fix] Fixed ascended gear scaling modifier to actually function.\r\n\r\n**Bug fixes**\r\n- Made save slot name fix actually do something.","version":"0.6.4","timestamp":1704747820000,"url":""},{"body":"- [Uncapped Stats] Added option for attack stat display to be much higher than other stats.","version":"0.6.3","timestamp":1703727745000,"url":""},{"body":"- Fixed chest counters potentially displaying NaN instead of 0.","version":"0.6.2","timestamp":1703169948000,"url":""},{"body":"- Changed `cmd.teleport()` to now accept a marker as the second parameter, moving the other destination info to be in the third parameter. Note this may break old invocations of the command!\r\n- `cmd.resetMapVars()` now works properly. There is also an option to reload the map immediately after resetting vars.","version":"0.6.1","timestamp":1695931527000,"url":""},{"body":"## Additions\r\n- Added utilities for making new maps appear in existing areas. See readme for more details on how to get started.\r\n- Added a new command - `cmd.reloadAreas()` which will reload any area's files. Works well for the custom map utilities!\r\n- Added bug fix for the vanilla `Skip Beginning` NG+ perk not tracking any stats.\r\n\r\n## Bug Fixes\r\n- Fixed the Uncapped Stats digit option not correctly defaulting to a value.\r\n- Fixed color picker's custom title option not working as intended.","version":"0.6.0","timestamp":1690940130000,"url":""},{"body":"Added 4 new action steps - `WHILE_TRUE`, `FOR_VAR`, `FOR_ATTRIB`, and `FOR_PARTY_MEMBERS`.\r\n\r\nThere are also 3 new event steps, which are functionally identical to their action counterparts. (`SWITCH_CASE`, `WHILE_TRUE`, and `FOR_VAR`)","version":"0.5.9","timestamp":1689736308000,"url":""},{"body":"Added `cmd.resetMapVariables()` and `cmd.resetTmpVars()`, which clears the contents of the var system's `map` and `tmp` namespaces respectively.","version":"0.5.8","timestamp":1687802908000,"url":""},{"body":"- Removed flash step fix if playing on a CC version prior to 1.4.2-3.\r\n- Added options to adjust the Uncapped Stats settings.\r\n- Added cmd.reloadMap() for those who make maps and want to quickly reload their map.","version":"0.5.7","timestamp":1686413138000,"url":""},{"body":"- Updated color picker, now uses values from 0-255, rather than 0-15. The stored data also contains a preformatted color string.\r\n- Fixed extra chest tracker code - now contained entirely within this mod, not part of another (oops, heheh...)\r\n- Internal code cleanup.","version":"0.5.6","timestamp":1672076242000,"url":""},{"body":"Bug Fixes:\r\n* Fixed the multiplier not being green in Damage Healed \r\n* Fixed minor alignment issue in trade menu.\r\n* Fixed attempting to close the sort menu in the item spawner via the back button/right click would close the entire menu rather than just the sort menu.","version":"0.5.5","timestamp":1671043975000,"url":""},{"body":"Bug Fixes:\r\n- Fixed the bug where the vanilla NG+ perk _Witch Time_ would not activate with the Dash Effect option enabled.","version":"0.5.4","timestamp":1668657115000,"url":""},{"body":"Additions since v0.5.2:\r\n- Added new action step SWITCH_CASE, which allows branch switching based on a var's value. Also allows a default branch through the use of the branch `_default`.\r\n- Command module:\r\n  - Added `cmd.reloadEnemyType(enemyType, reloadEffects?)` - which allows you to hot-reload enemy data in-game easily.\r\n    - enemyType: The path to the enemy.\r\n    - reloadEffects: Determines if effect sheets should be reloaded as well. Defaults to true.\r\n  - Added `cmd.spawnEnemy(enemyName, levelOverride?, settings?, pos?)`, which allows easy spawning of enemies.\r\n    - enemyName: The path to the enemy in question.\r\n    - levelOverride: Optional, will set enemy to that level.\r\n    - settings: Optional, allows setting any data for the enemy. (`type` and `level` _will_ be overwritten if set here.)\r\n    - pos: Optional, specifies where the enemy will spawn. Defaults to the player's position.","version":"0.5.3","timestamp":1667744874000,"url":""},{"body":"Additions since v0.4.2:\r\n- Added various utilities for modders (`sc.modUtils`)\r\n  - Added special var accessors for `mod.{mod name}.active`, `mod.{mod name}.version`, and `mod.{mod name}.name`\r\n  - Added ability for modders to add custom currencies for shops to use (no support for trades currently)\r\n  - Allowed modders to simplify the registering of custom menus\r\n- Added ability to add custom arena challenge icons\r\n- Added support for custom currencies in shops\r\n- Added action steps `EL_ELEMENT_IF`, `GOTO_LABEL_WHILE`, `EL_SET_TARGET`, `SET_ATTRIB_CURRENT_POS`\r\n- Added new behaviors for the action steps `SET_CLOSE_TEMP_TARGET` and `SET_TEMP_TARGET`.\r\n- Added in-game color picker\r\n- Added special commands for modders:\r\n  - `cmd.addItem(itemID, amount, hideMsg)` - Adds a safe version of `sc.model.player.addItem()`\r\n  - `cmd.addCredits(amount)` alias for `sc.model.player.addCredits()`\r\n  - `cmd.reloadPlayerConfigs(reloadEffects)` Reloads all playerConfig files to reflect changes in player configs without restarting the game. `reloadEffects` defaults to `true`.\r\n  - `cmd.reloadEffectsSheets()` Reloads all effect sheets.","version":"0.5.2","timestamp":1662659601000,"url":""},{"body":"Item Spawn Menu:\r\n- Added \"Group By\" option\r\n- Fixed mod for CC's default version of NW.js","version":"0.4.2","timestamp":1649451296000,"url":""},{"body":"- Item Spawning Menu:\r\n  - Added search functionality if CCInventory is installed\r\n  - Improved \"Other\" rarity search","version":"0.4.1","timestamp":1648494276000,"url":""},{"body":"- Merged contents of Uncapped Stats\r\n- Added framework for other mods to easily add custom trophies/chests\r\n- Minor fix for playing as player configs that lack a full melee combo (i.e. C'tron)\r\n- Added \"Perfectionist\" NG+ perk\r\n- Added integrated item spawn menu to inventory (Must be manually enabled in options!)\r\n- Added auto-throw control\r\n- Other minor fixes","version":"0.4.0","timestamp":1648481902000,"url":""},{"body":"# Version 0.3.0\r\n- Added a new NG+ perk - \"Nudist\"! Can you beat the game without using equipment?","version":"0.3.0","timestamp":1639539434000,"url":""},{"body":"Version 0.2.1\r\n- Added effect for perfect dash (along with a corresponding option)","version":"0.2.1","timestamp":1639505076000,"url":""},{"body":"# Initial Release\r\n- Added fix for Flash Step \r\n- Added bonus points for regenerating HP in the Arena\r\n- Added way to regain used items in the Arena\r\n- Added assist option to increase (and decrease) timing windows for perfect guards/dashes.\r\n- Added walk button.","version":"0.2.0","timestamp":1639426247000,"url":""}]},"element-boss":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"element-boss","version":"0.1.3","title":"Element Boss","description":"Adds a new boss battle to the game.","repository":"","tags":["boss"],"authors":"sgrunt","main":"mod.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"569d371c4bb151222e5d8cd1104115bfe6c5fe1b4325813e586e26ecbe0fbbb2"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708290993000,"releasePages":[{"body":"","version":"0.1.3","timestamp":1708290993000,"url":""}]},"element-hair":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"element-hair","version":"1.0.5","title":"Elemental Hair","description":{"en_US":"Changes Lea's hair color to match her current element."},"repository":"","tags":["cosmetic"],"authors":"Azure Lazuline","icons":{"24":"icon24.png"},"prestart":"src/_prestart.js","assets":["data/lang/sc/gui.en_US.json.patch"]},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"","hash":{"sha256":"26f03fa6d5a7ec0023c3df778fb1aaa2ab1a23d8b46283fc7c4264218dc3d105"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1730402517000,"releasePages":[{"body":"- trims whitespace at the end of image filenames before comparing\r\n- this fixes the sleeping animation, and a few others like Lea landing from big jumps","version":"1.0.5","timestamp":1730402517000,"url":""},{"body":"- adds support for Shizuka in the intro.\r\n- for modders: recolors can now apply conditionally (so it doesn't affect the NPC version of a playable character for example), check how i did Shizuka.","version":"1.0.4","timestamp":1728569802000,"url":""},{"body":"- general refactoring to make it easier to work with and improve load times","version":"1.0.3","timestamp":1726251791000,"url":""},{"body":"first public release","version":"1.0.2","timestamp":1726200474000,"url":""}]},"extendable-severed-heads":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"extendable-severed-heads","version":"1.1.1","title":"extendable-severed-heads","description":"Library for adding new character head icons","repository":"","tags":["library"],"authors":["ac2pic","nax","elluminance"],"plugin":"plugin.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"extendable-severed-heads-1.1.1","hash":{"sha256":"f5613ac92ac20e138dec801063f8673aa15696836dd15700305e9007f6de119a"}}],"stars":3,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708512538000,"releasePages":[{"body":"","version":"1.1.1","timestamp":1708512538000,"url":""},{"body":"## What's Changed\r\n* Add support for custom headIdx names, fixes #2 by @EL20202 in\r\n* Update ccmod.json. Remove hidden. by @conorlawton in\r\n* Update version numbers by @conorlawton in\r\n","version":"1.1.0","timestamp":1707054345000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1676763744000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1568693016000,"url":""}]},"extension-asset-preloader":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"extension-asset-preloader","version":"1.0.0","title":"Extension Asset Preloader","description":"Fixes files from extensions potentially not being loaded during the game's loading.","repository":"","tags":["library"],"authors":"elluminance","postload":"postload.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"ec7f83e4064a220ac6ca44d8bb4659cc2665709b5dcc173ea515133ef06b7b09"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708372180000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Initial Release","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1674268883000,"url":""}]},"font-utils":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"font-utils","version":"1.2.0","title":"Font Utilities","description":"Adds various new font colors!","repository":"","tags":["library"],"authors":"elluminance","prestart":"dist/prestart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"82b694a6e808081d9db494a57598944c6c7363439f561e87832225677e61769a"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708372178000,"releasePages":[{"body":"- Added 6 new font colors: Fuchsia, olive, violet, brown, gold, and dark red.\r\n- Ported code to TypeScript.","version":"1.2.1","timestamp":1693058899000,"url":""},{"body":"- Added support for `\\l[]` which will dynamically replace text in a string with what's at the lang label.","version":"1.2.0","timestamp":1688231405000,"url":""},{"body":"- Added named font color aliases. See [readme]( for more details.","version":"1.1.0","timestamp":1687802885000,"url":""},{"body":"Initial release, adds many cool, new font colors!\r\n\r\n![image](\r\n","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1687658470000,"url":""}]},"french":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"french","version":"1.5.0","title":{"en_US":"French","fr_FR":"Français","de_DE":"Französisch"},"description":{"en_US":"CrossCode in french !","fr_FR":"CrossCode en français !","de_DE":"CrossCode im Französisch !"},"repository":"","tags":["language"],"authors":["L-Sherry","KevinBonnoron"],"icons":{"24":"flaglea.png"},"dependencies":{"localize-me":">=0.5 <2"},"postload":"mod.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"784ec246a62d901c0969b42c1b2fb95f51302db6aa54dc639cee00e55686844c"}}],"stars":17,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1710697554000,"releasePages":[{"body":"La der des der, ou peut-être pas.\r\n\r\nCorrigé:\r\n* Plusieurs erreurs de genrage de la part des PNJs, probablement parce que la version allemande avait originalement les mêmes erreurs.\r\n* Le nom d'un PNJ obscur de Bergen qui n'était pas traduit parce que le jeu de base ne considérait pas qu'il était traduisible.\r\n* Quelques textes de ce même PNJ.\r\n\r\nUn grand merci à @Fredimimi pour avoir signalé toutes ces erreurs.\r\n\r\nAh, et aussi, cette version améliore la compatibilité avec (encore) un autre gestionnaire de mod.\r\n\r\n---\r\n\r\nThe last of the last one, or maybe not.\r\n\r\nFixed:\r\n* Multiple gendering mistakes from NPCs, probably because the german version originally had the same mistakes.\r\n* The name of an obscure NPC in Bergen that wasn't translated because the base game didn't consider it translatable.\r\n* Some texts from that said NPC.\r\n\r\nBig thanks to @Fredimimi for reporting all these mistakes.\r\n\r\nAh, and also, this version improve compatibility with (yet) another mod manager.","version":"1.5.0","timestamp":1710697554000,"url":""},{"body":"La version \"Putain 4 ans déjà !\"\r\n\r\nHé oui, la première release date d'il y a 4 ans déjà, sachant que tout à commencé encore avant. En avril 2019 pour être exact. Je devais sacrément m'ennuyer ce jour là. Mais en même temps il pleuvait.\r\n\r\nCorrigé:\r\n* La compatibilité avec CrossCode 1.4.2-3 (je parie que ce sera pas la dernière).\r\n* C'est tout.\r\n\r\n---\r\nThe \"4 fucking years already!\" version.\r\n\r\nYep, the first release was 4 years ago, even if everything started even before. In April 2019 actually. I must have been very bored that day. But it was raining at the time.\r\n\r\nFixed:\r\n* Compatibility with CrossCode 1.4.2-3 (I bet it's not the last one).\r\n* That is all.","version":"1.4.0","timestamp":1687718066000,"url":""},{"body":"La version que personne n'a demandée. Un peu comme les élections en France, quoi.\r\n\r\nCorrigé:\r\n- La compatibilité avec CrossCode 1.4.2-2.\r\n- Les typos que les développeurs ont faites et que j'ai recopié sans réfléchir.\r\n\r\n---\r\nThe version nobody asked for. Just like the French elections, yeah.\r\n\r\nFixed:\r\n- Compatibility with CrossCode 1.4.2-2.\r\n- The typos made by the developers that I blindly copied.","version":"1.3.0","timestamp":1650997765000,"url":""},{"body":"La dernière des dernières des versions, avec un peu de chance.\r\n\r\nEntièrement traduit :\r\n- Tout, y compris les petits changements dans 1.4.2-1\r\n\r\nCorrigé :\r\n- Les traductions des quêtes des consoles sont maintenant dans l'archive, au lieu d'être chez moi. Merci à @la-symeyronie de me l'avoir signalé.\r\n\r\n---\r\n\r\nThe last of the last version, with a bit of luck.\r\n\r\nEntirely translated:\r\n- Everything, including the small changes from 1.4.2-1\r\n\r\nFixed:\r\n\r\n- The console quests are now in the archive, instead of being left at home. Thanks @la-symeyronie for letting me know.","version":"1.2.0","timestamp":1633461915000,"url":""},{"body":"\"La version 1.0.0 qui sera probablement la dernière\", Tu parles ! C'était sans compter sur la sortie de CrossCode 1.4.2. Et il se trouve qu'un rigolard de chez Radical Fish Games a encore envie d'en sortir d'autres. Probablement pour corriger des typos, mais qui sait !\r\n\r\nEntièrement traduit :\r\n\r\n- Toutes les nouvelles anciennes quêtes auparavent disponibles uniquement sur les consoles (en théorie). Elles étaient déjà partiellement traduites avant, mais à [La Rache™](, vu que seul les moddeurs y avaient accès.\r\n\r\n---\r\n\r\n\"The 1.0.0 version which will probably be the last\", give me a break ! This wasn't for the release of CrossCode 1.4.2. And it turns out that a goofy guy from Radical Fish Games still want to release more. Probably to fix typos, but who knows !\r\n\r\nEntirely translated:\r\n\r\n- All the new old quests previously only available on consoles (in theory). They were already partially translated, but badly, because only modders had access to them.","version":"1.1.0","timestamp":1632680996000,"url":""},{"body":"Une nouvelle version, avec peu de changements (principalement les quelques nouveaux textes de la version 1.4.1-6), mais qui sera probablement la dernière, puisque les développeurs ne prévoient pas de nouveau contenu pour CrossCode.\r\n\r\nCette version est aussi la première à proposer un ccmod et une installation simplifiée.\r\n\r\nEntièrement traduit :\r\n\r\n- Tout\r\n\r\n---\r\n\r\nA new version, with few changes (mainly the new texts from version 1.4.1-6), which will probably be the last, since the developpers do not plan any new content for CrossCode.\r\n\r\nThis version is also the first one to provide a ccmod and a easy installation.\r\n\r\nEntirely translated:\r\n- Everything","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1624127114000,"url":""},{"body":"Une nouvelle mais... version.\r\n\r\nEntièrement traduit :\r\n- Tous les textes de la version\r\n- Même les textes du DLC \"A New Home\"\r\n\r\n---\r\nA new ho... version.\r\n\r\nEntirely translated:\r\n\r\n- All texts from version\r\n- Even the texts from the DLC \"A New Home\"","version":"0.12.0","timestamp":1620761596000,"url":""},{"body":"La version après le désastre.\r\n\r\nOui, parce qu'il y a eu un désastre. La version de CrossCode est sortie et a cassé pas mal de textes, comme on pouvait s'y attendre.\r\nPour ne rien arranger, CCLoader v2.20.0 est sorti et a tout cassé le mod en voulant bien faire.\r\n\r\nAjouté :\r\n\r\n- Un logo.  Inutile, donc indispensable !\r\n\r\nCorrigé :\r\n\r\n- La compatibilité avec CCLoader v2.\r\n\r\nEntièrement traduit :\r\n\r\n- Tous les textes de la version\r\n- Tous les textes de l'épisode après-jeu qui ne sont pas dans le DLC, bien qu'ils méritent une bonne relecture.\r\n\r\nTrès partiellement traduit :\r\n\r\n- L'arène du DLC.\r\n\r\n---\r\n\r\nThe version after the disaster.\r\n\r\nYes, because a disaster happened.  CrossCode version was released and broke loads of texts, as one could have expected.\r\nTo make things worse, CCLoader v2.20.0 was released and it broke the entire mod, even if it had the bests of intentions.\r\n\r\nAdded:\r\n\r\n- A Logo.  Useless, therefore absolutely necessary !\r\n\r\nFixed:\r\n\r\n- Compatibility with CCLoader v2\r\n\r\nEntirely translated:\r\n\r\n- Every text from version\r\n- Every text from the post-game episode which aren't in the DLC, even if they could use some serious proofreading.\r\n\r\nVery partially translated:\r\n\r\n- The DLC arena.","version":"0.11.0","timestamp":1616534146000,"url":""},{"body":"La version calme avant le déluge.\r\n\r\nCette version contient de nombreuses corrections de la part d'Angelis (merci à lui !) et corrige aussi de nombreuses erreurs signalées par des sources... diverses et inattendues.\r\n\r\nElle cible toujours CrossCode version 1.3.0-4, en attendant la prochaine grosse maj qui va tout casser.\r\n\r\nChangé :\r\n- Accordé un mot de Lea au féminin (Angelis)\r\n- Changé « Spheromancer » en « Sphéromanceur/Sphéromanceuse » (Angelis)\r\n- Changé « item » en « objet » (Angelis)\r\n\r\nCorrigé :\r\n- Plusieurs incohérences sur l'usage du vouvoiement. (Angelis)\r\n- Certains textes trop longs.\r\n- Une quantité non-négligeable de textes divers. (Angelis mais pas que)\r\n\r\nAjouté :\r\n- Une traduction du mod CCExtraGamepadOptions (Angelis)\r\n\r\n---\r\n\r\nThe calm version before the storm.\r\n\r\nThis versions contains numerous fixes from Angelis (Thanks !) and also fixes many issues reported by... various unexpected sources.\r\n\r\nIt is still targets CrossCode version 1.3.0-4, until the next big update that will break everything.\r\n\r\nChanged:\r\n- Genderized one Lea word (Angelis)\r\n- Changed « Spheromancer » into « Sphéromanceur/Sphéromanceuse » (Angelis)\r\n- Changed « item » into « objet » (Angelis)\r\n\r\nFixed:\r\n- Many inconsistencies about the usage of the polite plural form. (Angelis)\r\n- Some texts that were too long.\r\n- A non-negligible amount of texts. (not only Angelis)\r\n\r\nAdded:\r\n- A translation of the CCExtraGamepadOptions mod (Angelis)","version":"0.10.0","timestamp":1612116547000,"url":""},{"body":"Autrement dit, la version \"Wait, there's more !\"\r\n\r\nEntièrement traduit:\r\n\r\n    Tous les 2500 nouveaux textes de la version 1.3.0-4.\r\n\r\nCorrigé:\r\n\r\n    Une quantité non-négligeable de textes.\r\n    Le support de CCLoader v3, qui n'est pas encore sorti.\r\n\r\nAjouté:\r\n\r\n    La compatibilité avec Localize-Me 1.x, qui n'est pas encore sorti.\r\n\r\n--\r\n\r\nThe \"Quand y en a plus, y en a encore !\" release\r\n\r\nFully translated:\r\n\r\n    All 2500 new texts from version 1.3.0-4.\r\n\r\nFixed:\r\n\r\n    A non-negligible amount of texts.\r\n    Compatibility with CCLoader v3, which isn't out yet.\r\n\r\nAdded:\r\n\r\n    Compatibility with Localize-Me 1.x, which isn't out yet.\r\n","version":"0.9.0","timestamp":1599676471000,"url":""},{"body":"Autrement dit, la version \"wait, is that all ?\"\r\n\r\nEntièrement traduit:\r\n- Tout de la version 1.2.0-5.\r\n\r\nCorrigé:\r\n- Une quantité non-négligeable de textes.\r\n\r\nAjouté:\r\n- Des noms dans le générique de fin.\r\n\r\nCette version ajoute également la compatibilité avec CCLoader v3, en plus de CCLoader v2. Pour utiliser ce mod avec CCLoader v3, il faut mettre à jour Localize-Me vers au moins la version 0.6.\r\n\r\n----\r\n\r\nThe \"Mince alors, c'est déjà fini ?\" release\r\n\r\nFully translated:\r\n- Everything from version 1.2.0-5.\r\n\r\nFixed:\r\n- A non-negligible amount of texts.\r\n\r\nAdded:\r\n- Some names in the end-game credits.\r\n\r\nThis version also adds compatibility with CCLoader v3, in addition to CCLoader v2. To use this mod with CCLoader v3, Localize-Me must be updated to at least version 0.6.","version":"0.8.0","timestamp":1593374237000,"url":""},{"body":"The \"Oooops, all your texts have been translated !\" release.\r\n\r\nFully translated:\r\n- Everything\r\n- Even the new texts from 1.2.0-5\r\n\r\nFixed:\r\n- A crash due to invalid landmark references introduced in 0.3.0 and 0.4.0.\r\n- A huge amount of spelling and grammar mistakes.\r\n\r\nThere are still 2.7% of texts which could do with a bit of polishing.","version":"0.7.0","timestamp":1576788079000,"url":""},{"body":"The \"OMG we're nearing the end\" release.\r\n\r\nFully translated:\r\n- All maps.\r\n- All achievements.\r\n- All quests.\r\n- All Credits (no, didn't add anything)\r\n- All \"Chapters\" lore entries\r\n- All \"People\" lore entries.\r\n\r\nStill partially translated:\r\n- \"Crossworlds\" lore entries.\r\n\r\nSince the end is near, most of the effort is focused on fixing spelling and grammar errors. Many were fixed in this version, but around 3% of translations still need to be fixed.\r\n\r\nThis release also incidentally drop support for old CCLoader versions. So make sure to update yours.","version":"0.6.0","timestamp":1575214690000,"url":""},{"body":"The 90% Release. Ok, that's maybe cheating, it's probably between 89% and 90%, but at least one metric is above 90%, because there are 32111 translated strings out of 35461, including bad translations and duplicates.\r\n\r\nFully translated:\r\n- Gaia's Garden\r\n- Basin Keep\r\n- Zir'vitar Temple\r\n- So'najiz Temple\r\n- Grand Krys'kajo\r\n- Arena cups\r\n- Enemies names and descriptions from 1.2.0-4\r\n\r\nVery partially translated:\r\n- Some chapter lore entries\r\n- Sapphire Ridge\r\n\r\nRefreshed these translations to v1.2.0-4 :\r\n- Every translated map.\r\n- The common events, which should have been part of the previous release. Except... well... the translations have been lost. And remade.\r\n- Made the new items for unreleased (and probably exclusive) content fit on their boxes.","version":"0.5.0","timestamp":1572732609000,"url":""},{"body":"The 75% Release. Or the update to v1.2 release. Whichever suits you the most.\r\n\r\nFully translated:\r\n- Maroon Valley\r\n- Ba'kii Kum\r\n- Faj'ro Temple\r\n- Vermillion Wasteland\r\n- Vermillion Dungeon & Tower\r\n- Flashbacks\r\n\r\nVery partially translated:\r\n- Gaia's Garden\r\n\r\nRefreshed these translations to v1.2 :\r\n- Gui texts, especially related to New Game Plus\r\n- Every already translated map.\r\n- Added new items from v1.2, even if some of them don't fit (#4).\r\n\r\nAnd some fixes, of course.","version":"0.4.0","timestamp":1571174926000,"url":""},{"body":"The 20k release. Or 59% release. Whatever.\r\n\r\nFully translated:\r\n- Rookie Harbor\r\n- Autumn's Rise\r\n- Bergen's Trails\r\n- Bergen Village\r\n- Mine Temple\r\n- Quests for all of the above.\r\n\r\nPartially translated:\r\n- Maroon Valley\r\n\r\nRefreshed these translations to 1.1:\r\n- Common events\r\n- Enemies\r\n- Area names\r\n\r\nRefreshed these translations to 1.1.0-3:\r\n- Hideout\r\n- Cargo ship\r\n\r\nThis version adds the following patches:\r\n- Patch up the '°' character, used as a number sign in French\r\n\r\nAnd a lot more of them fixes.\r\n\r\nLocalize-Me-Tool now has a length checker which can automatically detect when certain texts are too long to fit in tiny boxes, and this release is the first one that have been entirely checked as correct by this tool. The effort to track texts that don't fit in their box is summarized in issue #4.","version":"0.3.0","timestamp":1565818566000,"url":""},{"body":"The 33% release.\r\n\r\nThe Localize-Me dependency is bumped to 0.4.0, which adds the following features:\r\n* This mod can now be installed in any subdirectory of `assets/mods/`. Previously, it expected `assets/mods/french`.\r\n* Number formatting support.\r\n* This mod now works with both CCLoader and CCInjector.\r\n\r\nFully translated:\r\n* The game manual in the GUI.\r\n\r\nPartially translated:\r\n* Game achievements\r\n* Rookie Harbor (much more complete than before, but still not complete).\r\n\r\nAnd of course, various fixes there and there.\r\n\r\nThis version adds the following patches:\r\n* Patched font again, to have a î character.\r\n* Patch the number format to use spaces as a thousand separator and ',' as a decimal separator. Not every part of the game is patched yet, but later versions of Localize-Me should improve this.\r\n","version":"0.2.0","timestamp":1562968090000,"url":""},{"body":"Initial release.\r\n\r\nFully translated (but not polished):\r\n- Gui (without the manual)\r\n- Items\r\n- Common events from v1.0.3-4\r\n- Enemies from v1.0.3-4\r\n- Area names\r\n- Hideout\r\n- Cargo ship\r\n- Rhombus square\r\nPartially translated :\r\n- Rookie Harbor\r\n- CrossWorlds lore entries\r\n\r\nThis releases also add patches for the game :\r\n- Patched fonts to have a working 'ï' character\r\n- Patched font metrics to have a non-break space and a short non-break space.\r\n- Patched the small font to have better \"éèêë\" characters that don't look like they are upper case.","version":"0.1.0","timestamp":1560285095000,"url":""}]},"input-api":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"input-api","version":"1.0.2","title":"input-api","description":"Allows mods to add rebindable key bindings","repository":"","tags":["library"],"authors":"dmitmel","postload":"postload.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"input-api-1.0.2","hash":{"sha256":"414d3b091a4644b6d52ec64cac1e8017fda69fec5792f32ff1b40e674d1aec78"}}],"stars":5,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708513309000,"releasePages":[{"body":"","version":"1.0.2","timestamp":1708513309000,"url":""},{"body":"See [README]( for more information.\r\n\r\n- The mod can now be used on the speedrunner branch of the game.","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1646924346000,"url":""},{"body":"See [README]( for more information.","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1589783872000,"url":""}]},"item-api":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"item-api","version":"0.4.5","title":"Item API","description":"Allows custom items to be prepared in such a way that they 'just work'.","repository":"","tags":["library"],"authors":["elluminance","dmitmel","hsifnus","ac2pic"],"icons":{"24":"icon-24.png"},"postload":"postload.js","prestart":"prestart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"","hash":{"sha256":"f0e37b242aaea1375a837638d0b392e27129c7e82fda8ee31c6827bf91bf6880"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708528670000,"releasePages":[{"body":"- Fixed var accessor for `item.{id}.amount`.","version":"0.4.5","timestamp":1708528670000,"url":""},{"body":"- Enemy drops properly use alias.\r\n- Party members now can use custom equipment.\r\n- Vars related to `item.{id}` should now always work.\r\n- Trade menu now properly handles custom equipment.\r\n- Custom items can now be carried over into NG+.\r\n- Improved support for CCLoader3.\r\n- Added mod icon.","version":"0.4.4","timestamp":1692894543000,"url":""},{"body":"Fix custom items with buffs crashing the game when opening the shop menus. (#6)","version":"0.4.3","timestamp":1635315483000,"url":""},{"body":"Fix a bug when the custom items in enemy drops wouldn't be shown in the Monster Fibula. (#5)","version":"0.4.2","timestamp":1631343801000,"url":""},{"body":"Fix a bug when a category in the \"Add-Ons\" inventory tab consisting only of modded items wouldn't be shown. (#4)","version":"0.4.1","timestamp":1630409312000,"url":""},{"body":"The code of templating-api is now included with item-api! Please, uninstall templating-api after updating.","version":"0.4.0","timestamp":1613259291000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.3.0","timestamp":1583633711000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.2.1","timestamp":1577806756000,"url":""}]},"jetpack":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"jetpack","version":"0.2.1","title":"Jetpack","description":"Turns your CTRL key into a jetpack","repository":"","tags":["speedrun","fun","cheats"],"authors":["2767mr","dmitmel"],"dependencies":{"crosscode":"^1.1.0"},"poststart":"poststart.js","prestart":"prestart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"CCJetpack-0.2.1","hash":{"sha256":"bae0bbb4c500cf27725e1dce963829c0d5e253333d8362e42b563f66a3e275dd"}}],"stars":4,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708511891000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Turns your CTRL key into a jetpack.","version":"0.2.1","timestamp":1708511891000,"url":""},{"body":"Turns your CTRL key into a jetpack.\r\n\r\nChanges in this version:\r\n* Added support for input-api if it is installed.","version":"0.2.0","timestamp":1589834743000,"url":""},{"body":"Turns your CTRL key into a jetpack.\r\n\r\nChanges in this version:\r\n* Added mod description","version":"0.1.1","timestamp":1575129410000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.1","timestamp":1503673985000,"url":""}]},"junolea":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"junolea","version":"1.0.0","title":"Junolea Skin","description":"Adds a skin which makes Lea look like Juno","repository":"","tags":["cosmetic"],"authors":["Inevitabilis","dmitmel"],"icons":{"24":"icon24.png"},"dependencies":{"item-api":">=0.2.0 <1.0.0"},"assets":["data/animations/player-skins/junolea-hugging.json","data/animations/player-skins/junolea-hugging.json.patch","data/animations/player-skins/junolea-poses-debug.json","data/animations/player-skins/junolea-poses-debug.json.patch","data/animations/player-skins/junolea-poses.json","data/animations/player-skins/junolea-poses.json.patch","data/animations/player-skins/junolea-sleeping.json","data/animations/player-skins/junolea-sleeping.json.patch","data/animations/player-skins/junolea-weak.json","data/animations/player-skins/junolea-weak.json.patch","data/animations/player-skins/junolea.json","data/animations/player-skins/junolea.json.patch","data/characters/main/junolea.json","data/characters/main/junolea.json.patch","data/database.json.patch","data/effects/skins/junolea.json","data/effects/skins/junolea.json.patch","data/item-database.json.patch","media/entity/player/junolea-hugging.png","media/entity/player/junolea-move-weak.png","media/entity/player/junolea-move.png","media/entity/player/junolea-poses-debug.png","media/entity/player/junolea-poses.png","media/entity/player/junolea-sleeping.png","media/entity/player/junolea-throw.png","media/face/junolea-hand.png","media/face/junolea-panic.png","media/face/junolea-special.png","media/face/junolea.png","media/gui/skins/junolea.png","media/map/baked/lea-bakii-kum-junolea.png","media/map/baked/lea-ctron-bakii-kum-junolea.png","media/map/baked/lea-server-junolea.png","media/map/baked/the-room-conversation-clear-junolea.png","media/map/baked/the-room-conversation-shelf-junolea.png","media/map/baked/tree-top-ctron-junolea.png"]},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"CC-Junolea-1.0.1","hash":{"sha256":"caa6fce0f7b2d604622f06c32b19e8cf1e1026ec1ac0bd4e07beec2a060b3fc6"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708374201000,"releasePages":[{"body":"","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1708374201000,"url":""},{"body":"See [README]( for more information.","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1628412353000,"url":""}]},"localize-me":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"localize-me","version":"0.6.1","title":{"en_US":"Localize Me","fr_FR":"Régionalisez-Moi","de_DE":"Lokalisiert mich"},"description":{"en_US":"Add support for more locales, languages and translations","fr_FR":"Ajoute la gestion de plus de locales, de languages et de traductions","de_DE":"Fügt Unterstützung für mehr Lokalen, Sprachen und Übersetzungen hinzu","ru_RU":"Мод для создания дополнительных региональных настроек, языков и переводов"},"license":"MIT","repository":"","tags":["library","language"],"authors":["L-Sherry","dmitmel"],"postload":"mod.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"Localize-me-0.6.1","hash":{"sha256":"9929a522987ec0d7e32163708c089b353f48feeb1f1129ca97ef133bc56f80b6"}}],"stars":5,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1710692661000,"releasePages":[{"body":"This minor version:\r\n* Fixes a minor issue when the game is started for the first time\r\n* Fix a crash when translating mods with CCLoader v3\r\n* Add support for CCModManager, which is yet another mod installer","version":"0.6.1","timestamp":1710692661000,"url":""},{"body":"This version adds support for CCLoader v3 while keeping compatibility with the other modloaders.\r\n\r\nCompared to CCLoader v2, CCloader v3 has a localizable interface and the ability to translate mod names and descriptions.","version":"0.6.0","timestamp":1593374803000,"url":""},{"body":"This new release adds one feature and one feature only:\r\n- DLCs can now be translated.","version":"0.5.3","timestamp":1589646348000,"url":""},{"body":"A bugfix release fixing these bugs:\r\n- The first invocation of `reserve_char` no longer gives a location already occupied by a character of the game.\r\n- Will no longer crash if there is a jQuery.ajax() user that does not use a context object.","version":"0.5.2","timestamp":1584140278000,"url":""},{"body":"A new release with loads of improvements.\r\n\r\n- Everything has been refactored for greater ~~code size~~ maintainability.\r\n- Add a proper documentation separate from the source code.\r\n- Several new font patching features:\r\n  * Allow to replace the font entirely.\r\n  * The font patcher functions will now always receive a canvas.\r\n  * Add a algorithm that takes the base font image and automatically create colored variants from it.\r\n  * Add `patch_base_font` to disambiguate between patching the base font and patching the colored variants.  The default for colored variants is now to recolor them automatically.\r\n  * Add `reserve_char` function that finds free space for a new character or resize the font image if\r\n    there is no space left.\r\n  * Add `import_from_font` which can import new characters from externally-defined fonts.\r\n- Add support for displaying flags in the language menu.\r\n- Stop caching pack files to save RAM.","version":"0.5.1","timestamp":1582481082000,"url":""},{"body":"This is merely a re-release of 0.4.2 that improve compliance of metadata with an upcoming CLS standard.\r\n\r\nNothing else changed.","version":"0.4.3","timestamp":1575145541000,"url":""},{"body":"This is a bugfix release, with only one change:\r\n- Workaround a bug of the game's bundled old CryptoJS version that would crash the game when using stale encrypted translations.","version":"0.4.2","timestamp":1565723789000,"url":""},{"body":"Changes:\r\n* Remove dependencies on some modloader features, which mean this mod is now compatible with both CCLoader and CCInjector (and also by editing `node-webkit.html` by hand if you don't like modloaders)\r\n* Make uninstallation safer by never saving any custom locale in the global settings. only localStorage is used to store the current custom locale, and the game handles missing locales just fine there.\r\n* Add `pre_patch_font` hook that can wait, since the `patch_font` hook cannot wait.\r\n* Add number formatting support, to override what the game does.  This is not complete yet, but the\r\n  `format_number` hook and `number_locale` setting are available now.","version":"0.4.1","timestamp":1562965727000,"url":""},{"body":"Changes:\r\n- When trying to find a pack file for a lang file (i.e. a file in assets/lang), use the path to the original file path first, then fall back to the modified path for backward compatibility.\r\n\r\nThis mean that if a mod tries to translate e.g. `lang/sc/gui.de_DE.json` into `lang/sc/gui.de_AT.json`, then previously, we would look for a packfile matching lang/sc/gui.de_AT.json, expecting it to contain stuff like`lang/sc/gui.de_AT.json/labels/...`.\r\n\r\nNow, we first look at `lang/sc/gui.de_DE.json` for `lang/sc/gui.de_DE.json/labels/...`. If `lang/sc/gui.de_DE.json` is not found in the map file, then use the previous scheme instead.\r\n\r\n- Add url_prefix entry to allow translation mods to be relocatable. Every URL found in a map_file or\r\neven the URL of the map file itself is prefixed with url_prefix. A script can get its own URL using document.currentScript.src and could derive a url_prefix value from that.\r\n\r\n- the 'en_LEA' test translation can now be enabled by putting 'en_LEA' somewhere in the query string.","version":"0.3.1","timestamp":1561150227000,"url":""},{"body":"Initial release with:\r\n\r\n- support for selecting new languages in the menu.\r\n- support for patching langLabels in all files.\r\n- support for patching Lang files.\r\n- support for customizing missing translations.\r\n- support for patching fonts.","version":"0.2.0","timestamp":1560283969000,"url":""}]},"lqm-joern-mod":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"lqm-joern-mod","version":"0.5.73","title":{"en_US":"Lubkuluk's \\c[7]Quadroguard\\c[0] Mod \\i[class-quadro] \\c[1](WIP)"},"description":{"en_US":"Adds Playable Quadroguards and Custom PvP content. \\c[1]Is in early access, expect some bugs.\\c[0]"},"repository":"","tags":["player character","party member"],"authors":["Lubkuluk","HeartLychee"],"icons":{"24":"icon.png"},"main":"main.js","preload":"preload.js","postload":"postload.js","prestart":"prestart.js","poststart":"poststart.js","dependencies":{"extendable-severed-heads":">=1.1.0","xenons-playable-classes":">=2.0.0"}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"lubkuluks-quadroguard-mod","hash":{"sha256":"ec78d505aa0570a9c8225689843f37bf7ff56a57bca94ef8e51e8e4c3fd5a69e"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1712076955000,"releasePages":[{"body":"","version":"0.5.73","timestamp":1712076955000,"url":""},{"body":"[](\r\n","version":"0.5.72","timestamp":1712076955000,"url":""},{"body":"[](\r\n","version":"0.5.71","timestamp":1712076955000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.5.70","timestamp":1712076955000,"url":""},{"body":"[](\r\n","version":"0.5.6","timestamp":1712076955000,"url":""},{"body":"[](\r\n","version":"0.5.5","timestamp":1712076955000,"url":""},{"body":"[](\r\n","version":"0.5.4","timestamp":1707477054000,"url":""},{"body":"[](\r\n\r\nPatch Notes can be found on the mod's Discord Server","version":"","timestamp":1707477054000,"url":""},{"body":"Fixed a bug that was causing error on start\r\n[](\r\n","version":"0.5.3","timestamp":1707476782000,"url":""}]},"map-watch":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"map-watch","version":"1.1.1","title":"Map Watcher","description":"A mod that automatically loads a map when changes are detected","repository":"","tags":["dev"],"authors":["2767mr","lexisother"],"plugin":"plugin.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"map-watch-1.1.1","hash":{"sha256":"d5001f812cc76c45669b9770317f33eb350a058e89d366094ac188dd6af9b6e2"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708513132000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Added tags to the mod's description","version":"1.1.1","timestamp":1708513132000,"url":""},{"body":"A simple mod that automatically loads/reloads a map when it was changed.\r\nUseful when combined with the [CrossCode Map Editor](\r\n\r\nChangelog:\r\n* Use chokidar to watch files. This means the mod now works on linux.","version":"1.1.0","timestamp":1694528575000,"url":""},{"body":"A simple mod that automatically loads/reloads a map when it was changed.\r\nUseful when combined with the [CrossCode Map Editor](\r\n\r\nChangelog:\r\n* Fixed loading new files.\r\n* Fixed loading non-existing files.","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1587293535000,"url":""},{"body":"A simple mod that automatically loads/reloads a map when it was changed.\r\nUseful when combined with the [CrossCode Map Editor](\r\n","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1586527146000,"url":""}]},"menu-ui-replacer":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"menu-ui-replacer","version":"1.0.5","title":"menu-ui-replacer","description":"Replace Lea with the character of your choice in the menu!","repository":"","tags":["library"],"authors":["hsifnus","ac2pic"],"plugin":"plugin.js","postload":"postload.js","assets":["assets/data/menu.json"]},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"cc-menu-ui-replacement-1.0.5/cc-menu-ui-replacement","hash":{"sha256":"fa7b1ad6524e49c03716d51d036b887ab29868f43ca13a89268be792d083eac9"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1722967706000,"releasePages":[{"body":"* Fix map floor buttons not reacting to area changes #3 ","version":"1.0.5","timestamp":1722967706000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.4","timestamp":1708540517000,"url":""},{"body":"New Portrait by Rioreur.","version":"1.0.2","timestamp":1578086063000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1578083223000,"url":""}]},"modifier-api":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"modifier-api","version":"0.1.1","title":"Modifier API \\c[3]Reborn\\c[0]","description":"Enables easier creation and usage of custom modifiers and statuses.","repository":"","tags":["library"],"authors":"elluminance","postload":"./dist/postload.js","prestart":"./dist/prestart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"2e2ebf66a3bdb3a98d19b59c6e51918cea050940a28de4657b7dc05c62d1b30b"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708372181000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Initial release.","version":"0.1.1","timestamp":1703964806000,"url":""}]},"mw-rando":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"mw-rando","version":"0.6.1","title":"Multiworld randomizer","description":"Client for CrossCode Archipelago Integration","repository":"","tags":["puzzle","speedrun"],"authors":"CodeTriangle","plugin":"mw-rando/plugin.js","icons":{"24":"icon-24.png"},"dependencies":{"open-world":">=0.3.2","nax-ccuilib":">=1.2.4"}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"cd4ed9a436f615f4a433dff0fec998fd2149aaa355324354a355d00b1ccd557c"}}],"stars":7,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1724963325000,"releasePages":[{"body":"## Changes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Added a \"locked\" icon to shop slots which are not able to be purchased due to not having received the unlock item for that slot.\r\n\r\n## Changes to Generation\r\n\r\n* Added two previously-unavailable shops: **Vermillion Items** and **Vermillion Weapons**.\r\n\r\n## Fixes to Generation\r\n\r\n* The following locations have had their conditions updated to match what is required by the game:\r\n  * **Bull on Fire** (added requirement for Cold element)\r\n  * **Training with the Master** (added requirement for Blue Ice Shade)\r\n  * **Rooting for Power** (added requirement for Wave element)\r\n  * **Trail: Horncave** (requires access to Goatfather quest conditions)","version":"0.6.1","timestamp":1724963325000,"url":""},{"body":"# Changes since 0.5.1\r\n\r\n## New Features\r\n\r\nThere are three main features whose inclusion gives this version its novelty. They are:\r\n\r\n* **Chest Lock Randomization**: This option randomizes the locks on each shuffled chest (Bronze, Silver, Gold, or None), meaning that they will require different keys than in vanilla. Probabilities can be configured.\r\n* **Progressive Equipment**:  This option replaces all shuffled equipment with progressive items, balanced into various progressive item chains of approximately equal length. Massive thanks to @Treeways, without whom this would not have happened!\r\n* **Shop Randomization**: Allows items purchased from shops to be sent as locations. Multiple modes of sending and receiving are supported and can be mixed and matched.\r\n\r\n## Changes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Added support for Chest Lock Randomization, Progressive Equipment, and Shop Randomization.\r\n* Added support to Universal Tracker for chest lock randomization.\r\n* Modify the Randomizer Start button in the New Game+ options menu to indicate that the option is always on and cannot be toggled.\r\n* (@Treeways) Patched the Quest Hub Menu to show correct icons (as defined by the randomized items)\r\n\r\n## Changes to Generation\r\n\r\n* Added support for Chest Lock Randomization, Progressive Equipment, and Shop Randomization.\r\n* Renamed most chest and cutscene location names to be a bit shorter, changing full area names to single words.\r\n\r\n## Changes to Options\r\n\r\n* **Shop Randomization** (`shop_rando`): If enabled, all shops will be added to the location list.\r\n* **Shop Send Mode** (`shop_send_mode`): Controls what exactly counts as a check when shop randomization is enabled.\r\n  * **Per Item Type** (`per_item_type`): A check is added for each type of item (for example, Sandwich). Therefore, purchasing a sandwich from any shop in the game clears the same check.\r\n  * **Per Slot** (`per_slot`)  A check is added for each item slot in each shop. Therefore, purchasing a Sandwich in Rookie Harbor clears a separate check than purchasing a Sandwich in Bergen Village.\r\n* **Shop Receive Mode** (`shop_receive_mode`): Controls how shops are unlocked when shop randomization is enabled.\r\n  * **None** (`none`): All shop slots are able to be purchased as soon as the player can access the shop.\r\n  * **Per Item Type** (`per_item_type`): A check is added for each type of item (for example, Sandwich) which unlocks the ability to purchase that item from any shop.\r\n  * **Per Shop** (`per_shop`): A check is added for each shop (for example, Rookie Harbor Items) which unlocks the ability to purchase items from that shop.\r\n  * **Per Slot** (`per_slot`): A check is added for each item slot in each shop which unlocks the ability to purchase that item from\r\nthat shop (this may lead to tedious playthroughs).\r\n* **Shop Dialog Hints** (`shop_dialog_hints`): If enabled, upon opening the dialog for a shop, corresponding hints (for progressive items only) are sent to the Archipelago server.\r\n* **Progressive Equipment** (`progressive_equipment`): If enabled, equipment will be progressive, sorted into different categories according to playstyle depending on which of the other location-adding options are enabled.\r\n* **Chest Lock Randomization** (`chest_lock_rando`): If enabled, the lock on all chests (Bronze, Silver, Gold, or None) will be randomized.\r\n* **No Chest Lock Weight** (`no_chest_lock_weight`), **Bronze Chest Lock Weight** (`bronze_chest_lock_weight`), **Silver Chest Lock Weight** (`silver_chest_lock_weight`), and **Gold Chest Lock Weight** (`gold_chest_lock_weight`): Controls the likelihood of giving a chest no lock, bronze lock, silver lock, or gold lock, respectively (if chest lock randomization is enabled).\r\n\r\n## Fixes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Fixed an issue occurring in the base game where, in analyze mode, when playing with a controller, the cursor would not be\r\n  able to reach to all corners of the screen.\r\n* Improved the performance of the networking code (technical details follow):\r\n  * Fixed an issue where, upon connecting to a multiworld, two connections would always be opened, and one of them would\r\n    not be able to be closed by any means other than closing the game.\r\n  * Fixed an issue where, upon checking a location, the full unabridged list of received items would always be sent back\r\n    to the game, despite this information not being necessary.\r\n  * Fixed an issue where, when disconnecting from a multiworld, occasionally the client would still show as connected,\r\n    and the client would become nonfunctional as a result.\r\n  * Fixed an issue where, on every screen transition, unnecessary packets would be sent indicating the player was \"playing\".\r\n    These packets are ignored by Archipelago and are therefore unnecessary.\r\n* (@Treeways) Fixed an issue where, in the Quest Dialog menu, equipment with a level would still show as having the level even if icons were set to be obscured.\r\n\r\n# Note\r\n\r\nThis mod version is intended to be **fully compatible** with worlds generated under version 0.5.X. If this is found not to be the case, consider it a bug and report it.","version":"0.6.0","timestamp":1724436549000,"url":""},{"body":"## Changes to Mod\r\n\r\n* (@Treeways) Patched the Quest Hub Menu to show correct icons (as defined by the randomized items)\r\n\r\n## Fixes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Fixed an issue where, when using the left and right buttons to increment or decrement the amount of a randomized shop slot to purchase, the count could increase beyond one or fail to change at all, depending on the item and the contents of the shop.\r\n* Fixed an issue where, when purchasing from specific shops, randomized slots would appear disabled despite possibly being crucial.\r\n* Fixed an issue where, when creating a New Game+ file, it would be impossible to start a new game with no additional perks beyond Randomizer Start without toggling an option on and off.\r\n* (@Treeways) Fixed an issue where, in the Quest Dialog menu, equipment with a level would still show as having the level even if icons were set to be obscured.","version":"0.6.0-pre.5","timestamp":1723613731000,"url":""},{"body":"## Changes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Modify the Randomizer Start button in the New Game+ options menu to indicate that the option is always on and cannot be toggled.\r\n\r\n## Fixes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Fixed an issue occurring in the base game where, in analyze mode, when playing with a controller, the cursor would not be\r\n  able to reach to all corners of the screen.\r\n* Improved the performance of the networking code (technical details follow):\r\n  * Fixed an issue where, upon connecting to a multiworld, two connections would always be opened, and one of them would\r\n    not be able to be closed by any means other than closing the game.\r\n  * Fixed an issue where, upon checking a location, the full unabridged list of received items would always be sent back\r\n    to the game, despite this information not being necessary.\r\n  * Fixed an issue where, when disconnecting from a multiworld, occasionally the client would still show as connected,\r\n    and the client would become nonfunctional as a result.\r\n  * Fixed an issue where, on every screen transition, unnecessary packets would be sent indicating the player was \"playing\".\r\n    These packets are ignored by Archipelago and are therefore unnecessary.","version":"0.6.0-pre.4","timestamp":1723351714000,"url":""},{"body":"## Changes to APWorld\r\n\r\n* Improved Universal Tracker support (Chest Lock Rando should now work).","version":"0.6.0-pre.3","timestamp":1723180050000,"url":""},{"body":"## Changes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Added a mod icon.\r\n\r\n## Changes to Generation\r\n\r\n* Added four new shops whose checks will be randomized when shop randomization is enabled. The shops are: **Rhombus Items**, **Rhombus Weapons**, **Rhombus Curios**, and **Rhombus Backer Items**.\r\n  * DLC items within these shops are *not* part of the pool.\r\n* Expanded parameters for being able to access Rookie Harbor stores.\r\n  * Previously, they required access to Autumn's Rise specifically. Now, they will be in logic if either Autumn's Rise or Autumn's Fall is in logic.\r\n* Updated some progressive chains for better balance (by @Treeways)\r\n* Added basic support to Universal Tracker for chest lock randomization.\r\n\r\n## Fixes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Fixed a crash that occured when purchasing items from a shop that cannot be shuffled.\r\n\r\n## Fixes to Generation\r\n\r\n* Fixed an issue where, when generating with shop randomization enabled, incorrect progressive item chains would be selected and added to the pool due to an oversight involving items found in arena shops.\r\n* Fixed an issue where, when generating with per-item-type shop sends, slots would be considered in logic whenever the shop could be accessed, regardless of any additional requirements to unlock that item within the shop.\r\n\r\n## Migration Guide\r\n\r\nThis mod version is intended to be backwards compatible with worlds generated using v0.6.0-pre.1. However, you may want to consider restarting your world if you haven't gotten too far into it as this version patches up a few issues you *will* encounter if you are using any of the new features.","version":"0.6.0-pre.2","timestamp":1723014414000,"url":""},{"body":"## New Features\r\n\r\nThere are three main features whose inclusion gives this version its novelty. They are:\r\n\r\n* **Chest Lock Randomization**: This option randomizes the locks on each shuffled chest (Bronze, Silver, Gold, or None), meaning that they will require different keys than in vanilla. Probabilities can be configured.\r\n* **Progressive Equipment**:  This option replaces all shuffled equipment with progressive items, balanced into various progressive item chains of approximately equal length. Massive thanks to @Treeways, without whom this would not have happened!\r\n* **Shop Randomization**: Allows items purchased from shops to be sent as locations. Multiple modes of sending and receiving are supported and can be mixed and matched.\r\n\r\n## Changes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Added support for Chest Lock Randomization, Progressive Equipment, and Shop Randomization.\r\n\r\n## Changes to Generation\r\n\r\n* Added support for Chest Lock Randomization, Progressive Equipment, and Shop Randomization.\r\n* Renamed most chest and cutscene location names to be a bit shorter, changing full area names to single words.\r\n\r\n## Changes to Options\r\n\r\n* **Shop Randomization** (`shop_rando`): If enabled, all shops will be added to the location list.\r\n* **Shop Send Mode** (`shop_send_mode`): Controls what exactly counts as a check when shop randomization is enabled.\r\n  * **Per Item Type** (`per_item_type`): A check is added for each type of item (for example, Sandwich). Therefore, purchasing a sandwich from any shop in the game clears the same check.\r\n  * **Per Slot** (`per_slot`)  A check is added for each item slot in each shop. Therefore, purchasing a Sandwich in Rookie Harbor clears a separate check than purchasing a Sandwich in Bergen Village.\r\n* **Shop Receive Mode** (`shop_receive_mode`): Controls how shops are unlocked when shop randomization is enabled.\r\n  * **None** (`none`): All shop slots are able to be purchased as soon as the player can access the shop.\r\n  * **Per Item Type** (`per_item_type`): A check is added for each type of item (for example, Sandwich) which unlocks the ability to purchase that item from any shop.\r\n  * **Per Shop** (`per_shop`): A check is added for each shop (for example, Rookie Harbor Items) which unlocks the ability to purchase items from that shop.\r\n  * **Per Slot** (`per_slot`): A check is added for each item slot in each shop which unlocks the ability to purchase that item from\r\nthat shop (this may lead to tedious playthroughs).\r\n* **Shop Dialog Hints** (`shop_dialog_hints`): If enabled, upon opening the dialog for a shop, corresponding hints (for progressive items only) are sent to the Archipelago server.\r\n* **Progressive Equipment** (`progressive_equipment`): If enabled, equipment will be progressive, sorted into different categories according to playstyle depending on which of the other location-adding options are enabled.\r\n* **Chest Lock Randomization** (`chest_lock_rando`): If enabled, the lock on all chests (Bronze, Silver, Gold, or None) will be randomized.\r\n* **No Chest Lock Weight** (`no_chest_lock_weight`), **Bronze Chest Lock Weight** (`bronze_chest_lock_weight`), **Silver Chest Lock Weight** (`silver_chest_lock_weight`), and **Gold Chest Lock Weight** (`gold_chest_lock_weight`): Controls the likelihood of giving a chest no lock, bronze lock, silver lock, or gold lock, respectively (if chest lock randomization is enabled).\r\n\r\n## Note\r\n\r\nThis mod version is intended to be **fully compatible** with worlds generated under version 0.5.X. If this is found not to be the case, consider it a bug.","version":"0.6.0-pre.1","timestamp":1722932793000,"url":""},{"body":"## Changes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Made the analyze menu trigger for shuffled multiworld chests visible anywhere on the map.\r\n* When Quest Dialog Hints are enabled, only progressive items will be given as hints.\r\n  * This change has been made to reduce the chance that excessive amounts of largely unhelpful information are shown wherever hints are listed.\r\n\r\n## Changes to Generation\r\n\r\n* Added two new chests that will be shuffled when Quest Randomization is enabled.\r\n  * **Bergen Trail - Horncave**, found during the Goatfather questline.\r\n  * **Gaia's Garden - Chilled Den**, found during the Tropical Chill questline.\r\n\r\n## Changes to Options\r\n\r\n* Classified most options into option groups.\r\n  * This gives each group a heading in the template YAML; it also increases readability when customizing a YAML on web hosts.\r\n\r\n## Fixes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Fixed a longstanding issue where shuffled quests would *only* give their item rewards, therefore failing to give experience, credits, or circuit points.\r\n\r\n## Fixes to Logic\r\n\r\n* Fixed an issue where locations in the final rooms of So'najiz Temple incorrectly do and do not require Shock to access.\r\n  * This bug was fixed in 0.4.3, but was never applied to the 0.5 branch.","version":"0.5.1","timestamp":1722847430000,"url":""},{"body":"# Changes since 0.4.6\r\n\r\n## Changes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Improved file size and load time.\r\n* Added auto-scrolling text elements for long item names and update various displays to prefer these.\r\n  * All quest dialogs, including the box that appears when accepting or completing a quest as well as the Quest Details View found in the menu, now use this instead of introducing vertical scrolling and multiline item descriptions.\r\n  * This system will also be used to display long item names in shops and trades.\r\n* Add an icon to the New Game menu representing Archipelago Start (created by @buanjautista)\r\n\r\n## Changes to Generation\r\n\r\n* Filler items are no longer based on the list of items encountered in the shuffled locations in a vanilla playthrough of the game. Instead, when the generator requires a filler item, it randomly pulls one from the weighted filler item pools. The weights of the pools can be modified by changing relevant options (see the section in **Changes to Options**).\r\n\r\n## Changes to Options\r\n\r\n* Added Option **Start with Discs**.\r\n  * If set to a value other than \"none\", the player will start with the corresponding disc items. Disc of Insight unlocks the records menu. Disc of Flora unlocks the botany menu.\r\n  * This option was added to give players the ability to see one or both of these menus that are normally unlocked over the course of the game. In the case of the botany menu, this is especially helpful as it allows the player to work toward the botany analysis checks earlier.\r\n* Added Option **Start with Pet**.\r\n  * If enabled, the player will start with a random pet.\r\n  * This is just for fun (and for giving you emotional support as you endure the gauntlet of Archipelago).\r\n* Added Option **Progressive Area Unlocks**.\r\n  * If enabled, the items that unlock overworld areas and dungeons (including shades and some passes) will be made progressive.\r\n  * Players may choose to enable this for dungeon unlocks (i.e. Mine Pass, Yellow Sand Shade) or overworld unlocks (i.e. Blue Ice Shade, Green Seed Shade).\r\n  * If both are enabled, players may choose whether to shuffle all area unlocks into a single pool or keep them separate.\r\n  * This option was added as an alternative way to play through the game in a fashion that does not require the Get on My Level NG+ perk. It also serves as a way to demo the progressive item functionality ahead of the upcoming Progressive Equipment update. It will not be for everyone and may go away soon.\r\n* Added Options **Common Pool Weight**, **Rare Pool Weight**, **Epic Pool Weight**, **Legendary Pool Weight**, **Consumable Weight**, and **Drop Weight**.\r\n  * These options allow the player to control the likelihood of drawing from each of the filler item pools. For each level (common, rare, epic, and legendary), there exist two pools, one for consumables (like sandwiches) and one for drops (including plant drops).\r\n  * The chance of the game generating a common item is the common pool weight divided by the sum of all level weights. Then, the selection of consumable or drop is made using a similar weighted algorithm.\r\n  * Experimentation with these options is encouraged as the current default values are essentially randomly chosen.\r\n  * These options may disappear at some point if a generally accepted balance is reached.\r\n\r\n## Fixes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Fixed an issue where, upon receiving a progressive item after having already completed the progressive chain, the game would enter an errored state.\r\n\r\n## Fixes to Generation\r\n\r\n* Fixed an issue where, when Quest Randomization was disabled, the chest **Bergen Village South - Storage Room** was not shuffled while the chest **Bergen Village - Omni Gilders Basement Left (Bronze)** was.\r\n  * This was intended to be inverted.\r\n\r\n## Fixes to Logic\r\n\r\n* **Clinging River Left** now requires Wave.\r\n* Subquests of **Training with the Master** now require Heat and Cold.\r\n* Renamed **Preemptive Mining** to **Preemptive Debugging**.\r\n\r\n# Changes since 0.5.0-pre5\r\n\r\n## Changes to Item Pools\r\n\r\n### Changes to Item Weights\r\n\r\n| Item | In Pool | Old Weight | Current Weight |\r\n|---|---|---:|---:|\r\n| Sandwich | Common Consumables | 50 | 40 |\r\n| Mega-Sandwich | Rare Consumables | 30 | 35 |\r\n| Flaming Bun | Rare Consumables | 35 | 30 |\r\n\r\n### Changes to Default Pool Weights\r\n\r\n| Pool | Old Weight | Current Weight |\r\n|---|---:|---:|\r\n| Common | 42 | 38 |\r\n| Legendary | 2 | 6 |\r\n\r\n## Fixes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Fixed a few visual glitches in the quest dialog.","version":"0.5.0","timestamp":1720159208000,"url":""},{"body":"## Changes and New Features\r\n\r\n### Changes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Improved file size and load time.\r\n* Added auto-scrolling text elements for long item names and update various displays to prefer these.\r\n  * All quest dialogs, including the box that appears when accepting or completing a quest as well as the Quest Details View found in the menu, now use this instead of introducing vertical scrolling and multiline item descriptions.\r\n  * This system will also be used to display long item names in shops and trades.\r\n\r\n## Fixes\r\n\r\n### Fixes to Generation\r\n\r\n* Fixed an issue where, when progressive items were added to a world's starting inventory either by the player or by the apworld, this would not limit the number of instances of that item in the pool.\r\n* Fixed an issue where patches to generation released in versions pre2 through pre4 were not be correctly applied.\r\n* Fixed an issue where specific equipment usually found in chests would not be added to the multiworld.\r\n\r\n### Fixes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Fixed an issue where, upon receiving a progressive item after having already completed the progressive chain, the game would enter an errored state.\r\n\r\n## Migration\r\n\r\nMigration to this version is **encouraged**. Previous saves will not break under this system, and the new features require testing.","version":"0.5.0-pre5","timestamp":1719370633000,"url":""},{"body":"## Fixes to Generation\r\n\r\n* Fixed an issue where, when Quest Randomization was disabled, the chest `Bergen Village South - Storage Room` was not shuffled while the chest `Bergen Village - Omni Gilders Basement Left (Bronze)` was.\r\n  * This was intended to be inverted.\r\n* Fixed an issue where, when generating the game, keyring logic would be used by the generator and mod regardless of YAML options.\r\n  * If keyrings were not enabled in your YAML, the number of keys required to beat the game will still be available in your world, but even one of them will open up all doors in its dungeon.\r\n\r\n## Fixes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Fixed an issue where attempting to start a new game would always fail when communicating with the servers.","version":"0.5.0-pre4","timestamp":1719175324000,"url":""},{"body":"## Fixes to Logic\r\n\r\n* Two quests, Hot Trail and Tropical Chill, have had Cold added as a requirement.","version":"0.5.0-pre2","timestamp":1718493537000,"url":""},{"body":"## Changes to Generation\r\n\r\n* Filler items are no longer based on the list of items encountered in the shuffled locations in a vanilla playthrough of the game. Instead, when the generator requires a filler item, it randomly pulls one from the weighted filler item pools. The weights of the pools can be modified by changing relevant options (see the section in **Changes to Options**).\r\n\r\n## Changes to Options\r\n\r\n* Added Option **Start with Discs**.\r\n  * If set to a value other than \"none\", the player will start with the corresponding disc items. Disc of Insight unlocks the records menu. Disc of Flora unlocks the botany menu.\r\n  * This option was added to give players the ability to see one or both of these menus that are normally unlocked over the course of the game. In the case of the botany menu, this is especially helpful as it allows the player to work toward the botany analysis checks earlier.\r\n* Added Option **Start with Pet**.\r\n  * If enabled, the player will start with a random pet.\r\n  * This is just for fun (and for giving you emotional support as you endure the gauntlet of Archipelago).\r\n* Added Option **Progressive Area Unlocks**.\r\n  * If enabled, the items that unlock overworld areas and dungeons (including shades and some passes) will be made progressive.\r\n  * Players may choose to enable this for dungeon unlocks (i.e. Mine Pass, Yellow Sand Shade) or overworld unlocks (i.e. Blue Ice Shade, Green Seed Shade).\r\n  * If both are enabled, players may choose whether to shuffle all area unlocks into a single pool or keep them separate.\r\n  * This option was added as an alternative way to play through the game in a fashion that does not require the Get on My Level NG+ perk. It also serves as a way to demo the progressive item functionality ahead of the upcoming Progressive Equipment update. It will not be for everyone and may go away soon.\r\n* Added Options **Common Pool Weight**, **Rare Pool Weight**, **Epic Pool Weight**, **Legendary Pool Weight**, **Consumable Weight**, and **Drop Weight**.\r\n  * These options allow the player to control the likelihood of drawing from each of the filler item pools. For each level (common, rare, epic, and legendary), there exist two pools, one for consumables (like sandwiches) and one for drops (including plant drops).\r\n  * The chance of the game generating a common item is the common pool weight divided by the sum of all level weights. Then, the selection of consumable or drop is made using a similar weighted algorithm.\r\n  * Experimentation with these options is encouraged as the current default values are essentially randomly chosen.\r\n  * These options may disappear at some point if a generally accepted balance is reached.","version":"0.5.0-pre1","timestamp":1718493397000,"url":""},{"body":"## Note\r\n\r\nThis release is labeled 0.4.6. This is not to be confused with the current release of Archipelago, whose version number is also 0.4.6. This similarity is purely coincidental and does not imply an equivalence.\r\n\r\n## Fixes to Logic\r\n\r\n* Two quests, Hot Trail and Tropical Chill, have had Cold added as a requirement.\r\n\r\n## Fixes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Fixed an issue where, when moving the cursor in the quest screen on quests with no decline button, it would then become impossible to complete those quests at any point.","version":"0.4.6","timestamp":1718495587000,"url":""},{"body":"## Fixes to Logic\r\n\r\n* Outside grand krys'kajo bronze chest now requires correct shades to access\r\n* Outside So'najiz chest no longer requires wave\r\n* Omni Gilders basement chest is only present when Quest Randomization is enabled\r\n\r\n(thanks @Lurch9229)\r\n\r\n## Fixes to mod\r\n\r\n* Fix an issue where entering a loading zone while running a new game hosted by specific versions of the web host would result in neverending loading.\r\n\r\n## Not fixed\r\n\r\n* It has been reported that subquests will not be assigned properly under certain circumstances. This has been reported twice but I have not attempted to reproduce it.","version":"0.4.5","timestamp":1716676624000,"url":""},{"body":"## Fixes to Logic\r\n\r\n* Modified logic for several long quest chains to be more in line with changes made in [CC-Open-World version 0.3.2](\r\n  * A Promise is A Promise 2-4 can be started without their prerequisite quests, allowing players to complete the first four quests in the sequence in any order.\r\n  * A Promise is a Promise 5 is only available after all four previous quests have been completed.\r\n  * Trailblazing quests (excluding Henry Trailblazing) can be started without their prerequisite quests, allowing players to complete Autumn's Rise, Bergen, Maroon Valley, and Gaia's Garden Trailblazing quests, and their subquests in any order.\r\n  * Henry Trailblazing is only available after all four previous quests and their subquests have been completed.\r\n* Fixed an issue where many rooms on floor U2 of Temple Mine were accessible in logic with one fewer key than was actually required to reach them.\r\n\r\n## Migration Guide\r\n\r\n* Worlds generated using the CrossCode APWorld version 0.4.4 **require** [CC-Open-World version 0.3.2 or greater](, otherwise games may become impossible to complete due to more locations being in logic earlier.\r\n* Upgrading to CCMWR 0.4.4 from worlds generated on versions 0.4.0 through 0.4.3 is optional, as no major changes to the mod have occurred.","version":"0.4.4","timestamp":1715993666000,"url":""},{"body":"**New Features**:\r\n* Inserted the New Game+ prompt after the credentials screen while using Archipelago Start.\r\n\r\n**Fixes to Logic**:\r\n* Fixed an issue where locations in the final rooms of So'najiz Temple incorrectly do and do not require Shock to access.\r\n* Added Heat elemet as a prerequisite for the Bull on Fire quest.\r\n\r\n**Changes to APWorld**:\r\n* Removed lengthy and redundant topology section in spoiler logs.\r\n\r\n**Full Changelog**:","version":"0.4.3","timestamp":1715145817000,"url":""},{"body":"**Fixes to APWorld:**\r\n* Fixed an issue where, when generating with the Beta Dark Souls 3 release, the world would fail to generate.\r\n\r\n**Fixes to CCMultiworldRandomizer Mod:**\r\n* Fixed an issue where items would fail to be given correctly if other mods added new items.\r\n* Fixed an issue where, when the world had been played previously on a different save file, specific locations would fail to send or crash the game.\r\n\r\n**PLEASE NOTE:** Upgrading to 0.4.2 from 0.4.1 is supported and encouraged. You may receive a list of warning messages on the side of the screen the first time you start the game after the transition. This is expected and does not indicate any error.","version":"0.4.2","timestamp":1714289429000,"url":""},{"body":"Changes:\r\n* Add additional metadata for an upcoming mod downloader from @krypciak.","version":"0.4.1","timestamp":1708711533000,"url":""},{"body":"Changes:\r\n* Made the following changes to logic:\r\n  * In Temple Mine, removed two key gates in the entrance to B3 and three key gates in the entrance to B4. This change was made to make the experience of finding all the keys for Temple Mine less miserable.\r\n  * In So'najiz and Zir'vitar Temples, removed the puzzles in the entrances that require Heat and Cold. This change was made to allow the player more latitude in which order they decide to attempt the dungeons.\r\n  * In So'najiz Temple, remove one key gate at the beginning of Trial of Persistence so that both branches are opened by one key.\r\n  * These changes coincide with a change in cc-open-world which actually removes these puzzle elements in game.\r\n* Changed the specifications of some options:\r\n  * **VT Shade Lock**: Settings have been added which allow the player more fine-tuned control over how the gate displays.\r\n* Added support for new options:\r\n  * **Element Shuffle**: Where elements will appear in the multiworld.\r\n  * **Small Key Shuffle**: Where small keys will appear in the multiworld.\r\n  * **Master Key Shuffle**: Where master keys will appear in the multiworld.\r\n  * **Chest Key Shuffle**:  Where the Thief's Key, White Key, and Radiant Key (the keys that open bronze, silver, and gold chests, respectively) will appear in the multiworld.\r\n  * **VW Meteor Passage**: Allows the player to create a gate between Sapphire Ridge and Vermillion Wasteland, unlockable using the Meteor Shade item.\r\n  * **Keyrings**: If enabled, all keys for each dungeon are replaced by a single item that unlocks all doors in that dungeon. On the client side, this is implemented as giving 99 keys to the player so that they will never be able to run out.\r\n* Added support for new items:\r\n  * **SP Upgrades**: When received, increases the SP of Lea and all of her party members.\r\n* Added support for new locations:\r\n  * **Faj'ro SP Upgrade** and **Krys'kajo SP Upgrade**: the locations where the two SP upgrades are found in game.\r\n  * **Bergen Village - Omni Gilders Basement Left (Bronze)**: A chest that contains a filler item located in the basement of the Omni Gilders' base in Bergen.\r\n* Changed all location names of chests to fit the tracker better.\r\n* Changed some behaviors:\r\n  * When a party member is added, their SP level is set to Lea's SP level to coincide with SP Upgrades being receivable items. \r\n* Changed how chests display in game:\r\n  * Items marked by archipelago as filler are light blue and have no icon (they display as vanilla).\r\n  * Items marked by archipelago as useful are dark blue and have a \"+\" icon.\r\n  * Items marked by archipelago as progression are dark green and have a \"!!\" icon.\r\n  * Key and master key icons no longer appear on chests even if there is a key or master key in them.\r\n  * Archipelago type icons will appear even if the chest is bronze, silver or gold.\r\n  * To aid in legibility, the gold and silver chest textures have been modified such that the top of the chest is always visible.\r\n* Modified the generic progression item icon to be the same approximate color as the progression chest.\r\n* Added an analyze mode tooltip for chests. These include the chest name, what kind of item it stores (one of \"filler\", \"useful\" and \"progression\"), and what level of key it requires (one of \"bronze\", \"silver\" or \"gold\", if applicable).\r\n* Revamped the quest reward displays in the quest details view in the pause menu and the quest accepted/completed dialog.\r\n  * Placed all item rewards in a scroll box.\r\n  * Made long item names wrap.\r\n* Added an Archipelago New Game button to the main menu.\r\n  * This does **NOT** allow you to set NG+ parameters, but it does allow you to put in your AP credentials before starting the game.\r\n\r\nFixes:\r\n* Fixed a bug where, if the player found an element for their own world, no entry would be shown in the Archipelago log.\r\n* Fix occasional crashes when an unexpected chest was loaded.","version":"0.4.0","timestamp":1708542596000,"url":""},{"body":"Changes:\r\n* Revamped the quest reward displays in the quest details view in the pause menu and the quest accepted/completed dialog.\r\n  * Placed all item rewards in a scroll box.\r\n  * Made long item names wrap.\r\n* Added an Archipelago New Game button to the main menu.\r\n  * This does **NOT** allow you to set NG+ parameters, but it does allow you to put in your AP credentials before starting the game.\r\n\r\nFixes:\r\n* Fix logic for some Quests and Dungeons (thanks @lurch9229).\r\n* Fix occasional crashes when an unexpected chest was loaded.","version":"0.4.0-pre6","timestamp":1707379238000,"url":""},{"body":"Changes:\r\n* Changed all location names of chests to fit the tracker better.\r\n* Changed how chests display in game:\r\n  * Items marked by archipelago as filler are light blue and have no icon (they display as vanilla).\r\n  * Items marked by archipelago as useful are dark blue and have a \"+\" icon.\r\n  * Items marked by archipelago as progression are dark green and have a \"!!\" icon.\r\n  * Key and master key icons no longer appear on chests even if there is a key or master key in them.\r\n  * Archipelago type icons will appear even if the chest is bronze, silver or gold.\r\n  * To aid in legibility, the gold and silver chest textures have been modified such that the top of the chest is always visible.\r\n* Modified the generic progression item icon to be the same approximate color as the progression chest.\r\n* Added an analyze mode tooltip for chests. These include the chest name, what kind of item it stores (one of \"filler\", \"useful\" and \"progression\"), and what level of key it requires (one of \"bronze\", \"silver\" or \"gold\", if applicable).\r\n* Added the following locations:\r\n  *  **Bergen Village - Omni Gilders Basement Left (Bronze)**\r\n\r\nMigration guide:\r\n* Requires version 0.4.0-pre5 of the CrossCode APWorld. You can download that [here](","version":"0.4.0-pre5","timestamp":1705902501000,"url":""},{"body":"Changes:\r\n* Added the following items:\r\n  * **SP Upgrades**: When received, increases the SP of Lea and all of her party members.\r\n* Added the following locations:\r\n  * **Faj'ro SP Upgrade** and **Krys'kajo SP Upgrade**: the locations where the two SP upgrades are found in game.\r\n* Changed the following behaviors:\r\n  * When a party member is added, their SP level is set to Lea's SP level to coincide with SP Upgrades being receivable items. \r\n\r\nFixes:\r\n* Fixed a bug where, if the player found an element for their own world, no entry would be shown in the Archipelago log.\r\n\r\nMigration guide:\r\n* Requires version 0.4.0-pre4 of the CrossCode APWorld. You can download that [here](\r\n* Requires version 0.3.0-pre2 of the CC-Open-World mod. You can download that [here](","version":"0.4.0-pre4","timestamp":1705482974000,"url":""},{"body":"Changes:\r\n* Added support for new options:\r\n  * **Keyrings**: If enabled, all keys for each dungeon are replaced by a single item that unlocks all doors in that dungeon. On the client side, this is implemented as giving 99 keys to the player so that they will never be able to run out.\r\n\r\nMigration guide:\r\n* Requires version 0.4.0-pre3 of the CrossCode APWorld. You can download that [here](\r\n* No CC-Open-World upgrade required.","version":"0.4.0-pre3","timestamp":1705395250000,"url":""},{"body":"Changes:\r\n* Added support for new options:\r\n  * New VT Shade Lock settings which allow the player more fine-tuned control over how the gate displays\r\n  * The VW Meteor Passage option, which allows the player to create a gate between Sapphire Ridge and Vermillion Wasteland.\r\n\r\nMigration guide:\r\n* Requires version 0.4.0-pre2 of the CrossCode APWorld. You can download that [here](\r\n* No CC-Open-World upgrade required.","version":"0.4.0-pre2","timestamp":1705300536000,"url":""},{"body":"Changes:\r\n* Logic:\r\n  * In Temple Mine, removed two key gates in the entrance to B3 and three key gates in the entrance to B4. This change was made to make the experience of finding all the keys for Temple Mine less miserable.\r\n  * In So'najiz and Zir'vitar Temples, removed the puzzles in the entrances that require Heat and Cold. This change was made to allow the player more latitude in which order they decide to attempt the dungeons.\r\n  * In So'najiz Temple, remove one key gate at the beginning of Trial of Persistence so that both branches are opened by one key.\r\n  * This coincides with a change in cc-open-world which actually removes these elements in game.\r\n\r\nMigration guide:\r\n* This version requires cc-open-world version 0.3.0-pre1. You can download that [here](\r\n* This version requires crosscode.apworld version 0.4.0-pre1. You can download that [here](","version":"0.4.0-pre1","timestamp":1704958654000,"url":""},{"body":"Fixes:\r\n* FINALLY FIX THE CURSED TEMPLE TREASURE ROOM BRONZE CHEST BUG","version":"","timestamp":1702459089000,"url":""},{"body":"New features:\r\n* Added support for the following generation options:\r\n    * Quest Randomization\r\n    * Hidden Quest Reward Mode\r\n    * Hidden Quest Obfuscation Level\r\n    * Quest Dialog Hints\r\n    * Start with Chest Detector\r\n* Quest dialog boxes now show the quest reward information if the quest is randomized.\r\n* The Archipelago items feed GUI now shows an icon representing the item being received.\r\n* The client now sends a goal completion ping to the APWorld when the Creator is defeated.\r\n\r\nFixes:\r\n* Fixed a bug where a new session would be initiated every time the player dies.\r\n* Fixed a bug where acquiring the element change ability in Rhombus Dungeon would allow the player to upgrade circuits for elements they wouldn't have at that point.\r\n* Fixed a bug where a circuit tree that had been partially upgraded would be cleared after receiving the check for its corresponding element pillar.\r\n\r\nMigration Notes:\r\n* Make sure to have 0.4.0 of the poptracker and 0.2.1 of the cc-open-world mod.","version":"0.3.0","timestamp":1699854204000,"url":""},{"body":"Fix some crashes with nonshuffled cutscene and quest items.","version":"0.3.0-pre8","timestamp":1698902204000,"url":""},{"body":"**Fixes:**\r\n* Fixed a bug introduced in 0.1.5 where, when the player would collect a multiworld item as a quest reward, the game would behave normally and fail to send the item.\r\n* Fixed a bug introduced in 0.2.0 where, when the player would open a chest that the server already considers collected, the game would throw a non-critical error and would not show the item being sent.","version":"0.2.2","timestamp":1694134667000,"url":""},{"body":"**Fixes:**\r\n* Fix an error where, after opening a chest that is not in logic with a save file, the game refuses to connect to the Archipelago server again when playing that save file.\r\n\r\n**Migration Notes:**\r\n* If you're upgrading from 0.1.x to 0.2.1, do not forget to follow all of the instructions in the [0.2.0 migration guide](","version":"0.2.1","timestamp":1694104012000,"url":""},{"body":"**Changes:**\r\n* Very little, just some internal stuff to work with new versions of other software.\r\n\r\n**Migration Notes:**\r\n* Pursuant to my [versioning policy](, this release includes breaking changes to the client-server interface, meaning that you need version 0.2.x of the APWorld for this to work. [Get your APWorld here]( and feel free to check out the patch notes.\r\n* This mod now relies on version 0.1.7 or greater of `cc-open-world`. The new generation includes checks previously inaccessible due to sequence breaking, and `cc-open-world` adds ways to get those checks. [Get your copy of `cc-open-world` here]( and definitely read the patch notes on this one too.\r\n\r\nI have already said this, but massive thanks go to @buanjautista and @lurch9229 for making this release possible.","version":"0.2.0","timestamp":1693980503000,"url":""},{"body":"**Changes:**\r\n* Added several new GUI elements to make checking connection status and joining games easier.\r\n\r\n**Migration Notes:**\r\n* `apConnection.json` is no longer read. Feel free to delete it.\r\n* All worlds associated with an archipelago connection retain that connection going forward unless modified in the menu.\r\n* I have added some **new dependencies** to facilitate the GUI additions:\r\n  * [CCUILib]( gives access to the text input box.\r\n  * [nax-module-cache]( technically just a requirement for CCUILib.\r\n* Note that there is a bug with CCUILib where pressing tab while a text input field is selected unfocuses the window. This is expected, just don't press tab. I've submitted a fixed release to the author, but that has not been released yet and I can't be bothered to package someone else's mod.","version":"0.1.5","timestamp":1693804590000,"url":""},{"body":"**Fixes:**\r\n\r\n* *Actually* fix the issue I said I fixed last release. I did not test enough. Sorry.","version":"0.1.4","timestamp":1693086260000,"url":""},{"body":"**Fixes:**\r\n\r\n* Element pedestals now send the correct items instead of adding the element that they would normally give and in some cases resetting the player's progress.","version":"0.1.3","timestamp":1693083767000,"url":""},{"body":"**Fixes:**\r\n\r\n* Fix a bug where, after dying, checks would only be sent after going through a loading zone.","version":"0.1.2","timestamp":1693038604000,"url":""},{"body":"Fixes:\r\n* Fixed an issue where elements received as multiworld would not be given to the player.\r\n* Fixed an issue where checks collected before a player associates their save file with an archipelago connection would not be uploaded when a connection is found.","version":"0.1.1","timestamp":1692946617000,"url":""},{"body":"Initial Alpha release.\r\n\r\nIncludes basic randomization.","version":"0.1.0","timestamp":1692861616000,"url":""}]},"nax-ccuilib":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"nax-ccuilib","version":"1.2.9","title":"CCUILib","description":"Library of additional UI elements as well as making existing ones configurable","repository":"","tags":["QoL","library"],"authors":["nax","krypek"],"dependencies":{"nax-module-cache":">=1.0.0","ccmodmanager":">=0.9.21"},"plugin":"nax-ccuilib/plugin.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"fed5523fe08d934eea951badd796254a3e2c3f9ad501b4ae11513a1b5bb2d9ab"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1725017690000,"releasePages":[{"body":"**Full Changelog**:\r\nHuge thank you to Krypek for all his hard work :)","version":"1.2.9","timestamp":1725017690000,"url":""}]},"nax-module-cache":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"nax-module-cache","version":"1.0.2","title":"Module Cache","description":"Caches module paths for ig._loadScript","repository":"","tags":["library"],"authors":"nax","plugin":"nax-module-cache/plugin.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"fd6d103ddceff381d20c1944d9fafc03b11b43d0ce15bea7b61d7b47bf91aa1f"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1724951534000,"releasePages":[{"body":"**Full Changelog**:","version":"1.0.2","timestamp":1724253192000,"url":""}]},"nine-rooms":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"nine-rooms","version":"0.1.0","title":"Nine Rooms","description":"A little piece of lost history.","repository":"","tags":["maps","fun"],"authors":"Pyrocorvid"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"CCNineRooms-1.0.2/nine-rooms","hash":{"sha256":"92e33f6054472644a86dc3d3502d193455e32de31d05772299efae8bc1aca95f"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708371875000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Updated ccmod for new mod database","version":"1.0.2","timestamp":1708371875000,"url":""},{"body":"Now with .ccmod files?","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1649296678000,"url":""},{"body":"Original public release of Nine Rooms mod.","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1632598770000,"url":""}]},"open-world":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"open-world","version":"0.3.2","title":"Open World patches","description":"Open World map patches for randomizer","repository":"","tags":["maps"],"authors":"buanjautista","plugin":"plugin.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"02c1714a05a7ff350cd173d5866eb6f244cb55b12596ec1b8ebdf405d83d1cfa"}}],"stars":2,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1712386197000,"releasePages":[{"body":"**IMPORTANT!!!**\r\nThis version requires a new dependency for the new patching changes: CC-Alybox, which you can find **[here](**. Extra patches WILL NOT WORK without it.\r\n\r\n**Version Changes**\r\nReworked code and added cc-alybox / logic-steps as a dependency for easier patching from now on.\r\n\r\nChanges: \r\n- Removed Green Seed Shade requirement from Para Island entrance\r\n- Old Dojo can be entered without quest now as long as you have the key.\r\n- Trial of Golden Bug quest is now separate from Dojo entry and fights, so its easier to check it's pickup on randomizers\r\n- Autumn's Falls holo-bunny barriers are open by default\r\n- Actual fix for Smelter fight (map patch was wrongly named)\r\n\r\nAdd:\r\n- Extra Shade barriers on Sapphire Ridge and Gaia's Garden, leading to Autumn's Fall; and Maroon Valley leading to Bergen Trail \r\n- There's now an option to have all maps and areas visited beforehand.","version":"0.4.0-pre","timestamp":1712386197000,"url":""},{"body":"Update related to upcoming Mod Manager compatibility, with minor fixes/changes\r\n\r\nFixes:\r\n- Schneider doesn't spawn and fall into the void in Vermillion Basement\r\n- Smelter Digmo patch is now correctly named and works\r\n\r\nChanges:\r\n- Henry quest (Bergen, Maroon, Gaia) and Promise is a Promise (Bergen, Maroon, Gaia) quests can be started without the prerequisites\r\n- Moved the trigger that doesn't let you enter Guild HQ to First Scholars area instead of the whole guilds area. This allows doing Last Minute Heroes quest without issues","version":"0.3.2","timestamp":1710166002000,"url":""},{"body":"Mostly fixes from previous update changes\r\n\r\nFixes:\r\n- Fixed weird collision issues with barrier blocks in Autumn's Fall entrance \r\n- Made the DLC maps requirements dependant on randomizer DLC activate options, for any possible dlc applications in the future\r\n- Fixed the Meteor Shade cutscene having wrong conditions which made the player softlock in RH expo space\r\n- Added a emergency exit NPC on Rookie Harbor expo space in case player gets stuck there\r\n- Fixed an error with shop index in database patch","version":"0.3.1","timestamp":1707895517000,"url":""},{"body":"New:\r\n- DLC areas access first implementation. Now you should be able to get to these areas as soon as you gain access to their locations. This also includes being able to do the raid (for no reason yet)\r\n- **Enhanced Skip Beginning:** Allows skipping Rhombus Dungeon and start right away in Rookie Harbor quest hub.\r\n\r\nChanges:\r\n- Added visuals to determine when VT barrier is locked by boss or shades\r\n- Less clutter in Expo Space for easier maintenance later\r\n- Lower puzzle in Sinus Transmit room in Zir'vitar doesn't hard-require heat and cold anymore, and can be solved with any element (elements spawned by default)\r\n**- Entrances to So'najiz and Zir'vitar are active by default**\r\n**- Temple Mine B3 and B4 key locks only require 1 key each instead of 3 and 4 keys respectively**\r\n**- So'najiz Trial of Persistence only uses a key to open both South and North hallways**\r\n- Changed certain shop conditions for shop randomizer purposes\r\n- Added a Meteor Shade prop to show Rhombus Square also opens with the shade\r\n\r\nFixes:\r\n- Meta Space (after finishing the game), will send you back to CrossCentral instead of guild to avoid any weird potential issues\r\n- Removed extra unnecessary story events from Guild HQ \r\n- Fixed a locked door in Vermillion Wasteland Lea's Room (not a softlock but its inconvenient)\r\n- Hide Apollo cutscene in Autumn's Rise if you already done/meet him on Gaia's Garden\r\n- Hide Emilie on Bergen Trail entrance","version":"0.3.0","timestamp":1706113363000,"url":""},{"body":"New:\r\n- DLC areas access first implementation. Now you should be able to get to these areas as soon as you gain access to their locations. This also includes being able to do the raid (for no reason yet)\r\n\r\nChanges:\r\n- Added visuals to determine when VT barrier is locked by boss or shades\r\n- Less clutter in Expo Space for easier maintenance later\r\n- Lower puzzle in Sinus Transmit room in Zir'vitar doesn't hard-require heat and cold anymore, and can be solved with any element (elements spawned by default)\r\n- Entrances to So'najiz and Zir'vitar are active by default\r\n- Temple Mine B3 and B4 key locks only require 1 key each instead of 3 and 4 keys respectively\r\n- So'najiz Trial of Persistence only uses a key to open both South and North hallways\r\n\r\nFixes:\r\n- Meta Space (after finishing the game), will send you back to CrossCentral instead of guild to avoid any weird potential issues\r\n- Removed extra unnecessary story events from Guild HQ \r\n- Fixed a locked door in Vermillion Wasteland Lea's Room (not a softlock but its inconvenient)\r\n- Hide Apollo cutscene in Autumn's Rise if you already done/meet him on Gaia's Garden\r\n- Hide Emilie on Bergen Trail entrance","version":"0.3.0-pre2","timestamp":1705515098000,"url":""},{"body":"New:\r\n- DLC areas access first implementation. Now you should be able to get to these areas as soon as you gain access to their locations. This also includes being able to do the raid (for no reason yet)\r\n\r\nChanges:\r\n- Added visuals to determine when VT barrier is locked by boss or shades\r\n- Less clutter in Expo Space for easier maintenance later\r\n- Lower puzzle in Sinus Transmit room in Zir'vitar doesn't hard-require heat and cold anymore, and can be solved with any element (elements spawned by default)\r\n- Entrances to So'najiz and Zir'vitar are active by default\r\n- Temple Mine B3 and B4 key locks only require 1 key each instead of 3 and 4 keys respectively\r\n- So'najiz Trial of Persistence only uses a key to open both South and North hallways","version":"0.3.0-pre1","timestamp":1704957424000,"url":""},{"body":"Fixes:\r\n- More guild fixes (hopefully) to prevent softlocks due to NPCs not spawning\r\n\r\nChanges: \r\n- A NPC to remove any party-locks has been introduced in Rookie Harbor - Info Hub GF\r\n- All SP upgrades are now incremental instead of fixed (which also includes a small \"fix\" of game code)\r\n- Kit quest (An unfortunate series of features) can now be started with party\r\n- VT Boss&Shade barrier can now be set to be only boss, only shades or both\r\n\r\nCC-Item-Randomizer specific:\r\n- Any toggles are now saved into storage.\r\n- GUI is hopefully now fixed (again) since .ccmod files don't read directories?","version":"0.2.2","timestamp":1703453380000,"url":""},{"body":"Grab only the .ccmod release, unless something goes wrong and you need the folder version.\r\n\r\nFixes:\r\n    Emilie now is not locked anymore if she joins through the guild cutscene in Old Obelisk\r\n    Guild intro is now completable\r\n    Hlin should be present for observatory quest intro in Guild HQ (it was locked to plot being around post-meteor shade events)\r\n    V'rda Vil NPCs should now hide properly\r\n    Smelter Digmo only activates when entering the room after having Infected Digmo killed\r\n\r\nChanges:\r\n    All the shareholder events in Rhombus Square can be now done as soon as you gain access to Rhombus Square, and finish the guild intro\r\n","version":"0.2.1","timestamp":1701800218000,"url":""},{"body":"Fixes:\r\n- Emilie now is not locked anymore if she joins through the guild cutscene in Old Obelisk\r\n- Guild intro is now completable (and works properly in pre3 hopefully)\r\n- Hlin should be present for observatory quest intro in Guild HQ (it was locked to plot being around post-meteor shade events)\r\n- V'rda Vil NPCs should now hide properly\r\n- Smelter Digmo only activates when entering the room after having Infected Digmo killed (pre-2)\r\n\r\nChanges:\r\n- All the shareholder events in Rhombus Square can be now done as soon as you gain access to Rhombus Square, and finish the guild intro (pre-2)","version":"0.2.1-pre","timestamp":1699828815000,"url":""},{"body":"New Patches:\r\n- Open Faj'ro (still a prototype, could be quite messy)\r\n- Meteor Wasteland (Locks Vermillion Wasteland passage behind a Meteor Shade barrier)\r\n\r\nChanges:\r\n- Made the VTower-ShadeLock barriers 2 instead of 4 for clarity (and it looked kind of awful to be honest)\r\n- Can explore Sephisloth cave now and beat the boss\r\n- Changed Emilie being Offline after starting the Maroon Tree until you finished it.\r\n- Changed Faj'ro Top cutscene to be a single cutscene rather than 2 \r\n\r\nFixes:\r\n- Fixed the compatiblity between multiple extra patches, which wasn't working at all since VT Skip patch was added\r\n- Fixed a few V'rda Vil mentions about the cat plague, and also removed the cat plague outside Elder's House (there's still a few outside K'tara's House lets pretend these are their pets)\r\n- Fixed a wrong variable that didn't let you start Mr. Nomsworth second quest in Rookie Harbor\r\n- Fixed the Black Market guard despawning after talking to him once\r\n- Fixed the missing GUI labels for Item-Rando menus for Open World finally. (pre2)\r\n- Fixed a small issue that arise from meeting Sephisloth, that raised a barrier in Zir'vitar entrance\r\n- A few Open Faj'ro fixes (pre2)","version":"0.2.0","timestamp":1697926092000,"url":""},{"body":"First patch for quest rando implementation.\r\n\r\nNew patches:\r\n- Vermillion Tower floor skips: Enables all Tower floors once you finish the ground floor fight. This allows skipping the entirety of Vermillion Tower up to the last fight before the boss\r\n\r\nFixes:\r\n- Sprouting Business quest is not longer locked if you open the black market barriers first (still tied to obtaining Wave)\r\n- Meteor Shade cutscene wasn't tracking conditions properly \r\n- Added a check to not start Apollo fight if you have a party \r\n- Extra conditions checks in V'rda Vil area that were missing \r\n\r\nChanges:\r\n- Rookie Harbor quests after Faj'ro Temple, now unlock when you obtain Red Flame Shade\r\n- Bergen Village quests after Temple Mine, now unlock after obtaining Blue Ice Shade\r\n- Ba'kii Kum quests after Faj'ro Temple, now unlock after obtaining Red Flame Shade\r\n- Basin Keep quests after So'najiz and Zir'vitar, now unlock after obtaining Azure Drop Shade and Purple Bolt Shade instead\r\n- Last Minute Heroes quest unlocked after obtaining Meteor Shade","version":"0.1.8","timestamp":1694329306000,"url":""},{"body":"- Made access to Guild Area tied to meeting Schneider after getting Mine Pass, and not tied to plot.line\r\n- Changed Meteor Shade room cutscenes in Sapphire Ridge's Old Dojo to not be tied to plot.line\r\n- Made the Vermillion Tower stealth section only completable up till the basement to allow grabbing chest, but not enter Vermillion Tower from there\r\n\r\n- Removed the dependencies entirely, for compatibility with either CCItemRando, CCMultiworldRandomizer, or standalone purposes.\r\n- Added Shade Lock option compatibility for Multiworld","version":"0.1.7","timestamp":1693975626000,"url":""},{"body":"- Changed how the shade-boss lock patch in Vermillion Tower works. Extra event patches per dungeon not needed anymore.\r\n- Fixed a remaining save fix issue that locks landmarks after a certain point of the plot.line\r\n- Fixed two dungeon end maps that had wrong key info\r\n\r\n\r\n- Added a secondary version that doesn't require item-rando as dependency.","version":"0.1.6","timestamp":1690754369000,"url":""},{"body":"- Open World now requires Item Randomizer mod 0.4.3+ to be loaded.\r\n- Add a optional feature to patch the end of Vermillion Tower to have boss and shade locks.\r\n- Fix for Basin Keep center not loading patch correctly","version":"0.1.5","timestamp":1690754369000,"url":""},{"body":"- Fixes a bug with the end cutscene in Vermillion Tower entrance not playing.\r\n- Fixes a syntax error in Rhombus Dungeon entrance.\r\n- Adds a few barriers in Vermillion Tower Entrance that require beating the 4 element dungeon bosses and getting each of its shades.\r\n- Fixes the barrier in Autumn Fall not having visuals","version":"0.1.4","timestamp":1690685296000,"url":""},{"body":"Patches to remove barriers, and story progress. Plus extra changes\r\n\r\n- Removes save fix prompts and story updates.\r\n- More party invite options and less locked team layouts.\r\n- Optional duels between Apollo and Shizuka.\r\n- Vermilion Wasteland access available at any time.","version":"0.1.3","timestamp":1690600634000,"url":""}]},"parrot-pet":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"parrot-pet","version":"1.0.0","title":{"en_US":"Pet Parrot!","de_DE":"Pet Parrot!","fr_FR":"Pet Parrot!","zh_CN":"Pet Parrot!","zh_TW":"Pet Parrot!","ja_JP":"Pet Parrot!","ko_KR":"Pet Parrot!"},"description":{"en_US":"Adds a new pet parrot you can find in gaia's garden using unused assets. ","de_DE":"Adds a new pet parrot you can find in gaia's garden using unused assets. ","fr_FR":"Adds a new pet parrot you can find in gaia's garden using unused assets. ","zh_CN":"Adds a new pet parrot you can find in gaia's garden using unused assets. ","zh_TW":"Adds a new pet parrot you can find in gaia's garden using unused assets. ","ja_JP":"Adds a new pet parrot you can find in gaia's garden using unused assets. ","ko_KR":"Adds a new pet parrot you can find in gaia's garden using unused assets. "},"repository":"","icons":{"24":"icon.png"},"authors":["TigerYasou"],"tags":["cosmetic","fun"],"dependencies":{"item-api":">=0.4.4"}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"","hash":{"sha256":"cafe253a052e8b34d9d933be0f5688951e49e225c5e185fca4d5924ed2f1ba29"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1725231195000,"releasePages":[{"body":"first release of the mod, likely wont be others unless there's bugs with it.","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1725231195000,"url":""}]},"party-element-effects":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"party-element-effects","version":"1.1.0","title":{"en_US":"Party Element Effects","de_DE":"Party Element Effects","fr_FR":"Party Element Effects","zh_CN":"Party Element Effects","zh_TW":"Party Element Effects","ja_JP":"Party Element Effects","ko_KR":"Party Element Effects"},"description":{"en_US":"Shows the proper effect when party members swap elements","de_DE":"Shows the proper effect when party members swap elements","fr_FR":"Shows the proper effect when party members swap elements","zh_CN":"Shows the proper effect when party members swap elements","zh_TW":"Shows the proper effect when party members swap elements","ja_JP":"Shows the proper effect when party members swap elements","ko_KR":"Shows the proper effect when party members swap elements"},"repository":"","tags":["cosmetic","party member"],"authors":["XenonA7","Azure Lazuline"],"icons":{"24":"icon.png"},"prestart":"prestart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"party-element-effects-1.1.0","hash":{"sha256":"64e1bd4d771e982345e6da52bf54617bc1f97aecc284a3088a222ac8ec108c42"}}],"stars":2,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1731089927000,"releasePages":[{"body":"## 1.1.0 (11/08/2024)\r\n- Additional features by Azure Lazuline:\r\n   * Party members switch back to neutral after combat ends\r\n   * Element aura particle effect now works like Lea's (only shows while character is moving)\r\n- Added","version":"1.1.0","timestamp":1731089927000,"url":""},{"body":"Updated ccmod.json to new standard","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1708402780000,"url":""},{"body":"Initial release, tested with Crosscode 1.4.2-1 and CCLoader 2.21.0","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1654592020000,"url":""}]},"past-booster":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"past-booster","version":"0.1.0","title":"Past Booster","description":"Makes the Nine Rooms mod a little more... post-gamey.","repository":"","tags":["maps","fun"],"authors":"Pyrocorvid","dependencies":{"nine-rooms":">=0.1.0"}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"CCNineRooms-1.0.2/past-booster","hash":{"sha256":"92e33f6054472644a86dc3d3502d193455e32de31d05772299efae8bc1aca95f"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708371875000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Updated ccmod for new mod database","version":"1.0.2","timestamp":1708371875000,"url":""},{"body":"Now with .ccmod files?","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1649296678000,"url":""},{"body":"Original public release of Nine Rooms mod.","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1632598770000,"url":""}]},"player-clone":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"player-clone","version":"1.1.1","title":{"en_US":"Player Clone","de_DE":"Player Clone","fr_FR":"Player Clone","zh_CN":"Player Clone","zh_TW":"Player Clone","ja_JP":"Player Clone","ko_KR":"Player Clone"},"description":{"en_US":"Adds a custom skill to spawn a \\c[3]PlayerClone\\c[0] entity.","de_DE":"Adds a custom skill to spawn a \\c[3]PlayerClone\\c[0] entity.","fr_FR":"Adds a custom skill to spawn a \\c[3]PlayerClone\\c[0] entity.","zh_CN":"Adds a custom skill to spawn a \\c[3]PlayerClone\\c[0] entity.","zh_TW":"Adds a custom skill to spawn a \\c[3]PlayerClone\\c[0] entity.","ja_JP":"Adds a custom skill to spawn a \\c[3]PlayerClone\\c[0] entity.","ko_KR":"Adds a custom skill to spawn a \\c[3]PlayerClone\\c[0] entity."},"icons":{"24":"icon.png"},"repository":"","tags":["fun","combat arts"],"authors":["eisus","XenonA7"],"prestart":"prestart.js","dependencies":{"arcane-lab":">=0.1.7","cc-alybox":">=1.1.0"}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"player-clone-1.1.1","hash":{"sha256":"494e7b65d8cf7fc9022a2140c4b4235af1789d7decd56309277a18dd897e6d74"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1724476490000,"releasePages":[{"body":"## 1.1.1 (08/23/2024)\r\n- Logic step support changed to xenons-playable-classes","version":"1.1.1","timestamp":1724476490000,"url":""},{"body":"Initial release","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1723616355000,"url":""}]},"preset-revival-plus":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"preset-revival-plus","version":"2.1.1","title":"Preset Revival Plus","description":"Brings back the preset menu, which allows you to start the game at a specific point.","repository":"","tags":["speedrun","dev"],"authors":["ac2pic","2767mr","EpicYoshiMaster"],"prestart":"prestart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"19aa49547dfd4fe686be1e490b6b004ef36250d057de896984a91c11bf2adb77"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708116396000,"releasePages":[{"body":"## Changes/Fixes\r\n-  Fixed title screen button selection ordering when multiple custom buttons are added, thanks to @krypciak for contributing!","version":"2.1.1","timestamp":1708116396000,"url":""},{"body":"## Changes/Fixes\r\n- Added functionality for the Continue button to support presets","version":"2.1.0","timestamp":1679104429000,"url":""},{"body":"## Changes/Fixes\r\n- No longer require case sensitive `.json` preset file endings.","version":"2.0.1","timestamp":1674233302000,"url":""},{"body":"## Changes/Fixes\r\n- Adds Folder Support for the `save-presets` folder\r\n- Implements Tabs into the preset menu, allowing for better organization.","version":"2.0.0","timestamp":1674195008000,"url":""}]},"spin-to-win":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"spin-to-win","version":"0.1.0","title":"Spin to win","description":"Changes the idle animation to a T-Pose which then spins faster and faster","repository":"","tags":["cosmetic","fun"],"authors":["WatDuhHekBro"],"icons":{"24":"icon.png"},"prestart":"prestart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"7e950b5a4fd1d1eb1c2ba8d963ff1fa66dc53840fd417c5ffe2d719124900f81"}}],"stars":2,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1722927895000,"releasePages":[{"body":"CCModManager Integration by @krypciak ","version":"0.1.0","timestamp":1722928003000,"url":""}]},"timer":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"timer","version":"3.0.2","title":"CCTimer","description":"A speedrun timer for CrossCode.","repository":"","tags":["speedrun"],"authors":["2767mr","EpicYoshiMaster","krypek"],"icons":{"24":"icon.png"},"dependencies":{"ccloader":"^2.19.0"},"plugin":"plugin.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"CCTimer-3.0.2","hash":{"sha256":"4ce4598a04a0a9582dcbc57f8c5753d033940f22e86d8c9a216c78dc41ed4b18"}}],"stars":2,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708512378000,"releasePages":[{"body":"* Added tags to the mod's description","version":"3.0.2","timestamp":1708512378000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed the game crashing when closing LiveSplit.\r\n  * However, it will still not reconnect and instead display a warning whenever a split was not transmitted ","version":"3.0.1","timestamp":1692199567000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added LiveSplit One support\r\n  *  Contributed by @krypciak in #5 \r\n* Added level up event to the auto splitter.\r\n  * Contributed by @EpicYoshiMaster in #4  ","version":"3.0.0","timestamp":1691916386000,"url":""},{"body":"* Implemented two new options for whether pressing New Game or starting a Preset will reset splits\r\n* Added a hotkey which can do this manually at any time for runs that use several files / want to start from a non-preset location.\r\n* Fixed an issue where combined events did not pass the action through for recursive checks\r\n\r\nThis was contributed by @EpicYoshiMaster in","version":"2.6.0","timestamp":1674985937000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added support for multiple autosplitter scripts\r\n\r\nThis was contributed by @EpicYoshiMaster in #2 ","version":"2.5.0","timestamp":1659774860000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added a room timer that can be enabled in the options even if livesplit is connected.\r\n* Added conditional starts for autosplitter.","version":"2.4.0","timestamp":1649838833000,"url":""},{"body":"* Splits now properly reset on new game\r\n* Added option to see more log output using `frame.contentWindow.logTimer = true`","version":"2.2.3","timestamp":1578823920000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added mod description","version":"2.2.2","timestamp":1575130641000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed start triggering early","version":"2.2.1","timestamp":1568484696000,"url":""},{"body":"* Now supports New Game+ introduced in CrossCode v1.2.0","version":"2.2.0","timestamp":1568483737000,"url":""},{"body":"This release contains major changes to the `settings.json` file.\r\n\r\n(Note that the legacy format is still supported)\r\n\r\n## Configuration\r\n\r\nThe options for the autosplitter are located in the `settings.json` file.\r\n\r\n## Time\r\n\r\nThere are two methods of time tracking:\r\n\r\n### IGT\r\n\r\nIf the `\"time\"` entry is not set or has the value `\"time\": \"IGT\"` the game takes the actual ingame time and sends it to livesplit.\r\n\r\n#### Example \r\n```json\r\n{\r\n    \"time\": \"IGT\"\r\n}\r\n```\r\n\r\n### State\r\n\r\nThe time can be tracked using the states of the game if `\"time\": \"state\"`. If this method is used, the time is independent of the ingame time and continues even after restarts or different saves.\r\n\r\nThe possible values for the state filter (`\"filter\"`) can are:\r\n* RUNNING\r\n* TELEPORT\r\n* LOADING\r\n* NEWGAME\r\n* RESET\r\n* LOADGAME\r\n* MENU\r\n* PAUSE\r\n* LEVELUP\r\n* QUICK\r\n* ONMAPMENU\r\n* QUESTSOLVED\r\n\r\nThese values can be either used inclusive or exclusive (or both)\r\n\r\n#### Example\r\n```json\r\n{\r\n    \"time\": \"state\",\r\n\t\"filter\": {\r\n\t\t\"include\": [\r\n\t\t\t\"RUNNING\",\r\n\t\t\t\"MENU\",\r\n\t\t\t\"LEVELUP\",\r\n\t\t\t\"QUICK\",\r\n\t\t\t\"ONMAPMENU\",\r\n\t\t\t\"QUESTSOLVED\"\r\n\t\t],\r\n\t\t\"exclude\": []\r\n    }\r\n}\r\n```\r\n\r\n## Splits\r\n\r\nThe splits that are automatically triggered are stored as an array in `\"splits\"`. If the split contains `\"once\": true` it is only triggered once gamestart. Otherwise it is triggered on every frame the condition is valid. There are four types of splits:\r\n\r\n### Start\r\n\r\nThe `\"start\"` split is a special split that starts the timer when any map is loaded.\r\n\r\n#### Example\r\n```json\r\n{\r\n\t\"splits\": [{\r\n\t\t\"type\": \"start\"\r\n\t}]\r\n}\r\n```\r\n\r\n### Loadmap\r\n\r\n`\"loadmap\"` checks if the map that is loaded is the same that is in `\"name\"`.\r\n\r\n#### Example\r\n```json\r\n{\r\n\t\"splits\": [{\r\n\t\t\"type\": \"loadmap\",\r\n\t\t\"name\": \"rookie-harbor.south\"\r\n\t}]\r\n}\r\n```\r\n\r\n### Event triggered\r\n\r\n`\"eventtriggered\"` checks if a var condition is valid. To see which var conditions are possible enable `Print all events` in the options menu.\r\n\r\n#### Example\r\n```json\r\n{\r\n\t\"splits\": [{\r\n\t\t\"type\": \"eventtriggered\",\r\n\t\t\"name\": \"maps.cargoShip/cabins1.kitchenScene\",\r\n\t\t\"value\": true\r\n\t}]\r\n}\r\n```\r\n\r\n### Combined\r\n\r\nThe `\"combined\"` split is triggered if all `\"conditions\"` apply. Every condition is a split and can contain `\"once\": true`.\r\n\r\n#### Example\r\n```json\r\n{\r\n\t\"splits\": [{\r\n\t\t\"type\": \"combined\",\r\n\t\t\"conditions\": [{\r\n\t\t\t\"type\": \"loadmap\",\r\n\t\t\t\"name\": \"rookie-harbor.south\",\r\n\t\t\t\"once\": true\r\n\t\t}, {\r\n\t\t\t\"type\": \"eventtriggered\",\r\n\t\t\t\"name\": \"maps.cargoShip/cabins1.kitchenScene\",\r\n\t\t\t\"value\": true\r\n\t\t}]\r\n\t}]\r\n}\r\n```","version":"2.0.0","timestamp":1555329192000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.1","timestamp":1510667143000,"url":""}]},"timewalker":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"timewalker","version":"0.3.1","title":"timewalker","description":"Lets you control time.","repository":"","tags":["fun"],"authors":["2767mr","tiredcoffee"],"dependencies":{"crosscode":"^1.1.0"},"plugin":"walker.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"CCTimeWalker-0.3.1","hash":{"sha256":"e197eaf2927a7b24c51e1560f5076268492fd2c12ccb3fde6cff7c2677fb3220"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708512139000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Allows you to control time!","version":"0.3.1","timestamp":1708512139000,"url":""},{"body":"Allows you to control time!","version":"0.3.0","timestamp":1599128445000,"url":""},{"body":"Allows you to control time!","version":"0.2.1","timestamp":1575122189000,"url":""},{"body":"Allows you to control time!","version":"0.2.0","timestamp":1563222666000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.1","timestamp":1503674127000,"url":""}]},"uwuifier":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"uwuifier","version":"1.0.2","title":"uwuifier","description":"Dynamically uwuifies text.","repository":"","tags":["fun"],"authors":["WatDuhHekBro","dmitmel"],"prestart":"prestart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"ea3640d48aff58910c543625b42ac505b8f439aa7bdadf071fd3a4c2c00446cd"}}],"stars":4,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1722926240000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Simple update by @krypciak to add CCModManager integration.","version":"1.0.2-1","timestamp":1722926494000,"url":""},{"body":"Fixes a crash by dmitmel","version":"1.0.2","timestamp":1636657887000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1618691957000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1618634251000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.1.4","timestamp":1580666793000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.1.3","timestamp":1580666621000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.1.2","timestamp":1580627435000,"url":""},{"body":"Place the .ccmod file in \"assets/mods/\".","version":"0.1.1","timestamp":1580585381000,"url":""},{"body":"Place the .ccmod file in \"assets/mods/\". Archive purposes only.","version":"0.1.0","timestamp":1580585155000,"url":""}]},"vermillion-training-facility":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"vermillion-training-facility","version":"1.2.2","title":{"en_US":"Vermillion Training Facility","de_DE":"Vermillion Training Facility","fr_FR":"Vermillion Training Facility","zh_CN":"Vermillion Training Facility","zh_TW":"Vermillion Training Facility","ja_JP":"Vermillion Training Facility","ko_KR":"Vermillion Training Facility"},"description":{"en_US":"A training facility in \\c[1]Vermillion\\c[0]. (\\c[2]WIP\\c[0])","de_DE":"A training facility in \\c[1]Vermillion\\c[0]. (\\c[2]WIP\\c[0])","fr_FR":"A training facility in \\c[1]Vermillion\\c[0]. (\\c[2]WIP\\c[0])","zh_CN":"A training facility in \\c[1]Vermillion\\c[0]. (\\c[2]WIP\\c[0])","zh_TW":"A training facility in \\c[1]Vermillion\\c[0]. (\\c[2]WIP\\c[0])","ja_JP":"A training facility in \\c[1]Vermillion\\c[0]. (\\c[2]WIP\\c[0])","ko_KR":"A training facility in \\c[1]Vermillion\\c[0]. (\\c[2]WIP\\c[0])"},"icons":{"24":"icon.png"},"repository":"","tags":["maps","dungeon","boss","puzzle"],"authors":["RookieBr","2767mr"],"prestart":"prestart.js","dependencies":{"item-api":">=0.4.5"}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"","hash":{"sha256":"3d8237ef53665adb77f6a2fd3fb09fabc2b5b2891aee1c67cac447c63295d883"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1727109644000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Updated some things:\r\n\r\nAdded \"(WIP)\" to the title\r\nThe mod now has a dependency of the \"Item-api\" mod","version":"Version-2","timestamp":1727109644000,"url":""},{"body":"WAVE CORRIDOR\r\n\r\nDo not activate the switch in the training area.\r\nDo noy use any of the dev teleporters i leaved there.","version":"update-1","timestamp":1727039694000,"url":""}]},"world-map-overhaul":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"world-map-overhaul","version":"1.1.3","title":"World map overhaul","description":{"en_US":"A better world map","ru_RU":"Улучшенная карта мира"},"repository":"","tags":["cosmetic"],"authors":"dmitmel","icons":{"24":"icon24.png"},"prestart":"prestart.js","assets":["media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/colored/arid.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/colored/autumn-area.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/colored/autumn-fall.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/colored/beach.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/colored/bergen-trails.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/colored/final-dng.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/colored/forest.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/colored/heat-area.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/colored/jungle.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/colored/rookie-harbor.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/default/arid.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/default/autumn-area.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/default/autumn-fall.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/default/beach.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/default/bergen-trails.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/default/final-dng.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/default/forest.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/default/heat-area.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/default/jungle.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/default/rookie-harbor.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/reveal/arid.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/reveal/autumn-area.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/reveal/autumn-fall.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/reveal/beach.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/reveal/bergen-trails.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/reveal/final-dng.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/reveal/forest.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/reveal/heat-area.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/reveal/jungle.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/reveal/rookie-harbor.png","media/gui/better-world-map/patched-area-buttons.png","media/gui/better-world-map/sea.png"]},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"7f68505e1c4b7dd688d0ed18a9a714445084bfa80d36745801ae62f95b387134"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1626540789000,"releasePages":[{"body":"See [README]( for more information.\r\n\r\n## Changes\r\n\r\n- Now the mod works when CrossCode is running in the browser (don't ask).","version":"1.1.2","timestamp":1622218886000,"url":""},{"body":"See [README]( for more information.\r\n\r\n## Additions\r\n\r\n- Added an icon!\r\n\r\n   ![icon24@4x.png](\r\n","version":"1.1.1","timestamp":1617575716000,"url":""},{"body":"See [README]( for more information.\r\n\r\n## Additions\r\n\r\n- Add sprites for the new DLC-only areas.\r\n- Add a reveal animation for newly visited areas.","version":"1.1.0","timestamp":1616107283000,"url":""},{"body":"See [README]( for more information.\r\n\r\n## Changes\r\n\r\n- Prepare the code to the DLC release based on what code was added in the 1.3.0 update.","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1588679936000,"url":""},{"body":"See [README]( for more information.","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1585167991000,"url":""}]},"xenons-playable-classes":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"xenons-playable-classes","version":"2.4.0","title":{"en_US":"Xenon's Playable Classes \\i[class-tri] \\i[class-hexa]","de_DE":"Xenon's Playable Classes \\i[class-tri] \\i[class-hexa]","fr_FR":"Xenon's Playable Classes \\i[class-tri] \\i[class-hexa]","zh_CN":"Xenon's Playable Classes \\i[class-tri] \\i[class-hexa]","zh_TW":"Xenon's Playable Classes \\i[class-tri] \\i[class-hexa]","ja_JP":"Xenon's Playable Classes \\i[class-tri] \\i[class-hexa]","ko_KR":"Xenon's Playable Classes \\i[class-tri] \\i[class-hexa]"},"description":{"en_US":"Playable characters, PVP, and more!","de_DE":"Playable characters, PVP, and more!","fr_FR":"Playable characters, PVP, and more!","zh_CN":"Playable characters, PVP, and more!","zh_TW":"Playable characters, PVP, and more!","ja_JP":"Playable characters, PVP, and more!","ko_KR":"Playable characters, PVP, and more!"},"icons":{"24":"icon.png"},"repository":"","tags":["player character","party member","pvp duel","arena","combat arts"],"authors":["XenonA7","HeartLychee","krypek"],"prestart":"prestart.js","poststart":"poststart.js","dependencies":{"Simplify":">=2.12.1","extendable-severed-heads":">=1.1.0","cc-alybox":">=1.1.0","menu-ui-replacer":">=1.0.5","extension-asset-preloader":">=1.0.0","crosscode":">=1.4.0","post-game":">=1.4.0"}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"xenons-playable-classes-2.4.0","hash":{"sha256":"7e7330aa354615d8adea7990c70af314fd6a22d412fe96d7eec602ca30861d2c"}}],"stars":20,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1729576503000,"releasePages":[{"body":"## 2.4.0 (10/21/2024)\r\n### New Content\r\n- Added base Hexacast ranged/attack actions as Lea custom skills\r\n- Added Lea Hexacast attack animation (sprites by HeartLychee)\r\n- Added hideout-hexa map to XPC hideout area and updated Bergen area map\r\n- Added OLV fade in/out effects to xpc-utility effect sheet\r\n- Added weather XPC_SPACE and env particle DARK_DUST_XPC_SPACE\r\n- Added doormat-spawn-fix.js (code by Krypek)\r\n### Changes\r\n- Added Azure Lazuline to mod credits\r\n- Increased dot particle size in effect miasmaBuffAura\r\n- Renamed \\patches\\data\\animations\\player.json to \\patches\\data\\animations\\lea-tri.json\r\n- Deleted unused Hexacast animations\r\n * spinClosedFull\r\n * spinClosedShort\r\n * spinClosedShortRev\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Fixed unintentional charged shots when using Hexacast uncharged throws (code by Azure Lazuline)","version":"2.4.0","timestamp":1729576503000,"url":""},{"body":"## 2.3.0 (10/06/2024)\r\n### New Content\r\n- New Hexacast combat art: Celestial Cohort (Wave Dash Lv.3B)\r\n- New Hexacast combat art: Temporal Miasma (Wave Dash Lv.2A)\r\n- New Hexacast custom skill: Miasmic Mortar (Wave Throw Lv.2)\r\n- New Hexacast custom skill: Healing Burst (Wave Melee Lv.1)\r\n- Defined new animation \"chestFrame1\" to Triblader2/3/4/5/Lea\r\n- Added new Hexacast tips to hideout-lobby\r\n- Added a new xenodialogue conversation to hideout-east\r\n### Changes\r\n- Upgrade rooms in Rhombus Dungeon now support XPC characters for animations\r\n- Element unlock rooms in all dungeons now support XPC characters for animations\r\n- Added dialogue to the party member NPC advisor in the unused content room\r\n- Extended hideout-east map width by 2 tiles\r\n- Removed sourceMappingURL line from map-styles.js\r\n- Updated Essence Steal description\r\n- Hexacast homing shots now disabled if any air conditioner enemies are present on the map\r\n- Reduced dot particle count in effect specials.wave-slowDebuff\r\n- Renamed healTargetFXProxy to healMortarFXProxy\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Fixed player disappearing sometimes on Calamity Beacon descent\r\n- Fixed a typo in char-select/basement\r\n- Fixed a typo in hideout-lobby\r\n- Fixed Abandoned Site appearing on world map\r\n- Fixed Lightning Hex to not apply jolt status effect\r\n- Heal Mortar impact is no longer guardable","version":"2.3.0","timestamp":1728217672000,"url":""},{"body":"## 2.2.2 (09/14/2024)\r\n### Changes\r\n- Tweaked Hexacast character portraits\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Re-added missing NPC encounter from Basin Keep","version":"2.2.2","timestamp":1726345236000,"url":""},{"body":"## 2.2.1 (09/14/2024)\r\n### Changes\r\n- Removed NPC encounter in beach/path-04 (Rough Lagoon) and replaced it with a new conversation in the same map\r\n- Tweaked player animations during Spell Volley combat art\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Fixed a file path issue in triblader animation sheets\r\n- Fixed Ether Bomb hitbox verticality","version":"2.2.1","timestamp":1726301506000,"url":""},{"body":"## 2.2.0 (09/12/2024)\r\n### New Content\r\n- New Hexacast combat art: Reciprocal Gale (Cold Dash Lv.2A)\r\n- Added a xenodialogue to hideout-north\r\n### Changes\r\n- Icy Gust is now dash-cancelable before the art completes\r\n- Made Beam Blaster hitbox slightly more reliable\r\n- Ashen Inferno no longer stops player at cliff edge\r\n- Reduced light raduis of effect ashenInfernoSweep\r\n### Balance\r\n- Beam Blaster hitbox size slightly increased\r\n- Beam Blaster hitbox now hits 16 below vertically","version":"2.2.0","timestamp":1726142219000,"url":""},{"body":"## 2.1.0 (09/10/2024)\r\n### New Content\r\n- New Hexacast combat art: Icy Gust (Cold Dash Lv.1A)\r\n### Changes\r\n- Tweaked Hexacast character portraits\r\n- Added additional ground detailing to unused-content and enemy-testing maps\r\n- Reduced opacity of hailBullet2 trail\r\n- Deleted Shield Generator combat art\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Fixed typo and text description for custom skill sign in art-testing\r\n- Fixed crash in ultimate-pvp when talking to Triblader3 as Hexacast2\r\n- Fixed effect wavePullHex using WAVE_DOT1 instead of WAVE_DOT2 particles\r\n### Balance\r\n- Added a start delay to Cosmic Recursion\r\n- Kindling Triad now provides a temporary shield during the counter attack","version":"2.1.0","timestamp":1725976962000,"url":""},{"body":"## 2.0.1 (08/25/2024)\r\n### New Content\r\n- Added a \"Quest Debug\" sign to the unused-content map in the Bergen hideout basement\r\n * This can be used to fix the Flamepeng quest retroactively in save files where it was completed in the old XTM\r\n   mod and is now broken in XPC after updating and playing on the same save file.\r\n### Changes\r\n- Added a dialogue box to the character change sign in hideout-north\r\n- Added art-testing-sound-test map to files (unused in-game)\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Fixed xpc-lab props animation timing variation\r\n- Removed old XTM terminology from","version":"2.0.1","timestamp":1724569637000,"url":""},{"body":"## 2.0.0 (08/23/2024)\r\n### Important\r\n- Mod is now known as \"Xenon's Playable Classes\", also known as the \"playable classes mod\"\r\n- Hexacast mod discontinued, all content is now merged here\r\n- Hexacast litter mod updated to 2.0.0 to support XPC\r\n- Save-compatible with old mod versions but progress for mod content will be reset, such as unlocking the triblader arena cup\r\n### Dependency Updates\r\n- Now requires AlyBox 1.1.0 or higher\r\n- Now requires menu-ui-replacer 1.0.5 or higher\r\n- Please uninstall any versions of the old \"xmc-hexacast\" mod you might have\r\n- Please uninstall any versions of the old \"logic-steps\" mod you might have\r\n### Changes\r\n- Hexacast characters are now playable options in the mod intro maps\r\n- Added cutscene option to skip mod intro\r\n- Removed Krypek plugin.js menu option to skip mod intro\r\n- Cut down on BGM bloat\r\n- Renamed BGM scarpsCave to lazCave\r\n- Renamed all internal files and variables to xpc from xtm/xmc\r\n- The Triblader League now has a proper associated quest in post-Ku'lero Rhombus Square\r\n- Updated all mod credits in-game\r\n- Removed DLC assets due to extension-asset-preloader fix:\r\n * \\assets\\media\\entity\\effects\\gynthar-heat-copy.png\r\n * \\assets\\media\\entity\\effects\\rainbow-ring.png\r\n- Added class subdirectories in \\assets\\media\\entity\\effects\r\n- Renamed MULTI_CIRCLE_GUI to RAINBOW_CIRCLE_GUI in combat.tribladerXPC\r\n- Renamed triblader-mm.png to tri-misc.png\r\n- Reduced sound effect volume for molten dagger in blade rink cutscene\r\n- Reduced fail sound effect volume for Wild Gambit\r\n- Removed a lot of text pauses from intro maps\r\n- Changed teleporter labels in unused content maps\r\n- Retrofitted char-select.basement with conditional lights\r\n- Dialogue tweaks in char-select.basement\r\n- Modernized character change signs in info hub and arena lobby\r\n- Slight dialogue tweaks in dark-passage-1\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Fixed internal map names for char-select maps\r\n- Fixed lights in char-select.basement being visible early\r\n- Fixed a typo in hideout-east\r\n- Fixed Apollo 4, Shizuka, and Lily stats being invisible in XPC pvp maps","version":"2.0.0","timestamp":1724475100000,"url":""},{"body":"## 1.3.0 (08/05/2024)\r\n### Important\r\n- Added dependency mod: crosscode-extension-asset-preloader\r\n  *\r\n### New Content\r\n- Added Triblader, Pentafist, AL, and Lily custom skills to Lea (136 total)\r\n- Added \\patches\\data\\effects\\specials\\wave-custom.json\r\n### Changes\r\n- Imported \\assets\\media\\gui\\custom-skills from hexacast mod\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Fixed Triblader-Lea sprite offset for northeast jump animaitons\r\n- Fixed Triblader-Lea sprite offset for east and southeast throwSpecial animation","version":"1.3.0","timestamp":1722917129000,"url":""},{"body":"### Changes\r\n- Removed remaining content from dev room, migrated to Hexacast mod\r\n- Removed the following maps (now part of Hexacast mod):\r\n  * \\maps\\xtm\\bonus\\guild-war.json\r\n  * \\maps\\xtm\\bonus\\statue-cutscene.json","version":"1.2.5","timestamp":1722760222000,"url":""},{"body":"## 1.2.4 (07/31/2024)\r\n### Changes\r\n- Removed dev room teleporter from Lea's attic; the new dev room is currently in the Hexacast mod\r\n- Deleted \"training-island\" teleporter from dev room\r\n- Deleted \"training-2v2\" teleporter from dev room\r\n- Removed the following maps (now part of Hexacast mod):\r\n  * \\maps\\xtm\\bonus\\training-island.json\r\n  * \\maps\\xtm\\bonus\\training-1v1.json\r\n  * \\maps\\xtm\\bonus\\training-2v2.json","version":"1.2.4","timestamp":1722477420000,"url":""},{"body":"## 1.2.3 (07/14/2024)\r\n### Changes\r\n- Updated XTM dev room combat music settings\r\n- Added effect spikeAuraNPC\r\n- Removed the following maps (now part of Hexacast mod):\r\n  * \\maps\\xtm\\bonus\\art-testing.json\r\n  * \\maps\\xtm\\bonus\\art-testing.-ALjson\r\n  * \\maps\\xtm\\bonus\\art-testing-unused.json\r\n  * \\maps\\xtm\\bonus\\green-screen-room.json\r\n- Deleted \"art-testing\" and \"green-screen-room\" teleporters from dev room","version":"1.2.3","timestamp":1721010538000,"url":""},{"body":"## 1.2.2 (06/26/2024)\r\n### Changes\r\n- Moved WIP maps to Hexacast mod\r\n- Added particle pLight source to Triblader charged ball trails\r\n- Updated charged ball light settings to Hexacast standard\r\n- Added light sources to standard melee attack effects","version":"1.2.2","timestamp":1719417130000,"url":""},{"body":"## 1.2.1 (06/18/2024)\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Added Menu UI Replacer to install instructions","version":"1.2.1","timestamp":1718697731000,"url":""},{"body":"## 1.2.0 (06/18/2024)\r\n### General\r\n- New dependency mod: Menu UI Replacer\r\n  *\r\n### New Content\r\n- New menu sprites when playing as Triblader2/3/4/5\r\n  * Original artwork by Orco Pixelado\r\n  * Thanks to Bakafish for library mod support\r\n- Added unfinished map file\r\n### Changes\r\n- Orco Pixelado added to mod credits\r\n- Hue adjustments to Triblader4 portraits\r\n- Updated Triblader4 sprite hue to be more consistent with portraits","version":"1.2.0","timestamp":1718697233000,"url":""},{"body":"## 1.1.1 (06/06/2024)\r\n### Changes\r\n- Blazing Mirage and So'najiz Phalanx clones no longer draw enemy aggro\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Fixed Spectral Legion clones able to consume SP","version":"1.1.1","timestamp":1717684472000,"url":""},{"body":"## 1.1.0 (05/29/2024)\r\n### New Content\r\n- Added green screen map to XTM dev room\r\n### Changes\r\n- Triblader5 DASH_SLOW action is now also steerable\r\n- Added light source to effect waveTriangleTrail (used in Soul Shatter)","version":"1.1.0","timestamp":1716967944000,"url":""},{"body":"## 1.0.3 (05/13/2024)\r\n### New Content\r\n- Added additional font icons needed for Hexacast mod custom skills","version":"1.0.3","timestamp":1715646908000,"url":""},{"body":"## 1.0.2 (05/05/2024)\r\n### New Content\r\n- Added font icons needed for custom skills in Hexacast mod\r\n- Added Lubkuluk to XTM credits for Hexacast KeyPanel code contribution\r\n- Added teleporter to AL dev room from XTM dev room (only works if AL is installed)\r\n- Added map art-testing-AL.json, not implemented by default\r\n### Changes\r\n- Moved the hologram sign slightly in the art-testing map\r\n- Removed the sword icon from the mod's name entry\r\n- Deleted unnecessary proxy groupings \"solarEruptionParts\" and \"solarEruptionGroup\"\r\n- Vermillion Firestorm effect laserSrc changed to laserSrcMega\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Fixed pvp opponents not charging before using Solar Eruption\r\n- Removed all broken animation references to \"attackMirrEnd\"\r\n- Fixed Spectral Legion clones shooting wrong proxy types occasionally","version":"1.0.2","timestamp":1714960561000,"url":""},{"body":"1.0.1 (03/16/2024)\r\n### Changes\r\n- Magnet Storm now resets camera during final strike\r\n- Magnet Storm added sound effect when final strike hits\r\n- Re-worded the description for Magnet Storm\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Blizzard Slash fixed missing HEAVY hit stability\r\n### Balance\r\n- Changes to both player and enemy:\r\n  * Icicle Slash reverted to old punch-style hitbox\r\n  * Icicle Slash hit stability decreased from MASSIVE to HEAVY\r\n  * Blizzard Slash first swing reverted to old punch-style hitbox\r\n  * Blizzard Slash second swing increased hitbox radius from 72 to 88","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1710647489000,"url":""},{"body":"## 1.0.0 (03/16/2024)\r\n### New Content\r\n- New character: Triblader Lea (sprites by **HeartLychee**)\r\n  * No special modifiers. Custom Daybreak, Wave charge shot, Sunfury particle sprites by **HeartLychee**)\r\n- New Triblader2/3/4/5 block pushing animations by **HeartLychee**)\r\n- Magnet Storm completely reworked\r\n- Added proper PVP enemy death handling in training maps and arena maps for duels with multiple opponents\r\n- Added NPCs to dev room to demonstrate whether or not you have other mods installed (logic steps)\r\n- Added new art-testing map to dev room\r\n- Added effect critical to new PVP death logic: teleport.showFastScale\r\n- Added \\assets\\data\\effects\\teleport.json.patch\r\n### Changes\r\n- Removed the \"beta\" map; You now proceed straight to the Rhombus Dungeon after choosing a character\r\n- PVP enemy healthbars are more compact now, they now overlap to save space (only applies when dueling multiple opponents)\r\n- Reformatted headIdx.json.patch for extendable-severed-heads 1.1.0\r\n- Removed unused \"pvp-lukas-old\" and \"pvp-schneiders\" arena maps\r\n- Added Triblader Lea character option to all XTM character change signs: XTM Dev Room, Rookie Harbor Info Hub, Rhombus Arena Lobby.\r\n- Removed all instances of \"plot.xtm.character\", which is obsolete with AlyBox\r\n- Removed \"characterInitOnce\" EventTrigger from arena lobby patch, which is obsolete with AlyBox\r\n- Removed \"plot.xtm.swapBack\" functionality from arena maps\r\n- Renamed custom-party-members.js to custom-party-options.js\r\n- Updated HeartLychee credits preferences\r\n- Changed BGM setting in \"Blade Rink\" arena match\r\n- Updated all \"XTM Credits\" signs\r\n- Removed unused \"Triblader Prime\" arena round\r\n- Standardized BGM options in training-1v1, training-2v2, and training island maps\r\n- Renamed enemy entities in training island map to XTM standard\r\n- Reformatted the character change sign in the Rookie Harbor info hub to align with all other XTM signs\r\n- Reduced particle count on Icicle Tomb to improve performance\r\n- Dev room changes\r\n  * Dev room teleporters now have spawn conditions, used for the mod crossover tests\r\n  * Removed the hedgehags from the dev room\r\n- Added combat dialogue support to apollo-4 and shizuka nozoom enemy variants (used for \"Ultimate PVP\" map)\r\n- Player walks to starting position when starting the duel on Training Island, instead of running\r\n- Re-worded description for Ice Flak\r\n- Re-worded description for Tower of Tranquility\r\n- Minor graphical tweak to Tower of Tranquility proxy sprites\r\n- Beekeeper: bees now constantly look for the nearest target rather than always chase their original target\r\n- Scorching Rays red screen flash is now less intense\r\n- Added shaking effect right before thawing for Ice Brace, Stasis Stance, and Tower of Tranquility\r\n- All BLUE_SPARKLE particles now have angleVary for all effects that use them\r\n- Player now travels farther during Polar Geyser final slash\r\n- Renamed effect megaTankAuraAltNoCircle to blizzardSlashSnowflakes\r\n- Snowstorm post-attack wait increased from 0.4 seconds to 0.6 seconds\r\n- Avalanche Assault and Frozen Rays initial screen flash is now less intense\r\n- Proxy fireDaggerStuck changed from breakType NEVER to COMBATANT\r\n- Greatly reduced zoom blur effect for Fire Saw\r\n- Moved effects related to proxy ms_main into file ball-shock-xtm.json\r\n- Effect shockLaserSource now moves with target\r\n- Improved effects for the following arts:\r\n  * Scorching Rays\r\n  * Tower of Tranquility (landing effect)\r\n  * Polar Geyser\r\n  * Blizzard Slash\r\n  * Snowstorm\r\n  * Avalanche Assault\r\n  * Calamity's Advent\r\n  * Frigid Hurricane\r\n  * Vermillion Firestorm\r\n  * Magnet Storm\r\n  * Sleet Singularity\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Fixed \"Wet Work\" quests for all Triblader characters by adding the \"STANDARD\" hint property\r\n- Fixed a crash related to gynthar-heat.png (by including gynthar-heat-copy.png in the mod files)\r\n- Fixed PVP enemies headIdx conflict with other mods (thanks to extendable-severed-heads 1.1.0)\r\n- Added a NPBLOCK wall to fix an out-of-bounds JDAC exploit in xtm/char-select/outdoors\r\n- Fixed wrong internal map name for xtm/char-select/outdoors\r\n- Fixed all PVP maps \"Match Point\" AR_MSG text\r\n- Retrofitted all pvp maps with new logic to handle deaths; no more defeated enemies sitting around\r\n- Fixed ice sliding during cutscene after duel in \"Blade Rink\" arena map\r\n- Fixed incorrect loop timing in BGM triangle-prep.ogg\r\n- Fixed a code typo in Wild Gambit\r\n- Fixed Wave Mortar \"status\" description property\r\n- Fixed proxy waveMortar breakType (changed from NEVER to COMBATANT)\r\n- Fixed proxy vitalityCurseDrain breakType (changed from NEVER to COMBATANT)\r\n- Effect \"stasisEffects\" is now centered properly for Stasis Stance and Tower of Tranquility\r\n- Fixed incorrect melee hitbox on Icicle Slash\r\n- Fixed incorrect melee hitbox on first slash of Blizzard Slash\r\n- Fixed looping sound in effect hurricane1 lingering too long\r\n- Fixed proxy lightningRodBolt stun lock release\r\n- Alternating Charge now ignores ice physics\r\n- Fixed an issue where the beam sound effect from Triforce Slash could get interrupted\r\n- Level adjustment switches in training-1v1 and training-2v2 maps now properly hide during duel\r\n- Fixed a softlock in the outdoor area from the mod intro maps caused by reloading during the puzzle\r\n- Fixed player able to be pushed around during Triforce Slash\r\n- Fixed Celestial Constellation status description\r\n- Fixed Celestial Constellation proxies not being DETACH_TIME_PARENT\r\n### Balance\r\n- Changes to PVP enemies only:\r\n  * Enemy First Fractal damage slightly nerfed\r\n  * Enemy Prismatic Meltdown laser chase speed greatly nerfed\r\n  * Enemy Prismatic Meltdown laser lasts 0.5s longer\r\n  * Enemy Frigid Hurricane internal pull force buffed from EASY_ESCAPE to RUN_ESCAPE\r\n  * Enemy Frigid Hurricane added concentric pull force at WALK_ESCAPE strength\r\n  * Enemy Vermillion Firestorm now has a suction effect to make it more difficult to escape\r\n  * Enemy Celestial Constellation new projectiles have higher knockback than player version\r\n  * Enemy Celestial Constellation new projectiles hit a single target, player versions are multiHit\r\n- Changes to player only:\r\n  * Reworked Wave Mortar, it now auto-adjusts the proxy range for enemies in view\r\n  * Wave mortar damage reduced\r\n  * Wave mortar knockback reduced greatly\r\n  * Magnet Storm completely reworked and redesigned\r\n  * Scorching Rays proxy subPierce damage/status increased\r\n  * Scorching Rays initial TACKLE damage increased\r\n  * Scorching Rays looping stun damage increased\r\n  * Tower of Tranquility now spawns icicles upon landing\r\n  * Faraday Formation now stun locks enemies on first hit\r\n  * Faraday Formation executes much faster overall, should be more viable\r\n  * Blade of E'nel activation time reduced from 1.0 seconds to 0.5 seconds\r\n  * Blade of E'nel duration increased from 6 seconds to 7 seconds\r\n  * Shadow Spark proxies orbit duration reduced from 5 seconds to 3 seconds\r\n  * Shadow Spark proxies attack velocity (after orbiting) increased from 300 to 400\r\n  * Frost Rupture final explosion damage greatly increased, crit chance disabled\r\n  * Frost Rupture status infliction increased\r\n  * Kindling Triad now grants weight -1 during counter attack (player no longer affected by push/pull)\r\n  * So'najiz Phalanx reduced delay on clones before shooting lasers\r\n  * Sleet Singularity charge time decreased\r\n- Changes to both player and enemy:\r\n  * Flash Freeze now grants the victim at 130% DEF multiplier while active\r\n  * Icicle Tomb status factor increased greatly\r\n  * Blizzard Slash icicleSmall startDistCollide changed from CLOSER to DROP (major nerf)\r\n  * Blizzard Slash now shoots weaker hail variant that does not bounce\r\n  * Blizzard Slash attack strength decreased from MASSIVE to HEAVY\r\n  * Blizzard Slash melee hitbox radius for final slash slightly increased\r\n  * Blizzard Slash melee damage increased\r\n  * Icicle Slash attack strength decreased from MASSIVE to HEAVY\r\n  * Icicle Slash melee damage slightly increased\r\n  * Molten Daggers damage tick rate cut in half, overall damage slightly reduced\r\n  * Molten Daggers status inflict slightly increased\r\n  * Molten Daggers (specifically fireDaggerStuck) will despawn past a total of 12 active at a time\r\n  * Ki Spin damage decreased\r\n  * Vortex Thrust projectile damage reduced, final slash melee damage increased\r\n  * Vortex Thrust can no longer crit on the final slash\r\n  * Lightning Rod damage slightly increased\r\n  * Thunder Wrath now terminates when running into a solid wall (this removes an exploit against bosses with solid collision)\r\n  * Heavy Slash now grants HEAVY hit stability, making it harder to interrupt\r\n  * Vitality Curse capped at 3 active at a time\r\n  * Celestial Constellation now shoots bonus projectiles as it travels (major buff)\r\n  * Celestial Constellation cc_main and cc_orbiter damage factor reduced","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1710640708000,"url":""},{"body":"## 0.9.4 (02/07/2024)\r\n### New Content\r\n- Added option to skip the modded intro maps in the options menu (feature by **Krypek**)","version":"0.9.4","timestamp":1707599013000,"url":""},{"body":"## 0.9.3 (02/05/2024)\r\n### General\r\n- Now requires CCLoader2 version 2.22.1 or higher!\r\n- Simplify requirement version increased to 2.12.1\r\n- New dependency mod: AlyBox by Alyxia\r\n   -\r\n   - Install instructions have been updated\r\n- Now requires extendable-severed-heads version 1.1.0\r\n   -\r\n### New Content\r\n- PVP fixes and improvements by **Krypek**\r\n   - Added variable support for detecting player death and enemy combatant death\r\n   - Game will fast-forward if player is defeated in a duel but has party members remaining\r\n   - Hide healthbars for defeated duel enemies\r\n   - Improvements and fixes to duel GUI rendering when multiple opponents are involved\r\n### Changes\r\n- Removed postload.js (code moved to AlyBox mod)","version":"0.9.3","timestamp":1707195479000,"url":""},{"body":"## 0.9.2 (03/06/2023)\r\n### New Content\r\n- Added a NPC in the mod dev room who will add all vanilla party members to your active party.\r\n   - I will not add support to any of the PVP duels for this, this is just a bonus feature.","version":"0.9.2","timestamp":1678151974000,"url":""},{"body":"## 0.9.1 (02/19/2023)\r\n### Changes\r\n- Triforce Slash ending particle effects changed to guiSprites\r\n- Triforce Slash ending particle effects added pLight property\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Marginal improvement to water collision issue in mod intro outdoor area\r\n- Fixed typo in Triforce Slash particle effects data","version":"0.9.1","timestamp":1676854914000,"url":""},{"body":"## 0.9.0 (02/19/2023)\r\n### New Content\r\n- PVP enemies now use Prismatic Meltdown instead of Triforce Slash (_Shock_Close3)\r\n- PVP enemies now use Beekeeper instead of Shadow Spark (_Shock_Close1)\r\n- Added an extremely hidden secret chest to the outdoor area of the mod intro maps\r\n- Added xtm-areas.json\r\n- Triforce Slash particle effect improvements\r\n### Changes\r\n- Reformatted changelog headings\r\n- Slight reformat to database patch steps\r\n- Moved database patches to \\patches\\data\\database\r\n- Triforce Slash updated description\r\n- Completely reworked the code for Triforce Slash\r\n- Proxy \"bolt\" deleted and replaced with \"triforceTrigger\"\r\n- Triforce Slash trigger proxy changed from BREAK to MASSIVE (player only)\r\n- Triforce Slash only deals MELEE_DMG now\r\n- Triforce Slash now uses brief super armor instead of invinsibility at the start of the attack\r\n- Triforce Slash can't interact with puzzle elements anymore\r\n- Triforce Slash no longer shoots proxies on the final hit\r\n- Triforce Slash has separate targeting methods for enemies with solid collision\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Fixed Ice Flak spawning hail at additional z+12 offset\r\n- Fixed a map bug where you could stand on a water tile in the mod intro area\r\n- Fixed Maroon Valley being revealed on the world map early due to modded maps\r\n- Triforce Slash trigger proxy no nonger pierces and causes targeting confusion\r\n- Fixed ability to shoot Triforce Slash through narrow walls\r\n- Fixed ability to shoot Lightning Strike through narrow walls\r\n- Fixed issue where Triforce Slash would target the wrong enemy\r\n### Balance\r\n- Fire Saw hit strength reduced from MASSIVE to HEAVY (knockback remains MASSIVE)\r\n- Fire Saw damage slightly reduced\r\n- Chilling Thrust status inflict factor reduced\r\n- Chilling Thrust contact damage slightly reduced\r\n- Triforce Slash trigger hitbox changed from 24x24x12 to 16x16x12\r\n- Lightning Strike proxy hitbox changed from 24x24x12 to 16x16x12\r\n- Triforce Slash damage greatly increased to bring it in line with Song of Storms\r\n- Overclock duration increased by 1 second","version":"0.9.0","timestamp":1676846007000,"url":""},{"body":"### Changes\r\n- Faraday Formation is now dash-cancelable","version":"0.8.5","timestamp":1674267590000,"url":""},{"body":"### Fixes\r\n- Fixed a crash that can happen when entering the mod's dev room","version":"0.8.4","timestamp":1674108305000,"url":""},{"body":"### Changes\r\n- Renamed the main effect file to tribladerXTM.json\r\n- Cold particle effects moved to patch file format\r\n- cold-tri.json effect file deleted, data merged into cold.json patch\r\n- Icicle particle effects moved to patch file format\r\n- Heat particle effects moved to patch file format\r\n- Neutral particle effects moved to patch file format\r\n- Shock particle effects moved to patch file format\r\n- Replaced modded vanilla effect \"slowMotionClock\" with modded effect \"slowMotionClockTriblader\"","version":"0.8.3","timestamp":1673904486000,"url":""},{"body":"### New Content\r\n- Added Ice Flak to PVP enemy move pool (they did not previously have a Lv.1 Cold Throw art)\r\n### Changes\r\n- Added a new particle effect when Verdant Infection is inflicted on an enemy\r\n- Warp Decoy can search further for a target to face (visual only)\r\n- Thunder Wrath audio volume slightly reduced\r\n- Removed maxGroundDistance restriction from Thunder Wrath (will work now even if you dash off cliffs)\r\n- Added DETATCH_TIME_PARENT to the following generic proxies:\r\n   - vitalityCurse\r\n   - vitalityCurseDrain\r\n   - bounceOrb\r\n   - vitalitySpring\r\n   - springAbsorbDot\r\n   - waveBomb\r\n   - waveDummy4\r\n   - waveLaserSpawn\r\n   - waveLaser\r\n   - waveMine\r\n   - waveDummy\r\n   - soulShatter\r\n   - waveDummy2\r\n   - spiritfall\r\n   - fallingFaeSmall\r\n   - fallingFaeBig\r\n   - waveTurretBody\r\n   - waveTurret\r\n   - essenceProxy\r\n   - essenceProxyController\r\n   - waveTimeBomb\r\n   - waveTimeBombExploder\r\n- Generic proxies that will remain without DETATCH_TIME_PARENT:\r\n   - waveMortar\r\n   - waveDashBoom\r\n   - exploTrail\r\n   - waveAbsorbDot\r\n### Balance\r\n   - Arcing Fae is now capped at two orbs maximum at a time. Shooting a third will despawn the first one.\r\n   - So'najiz Phalanx increased damage on initial wave bullets\r\n   - So'najiz Phalanx wave bullets attack strength changed from LIGHT to MEDIUM, will be harder to escape\r\n   - So'najiz Phalanx now starts shooting slightly faster (less starting lag)\r\n   - So'najiz Phalanx clones increased HP\r\n   - So'najiz Phalanx final lasers reduced delay between preview and activation","version":"0.8.2","timestamp":1673833639000,"url":""},{"body":"### Changes\r\n- Capitalized Triblader2/3/4/5 names in party menu\r\n- Minor adjustments to Daybreak throw sound effect properties\r\n- Trailblazer can no longer be canceled by dashing until the final spin attack\r\n- Ice Brace audio and effect adjustments\r\n- Schneider/Luke now use their sitting animation for Ice Brace and Stasis Stance\r\n- Schneider/Luke now use their own alternate animations for Tower of Tranquility\r\n- Proxy icicleMediumLineSimple changed to breakType ACTION\r\n- Added DETATCH_TIME_PARENT to the following generic proxies:\r\n   - frozenStar\r\n   - fallingRockBig\r\n   - fallingRockMed\r\n   - rockLine\r\n   - icicleSmall\r\n   - snowballFlurry\r\n   - iceFlak\r\n   - hailBomb\r\n   - iceFreeze\r\n   - icicleBigDmg\r\n- Generic proxies that will remain without DETATCH_TIME_PARENT:\r\n   - polarGeyser\r\n   - frozenRupture\r\n   - avalancheProxy\r\n   - snowHurricaneCharge\r\n   - snowHurricane\r\n   - frozenRay\r\n   - icicleMediumLineSimple\r\n   - icicleSubHit\r\n   - icicleSubHitNoFly\r\n   - icicleHugeDelay\r\n   - towerBase\r\n   - towerWeatherController\r\n   - icePlatform\r\n   - icicleSmallLasting\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Removed duplicate SET_TEMP_TARGET from Recoil Slash\r\n- Recoil Slash particle effects should show on countered enemy more consistently\r\n### Balance\r\n- Recoil Slash now grants super armor (hit resist MASSIVE) while counterattacking\r\n- Verdant Infection now grants super armor (hit resist MASSIVE) while counterattacking\r\n   - Enemy variant already contained this property, only player files updated\r\n- Ice Brace now heals 5% of HP throughout the full duration\r\n- Ice Brace can now be canceled with a dash\r\n- Stasis Stance can now be canceled with a dash\r\n- Added an additional icicle attack to Stasis Stance","version":"0.8.1","timestamp":1673750373000,"url":""},{"body":"### New Content\r\n- Added a warning about modded party members when Triblader2 is recruited at Bergen Trail\r\n- Added a proper story cutscene to unlock the Schneider PVP duel (near end of 3rd day in the DLC story)\r\n   - For save files after this point, the arena cup will be automatically unlocked\r\n   - Added many random assortments of party members that can be present in the stands for the duel\r\n### Changes\r\n- Removed Schneider vs Luke arena cup\r\n- Arena cups are all open to all playable characters now, removed relevant text from descriptions\r\n- Arena lobby EventTrigger for managing character configs remains implemented but is now unused\r\n- Minor Triblader2 party dialogue tweaks\r\n- Adjusted text displays for Triblader League unlock cutscene to be in-line with other arena cup unlocks\r\n- Vermillion Firestorm lasers audio volume reduced\r\n- Flash Freeze audio volume reduced when freezing enemy\r\n- Daybreak proxies changed from breaktype NEVER to COMBATANT\r\n- Added sound effect when Daybreak is thrown\r\n- Daybreak impact sound effect volume increased\r\n- Trailblazer particle effects overhauled\r\n- Proy turbineStunner changed from breaktype NEVER to COMBATANT\r\n- Added DETATCH_TIME_PARENT to the following generic proxies:\r\n   - rudeBuster\r\n   - gleamingSurgeProxy\r\n   - shardAura\r\n   - spikeAura\r\n   - dropShieldOrbit\r\n   - dropShieldStatic\r\n   - defenseAura\r\n   - fireDaggerBombThrow\r\n   - fireDaggerBombStuck\r\n   - fireDaggerThrow\r\n   - fireDaggerStuck\r\n   - daybreakThrow\r\n   - daybreakStuck\r\n   - fireTornado\r\n   - mirageController\r\n   - mirageDummy\r\n   - firePillar\r\n   - firePillarEffect\r\n   - turbineStunner (after rapid spin)\r\n   - turbineDot (after rapid spin)\r\n   - attackBuffProxy\r\n   - flameWall\r\n- Generic proxies that will remain without DETATCH_TIME_PARENT:\r\n   - gambitProxy\r\n   - neutralFreeze\r\n   - neutralLaser\r\n   - subPierce\r\n   - flameHitS\r\n   - solarEruptionTipR\r\n   - solarEruptionTipL\r\n   - solarEruptionHead\r\n   - solarEruptionChainHitbox\r\n   - sunsteelController\r\n   - heatPierce\r\n   - flameHit\r\n   - meteor\r\n   - turbineStunner\r\n   - flamethrowerTriangle\r\n   - enelSwordSummon\r\n   - enelSwordAura\r\n   - firestormBase\r\n   - subPierceWeak\r\n   - flameHitSWeak\r\n   - heatLaser\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Walls 1-3 now destroy with proper effects in mod\\char-select\\beta.json\r\n- Fixed Lily granting exp in training island duels\r\n- Minor typo fix in Bergen Trail entrance modded dialogue\r\n- Fixed a rare issue where Spectral Legion would only spawn 3 clones\r\n- Fixed First Fractal particle effect alignment\r\n### Balance\r\n- Beekeeper total bees reduced by 4, damage per bee increased\r\n- Beekeeper will now despawn any previous bees when used\r\n- First Fractal damage slightly reduced\r\n- Blade of E'nel now grants full super armor (hit resist MASSIVE) while buff is active\r\n- Blade of E'nel now grants a shield that resists 10% of all damage while active\r\n- Homing Shards increased proxy lifetime from 1.5 to 2.0 seconds\r\n- Throwing Knives now shoots 2 additional knives on third volley\r\n- Trailblazer rate of fire increased\r\n- Trailblazer now has additional explosions when fire is spawned, dealing additional damage\r\n- Trailblazer fire contact damage slightly reduced","version":"0.8.0","timestamp":1673157897000,"url":""},{"body":"### Fixes\r\n- Fixed Triblader2 party member contact event story progress threshold\r\n### Balance\r\n- Magnet Prism targeting range increased from 128 to 140","version":"0.7.1","timestamp":1670222024000,"url":""},{"body":"0.7.0 (11/19/2022)\r\n### New Content\r\n- Added a character changing station to the Info Hub in Rookie Harbor\r\n- Triblader2 can now join the player near the start of Bergen Trail as a party member\r\n   - This is in addition to the dev room NPC\r\n   - Level/element/SP scaling will work regardless of when the NPC is recruited in a playthrough\r\n- Added commonEvent logic to manage Triblader2 party member level/SP/element progression throughout the story\r\n- Added modified event step to allow setting party members to variable level values\r\n### Major Changes\r\n- Targeted Surge: If you miss and use it again before the triangles despawn then your first attempt will stack\r\n- Magnet Prism is no longer limited to 1 projectile at a time (2 max), and no longer pierces\r\n### Changes\r\n- Minor audio volume adjustements to Blade Rink first-time cutscene\r\n- Prismatic Meltdown audio volume reduced when it shoots the laser\r\n- Shadow Spark projectile damage type changed from RANGED_DMG to MELEE_DMG\r\n- Lightning Rod final lightning proxy hit changed from RANGEED_DMG to MELEE_DMG\r\n- Proxy magnetBolt changed to breakType COMBATANT\r\n- Proxy thunderMed removed legacy \"hints\" properties\r\n- Proxy thunderMed changed from RANGED_DMG to MELEE_DMG\r\n- Proxy thunderController changed to breakType NEVER\r\n- Thunder Wrath weather effects linger for longer\r\n- Lightning Rod guardable flag changed from FROM_ABOVE to blank (player version only)\r\n- Proxy thunderHeavy guardable flag changed from FROM_ABOVE to blank\r\n- Proxy thunderHeavySkew guardable flag changed from FROM_ABOVE to blank\r\n- Proxy thunderHeavySkew changed from RANGED_DMG to MELEE_DMG\r\n- Added DETATCH_TIME_PARENT to the following generic proxies:\r\n   - bee\r\n   - circleBallShooter\r\n   - circleBall\r\n   - ms_TT\r\n   - tt_ball\r\n   - magnetBoltLong\r\n   - forkBoltSpawn\r\n   - forkBoltSecondary\r\n   - forkBoltHitbox\r\n   - magnetSphere\r\n   - magnetSphereTurret\r\n   - magnetBolt\r\n   - thunderController\r\n   - thunderSpawner\r\n   - thunderSmall\r\n   - thunderHeavy\r\n   - meltdown (only after it shoots the shockLaser proxy)\r\n   - shockLaser\r\n- Proxies that will remain without DETATCH_TIME_PARENT:\r\n   - faradayDummy\r\n   - lightningRodBolt\r\n   - shockSpecial\r\n   - fractalCloneController\r\n   - fractalClone\r\n   - thunderMed\r\n   - meltdownTarget\r\n   - thunderHeavySkew\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Most shock art skillBonus corrections\r\n- Fixed missing stunType, dmgType, and status descriptions for most shock arts\r\n- Fixed minor animation quirk in Blade Rink first-time cutscene\r\n- Fixed Triblader2-specific issue with second projectile of Celestial Constellation\r\n- Fixed ice wind effects from Arctic Blast rendering beneath upper terrain\r\n- Reworked the logic for beekeeper bees, they should no longer linger endlessly on defeated enemies\r\n- Added the attribute \"checkCollision\" for the following (fixes ability to hit through walls):\r\n   - Beekeeper melee attack\r\n   - Faraday Formation final spin attack\r\n   - Lightning Rod lightning bolt\r\n   - Amber Flurry rapid hits\r\n   - Amber Flurry final hit\r\n   - First Fractal final hit\r\n   - Alternating Charge lightning proxies\r\n   - Proxy thunderSmall\r\n   - Proxy thunderHeavy\r\n   - Proxy thunderHeavySkew\r\n   - Prismatic Meltdown laser impact\r\n- Puzzle elements can now interact with:\r\n   - Faraday Formation final spin attack\r\n   - Lightning Strike (added a non-damaging hitbox that can interact with puzzles)\r\n   - Targeted Surge initial projectile (added a non-damaging hitbox that can interact with puzzles)\r\n   - Lightning Fork\r\n### Balance\r\n- Beekeeper bees reduced from MEDIUM hit strength to LIGHT\r\n- Beekeeper bees speed slightly increased\r\n- Slightly reduced beekeeper sword damage\r\n- Shadow Spark no longer inflicts status\r\n- Shadow Spark projectile damage and shoot velocity increased\r\n- Targeted Surge no longer inflicts status\r\n- Targeted Surge now shoots faster and has faster projectiles\r\n- Targeted Surge minor damage reduction\r\n- Lightning Fork damage significantly reduced\r\n- Magnet Prism no longer inflicts status\r\n- Magnet Prism no longer pierces enemies\r\n- Magnet Prism max projectiles increased from 1 to 2\r\n- Magnet Prism rate of fire increased, damage adjusted to balance\r\n- First Fractal damage slightly increased","version":"0.7.0","timestamp":1668917167000,"url":""},{"body":"### Fixes\r\n- Introduced the \"posEntity\" attribute to gambitProxy to prevent Wild Gambit's projectiles from shooting through walls","version":"0.6.1","timestamp":1666515218000,"url":""},{"body":"### New Content\r\n- Added some various Triblader2 party dialogue\r\n### Changes\r\n- All healing combat arts now have their names in green text\r\n- All self-damaging combat arts (Burning Sacrifice) now use red text\r\n- Changed BGM for Blade Rink\r\n- Minor text speed edit to Blade Rink first-time cutscene\r\n- Reformatted some Triblader2 party dialogue event steps\r\n- Modified visual effect for Wild Gambit roll 4\r\n- Wild Gambit roll 4 reduced volume on charging sound\r\n- Wild Gambit roll 7 proxy waveAbsorbBall startDist reduced\r\n- Removed assault proxies from Heavy Slash\r\n- Blade Aura changed from RANGED_DMG to MELEE_DMG\r\n- Laser Barrage executes faster now\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Neutral art skillBonus corrections\r\n- Fixed missing stunType, dmgType, and status descriptions for all neutral arts\r\n- Fixed Laser Barrage bug with laser particle effect lingering on enemies\r\n- Laser Barrage now works properly against walls, fences, and corners\r\n- Added the attribute \"checkCollision\" for the following (fixes ability to hit through walls):\r\n   - Wirbelschlitzer attack hitbox\r\n   - Wild Gambit basic melee hitbox\r\n   - Wild Gambit roll 6 melee attack\r\n   - Wild Gambit roll 8 melee attack\r\n   - Heavy Slash attack hitbox\r\n   - Shrapnel Field spin attack\r\n   - Sky Shredder initial combo starter swing\r\n   - Laser Barrage final strike\r\n- Puzzle elements can now interact with:\r\n   - Wild Gambit roll 6 melee attack\r\n   - Wild Gambit roll 7 melee attack\r\n   - Wild Gambit roll 8 melee attack\r\n- Puzzle elements no longer interact with:\r\n   - Gleaming Surge delayed hits on enemies\r\n   - Sky Shredder falling spin attack\r\n   - Laser Barrage lasers\r\n### Balance\r\n- Heavy Slash damage increased 12%\r\n- Laser Barrage individual laser damage increased 50%\r\n- Laser Barrage total lasers changed from 5 to 6","version":"0.6.0","timestamp":1666514440000,"url":""},{"body":"### Fixes\r\n- Fixed cutscene sound effect positioning in all 5 XTM arena maps\r\n### Changes\r\n- Slightly moved PVP sign in Blade Rink\r\n- Changed initial character animations on cutscene for subsequent Blade Rink rounds\r\n- Made timing adjustment on pvpBrake for Blade Rink in attempt to avoid invisible enemies on round start","version":"BETA_0.5.2","timestamp":1664165784000,"url":""},{"body":"### Fixes\r\n- Fixed alignment of effect in Blade Rink intro when Triblader5 switches to neutral\r\n- Fixed broken animation in map autumn\\path-3-1.json in cutscene that plays after Vermillion Wasteland\r\n","version":"BETA_0.5.1","timestamp":1664148681000,"url":""},{"body":"### New Content\r\n- Triblader League round 2: \"Blade Rink\" added\r\n- Cutscene for 1st-time attempt at Blade Rink only\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Removed unused debug spritesheet custom.png\r\n- Compressed file pvp-triblader-league-c.json\r\n- Removed unintentional assault proxies from Blizzard Slash","version":"BETA_0.5.0","timestamp":1664145061000,"url":""},{"body":"### Changes\r\n- Updated readme\r\n- Reorganized github","version":"BETA_0.4.3","timestamp":1663132337000,"url":""}]},"xpc-hexa-elemental-robe":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"xpc-hexa-elemental-robe","version":"1.0.1","title":"XPC - Elemental Robe \\i[class-hexa]","description":{"en_US":"Extends the Elemental Hair mod to apply to XPC Hexacasts."},"repository":"","tags":["cosmetic"],"authors":["Azure Lazuline","XenonA7"],"icons":{"24":"icon24.png"},"prestart":"_prestart.js","dependencies":{"element-hair":">=1.0.0","xenons-playable-classes":">=1.0.0"}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"xpc-hexa-elemental-robe-1.0.1","hash":{"sha256":"4b027e5e18e3c54825e8a42e45ae102b08e3c8da4b433f607f7943542077fb83"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1726352370000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Improved mod icon","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1726352370000,"url":""},{"body":"Initial Release","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1726351354000,"url":""}]},"xpc-litter":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"xpc-litter","version":"2.0.0","title":{"en_US":"XPC - Hexacast Litter"},"description":{"en_US":"Makes Hexacast spellcards linger on the ground for a long time \\c[3](visual only)\\c[0]"},"repository":"","tags":["cosmetic"],"authors":"XenonA7","icons":{"24":"icon.png"},"dependencies":{"xenons-playable-classes":">=2.0.0"}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"xpc-hexacast-litter-2.0.0","hash":{"sha256":"32a636b48aaf703ca0cfc796019b4a3b3088e35d0f2bad14d7bdd6264f8c0ba6"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1724475869000,"releasePages":[{"body":"2.0.0 (08/23/2024)\r\n- Support for XPC 2.0.0 and higher\r\n- Support for xmc-hexacast discontinued\r\n- Mod ID changed from xmc-litter to xpc-litter","version":"2.0.0","timestamp":1724475869000,"url":""},{"body":"1.0.9 (08/11/2024)\r\n- Support for Hexacast 0.45.0\r\n- Added and standardized \"explodeCardNeutral\" type effects","version":"1.0.9","timestamp":1723429319000,"url":""},{"body":"1.0.8 (02/21/2024)\r\n- Compliance with new version format standard","version":"1.0.8","timestamp":1708583987000,"url":""},{"body":"1.8 (02/19/2024)\r\n- Updated to new ccmod.json standard","version":"1.8","timestamp":1708403478000,"url":""},{"body":"1.7 (01/01/2024)\r\n- Added support for Polarity Spark (Hexacast mod 0.25.0)","version":"1.7","timestamp":1704159985000,"url":""},{"body":"1.6 (07/23/2023)\r\n- Added support for Acceleration Mine (Hexacast mod 0.21.0)","version":"1.6","timestamp":1690178874000,"url":""},{"body":"1.5 (07/15/2023)\r\n- Added support for Ace of Flames (Hexacast mod 0.20.0)","version":"1.5","timestamp":1689405355000,"url":""},{"body":"1.4 (06/28/2023)\r\n- Tweaked explodeCardDeath velocity parameters","version":"1.4","timestamp":1688019831000,"url":""},{"body":"- Initial Release","version":"1.0","timestamp":1675656232000,"url":""}]},"xpc-triblader-trithrow":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"xpc-triblader-trithrow","version":"1.0.2","title":"XPC Triblader Tri-Throw","description":{"en_US":"Changes XPC's Tribladers to have unique VRPs instead of just Spheromancer's."},"repository":"","tags":["fun"],"authors":"Azure Lazuline","icons":{"24":"icon24.png"},"prestart":"_prestart.js","dependencies":{"xenons-playable-classes":">=1.0.0"}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"","hash":{"sha256":"2ecf52c6889855142916bcec82ba414e7c848daf0ed60e7344af3ddd6306d314"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1728323525000,"releasePages":[{"body":"First public release.","version":"1.0.2","timestamp":1728323525000,"url":""}]},"yoshi-open-circuits":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"yoshi-open-circuits","version":"1.0.2","title":"Open Circuits","description":"Gives enhanced control over the Circuit Menu.","repository":"","authors":["EpicYoshiMaster"],"tags":["QoL","cheats"],"prestart":"prestart.js","main":"main.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"d397dbd7d10ac7b98680e5b948cf5327e985f2b87b809bb4dbf807eb920e6266"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1715082341000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Add tags and authors to the mod description","version":"1.0.2","timestamp":1715082341000,"url":""},{"body":"## Changes/Fixes\r\n- Fixed a bug where the \"Refund\" localized text would not display properly\r\n- Fixed a bug where unlearning skills would not immediately apply their effects due to stats not being refreshed","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1674093182000,"url":""},{"body":"Initial Release.","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1645833668000,"url":""}]}}
\ No newline at end of file
+{"CCJoystickExt":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"CCJoystickExt","version":"1.0.1","title":"CCJoystickExt","description":"Adds gamepad bindings on L3 and R3 to easily swap elements","repository":"","tags":["QoL"],"authors":"tylercamp","prestart":"mod.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"CCJoystickExt-1.0.1-ccmod","hash":{"sha256":"060228838fbe375f812beef8ea4bf9be12d6a29e57136f2f0be9c796cf2b4ca7"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1723061757000,"releasePages":[{"body":"","version":"1.0.1-ccmod","timestamp":1723061757000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1575236836000,"url":""},{"body":"First release for CCModDB.","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1575087003000,"url":""}]},"CCLoader display version":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"CCLoader display version","version":"1.1.3","title":"CCLoader display version","description":"Displays the current CCLoader version.","repository":"","tags":["base"],"authors":["2767mr","dmitmel","ac2pic"],"dependencies":{"crosscode":"^1.1.0 || 1.0.2"},"prestart":"prestart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"CCLoader-2.25.2-v2.14.2/assets/mods/ccloader-version-display","hash":{"sha256":"4d70053d315086677467e57485a0e88f18c08817e4d36bad2417e98dfbf559ba"}}],"stars":39,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1730456553000,"releasePages":[{"body":"* Updated the mod manager made by @krypciak.","version":"v2.25.2/v2.14.2","timestamp":1730456553000,"url":""},{"body":"* Updated the mod manager made by @krypciak.","version":"v2.25.1/v2.14.2","timestamp":1730140953000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added the mod manager made by @krypciak.\r\n* CCLoader will now warn users if a mod with the same name as another is installed.","version":"v2.25.0/v2.14.2","timestamp":1726755026000,"url":""},{"body":"* Made it easier to debug mod errors on startup (only affects mod developers). #110 #109 by @krypciak ","version":"v2.24.2/v2.14.1","timestamp":1721731431000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added some metadata for the upcoming mod manager","version":"v2.24.1/v2.14.1","timestamp":1717191269000,"url":""},{"body":"* You can now add multiple json patches in a single mod using `mod.addPatch(originalJsonFile, patchFile)` ","version":"v2.24.0/v2.14.0","timestamp":1717081777000,"url":""},{"body":"* Simplify is no longer listed in the mod options\r\n  * Since disabling Simplify is a really bad idea that causes everything to stop working it is now always enabled even if manually disabled.","version":"v2.23.3/v2.13.0","timestamp":1710541968000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed some crashes on linux","version":"v2.23.2/v2.13.0","timestamp":1710069756000,"url":""},{"body":"* Error messages for missing dependencies are now more accurate and less confusing","version":"v2.23.1/v2.13.0","timestamp":1707512312000,"url":""},{"body":"* Log messages are now logged into `log.txt` and `biglog.txt` files found in the CrossCode directory.","version":"v2.23.0/v2.13.0","timestamp":1702844214000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added support for JSON with comments #101 ","version":"v2.22.1/v2.13.0","timestamp":1693135591000,"url":""},{"body":"* Updated patch-steps-lib #99 ","version":"v2.22.1/v2.12.1","timestamp":1687193301000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added a warning for CrossAndroid users showing that `.ccmod` mods are not yet supported.","version":"v2.22.1/v2.12.0","timestamp":1662477162000,"url":""},{"body":"- Improve integration with CrossAndroid.\r\n- New PatchSteps: `CALL` and `MERGE_CONTENT`.","version":"v2.22.0/v2.12.0","timestamp":1655489830000,"url":""},{"body":"- Mods can now declare dependencies on extensions.\r\n- Fixed handling of URLs in the `CCLOADER_OVERRIDE_MAIN_URL` thing.\r\n- Versions of mods are now displayed in the options menu.","version":"v2.21.0/v2.11.0","timestamp":1646682935000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fix handling of mod asset paths for browser support.","version":"v2.20.2/v2.10.1","timestamp":1622237494000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed error messages disappearing on startup","version":"v2.20.1/v2.10.1","timestamp":1621070497000,"url":""},{"body":"- Fix a crash in Simplify when running in the browser.","version":"v2.20.0/v2.10.1","timestamp":1616587224000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added mod icons\r\n* Fixed patches in `.ccmod` files not working\r\n* Added basic `ccmod.json` support\r\n* Removed iframe\r\n* Added `ccmod.injectClass`","version":"v2.20.0/v2.10.0","timestamp":1616062185000,"url":""},{"body":"* Removed definition from CCLoader\r\n  * Speedrunners will have to use the speedrunner branch for now on","version":"v2.19.0/v2.9.0","timestamp":1593375934000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed a bug that caused CCLoader to replace an asset when it shouldn't\r\n* Improved startup time (from CCLoader v2.18.4)","version":"v2.18.5/v2.8.5","timestamp":1592418004000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added focus on game start.\r\n* Removed requirement for plugins to extend `Plugin`.\r\n* Improved mod options menu.\r\n* Fixed loglevel not saving properly.\r\n* Fixed typo in `displayName`.\r\n* Fixed `Mod` typings containing the wrong argument in constructor.\r\n* CCLoader Version Display rework.\r\n\r\nThanks to @dmitmel for contributing.","version":"v2.18.3/v2.8.5","timestamp":1588670337000,"url":""},{"body":"* When no packed mod (.ccmod) is located all other mods are now slightly faster.\r\n* Improved packed mod loading by caching files.\r\n* Fixed packed mods not working on the first launch of CCLoader.\r\n* Fixed packed mods not working in the browser, causing other mods to not load either.\r\n* Replaced OpenDevTools with a flag in `package.json`. The mod still continues to work if not deleted.\r\n* Removed support for mod tables. This should not impact any mods. If it does, please add the definitions to the main CCLoader repository.","version":"v2.18.2/v2.8.4","timestamp":1584995127000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed mods being loaded from subdirectories","version":"v2.18.1/v2.8.4","timestamp":1583781837000,"url":""},{"body":"* Mods can change their name as displayed in the settings by adding a `ccmodHumanName` in their `package.json`\r\n* Other mods can access this name using `mod.displayedName`","version":"v2.18.0/v2.8.4","timestamp":1583577220000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added the ability to load mods distributed as `.ccmod` file\r\n  * `.ccmod` files in the mod directory will automatically picked up by ccloader\r\n  * This feature also works inside the browser","version":"v2.17.0/v2.8.2","timestamp":1580138608000,"url":""},{"body":"* Cleaned up the root folder of the repository","version":"v2.16.1/v2.8.2","timestamp":1579889734000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added interface to allow tools to change the location of the game files.","version":"v2.16.0/v2.8.2","timestamp":1578564224000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed Steam integration not working in newest crosscode version.","version":"v2.15.2/v2.8.2","timestamp":1578252711000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed bug that prevented the game from communicating with Steam.\r\n* Updated patch library to allow more advanced json patching.","version":"v2.15.1/v2.8.1","timestamp":1570226649000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed an error that prevented patches from being applied.","version":"v2.14.4/v2.8.0","timestamp":1566724133000,"url":""}]},"CrossCode C Edition":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"CrossCode C Edition","version":"1.0.0","title":"CrossCode C Edition","description":"The worst mod to ever be created.","repository":"","tags":["cosmetic","fun"],"authors":"elluminance"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"d5f947ca9a631b460624426bd470a99752f43efbe1a327ee39fa78736139bd06"}}],"stars":2,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1714070036000,"releasePages":[{"body":"C the world in a new way.","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1615227351000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1606176263000,"url":""}]},"CrossCode-Brasil":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"CrossCode-Brasil","version":"1.4.1","title":{"en_US":"Tradução em PT-BR","de_DE":"Tradução em PT-BR","fr_FR":"Tradução em PT-BR","zh_CN":"Tradução em PT-BR","zh_TW":"Tradução em PT-BR","ja_JP":"Tradução em PT-BR","ko_KR":"Tradução em PT-BR"},"description":{"en_US":"Experiêncie o CrossCode em Português!","de_DE":"Experiêncie o CrossCode em Português!","fr_FR":"Experiêncie o CrossCode em Português!","zh_CN":"Experiêncie o CrossCode em Português!","zh_TW":"Experiêncie o CrossCode em Português!","ja_JP":"Experiêncie o CrossCode em Português!","ko_KR":"Experiêncie o CrossCode em Português!"},"icons":{"24":"icon.png"},"repository":"","tags":["language"],"authors":["RookieBr","spacetk00","Sextare","Bugaboo2000","M4sterin","KingTimer12","douglasjfarias","BrTraducoes","2767mr"],"prestart":"prestart.js","dependencies":{}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"","hash":{"sha256":"c48c0cc42a275467a01f8d65d2f70850ca18a579c967a6540ead15fa59cc1cea"}}],"stars":2,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1728235308000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Arrumado erro de crashes e mais.","version":"1.4.1","timestamp":1728235308000,"url":""},{"body":"Remoção de Nulls que estavam causando crahses nos arquivos de texto","version":"1.4.0","timestamp":1727984258000,"url":""},{"body":"Ajuste de Bugs","version":"1.3.0","timestamp":1727304204000,"url":""},{"body":"Um QoL nos arquvios json.patch que melhoraram a velocidade de arrumar os erros","version":"1.2.0","timestamp":1727304204000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.1.0","timestamp":1727137066000,"url":""},{"body":"Versão nova com sala de tradutores e alguns erros corrigidos","version":"NewVersion","timestamp":1718560400000,"url":""},{"body":"Com a DLC funcionando dessa vez.","version":"QuickFix","timestamp":1717293465000,"url":""},{"body":"versão sem nenhum uso do código fonte.\r\n\r\n**Full Changelog**:","version":"Release","timestamp":1717280918000,"url":""}]},"Hadouken":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"Hadouken","version":"1.0.0","title":"Hadouken","description":"Lea yells various forms of HADOUKEN or SHORYUKEN when casting appropriate combat arts.","repository":"","tags":["fun"],"authors":"CookieSalesman"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"CrossCode-HADOUKEN-v1.0-1.1.0","hash":{"sha256":"aef230417fb2f2acb233f47f62f12441b3add64af8264935642abbd3a17b45f8"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708465799000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Added ccode.json","version":"1.1.0","timestamp":1708465799000,"url":""},{"body":"I was told to create a new release","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1671682807000,"url":""}]},"Named-Saves":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"Named-Saves","version":"1.0.0","title":"Named Saves","description":"Lets you rename save slots.","repository":"","tags":["QoL"],"authors":"canbora","prestart":"prestart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"3f73481fc8172d7af78eba5b80fbfb672135a8837c938f60b7f1598874fec1d9"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1709069948000,"releasePages":[{"body":"No new features, but obeys the new mod loader standards","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1709069948000,"url":""},{"body":"Initial release.","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1627413834000,"url":""}]},"New game++":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"New game++","version":"1.3.1","title":"New game++","description":"A small collection of addons to CrossCode's NG+.","repository":"","tags":["ng+"],"authors":["2767mr","dmitmel","prismskey"],"dependencies":{"crosscode":"^1.2.0","ccloader":"^2.14.3"},"plugin":"plugin.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"CCNewGamePP-1.3.1","hash":{"sha256":"6ab9c06f8d2bb31af664c1cec929b8dd55623e43f699c56955555ac9a2ada02a"}}],"stars":4,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708511960000,"releasePages":[{"body":"A small collection of addons to CrossCode's NG+.\r\n\r\n## Features\r\n| Name                 | Cost | Description                                            |\r\n|:--------------------:|:----:|:------------------------------------------------------ |\r\n| **Jetpack**          | 2000 | A jetpack that can be used with CTRL.                  |\r\n| **Invincible**       | 5000 | Attacks received do no damage at all.                  |\r\n| **Overdrive**        | 2000 | All actions are combat arts.                           |\r\n| **Perfect Clone**    | 2000 | Play as Shizuka.                                       |\r\n| **Truly Unbalanced** |  100 | Elements will overload after a single shot.            |\r\n| **Charged Only**     |  100 | It is imposible to shoot uncharged balls.              |\r\n| **No Melee**         |  100 | Close quarter combat is not possible.                  |\r\n| **No Shield**        |  100 | The shield is disabled.                                |\r\n| **No Dash**          |  100 | Lea is unable to dash. Cheating is not allowed.        |\r\n| **No Death**         |  100 | People die if you kill them.                           |\r\n| **No GUI**           |  100 | Like nature intended it to be.                         |\r\n| **Broken Watch**     |  100 | Randomly speeds up and slows down time.                |\r\n| **Tactician**        |  100 | Introduces a turn based combat mechanic.               |\r\n\r\nChanges in this version:\r\n* Added Tactician","version":"1.3.1","timestamp":1708511960000,"url":""},{"body":"A small collection of addons to CrossCode's NG+.\r\n\r\n## Features\r\n| Name                 | Cost | Description                                            |\r\n|:--------------------:|:----:|:------------------------------------------------------ |\r\n| **Jetpack**          | 2000 | A jetpack that can be used with CTRL.                  |\r\n| **Invincible**       | 5000 | Attacks received do no damage at all.                  |\r\n| **Overdrive**        | 2000 | All actions are combat arts.                           |\r\n| **Perfect Clone**    | 2000 | Play as Shizuka.                                       |\r\n| **Truly Unbalanced** |  100 | Elements will overload after a single shot.            |\r\n| **Charged Only**     |  100 | It is imposible to shoot uncharged balls.              |\r\n| **No Melee**         |  100 | Close quarter combat is not possible.                  |\r\n| **No Shield**        |  100 | The shield is disabled.                                |\r\n| **No Dash**          |  100 | Lea is unable to dash. Cheating is not allowed.        |\r\n| **No Death**         |  100 | People die if you kill them.                           |\r\n| **No GUI**           |  100 | Like nature intended it to be.                         |\r\n| **Broken Watch**     |  100 | Randomly speeds up and slows down time.                |\r\n| **Tactician**        |  100 | Introduces a turn based combat mechanic.               |\r\n\r\nChanges in this version:\r\n* Added Tactician","version":"1.3.0","timestamp":1662818967000,"url":""},{"body":"A small collection of addons to CrossCode's NG+.\r\n\r\n## Features\r\n\r\n| Name                 | Cost | Description                                            |\r\n|:--------------------:|:----:|:------------------------------------------------------ |\r\n| **Jetpack**          | 2000 | A jetpack that can be used with CTRL.                  |\r\n| **Invincible**       | 5000 | Attacks received do no damage at all.                  |\r\n| **Overdrive**        | 2000 | All actions are combat arts.                           |\r\n| **Perfect Clone**    | 2000 | Play as Shizuka.                                       |\r\n| **Truly Unbalanced** |  100 | Elements will overload after a single shot.            |\r\n| **Charged Only**     |  100 | It is imposible to shoot uncharged balls.              |\r\n| **No Melee**         |  100 | Close quarter combat is not possible.                  |\r\n| **No Shield**        |  100 | The shield is disabled.                                |\r\n| **No Dash**          |  100 | Lea is unable to dash. Cheating is not allowed.        |\r\n| **No Death**         |  100 | People die if you kill them.                           |\r\n| **No GUI**           |  100 | Like nature intended it to be.                         |\r\n| **Broken Watch**     |  100 | Randomly speeds up and slows down time.                |\r\n\r\nChanges in this version:\r\n* Fixed messed up slowmotions","version":"1.2.1","timestamp":1635233078000,"url":""},{"body":"A small collection of addons to CrossCode's NG+.\r\n\r\n## Features\r\n\r\n| Name                 | Cost | Description                                            |\r\n|:--------------------:|:----:|:------------------------------------------------------ |\r\n| **Jetpack**          | 2000 | A jetpack that can be used with CTRL.                  |\r\n| **Invincible**       | 5000 | Attacks received do no damage at all.                  |\r\n| **Overdrive**        | 2000 | All actions are combat arts.                           |\r\n| **Perfect Clone**    | 2000 | Play as Shizuka.                                       |\r\n| **Truly Unbalanced** |  100 | Elements will overload after a single shot.            |\r\n| **Charged Only**     |  100 | It is imposible to shoot uncharged balls.              |\r\n| **No Melee**         |  100 | Close quarter combat is not possible.                  |\r\n| **No Shield**        |  100 | The shield is disabled.                                |\r\n| **No Dash**          |  100 | Lea is unable to dash. Cheating is not allowed.        |\r\n| **No Death**         |  100 | People die if you kill them.                           |\r\n| **No GUI**           |  100 | Like nature intended it to be.                         |\r\n| **Broken Watch**     |  100 | Randomly speeds up and slows down time.                |\r\n\r\nChanges in this version:\r\n* Added Broken Watch.","version":"1.2.0","timestamp":1635024695000,"url":""},{"body":"A small collection of addons to CrossCode's NG+.\r\n\r\n## Features\r\n\r\n| Name                 | Cost | Description                                            |\r\n|:--------------------:|:----:|:------------------------------------------------------ |\r\n| **Jetpack**          | 2000 | A jetpack that can be used with CTRL.                  |\r\n| **Invincible**       | 5000 | Attacks received do no damage at all.                  |\r\n| **Overdrive**        | 2000 | All actions are combat arts.                           |\r\n| **Perfect Clone**    | 2000 | Play as Shizuka.                                       |\r\n| **Truly Unbalanced** |  100 | Elements will overload after a single shot.            |\r\n| **Charged Only**     |  100 | It is imposible to shoot uncharged balls.              |\r\n| **No Melee**         |  100 | Close quarter combat is not possible.                  |\r\n| **No Shield**        |  100 | The shield is disabled.                                |\r\n| **No Dash**          |  100 | Lea is unable to dash. Cheating is not allowed.        |\r\n| **No Death**         |  100 | People die if you kill them.                           |\r\n| **No GUI**           |  100 | Like nature intended it to be.                         |\r\n\r\nChanges in this version:\r\n* Added Shizuka sprites made by rioreur!\r\n* Fixed a bug in No GUI which caused health bars to be hidden when not enabled but showing it is ","version":"1.1.1","timestamp":1609593278000,"url":""},{"body":"A small collection of addons to CrossCode's NG+.\r\n\r\n## Features\r\n\r\n| Name                 | Cost | Description                                            |\r\n|:--------------------:|:----:|:------------------------------------------------------ |\r\n| **Jetpack**          | 2000 | A jetpack that can be used with CTRL.                  |\r\n| **Invincible**       | 5000 | Attacks received do no damage at all.                  |\r\n| **Overdrive**        | 2000 | All actions are combat arts.                           |\r\n| **Perfect Clone**    | 2000 | Play as Shizuka.                                       |\r\n| **Truly Unbalanced** |  100 | Elements will overload after a single shot.            |\r\n| **Charged Only**     |  100 | It is imposible to shoot uncharged balls.              |\r\n| **No Melee**         |  100 | Close quarter combat is not possible.                  |\r\n| **No Shield**        |  100 | The shield is disabled.                                |\r\n| **No Dash**          |  100 | Lea is unable to dash. Cheating is not allowed.        |\r\n| **No Death**         |  100 | People die if you kill them.                           |\r\n| **No GUI**           |  100 | Like nature intended it to be.                         |\r\n\r\nChanges in this version:\r\n* Added a No GUI option","version":"1.1.0","timestamp":1583701021000,"url":""},{"body":"A small collection of addons to CrossCode's NG+.\r\n\r\nChanges in this version:\r\n* Added a mod description","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1575122125000,"url":""},{"body":"A small collection of addons to CrossCode's NG+.\r\n\r\n## Features\r\n\r\n| Name                 | Cost | Description                                            |\r\n|:--------------------:|:----:|:------------------------------------------------------ |\r\n| **Jetpack**          | 2000 | A jetpack that can be used with CTRL.                  |\r\n| **Invincible**       | 5000 | Attacks received do no damage at all.                  |\r\n| **Overdrive**        | 2000 | All actions are combat arts.                           |\r\n| **Perfect Clone**    | 2000 | Play as Shizuka.                                       |\r\n| **Truly Unbalanced** |  100 | Elements will overload after a single shot.            |\r\n| **Charged Only**     |  100 | It is imposible to shoot uncharged balls.              |\r\n| **No Melee**         |  100 | Close quarter combat is not possible.                  |\r\n| **No Shield**        |  100 | The shield is disabled.                                |\r\n| **No Dash**          |  100 | Lea is unable to dash. Cheating is not allowed.        |\r\n| **No Death**         |  100 | People die if you kill them.                           |","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1568387430000,"url":""}]},"Palicat":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"Palicat","version":"1.0.6","title":"Palicat","description":"A mod that implement the palico from monster hunter world into the game.","repository":"","tags":["cosmetic"],"authors":"rioreur","dependencies":{"crosscode":"^1.1.0","item-api":"^0.*"},"prestart":"prestart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"palicat-1.0.6","hash":{"sha256":"049a5afbdd46c3bd168e4abc3406fb1c987be8dc830f4a2ef0ad2b424fd201f1"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708372645000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Update to comply with the new standard of the mod database","version":"1.0.6","timestamp":1708372645000,"url":""},{"body":"The mod is now up to date with the latest release of CCLoader and item-api.","version":"1.0.5","timestamp":1593459487000,"url":""},{"body":"Added changes in the package.json so the mod is handled by CCModDB","version":"1.0.4","timestamp":1575137778000,"url":""},{"body":"Fixed a BIG problem that made the mod... doesn't work.\r\nthe mod folder was suppose to be \"palicat\" and not \"palicat-master\", everyone of them is find now","version":"1.0.3","timestamp":1564084001000,"url":""},{"body":"First release of the palicat mod for crosscode, adding a new pet with some extra features !\r\n\r\nSome problems in the version dependencies. Are now fixed.","version":"1.0.1-1","timestamp":1562706864000,"url":""}]},"Qine":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"Qine","version":"0.3.1","title":{"en_US":"Qine","de_DE":"Qine","fr_FR":"Qine","zh_CN":"Qine","zh_TW":"Qine","ja_JP":"Qine","ko_KR":"Qine"},"description":{"en_US":"Adds the character Qine as a party member and PvP duel.","de_DE":"Adds the character Qine as a party member and PvP duel.","fr_FR":"Adds the character Qine as a party member and PvP duel.","zh_CN":"Adds the character Qine as a party member and PvP duel.","zh_TW":"Adds the character Qine as a party member and PvP duel.","ja_JP":"Adds the character Qine as a party member and PvP duel.","ko_KR":"Adds the character Qine as a party member and PvP duel."},"repository":"","tags":["party member","pvp duel"],"authors":["sgrunt","XenonA7"],"icons":{"24":"icon.png"},"prestart":"mod.js","dependencies":{"extendable-severed-heads":">=1.1.0"}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"qine-0.3.1","hash":{"sha256":"8db827667134f32a15e98507bee700c97e24445d57c9d0e50275fdc5f5f98287"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708403695000,"releasePages":[{"body":"## v0.3.1 (12-Feb-2024)\r\n  * Qine2 exp drop changed from 1000 to 0\r\n  * Updated to new ccmod.json format","version":"0.3.1","timestamp":1708403695000,"url":""},{"body":"## v0.3.0 (12-Feb-2024) - XenonA7 unofficial\r\n  * Moved mod files to root directory\r\n  * Changelog is now .md\r\n  * Created mod icon\r\n  * Replaced package.json with new ccmod.json\r\n  * Updated dependency for extendable-severed-heads 1.1.0\r\n  * Reformatted headIdx.json.patch and Qine enemy file to use string headIdx\r\n  * Reformatted \\config\\bgm\\track-list.json into **track-list.js**, imported in mod.js\r\n  * Renamed commonEvent \"arena-teleport\" to \"qine-teleport\" to fix a conflict\r\n  * Deleted commonEvent \"qineLoad\" from database.json.patch\r\n  * Added commonEvent \"qine-load\" to qine-events.json\r\n  * Removed unused patch steps from database.json.patch\r\n  * Qine duel enemy now scales to player level\r\n  * Qine duel enemy EXP drop changed from 1000 to 0\r\n  * Commented out the code related to \"no-contact\" in mod.js\r\n  * Added enemy \"qine2\", which is a version without camera steps and dialogue support for external use","version":"0.3.0","timestamp":1707794712000,"url":""}]},"Simplify":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"Simplify","version":"2.14.2","title":"Simplify","description":"Library mod for CCLoader2.","repository":"","tags":["library","base"],"authors":["2767mr","lexisother","dmitmel","elluminance","ac2pic","20kdc"],"dependencies":{"ccloader":"^2.22.0","crosscode":"^1.0.0"},"poststart":"mod.js","preload":"preload.js","postload":"postload.js","prestart":"prestart.js","plugin":"plugin.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"CCLoader-2.25.2-v2.14.2/assets/mods/simplify","hash":{"sha256":"4d70053d315086677467e57485a0e88f18c08817e4d36bad2417e98dfbf559ba"}}],"stars":39,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1730456553000,"releasePages":[{"body":"* Updated the mod manager made by @krypciak.","version":"v2.25.2/v2.14.2","timestamp":1730456553000,"url":""},{"body":"* Updated the mod manager made by @krypciak.","version":"v2.25.1/v2.14.2","timestamp":1730140953000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added the mod manager made by @krypciak.\r\n* CCLoader will now warn users if a mod with the same name as another is installed.","version":"v2.25.0/v2.14.2","timestamp":1726755026000,"url":""},{"body":"* Made it easier to debug mod errors on startup (only affects mod developers). #110 #109 by @krypciak ","version":"v2.24.2/v2.14.1","timestamp":1721731431000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added some metadata for the upcoming mod manager","version":"v2.24.1/v2.14.1","timestamp":1717191269000,"url":""},{"body":"* You can now add multiple json patches in a single mod using `mod.addPatch(originalJsonFile, patchFile)` ","version":"v2.24.0/v2.14.0","timestamp":1717081777000,"url":""},{"body":"* Simplify is no longer listed in the mod options\r\n  * Since disabling Simplify is a really bad idea that causes everything to stop working it is now always enabled even if manually disabled.","version":"v2.23.3/v2.13.0","timestamp":1710541968000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed some crashes on linux","version":"v2.23.2/v2.13.0","timestamp":1710069756000,"url":""},{"body":"* Error messages for missing dependencies are now more accurate and less confusing","version":"v2.23.1/v2.13.0","timestamp":1707512312000,"url":""},{"body":"* Log messages are now logged into `log.txt` and `biglog.txt` files found in the CrossCode directory.","version":"v2.23.0/v2.13.0","timestamp":1702844214000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added support for JSON with comments #101 ","version":"v2.22.1/v2.13.0","timestamp":1693135591000,"url":""},{"body":"* Updated patch-steps-lib #99 ","version":"v2.22.1/v2.12.1","timestamp":1687193301000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added a warning for CrossAndroid users showing that `.ccmod` mods are not yet supported.","version":"v2.22.1/v2.12.0","timestamp":1662477162000,"url":""},{"body":"- Improve integration with CrossAndroid.\r\n- New PatchSteps: `CALL` and `MERGE_CONTENT`.","version":"v2.22.0/v2.12.0","timestamp":1655489830000,"url":""},{"body":"- Mods can now declare dependencies on extensions.\r\n- Fixed handling of URLs in the `CCLOADER_OVERRIDE_MAIN_URL` thing.\r\n- Versions of mods are now displayed in the options menu.","version":"v2.21.0/v2.11.0","timestamp":1646682935000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fix handling of mod asset paths for browser support.","version":"v2.20.2/v2.10.1","timestamp":1622237494000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed error messages disappearing on startup","version":"v2.20.1/v2.10.1","timestamp":1621070497000,"url":""},{"body":"- Fix a crash in Simplify when running in the browser.","version":"v2.20.0/v2.10.1","timestamp":1616587224000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added mod icons\r\n* Fixed patches in `.ccmod` files not working\r\n* Added basic `ccmod.json` support\r\n* Removed iframe\r\n* Added `ccmod.injectClass`","version":"v2.20.0/v2.10.0","timestamp":1616062185000,"url":""},{"body":"* Removed definition from CCLoader\r\n  * Speedrunners will have to use the speedrunner branch for now on","version":"v2.19.0/v2.9.0","timestamp":1593375934000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed a bug that caused CCLoader to replace an asset when it shouldn't\r\n* Improved startup time (from CCLoader v2.18.4)","version":"v2.18.5/v2.8.5","timestamp":1592418004000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added focus on game start.\r\n* Removed requirement for plugins to extend `Plugin`.\r\n* Improved mod options menu.\r\n* Fixed loglevel not saving properly.\r\n* Fixed typo in `displayName`.\r\n* Fixed `Mod` typings containing the wrong argument in constructor.\r\n* CCLoader Version Display rework.\r\n\r\nThanks to @dmitmel for contributing.","version":"v2.18.3/v2.8.5","timestamp":1588670337000,"url":""},{"body":"* When no packed mod (.ccmod) is located all other mods are now slightly faster.\r\n* Improved packed mod loading by caching files.\r\n* Fixed packed mods not working on the first launch of CCLoader.\r\n* Fixed packed mods not working in the browser, causing other mods to not load either.\r\n* Replaced OpenDevTools with a flag in `package.json`. The mod still continues to work if not deleted.\r\n* Removed support for mod tables. This should not impact any mods. If it does, please add the definitions to the main CCLoader repository.","version":"v2.18.2/v2.8.4","timestamp":1584995127000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed mods being loaded from subdirectories","version":"v2.18.1/v2.8.4","timestamp":1583781837000,"url":""},{"body":"* Mods can change their name as displayed in the settings by adding a `ccmodHumanName` in their `package.json`\r\n* Other mods can access this name using `mod.displayedName`","version":"v2.18.0/v2.8.4","timestamp":1583577220000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added the ability to load mods distributed as `.ccmod` file\r\n  * `.ccmod` files in the mod directory will automatically picked up by ccloader\r\n  * This feature also works inside the browser","version":"v2.17.0/v2.8.2","timestamp":1580138608000,"url":""},{"body":"* Cleaned up the root folder of the repository","version":"v2.16.1/v2.8.2","timestamp":1579889734000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added interface to allow tools to change the location of the game files.","version":"v2.16.0/v2.8.2","timestamp":1578564224000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed Steam integration not working in newest crosscode version.","version":"v2.15.2/v2.8.2","timestamp":1578252711000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed bug that prevented the game from communicating with Steam.\r\n* Updated patch library to allow more advanced json patching.","version":"v2.15.1/v2.8.1","timestamp":1570226649000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed an error that prevented patches from being applied.","version":"v2.14.4/v2.8.0","timestamp":1566724133000,"url":""}]},"al-cs-hotkeys":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"al-cs-hotkeys","version":"1.0.1","title":{"en_US":"AL Skill Hotkeys","de_DE":"AL Skill Hotkeys","fr_FR":"AL Skill Hotkeys","zh_CN":"AL Skill Hotkeys","zh_TW":"AL Skill Hotkeys","ja_JP":"AL Skill Hotkeys","ko_KR":"AL Skill Hotkeys"},"description":{"en_US":"Adds hotkeys for custom skill menu and toggle (default \\c[3]X\\c[0] and \\c[3]C\\c[0])."},"icons":{"24":"icon.png"},"repository":"","tags":["QoL"],"authors":["XenonA7","Lubkuluk","nax"],"plugin":"al-cs-hotkeys/plugin.js","dependencies":{"nax-module-cache":">=1.0.0","arcane-lab":">=0.1.0"}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"al-skill-hotkeys-1.0.1","hash":{"sha256":"025a1224619e797698f9f82e7a668c6dec019616fc06bfad5144d26faf46b536"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1722801866000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Updated readme","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1722801655000,"url":""},{"body":"Initial Release","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1722801088000,"url":""}]},"arcane-lab":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"arcane-lab","version":"0.1.8","title":"\\c[3]Arcane Lab\\c[0]","description":":)","repository":"","tags":["player character","party member","maps","quests","boss","puzzle"],"authors":["eisus","ac2pic","WatDuhHekBro"],"dependencies":{"ccloader":"^2.14.1","item-api":"^0.*","extendable-severed-heads":"^1.1.0","modifier-api":"^0.1.0","cc-alybox":">=1.0.0"},"prestart":"prestart.js","poststart":"poststart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"7ebf872f7b058f87a2f1bd5f0f9ee481e7085d02cd292b7da0691d3e70597061"}}],"stars":9,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1722902532000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Only works with CCLoader v2. ","version":"0.1.4","timestamp":1596323727000,"url":""}]},"blades":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"blades","version":"1.5.0","title":"Blades","description":"Asset which replaces balls with blades, now for all classes!","repository":"","tags":["cosmetic"],"authors":["keanuplayz","ac2pic","2767mr"]},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"Blades-1.6.0","hash":{"sha256":"d28fc9eeff4240aa9775ad6bbe4723f9dbcb6defe15b23e483ee490c48acab18"}}],"stars":2,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708114400000,"releasePages":[{"body":"added ccmod.json ","version":"1.6.0","timestamp":1708114400000,"url":""},{"body":"Replaces all balls with blades.","version":"1.5.0","timestamp":1578227305000,"url":""}]},"bobrank":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"bobrank","version":"1.0.1","title":{"en_US":"Bob-Rank","fr_FR":"Rang Bob","de_DE":"Bobreihe"},"description":{"en_US":"Adds an unforgettable special effect on S-Rank","fr_FR":"Ajoute un effet inoubliable au Rang S","de_DE":"Füg ein unvergesslich Effekt an S-Rank an"},"repository":"","tags":["fun"],"authors":["L-Sherry"],"icons":{"24":"icon.png"},"plugin":"plugin.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"8de4833b0c42f8089cf6c13f5131f8cf3c6bd637516d56e1aaa4f1b81a894dbd"}}],"stars":2,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1711969075000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Real final release I totally promise. Unless another modloader breaks compatibility again.\r\n\r\nDon't expect anything else than less crashes. Hopefully.","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1711969075000,"url":""},{"body":"Initial and probably final release.\r\n\r\nWho knows !","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1585689467000,"url":""}]},"cc-alybox":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"cc-alybox","version":"1.1.0","title":"AlyBox","description":"Library mod containing various extra features and fixes.","repository":"","tags":["library"],"authors":"lexisother","prestart":"src/_prestart.js","dependencies":{"ccloader":">=2.22.1"}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"06557de9f24974cad9a31f9b78093ac08aeb31f818a02bccb0970849473006e7"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1722967918000,"releasePages":[{"body":"# Added\r\n\r\n- Added `combat.cnt.{enemyName}` to get the numbers of enemies of a certain type.\r\n\r\n**Full Changelog**:","version":"1.1.0","timestamp":1722967918000,"url":""},{"body":"Initial release","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1698158363000,"url":""}]},"cc-blitzkrieg":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"cc-blitzkrieg","version":"0.5.9","title":"Blitzkrieg (WIP)","description":"Puzzle solving, incresed puzzle difficuly, puzzle and boss collection tools","repository":"","tags":["puzzle","widget","library"],"authors":"krypek","icons":{"24":"icon/icon.png"},"dependencies":{"input-api":">=1.0.2","crosscode":">=1.4.0","ccmodmanager":">=0.9.13"},"plugin":"plugin.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"7eab667c0cc1279616bae5138218063046a264de556b03312077267b2542d391"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1718307434000,"releasePages":[{"body":"","version":"0.5.9","timestamp":1718307435000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.5.8","timestamp":1718188191000,"url":""},{"body":"### Changed\n\n- Moved all options to the CCModManager","version":"0.5.7","timestamp":1718038279000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.5.6","timestamp":1716049803000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.5.5","timestamp":1711563935000,"url":""},{"body":"### Changed\n\n- Differentiate between internal and external file read functions","version":"0.5.4","timestamp":1710626107000,"url":""},{"body":"### Changed\n\n- Made all file system async API\n- Added new file system functions","version":"0.5.3","timestamp":1710624465000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.5.2","timestamp":1709374806000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.5.1","timestamp":1709229726000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.5.0","timestamp":1708867059000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.4.9","timestamp":1708866735000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.4.8","timestamp":1708107873000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.4.7","timestamp":1707220385000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.4.6","timestamp":1705261348000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.4.5","timestamp":1702811707000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.4.4","timestamp":1700639231000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.4.3","timestamp":1700569459000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.4.2","timestamp":1699483638000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.4.1","timestamp":1698528496000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.3.5","timestamp":1696184592000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.3.4","timestamp":1696162745000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.3.3","timestamp":1696152123000,"url":""}]},"cc-capped-stats":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"cc-capped-stats","version":"1.0.0","title":"Capped Stats","description":"Adds a visual stat cap - see your stats for what they really aren't!","repository":"","tags":["fun"],"authors":"elluminance","prestart":"prestart.js","icons":{"24":"icon.png"},"dependencies":{"ccloader":"^2.20.0"}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"afd410d055effb03c46b8604cab4f402a0ec986b2c9394c4af3be3546a594f79"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708372177000,"releasePages":[{"body":"CC Capped Stats v1.0.0\r\n\r\nInitial Release\r\n\r\nCaps your stats because big numbers are scary.\r\n\r\n(April Fools 2021)","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1616775671000,"url":""}]},"cc-character-widgets":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"cc-character-widgets","version":"1.0.1","title":"Character swap widgets","description":"Adds a character swap quick menu widgets","repository":"","tags":["widget"],"authors":"krypek","icons":{"24":"icon/icon.png"},"dependencies":{"nax-ccuilib":">=1.2.3"},"plugin":"plugin.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"","hash":{"sha256":"cce2328b84cc09ca9dba26decece10c86793b229a5b3448e51b39aa64e71ecd6"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1727105757000,"releasePages":[{"body":"### Fixed\n\n- Removed invalid mod tag from `ccmod.json`","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1727105757000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Initial release","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1708253386000,"url":""}]},"cc-discord":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"cc-discord","version":"1.0.2","title":"Rich Presence for Discord","description":"Show off your CrossCode skills in Discord.","repository":"","tags":["cosmetic"],"authors":["dmitmel","ac2pic","keanuplayz","omegalink12","2767mr","lexisother","krypek"],"poststart":"mod.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"CCdiscord-1.0.2","hash":{"sha256":"0c6cda02465a16e99b70f8e271aad886b16b4f2b6c880c9e1c2a52f323cc4772"}}],"stars":5,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708512075000,"releasePages":[{"body":"","version":"1.0.2","timestamp":1708512075000,"url":""},{"body":"Fixed a bug with the play time being displayed incorrectly in thousands of days.","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1652906633000,"url":""},{"body":"Now lighter and doesn't require [mod-require-fix](!","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1626179820000,"url":""},{"body":"Initial Release","version":"v0.1","timestamp":1514155331000,"url":""}]},"cc-enemy-rando":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"cc-enemy-rando","version":"1.0.0","title":"Enemy randomizer","description":"Randomizes the enemy types while keeping it somewhat balanced","repository":"","tags":["fun"],"authors":"krypek","icons":{"24":"icon/icon.png"},"dependencies":{"crosscode":">=1.4.0"},"plugin":"plugin.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"7b930427418b49f04b32a602641c8e868cf40f6cce1de44f2aea86e80809a4db"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1723296362000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Initial release","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1723296363000,"url":""}]},"cc-extra-dialogue":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"cc-extra-dialogue","version":"1.0.2","title":"CrossCode Extra Dialogue","description":"Adds more lore-friendly dialogue for party members.","repository":"","tags":["QoL"],"authors":"anonymous","icons":{"24":"icon.png"},"prestart":"prestart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"a86d29a68960d9b71be1c47bcfea104ac050303f2a8d6bf21fa43f8336c122fd"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1720793527000,"releasePages":[{"body":"","version":"1.0.2","timestamp":1720794818000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1708363457000,"url":""}]},"cc-fancy-crash":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"cc-fancy-crash","version":"1.1.0","title":"Fancy crash","description":"Better crash message","repository":"","tags":["dev"],"authors":"krypek","icons":{"24":"icon/icon.png"},"dependencies":{"ccmodmanager":">=0.9.13"},"plugin":"plugin.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"75327923b7cba31a1a11d9e4e65ee1dd1ed03eda7b9d85914575a3c2a8b30aa7"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1718187860000,"releasePages":[{"body":"","version":"1.1.0","timestamp":1718187860000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.9","timestamp":1718038372000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.8","timestamp":1708109073000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.7","timestamp":1707129881000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.6","timestamp":1707128401000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.5","timestamp":1697295889000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.4","timestamp":1696963947000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.3","timestamp":1696957874000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.2","timestamp":1696957467000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1696956067000,"url":""}]},"cc-jetpack-widget":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"cc-jetpack-widget","version":"1.0.4","title":"Jetpack widget","description":"Adds a jetpack quick menu widget","repository":"","tags":["widget","speedrun","fun","cheats"],"authors":"krypek","icons":{"24":"icon/icon.png"},"dependencies":{"nax-ccuilib":">=1.2.8"},"plugin":"plugin.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"e58551773da5c0be232504b07ac5b29aff4ca386333888bac8ec839dcde94644"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1721731493000,"releasePages":[{"body":"### Changed\r\n\r\n- Support the latest version of CCUILib","version":"1.0.4","timestamp":1721731493000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.3","timestamp":1710185123000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.2","timestamp":1710183404000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1708253820000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Initial release","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1708251788000,"url":""}]},"cc-newgame-cheats":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"cc-newgame-cheats","version":"1.0.0","title":"New Game+ Cheats","description":"Adds trophy-point-free NG+ option toggles to CrossCode.","repository":"","tags":["cheats"],"icons":{"24":"icon.png"},"authors":["Hsifnus","ZeikJT"],"dependencies":{"ccloader":"^2.11.0","crosscode":">=1.2"},"postload":"cheats.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"9d25f359c5f3cd2cf37c31df6190ccc6d483e0457731b18492b66cdfe9863c1f"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1723428207000,"releasePages":[{"body":"The original NG+ Cheats mod, now as a `.ccmod`.\r\n\r\n**Full Changelog**:","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1723428207000,"url":""}]},"cc-oldmedia":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"cc-oldmedia","version":"1.0.0","title":"CC-OldMedia","description":"A mod that brings back some old title screen assets.","repository":"","tags":["cosmetic"],"authors":"lexisother","prestart":"src/prestart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"34e6543b7e56bb99fb68e53bba29b95dc8bae267210be65be8bdad89ad413fa2"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1714119350000,"releasePages":[{"body":"","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1685899251000,"url":""}]},"cc-quickinfo-exp":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"cc-quickinfo-exp","version":"1.0.0","title":"QuickInfo EXP Viewer","description":"Shows the EXP the enemy will give you in the quickinfo popup.","repository":"","tags":["QoL"],"authors":"lexisother","poststart":"poststart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"4c970477ed0eb168a7e641746df146636f057e803c4f3518880c669680c5ab91"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1714119352000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Add a package.json","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1687809961000,"url":""},{"body":"Initial release","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1687809625000,"url":""}]},"cc-remastered-melodies":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"cc-remastered-melodies","version":"2.0.3","title":{"en_US":"CC Remastered Melodies","de_DE":"CC Überarbeitete Melodien","fr_FR":"CC Mélodies remasterisées","zh_CN":"CC 重新制作的旋律","zh_TW":"CC 重製旋律","ja_JP":"CC リマスター・メロディー","ko_KR":"CC 리마스터링된 멜로디"},"description":{"en_US":"Replaces some of the music in CrossCode with remastered versions of the original tracks.","de_DE":"Ersetzt einige Musikstücke in CrossCode durch remasterte Versionen der Originaltitel.","fr_FR":"Remplacez certaines musiques de CrossCode par des versions remasterisées des pistes originales.","zh_CN":"用原始曲目的重新制作版本替换CrossCode中的一些音乐。","zh_TW":"用原始曲目的重新製作版本替換CrossCode中的一些音樂。","ja_JP":"CrossCodeの一部の音楽を、オリジナルのトラックのリマスター版に置き換えます。","ko_KR":"CrossCode의 일부 음악을 원래 트랙의 리마스터 버전으로 대체합니다."},"icons":{"24":"icon/icon.png"},"repository":"","tags":["music"],"authors":["Ronkad","elluminance"],"prestart":"prestart.js","dependencies":{"crosscode":">=1.0.0","el-tweaks":">=0.8.1"}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"","hash":{"sha256":"52a33e4b56cdf39b7af158f00aaac4d760a3baf02f58952dc004902d62a34c40"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1728921514000,"releasePages":[{"body":"- better integration with ccmodmanager\r\n- new icon","version":"2.0.3","timestamp":1728921514000,"url":""},{"body":"Removed the Simplify dependency to work better in the CCModManager","version":"2.0.2","timestamp":1724350218000,"url":""},{"body":"This Version adds the el-tweaks Version 0.8.1 as a dependency, because without it there can be anomalies","version":"2.0.1","timestamp":1724325229000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"2.0.0","timestamp":1723989696000,"url":""},{"body":"Finally this mod supports .ccmod - the common crosscode mod distribution file.","version":"1.1.1","timestamp":1723708659000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.1.0","timestamp":1723666069000,"url":""},{"body":"First Release of Crosscode Remastered Melodies - including 16 songs","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1723552930000,"url":""},{"body":"First Release of the Remastered Melodies mod for the game Crosscode","version":"0.0.1","timestamp":1723549157000,"url":""}]},"cc-staircase-effect-fix":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"cc-staircase-effect-fix","version":"1.0.2","title":"Staircase Effect Fix","description":"Fixes staircase effect when moving diagonally","repository":"","tags":["QoL"],"authors":["Unarelith"],"prestart":"prestart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"","hash":{"sha256":"b139a4ed798c1bd8180b4323ea91d580624d4d46dd535cd80bc6da422d8e2caf"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1730401966000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Improved settings menu (thanks to updates in mod manager).","version":"1.0.2","timestamp":1730401966000,"url":""},{"body":"- Improved settings menu\r\n- Added option to smooth player camera only","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1730251123000,"url":""},{"body":"First version.","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1730216746000,"url":""}]},"cc-vim":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"cc-vim","version":"1.6.2","title":"Vim Command Mode","description":"Adds a popup command prompt","repository":"","tags":["dev","widget"],"authors":"krypek","icons":{"24":"icon/icon.png"},"dependencies":{"input-api":">=1.0.0","ccmodmanager":">=0.9.13"},"plugin":"plugin.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"c92d4409b9b1ed0d94671c70c282f2fc9b306379563c189bbc5fc16ccef54fda"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1718187787000,"releasePages":[{"body":"","version":"1.6.2","timestamp":1718187788000,"url":""},{"body":"### Changed\n\n- Moved all mod options to CCModManager\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Fixed `reload-level` moved the player slightly\n- Fixed crash when CCUILib is missing","version":"1.6.1","timestamp":1718038495000,"url":""},{"body":"### Changed\n\n- Improved `map-reload` behaviour","version":"1.6.0","timestamp":1710884226000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.5.9","timestamp":1709375077000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.5.8","timestamp":1709053172000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.5.7","timestamp":1708866651000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.5.6","timestamp":1708542082000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.5.5","timestamp":1708366050000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.5.4","timestamp":1707129130000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.5.3","timestamp":1707128663000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.5.2","timestamp":1706997365000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.5.1","timestamp":1706892345000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.5.0","timestamp":1706816799000,"url":""},{"body":"Added global option setting","version":"1.4.0","timestamp":1697062038000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.3.1","timestamp":1696080469000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.3.0","timestamp":1692812728000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.2.0","timestamp":1692731204000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1692651400000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1692645771000,"url":""}]},"ccloader":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"ccloader","version":"2.25.2","title":"CCLoader","description":"Modloader for CrossCode. This or a similar modloader is needed for most mods.","repository":"","tags":["base"],"authors":["2767mr","dmitmel","ac2pic","Vankerkom","20kdc","lexisother","L-Sherry","elluminance","omegalink12","Silverfeelin"]},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"CCLoader-2.25.2-v2.14.2","hash":{"sha256":"4d70053d315086677467e57485a0e88f18c08817e4d36bad2417e98dfbf559ba"}}],"stars":39,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1730456553000,"releasePages":[{"body":"* Updated the mod manager made by @krypciak.","version":"v2.25.2/v2.14.2","timestamp":1730456553000,"url":""},{"body":"* Updated the mod manager made by @krypciak.","version":"v2.25.1/v2.14.2","timestamp":1730140953000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added the mod manager made by @krypciak.\r\n* CCLoader will now warn users if a mod with the same name as another is installed.","version":"v2.25.0/v2.14.2","timestamp":1726755026000,"url":""},{"body":"* Made it easier to debug mod errors on startup (only affects mod developers). #110 #109 by @krypciak ","version":"v2.24.2/v2.14.1","timestamp":1721731431000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added some metadata for the upcoming mod manager","version":"v2.24.1/v2.14.1","timestamp":1717191269000,"url":""},{"body":"* You can now add multiple json patches in a single mod using `mod.addPatch(originalJsonFile, patchFile)` ","version":"v2.24.0/v2.14.0","timestamp":1717081777000,"url":""},{"body":"* Simplify is no longer listed in the mod options\r\n  * Since disabling Simplify is a really bad idea that causes everything to stop working it is now always enabled even if manually disabled.","version":"v2.23.3/v2.13.0","timestamp":1710541968000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed some crashes on linux","version":"v2.23.2/v2.13.0","timestamp":1710069756000,"url":""},{"body":"* Error messages for missing dependencies are now more accurate and less confusing","version":"v2.23.1/v2.13.0","timestamp":1707512312000,"url":""},{"body":"* Log messages are now logged into `log.txt` and `biglog.txt` files found in the CrossCode directory.","version":"v2.23.0/v2.13.0","timestamp":1702844214000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added support for JSON with comments #101 ","version":"v2.22.1/v2.13.0","timestamp":1693135591000,"url":""},{"body":"* Updated patch-steps-lib #99 ","version":"v2.22.1/v2.12.1","timestamp":1687193301000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added a warning for CrossAndroid users showing that `.ccmod` mods are not yet supported.","version":"v2.22.1/v2.12.0","timestamp":1662477162000,"url":""},{"body":"- Improve integration with CrossAndroid.\r\n- New PatchSteps: `CALL` and `MERGE_CONTENT`.","version":"v2.22.0/v2.12.0","timestamp":1655489830000,"url":""},{"body":"- Mods can now declare dependencies on extensions.\r\n- Fixed handling of URLs in the `CCLOADER_OVERRIDE_MAIN_URL` thing.\r\n- Versions of mods are now displayed in the options menu.","version":"v2.21.0/v2.11.0","timestamp":1646682935000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fix handling of mod asset paths for browser support.","version":"v2.20.2/v2.10.1","timestamp":1622237494000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed error messages disappearing on startup","version":"v2.20.1/v2.10.1","timestamp":1621070497000,"url":""},{"body":"- Fix a crash in Simplify when running in the browser.","version":"v2.20.0/v2.10.1","timestamp":1616587224000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added mod icons\r\n* Fixed patches in `.ccmod` files not working\r\n* Added basic `ccmod.json` support\r\n* Removed iframe\r\n* Added `ccmod.injectClass`","version":"v2.20.0/v2.10.0","timestamp":1616062185000,"url":""},{"body":"* Removed definition from CCLoader\r\n  * Speedrunners will have to use the speedrunner branch for now on","version":"v2.19.0/v2.9.0","timestamp":1593375934000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed a bug that caused CCLoader to replace an asset when it shouldn't\r\n* Improved startup time (from CCLoader v2.18.4)","version":"v2.18.5/v2.8.5","timestamp":1592418004000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added focus on game start.\r\n* Removed requirement for plugins to extend `Plugin`.\r\n* Improved mod options menu.\r\n* Fixed loglevel not saving properly.\r\n* Fixed typo in `displayName`.\r\n* Fixed `Mod` typings containing the wrong argument in constructor.\r\n* CCLoader Version Display rework.\r\n\r\nThanks to @dmitmel for contributing.","version":"v2.18.3/v2.8.5","timestamp":1588670337000,"url":""},{"body":"* When no packed mod (.ccmod) is located all other mods are now slightly faster.\r\n* Improved packed mod loading by caching files.\r\n* Fixed packed mods not working on the first launch of CCLoader.\r\n* Fixed packed mods not working in the browser, causing other mods to not load either.\r\n* Replaced OpenDevTools with a flag in `package.json`. The mod still continues to work if not deleted.\r\n* Removed support for mod tables. This should not impact any mods. If it does, please add the definitions to the main CCLoader repository.","version":"v2.18.2/v2.8.4","timestamp":1584995127000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed mods being loaded from subdirectories","version":"v2.18.1/v2.8.4","timestamp":1583781837000,"url":""},{"body":"* Mods can change their name as displayed in the settings by adding a `ccmodHumanName` in their `package.json`\r\n* Other mods can access this name using `mod.displayedName`","version":"v2.18.0/v2.8.4","timestamp":1583577220000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added the ability to load mods distributed as `.ccmod` file\r\n  * `.ccmod` files in the mod directory will automatically picked up by ccloader\r\n  * This feature also works inside the browser","version":"v2.17.0/v2.8.2","timestamp":1580138608000,"url":""},{"body":"* Cleaned up the root folder of the repository","version":"v2.16.1/v2.8.2","timestamp":1579889734000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added interface to allow tools to change the location of the game files.","version":"v2.16.0/v2.8.2","timestamp":1578564224000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed Steam integration not working in newest crosscode version.","version":"v2.15.2/v2.8.2","timestamp":1578252711000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed bug that prevented the game from communicating with Steam.\r\n* Updated patch library to allow more advanced json patching.","version":"v2.15.1/v2.8.1","timestamp":1570226649000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed an error that prevented patches from being applied.","version":"v2.14.4/v2.8.0","timestamp":1566724133000,"url":""}]},"ccmodmanager":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"ccmodmanager","version":"1.0.2","title":"CCModManager","description":"Mod manager for CrossCode!","repository":"","tags":["QoL"],"authors":["krypek","dmitmel","2767mr","elluminance"],"icons":{"24":"icon/icon.png"},"dependencies":{"ccloader":">=3.2.2-alpha || ^2.0.0"},"plugin":"plugin.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"","hash":{"sha256":"44050d62f41e3d15cd2985f0f186e012afd86ae382e128251fa32627d7a57f76"}}],"stars":4,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1730383796000,"releasePages":[{"body":"### Added\n\n- Left clicking a mod in the Settings tab opens the mod's settings menu\n- Add \"preventResettingToDefault\" property on changeable options\n- Add \"thumbWidth\" property on OBJECT_SLIDER\n\n### Changed \n\n- OBJECT_SLIDER thumb size now has a minimum of 30px\n- On game start, all OBJECT_SLIDER values will be put in their bounds\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Left clicking a mod in the Settings tab doesn't crash anymore\n- Fix crash when clicking the \"Reset Settings\" button some mod's setting page\n- Fix top bar buttons like \"Help\" becoming uninteractable after resetting the mod's settings\n- Fix OBJECT_SLIDER not working properly with floating point numbers","version":"1.0.2","timestamp":1730383797000,"url":""},{"body":"### Changed \r\n\r\n- Clarify the intent in the game start autoupdate prompt\r\n\r\n### Fixed\r\n\r\n- Fix mod list not loading in some very specific cases\r\n\r\n","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1730139722000,"url":""},{"body":"### Changed\n\n- Update the mod repositories to the official (CCDirectLink/CCModDB) from the testing one (krypciak/CCModDB)\n\n### Fixes\n\n- Force CCLoader to update first before any other mods","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1726754757000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Added a tab for mods that have a dedicated settings page\n\n### Changed\n\n- Remember the \"Include local\" and \"Hide library mods\" filter options across game restarts\n- Make the manual enforcer less annoying\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Fixed CCLoader sometimes getting detected as not installed","version":"0.9.22","timestamp":1726389066000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Enforce the manual on all souls\n\n### Changed\n\n- Mod options can now also be opened with mouse right click\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Fixed mod settings and testing buttons being unpresssable on gamepad when the gamepad bindings are changed","version":"0.9.21","timestamp":1724154909000,"url":""},{"body":"### Changed\n\n- Decrease mod size\n- Prevent backspace from quitting the mod manager menu\n- Keep list scroll when entering the mod's options\n- `onPress` and `changeEvent` functions on option entries: `this` is now bound to the option config\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Prevent CCLoader downgrade attempts when using CCLoader3 and downloading a mod that requires CCLoader2\n- Prevent Simplify from installing when using CCLoader3\n- Fixed space being disabled in every menu, not just the mod manager\n- Fixed mod list being unresponsive after exiting out of the filters menu\n- Fixed the mod's options menu sometimes failing to open on keyboard and mouse","version":"0.9.20","timestamp":1723377535000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Added mod installation progress indication\n\n### Changed\n\n- Revert the button order in the mod uninstallation popup to \"YES NO\" from \"NO YES\"\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Fixed the mod menu sometimes being blank when reopening it\n- Block exiting from the mod install menu with keys such as escape\n- Don't block dependency mod uninstalling when all parent mods have been uninstalled in the current session\n- Disallow installing mods that depend on missing extensions (such as DLC)","version":"0.9.19","timestamp":1723222247000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n \n- Added the \"Reset repositories to default\" button to the CCModManager options\n- Added the \"Clear database cache\" button to the CCModManager options\n- Added a checkbox to keep chromium flags on CCLoader update to the CCModManager options\n- Added a checkbox to unpack installed or updated `.ccmod` mods to the CCModManager options\n- Added a button to reinstall all installed mods to the CCModManager options\n- Added the \"Visit release page\" button to the mod changelog menu\n\n### Changed\n\n- Removed the \"v\" before from the mod update dialog for consistency\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Fixed filters menu back button not being clickable by mouse + other weirdness\n- Fixed manual updating of pre-release mods\n- Fixed mod options BUTTON y spacing\n- Fixed mod installation successful dialog poping up before the installation finished\n- Prevent mod description and mod tags overlapping each other\n- Fixed the confirmation buttons for the mod installation prompt getting off-screen when the mod list is too big\n- Improved ccloader3 compatibility","version":"0.9.18","timestamp":1723137335000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Added the mod changelog menu","version":"0.9.17","timestamp":1722881434000,"url":""},{"body":"### Changed\n\n- Update the mod database endpoint","version":"0.9.16","timestamp":1722258714000,"url":""},{"body":"### Fixed\n\n- Fixed crash when switching buttons using a mouse on BUTTON_GROUP","version":"0.9.15","timestamp":1719494766000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.9.14","timestamp":1718300866000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.9.13","timestamp":1718187884000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Added a 'Visit repository' button\n- Added a per-mod options sub-menu\n\n### Changed\n\n- The mod manager is now available in demo versions of the game generated by [crosscode-demonizer](, but the online tab is unavailable","version":"0.9.12","timestamp":1718037909000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Added testing branch support\n\n### Changes\n\n- Mod installation dialog now displays versions","version":"0.9.11","timestamp":1716050076000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Added mod sha256 digest verification\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Fixed game extensions not being handled","version":"0.9.10","timestamp":1713626437000,"url":""},{"body":"### Changed\n\n- Always use small font for the grid view\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Fixed mod list sorting on enabled and disabled tabs\n- Fixed mod last update date not showing on local mods\n- Fixed tag list clipping out of the mod entry box when the tag list too long","version":"0.9.9","timestamp":1710699328000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.9.8","timestamp":1710348422000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.9.7","timestamp":1710281797000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.9.6","timestamp":1710243976000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.9.5","timestamp":1710069687000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.9.4","timestamp":1710069126000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.9.3","timestamp":1709656740000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.9.2","timestamp":1709575973000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.9.1","timestamp":1709575284000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.9.0","timestamp":1708875168000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.8.3","timestamp":1708719371000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.8.0","timestamp":1708698380000,"url":""}]},"ccpostdlc":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"ccpostdlc","version":"1.0.0","title":"CCPostDLC","description":"Adjusts the game to continue after completing the DLC.","repository":"","tags":["QoL"],"authors":"lexisother","dependencies":{"crosscode":">=1.4.0","post-game":">=1.4.0"}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"de939232f9aa884d1986dd4f97023b5f68a2c41b8325e2139ab9a8c015879739"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1714119349000,"releasePages":[{"body":"","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1685899517000,"url":""}]},"char-select":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"char-select","title":"CCCharSelect","version":"1.0.1","description":"Adds a widget for character selection menu.","repository":"","tags":["widget"],"authors":["ac2pic","2767mr","lexisother","krypek"],"dependencies":{"nax-ccuilib":">=1.2.8"},"preload":"preload.js","prestart":"prestart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"char-select-master","hash":{"sha256":"62aa50dc4fb4af2bb5646be15cee4c3c228d0c9c2ab31d61a7d7e9033e1d61aa"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1729017518000,"releasePages":[]},"charged-balls":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"charged-balls","version":"1.0.2","title":"Charged balls","description":"Replaces normal VRPs with charged VRPs","repository":"","tags":["fun"],"authors":"keanuplayz","prestart":"prestart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"CC-ChargedBalls-1.0.2","hash":{"sha256":"f03c037b26839d84d92c76cd22f85bde1d3fcf3ffa437e8260262d0e6ae77c33"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708511711000,"releasePages":[{"body":"","version":"1.0.2","timestamp":1708511711000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1581769583000,"url":""}]},"cheats":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"cheats","version":"1.4.1","title":"Cheats","description":"This mod adds cheats to CrossCode.","repository":"","tags":["cheats"],"authors":"ZeikJT","dependencies":{"ccloader":"^2.11.0","crosscode":">=1.2"},"postload":"cheats.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"CrossCodeCheats-1.4.1-patch","hash":{"sha256":"4a328f0c42e6082fb5bf23e9df868cee20a0711d73df5d17780856c3ee19576f"}}],"stars":5,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1716430809000,"releasePages":[{"body":"See","version":"1.4.2","timestamp":1708498807000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.4.1-patch","timestamp":1708498807000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.4.1","timestamp":1694220933000,"url":""},{"body":"Add jump modifier cheats, prevent invincible from allowing the health bar to go in red, intro skipping, dashing cheats, run speed modifiers, resistance cheat, aim cheat, and puzzle resetting cheat. Written by @grasmanek94 ","version":"1.4.0","timestamp":1630997174000,"url":""},{"body":"Change cross code version support from a range to a minimum.","version":"1.3.7","timestamp":1616610258000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.3.5","timestamp":1612247935000,"url":""},{"body":"Instead of positioning the cheats menu button absolutely it's relative to whichever the first button in the second column is.","version":"1.3.4","timestamp":1580438504000,"url":""},{"body":"No more having to re-enter all your cheat settings every time you load the game, they will now be saved to a separate JSON file. Quit the game and when you load it up again it should have all your cheats just the way you last configured them.","version":"1.3.2","timestamp":1580397396000,"url":""},{"body":"Example: If you disable Credit Cheat then the UI for Credit Multiplier will be disabled.","version":"1.2.3","timestamp":1580270126000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.1.0","timestamp":1580095962000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1580071857000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1580023960000,"url":""}]},"clean-title-screen":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"clean-title-screen","version":"1.0.1","title":{"en_US":"Clean Title Screen"},"description":{"en_US":"Removes Lea from the title screen"},"repository":"","tags":["cosmetic"],"authors":"XenonA7","icons":{"24":"icon.png"},"dependencies":{}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"clean-title-screen-1.0.1","hash":{"sha256":"fbd13967461584e8f74062f6aa1c9fe34c4dce185ec9b8cfa4ea4340fb5c66e2"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708620822000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Compliance with new version format standard","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1708620822000,"url":""},{"body":"Updated to new ccmod.json format","version":"1.1","timestamp":1708404530000,"url":""},{"body":"Initial release","version":"1.0","timestamp":1691905805000,"url":""}]},"crosscode-tweak-pack":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"crosscode-tweak-pack","version":"1.1.2","title":"dmitmel's tweak pack","description":{"en_US":"Micro-mods by dmitmel in a single 999-in-1 package, ranging from QoL tweaks to cheats.","ru_RU":"Микро-моды от dmitmel в одной упаковке 999-in-1, начиная от QoL дополнений и заканчивая читами."},"repository":"","tags":["QoL"],"authors":"dmitmel","icons":{"24":"icon24.png"},"plugin":"src/_plugin.js","prestart":"src/_prestart.js","assets":["data/lang/sc/gui.en_US.json.patch","data/lang/sc/gui.ru_RU.json.patch"]},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"4256deb6c70ae0fc7143b978ff86d50f8c353b3a781344c81bd60b98f5c98242"}}],"stars":13,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1647125834000,"releasePages":[{"body":"See [README]( for more information.\r\n\r\n- The title screen intro skipping module has been improved and really makes the game boot straight into the title screen.","version":"1.1.1","timestamp":1647125854000,"url":""},{"body":"See [README]( for more information.\r\n\r\n- Added a mod for skipping the title screen intro.","version":"1.1.0","timestamp":1644507669000,"url":""},{"body":"See [README]( for more information.\r\n","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1628409348000,"url":""},{"body":"See [README]( for more information.\r\n","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1624300344000,"url":""}]},"crossedeyes":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"crossedeyes","version":"0.6.4","title":"CrossedEyes","description":"Accessibility mod for blind people","repository":"","tags":["accessibility"],"authors":["krypek","2767mr"],"icons":{"24":"icon/icon.png"},"dependencies":{"input-api":">=1.0.0","cc-blitzkrieg":">=0.5.9","nax-ccuilib":">=1.2.9","ccmodmanager":">=0.9.21","crosscode":">=1.4.0"},"plugin":"plugin.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"79fad2ee86c4839ba46091bedeba2473623fd1f698e2919284642714f750eb27"}}],"stars":9,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1724760253000,"releasePages":[{"body":"### Fixed\n\n- Fix game hard freezes due to NW.js update failures (removed `cc-nwjs-manager` and `cc-record` from dependencies)\n- Fix quick menu layout enforcing","version":"0.6.4","timestamp":1724760254000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added \n\n- Added gameplay recording and sending functionality\n\n### Changed\n\n- Moved all mod options from the main options menu to the new mod manager options sub-menu\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Fixed NVDA addon installation on some system configurations","version":"0.6.3","timestamp":1719495990000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added \n\n- Added gameplay recording and sending functionality\n\n### Changed\n\n- Moved all mod options from the main options menu to the new mod manager options sub-menu\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Fixed NVDA addon installation on some system configurations","version":"0.6.3-prerealese.0","timestamp":1718983245000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Announce looping back to the beginning and to the end when navigating through the hints with Gamepad: L1 and Gamepad R1\n- Added Sound Glossary entries for: ball direction changer, ball accelerator and ball decelerator\n- Mapped battles and puzzled up to including rhombus dungeon\n- Added cliff safeguard widget (more info in quick menu help)\n\n### Changed\n\n- Aim analysis, Aim bounce, Wall scan, Announce Y Level are widgets (more info in quick menu help)","version":"0.6.2","timestamp":1716830260000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Added an aim bounce help entry to the analysis menu\n- Added announcing of CCModManager mod testing status\n- Added an option that disables the player idle animation (on by default)\n\n### Changed\n\n- Renamed the \"CrossedEyes\" options category to \"Functionality\" and moved it to the bottom of the list\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Fixed options of some mods (dmitmel tweak pack) not being announced\n- Fixed aim bounce turning on when entering the analysis menu\n- Fixed entity beeping sounds persisting even after their death\n- Fixed unnamed NPC names being announced as MISSING LABEL\n- Fixed aim analysis hint selection persisting when entering the quick menu\n- Fixed hint selecting persisting after the upgrade field in Rhombus Dungeon was used\n- Fixed sound selection persisting after switching categories in the Sound Glossary\n- Made the demo version compatible again","version":"0.6.1","timestamp":1715617865000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Added aim bounce end hint whitelist\n- Added basic inventory menu support\n- Added Y level coordinate announcing (more info in the quick menu help pages)\n\n### Changed\n\n- Also announce the body part in the equipment menu\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Fixed equipment menu items not updating after equipping something new\n- Bump NVDA addon version to the latest available\n- Fixed awful typos all over the place\n- Removed duplicate quick menu analysis help menu entry","version":"0.6.0","timestamp":1713652322000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Added ball changer hint\n- Added hint filtering for battle regions\n- Added puzzle skipping help page\n\n### Changed\n\n- Footstep sounds now play even if not running\n- Puzzle filtering is now called selection filtering\n- Puzzle filtering now only takes effect when the puzzle is not solved\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Fixed map name not getting annouced when switching maps\n- Fixed NVDA addon not working\n- Fixed footstep and wall collision sounds not playing while aiming\n- Fixed character name being repeated after they already said something\n- Fixed hint selection persisting even after the entity dissapeared\n- Fixed custom quick menu buttons not getting annouced","version":"0.5.9","timestamp":1711564012000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\r\n\r\n- Moved mod auto-updating to CCModManager\r\n- Added CCModManager support (go to the options menu and press Gamepad Y)\r\n- Added \"Button denied\" sound to the sound glossary\r\n- Added equipment menu support\r\n- Added quick menu item submenu support\r\n- Added analysis menu help menu\r\n- Added quick menu help menu\r\n- Added a mod icon\r\n\r\n### Fixed\r\n\r\n- Fixed minor punctuation errors at the end of sentences","version":"0.5.8","timestamp":1710348607000,"url":""},{"body":"- Added a few puzzle elements to sound glossary\n- Added info sign hint\n- Added tutorial popups announcing\n- Added hint filtering to only show the hints relevant to the puzzle\n- Added puzzle skip button to the quick menu\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Fixed auto updater not working (you have to update to this version manually)\n- Mod version should be annouced properly now","version":"0.5.7","timestamp":1707221803000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Announce walking onto hints\n- Added recived item announcing\n- Add \"Floating Moving Platform\" puzzle entity hint\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Properly center the interactable sound\n- Fix crash at entering rhombus dungeon (again)\n- A lot of cargo boxes were falsly detected as climbable","version":"0.5.6","timestamp":1707068493000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Added \"Moving Block\" puzzle entity hint\n- Added \"Chest\" hints\n- Added hint for the \"upgrade field\"\n- Added help menu tts support\n- Added full mod multi-language support\n- Added sound glossary help menu\n\n### Changed\n\n- Increased interactable volume slider maximum to 3\n- Fix some entities being falsly treated as interactables (again)\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Fixed crash at entering rhombus dungeon\n- Fixed hints not unfocusing when focused and the filter is changed","version":"0.5.5","timestamp":1706732602000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Added level up tts announcing\n- Added sound glossary\n- Added hints for instant matter objects in Cargo Hold 1\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Added back a nessesery missing container from Cargo Hold 3\n- Fix some entities being falsly treated as interactables","version":"0.5.4","timestamp":1706372077000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Added interactable volume slider\n- Added entity hints volume slider\n- Enemy hint sounds, jump hint sounds, entity hint sounds and hint sounds are now pitched down when they're behind the player\n- Add dash volume slider\n- Added enemy vulnerability multiplier slider (for now only the crab boss is implemented)\n- Make the escape sequence (after defeating the crab boss) a bit easier\n- Add mod auto-update toggle\n\n### Changes\n\n- TTS should now initialize faster\n\n### Fixed\n\n- Fix potential crash on jump\n- Fix deck tutorial target bot not beaing a hint\n- Don't say the map name when it's missing","version":"0.5.3","timestamp":1705950248000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Added to as\n- Removed useless clutter (cargo boxes) from early maps to make them easier and less annyoing\n\n### Fixes\n\n- Fixed some tutorial spelling mistakes\n- Unfocus hints when they no longer can be focused\n- Fix possible crash at game load\n- Fixed selected hints bugging out when more than one hint is selected\n- Fix wall, jump hint and hint sound not respecting global sound volume\n- Fix crash at Cargo Ship - Cabins 1","version":"0.5.2","timestamp":1705325059000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Added jump volume slider\n- Added hints for props that lead to higher palces\n- Add wall scan aim mode\n- Automaticly determine NVDA text speed to adjust dialogue beeping sounds\n- Added wall bump volume slider\n- Added destination map on doors and paths\n- Added a simple text tutorial\n\n### Changes\n\n- Footstep volume now also plays if you only collide with walls only slightly\n- Changed hint name from \"Teleport Ground\" to \"Path\"\n\n### Fixes\n\n- Fix options menu getting interrupted for after entering while in-game\n- Fix some mod sounds persisting indefinitely\n- Fix aim bounce toggling when entering the quick menu (for some people)\n- Fix wall bumping not working on diagonal walls\n- Fix wall sounds glitching on corners\n- Fix wall sounds beaing slightly behind when the player is moving\n- Fix L1 not selecting a hint on analysis screen entry","version":"0.5.1","timestamp":1705103285000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Added a ball bounce predition system\n\n### Changes\n\n- Up/down sounds now don't require a jump to trigger\n- Limit uploaded game log size to 3000 lines\n- Add delay to game log upload\n- Enemy level has been moved to the R2 description\n\n### Fixes\n\n- Wall and jump hint sounds are not on anymore when the player is floating\n- Fixed enemies emmiting sounds after death\n- Deactive toggled hints when the entity is killed\n- Fix gradual game slowdown\n- Fixed NVDA plugn?? (maybe)","version":"0.5.0","timestamp":1704568066000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Added in game settings to the F4 log\n- Add volume sliders for walls, jump hints and hints\n- Make the language selection a list instead of a 2x3 grid\n\n### Fixes\n\n- Hint selection in the analysis screen should no longer spam selections\n- Sound of hitting enemies is now always consistent","version":"0.4.9","timestamp":1703875974000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n\n- Announce mod version on startup\n- Flag Doors, Teleport Grounds and Teleport Fields as visited after going through them\n- Say 'new' when entering a previously undiscovered map\n- Also upload NVDA log on F4\n- Add enemy hints\n\n### Fixes\n\n- Fixed game slowdowns, freezes and crashed caused by infinite sound handle stacking\n- Fixed NVDA plugin crash","version":"0.4.8","timestamp":1703719617000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n- Added a note in README about os support and the controller requiremenet\n- Say `uploading` immediately after pressing the F4 keybinding\n- Add save/load menu tts\n- Added text beeing toggle\n- Announce map name when switching maps\n\n### Fixes\n- NVDA addon should correctly install now for all users (hopefully)","version":"0.4.7","timestamp":1703177807000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n- Press F4 to upload to a pastebin like site and copy the link to clipboard\n\n### Fixes\n- Fixed NVDA addon installing and mod auto-updating","version":"0.4.6","timestamp":1703013707000,"url":""},{"body":"### Added\n- Added changelog\n- When using a dualshock controller, proper button names are said (instead of xbox ones)\n\n### Changes\n- README improvments.\n- Side character messages now end with the speech end.\n- Side character messages don't have a beeping text sound anymore.","version":"0.4.5","timestamp":1703008937000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.4.4","timestamp":1702853091000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.4.3","timestamp":1702844798000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.4.2","timestamp":1702815896000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.4.0","timestamp":1702583148000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.3.7","timestamp":1701985893000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.3.5","timestamp":1701381672000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.3.0","timestamp":1700683137000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.2.0","timestamp":1699483811000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.1.7","timestamp":1698794322000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.1.6","timestamp":1698789860000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.1.5","timestamp":1698774394000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.1.0","timestamp":1698527705000,"url":""}]},"cursedcode":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"cursedcode","version":"0.1.2","title":"CursedCode","description":"Cursed custom maps.","repository":"","tags":["speedrun","maps","puzzle"],"authors":"Symphiel","prestart":"mod.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"CursedCode-0.1.1-2","hash":{"sha256":"7975f9d6862fdfa5066052a52b3e9174ab92df6ae7d8187101f40ca4ccfbd4af"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708368308000,"releasePages":[{"body":"> CCModDB now requires `ccmod.json` to be present.\r\n> Added a NG+ option instead of overriding the 'Skip beginning' option.\r\n\r\nThank you, krypek, for making and adding these changes.","version":"0.1.1-2","timestamp":1708368308000,"url":""},{"body":"Chests are now tracking properly on new game. Fixed an area connection. Optimized gui lang files to be smaller in size.","version":"0.1.1-1","timestamp":1679273493000,"url":""},{"body":"**<ins>OLD VERSION SAVES ARE BROKEN.</ins>** For those who have an old save; you will either have to send it to Symph#9380 (me) on Discord so I can fix it or you have to start a completely new game. Save files should no longer break in future versions.\r\n\r\n**<ins>BUG: CHEST COUNTER DOES NOT INCREMENT CORRECTLY ON NEW GAME.</ins> When starting a new game you can fix this by returning to main menu and loading the Veteran's Bridge autosave.** If you collected your first chest after loading a save file you should be fine.\r\n\r\nQuick Menu is ENABLED by default. Added map functionality for all currently available rooms and areas. Chests can now be tracked on the map. Added names for all currently available rooms. Save files will display proper names now. Added a jingle? Made some areas easier to backtrack and more minor fixes.","version":"0.1.1","timestamp":1679138167000,"url":""},{"body":"Fixed typos and Jump to End teleporter. Fixed Regular Ridge clone from starting too early.","version":"0.1.0-1","timestamp":1678839427000,"url":""},{"body":"Intro, hub and level 1 release. Drop the ccmod file into the \\CrossCode\\assets\\mods directory with CCloader installed. Go into the New Game Plus menu and select the CursedCode option before starting a new game.","version":"0.1.0","timestamp":1678794252000,"url":""},{"body":"Two room release. Drop the ccmod file into the \\CrossCode\\assets\\mods directory with CCloader installed. Import the save in the txt file by pressing F10 when in CrossCode's Load Game menu, then copy and pasting the save code.","version":"0.0.1","timestamp":1676812536000,"url":""}]},"difficulty-mods":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"difficulty-mods","version":"1.0.7","title":"Difficulty Mods","description":{"en_US":"Adjust enemy damage, HP, and EXP gain to make the game as difficult as you like."},"repository":"","tags":["fun"],"authors":"Azure Lazuline","icons":{"24":"icon24.png"},"prestart":"src/_prestart.js","assets":["data/lang/sc/gui.en_US.json.patch"]},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"","hash":{"sha256":"be3ed9a00b4b1b32348761a9ac8cefcf17c99b4106c7240051235c44626a4bfe"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1728942448000,"releasePages":[{"body":"- adjusted Arena scoring (for damage and time) based on the HP scale setting\r\n- HP scale now affects break meter too\r\n- added Enemy Speed setting","version":"1.0.7","timestamp":1728942448000,"url":""},{"body":"fixed a bug with the Burn status effect scaling with HP","version":"1.0.6","timestamp":1728299601000,"url":""},{"body":"scales burn damage down if enemy HP is increased, since it's percentage-based and otherwise it was stronger relatively than normal","version":"1.0.5","timestamp":1728296515000,"url":""},{"body":"fixed a crash with enemy bullets that had no damage info assigned, like monk trial turrets","version":"1.0.4","timestamp":1726866108000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.3","timestamp":1726252336000,"url":""},{"body":"first public release","version":"1.0.2","timestamp":1726199234000,"url":""}]},"el-tweaks":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"el-tweaks","version":"0.8.1","title":"EL's Tweaks","description":"A coremod full of useful functionality for modders, as well as many tweaks for players.","repository":"","tags":["QoL","library"],"authors":"elluminance","plugin":"./dist/plugin.js","dependencies":{"ccloader":"2.x.x"}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"cc92804d72ff66084cd413ec0d4922e9baa0c35f469391029e8266dee812f8c3"}}],"stars":4,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1724166801000,"releasePages":[{"body":"- Fixed issues with music remixes not always loading","version":"0.8.1","timestamp":1724166859000,"url":""},{"body":"- Added music remix selector! This allows multiple modders to add remixes to songs, and users to mix-and-match which remixes they play.\r\n  - The menu is accessible from options, right under the volume settings.\r\n- Added map editor definitions for additions","version":"0.8.0","timestamp":1723954583000,"url":""},{"body":"- Added custom head for Sergey if [extendable-severed-heads]( is installed.\r\n- Added explicit dependency on ccloader 2. (Certain CCLoader 2 features were being used already, but this adds a proper requirement.)\r\n- Fixed crash if CCUILib was not installed.","version":"0.7.5","timestamp":1707590779000,"url":""},{"body":"- Traders who aren't tracked by the base game (i.e. DLC traders) should now properly show their location, instead of `???`. You will have to talk to any traders again to update it.\r\n- Trading will now properly update the credit display on the tracked trade HUD.","version":"0.7.4","timestamp":1705777486000,"url":""},{"body":"- Added proper compatibility for [CCUILib]( for inventory search functionality. (Note: this did not add a dependency. Merely made it work with the updated input field as well.)\r\n- Updated typescript compiler settings which resulted in _significantly_ smaller `.ccmod` outputs. (Down to approximately a third of the size!)","version":"0.7.3","timestamp":1705712841000,"url":""},{"body":"- Fixed shops from potentially allowing more purchases than they're supposed to.","version":"0.7.2","timestamp":1705678451000,"url":""},{"body":"- Fixed arena coin shop giving free items.","version":"0.7.1","timestamp":1705636110000,"url":""},{"body":"- Added trade favoriting/tracking! See the readme for more information.\r\n- [#1] Made it that custom maps can use negative/out of bounds offsets for maps. Thanks @krypciak!","version":"0.7.0","timestamp":1705627388000,"url":""},{"body":"- Fixed arena coin shop assuming you can buy everything at first.","version":"0.6.5","timestamp":1705074680000,"url":""},{"body":"**Additions**\r\n- Added option in the arena to always scale ascended equipment.\r\n- [Vanilla Fix] Fixed ascended gear scaling modifier to actually function.\r\n\r\n**Bug fixes**\r\n- Made save slot name fix actually do something.","version":"0.6.4","timestamp":1704747820000,"url":""},{"body":"- [Uncapped Stats] Added option for attack stat display to be much higher than other stats.","version":"0.6.3","timestamp":1703727745000,"url":""},{"body":"- Fixed chest counters potentially displaying NaN instead of 0.","version":"0.6.2","timestamp":1703169948000,"url":""},{"body":"- Changed `cmd.teleport()` to now accept a marker as the second parameter, moving the other destination info to be in the third parameter. Note this may break old invocations of the command!\r\n- `cmd.resetMapVars()` now works properly. There is also an option to reload the map immediately after resetting vars.","version":"0.6.1","timestamp":1695931527000,"url":""},{"body":"## Additions\r\n- Added utilities for making new maps appear in existing areas. See readme for more details on how to get started.\r\n- Added a new command - `cmd.reloadAreas()` which will reload any area's files. Works well for the custom map utilities!\r\n- Added bug fix for the vanilla `Skip Beginning` NG+ perk not tracking any stats.\r\n\r\n## Bug Fixes\r\n- Fixed the Uncapped Stats digit option not correctly defaulting to a value.\r\n- Fixed color picker's custom title option not working as intended.","version":"0.6.0","timestamp":1690940130000,"url":""},{"body":"Added 4 new action steps - `WHILE_TRUE`, `FOR_VAR`, `FOR_ATTRIB`, and `FOR_PARTY_MEMBERS`.\r\n\r\nThere are also 3 new event steps, which are functionally identical to their action counterparts. (`SWITCH_CASE`, `WHILE_TRUE`, and `FOR_VAR`)","version":"0.5.9","timestamp":1689736308000,"url":""},{"body":"Added `cmd.resetMapVariables()` and `cmd.resetTmpVars()`, which clears the contents of the var system's `map` and `tmp` namespaces respectively.","version":"0.5.8","timestamp":1687802908000,"url":""},{"body":"- Removed flash step fix if playing on a CC version prior to 1.4.2-3.\r\n- Added options to adjust the Uncapped Stats settings.\r\n- Added cmd.reloadMap() for those who make maps and want to quickly reload their map.","version":"0.5.7","timestamp":1686413138000,"url":""},{"body":"- Updated color picker, now uses values from 0-255, rather than 0-15. The stored data also contains a preformatted color string.\r\n- Fixed extra chest tracker code - now contained entirely within this mod, not part of another (oops, heheh...)\r\n- Internal code cleanup.","version":"0.5.6","timestamp":1672076242000,"url":""},{"body":"Bug Fixes:\r\n* Fixed the multiplier not being green in Damage Healed \r\n* Fixed minor alignment issue in trade menu.\r\n* Fixed attempting to close the sort menu in the item spawner via the back button/right click would close the entire menu rather than just the sort menu.","version":"0.5.5","timestamp":1671043975000,"url":""},{"body":"Bug Fixes:\r\n- Fixed the bug where the vanilla NG+ perk _Witch Time_ would not activate with the Dash Effect option enabled.","version":"0.5.4","timestamp":1668657115000,"url":""},{"body":"Additions since v0.5.2:\r\n- Added new action step SWITCH_CASE, which allows branch switching based on a var's value. Also allows a default branch through the use of the branch `_default`.\r\n- Command module:\r\n  - Added `cmd.reloadEnemyType(enemyType, reloadEffects?)` - which allows you to hot-reload enemy data in-game easily.\r\n    - enemyType: The path to the enemy.\r\n    - reloadEffects: Determines if effect sheets should be reloaded as well. Defaults to true.\r\n  - Added `cmd.spawnEnemy(enemyName, levelOverride?, settings?, pos?)`, which allows easy spawning of enemies.\r\n    - enemyName: The path to the enemy in question.\r\n    - levelOverride: Optional, will set enemy to that level.\r\n    - settings: Optional, allows setting any data for the enemy. (`type` and `level` _will_ be overwritten if set here.)\r\n    - pos: Optional, specifies where the enemy will spawn. Defaults to the player's position.","version":"0.5.3","timestamp":1667744874000,"url":""},{"body":"Additions since v0.4.2:\r\n- Added various utilities for modders (`sc.modUtils`)\r\n  - Added special var accessors for `mod.{mod name}.active`, `mod.{mod name}.version`, and `mod.{mod name}.name`\r\n  - Added ability for modders to add custom currencies for shops to use (no support for trades currently)\r\n  - Allowed modders to simplify the registering of custom menus\r\n- Added ability to add custom arena challenge icons\r\n- Added support for custom currencies in shops\r\n- Added action steps `EL_ELEMENT_IF`, `GOTO_LABEL_WHILE`, `EL_SET_TARGET`, `SET_ATTRIB_CURRENT_POS`\r\n- Added new behaviors for the action steps `SET_CLOSE_TEMP_TARGET` and `SET_TEMP_TARGET`.\r\n- Added in-game color picker\r\n- Added special commands for modders:\r\n  - `cmd.addItem(itemID, amount, hideMsg)` - Adds a safe version of `sc.model.player.addItem()`\r\n  - `cmd.addCredits(amount)` alias for `sc.model.player.addCredits()`\r\n  - `cmd.reloadPlayerConfigs(reloadEffects)` Reloads all playerConfig files to reflect changes in player configs without restarting the game. `reloadEffects` defaults to `true`.\r\n  - `cmd.reloadEffectsSheets()` Reloads all effect sheets.","version":"0.5.2","timestamp":1662659601000,"url":""},{"body":"Item Spawn Menu:\r\n- Added \"Group By\" option\r\n- Fixed mod for CC's default version of NW.js","version":"0.4.2","timestamp":1649451296000,"url":""},{"body":"- Item Spawning Menu:\r\n  - Added search functionality if CCInventory is installed\r\n  - Improved \"Other\" rarity search","version":"0.4.1","timestamp":1648494276000,"url":""},{"body":"- Merged contents of Uncapped Stats\r\n- Added framework for other mods to easily add custom trophies/chests\r\n- Minor fix for playing as player configs that lack a full melee combo (i.e. C'tron)\r\n- Added \"Perfectionist\" NG+ perk\r\n- Added integrated item spawn menu to inventory (Must be manually enabled in options!)\r\n- Added auto-throw control\r\n- Other minor fixes","version":"0.4.0","timestamp":1648481902000,"url":""},{"body":"# Version 0.3.0\r\n- Added a new NG+ perk - \"Nudist\"! Can you beat the game without using equipment?","version":"0.3.0","timestamp":1639539434000,"url":""},{"body":"Version 0.2.1\r\n- Added effect for perfect dash (along with a corresponding option)","version":"0.2.1","timestamp":1639505076000,"url":""},{"body":"# Initial Release\r\n- Added fix for Flash Step \r\n- Added bonus points for regenerating HP in the Arena\r\n- Added way to regain used items in the Arena\r\n- Added assist option to increase (and decrease) timing windows for perfect guards/dashes.\r\n- Added walk button.","version":"0.2.0","timestamp":1639426247000,"url":""}]},"element-boss":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"element-boss","version":"0.1.3","title":"Element Boss","description":"Adds a new boss battle to the game.","repository":"","tags":["boss"],"authors":"sgrunt","main":"mod.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"569d371c4bb151222e5d8cd1104115bfe6c5fe1b4325813e586e26ecbe0fbbb2"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708290993000,"releasePages":[{"body":"","version":"0.1.3","timestamp":1708290993000,"url":""}]},"element-hair":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"element-hair","version":"1.0.5","title":"Elemental Hair","description":{"en_US":"Changes Lea's hair color to match her current element."},"repository":"","tags":["cosmetic"],"authors":"Azure Lazuline","icons":{"24":"icon24.png"},"prestart":"src/_prestart.js","assets":["data/lang/sc/gui.en_US.json.patch"]},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"","hash":{"sha256":"26f03fa6d5a7ec0023c3df778fb1aaa2ab1a23d8b46283fc7c4264218dc3d105"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1730402517000,"releasePages":[{"body":"- trims whitespace at the end of image filenames before comparing\r\n- this fixes the sleeping animation, and a few others like Lea landing from big jumps","version":"1.0.5","timestamp":1730402517000,"url":""},{"body":"- adds support for Shizuka in the intro.\r\n- for modders: recolors can now apply conditionally (so it doesn't affect the NPC version of a playable character for example), check how i did Shizuka.","version":"1.0.4","timestamp":1728569802000,"url":""},{"body":"- general refactoring to make it easier to work with and improve load times","version":"1.0.3","timestamp":1726251791000,"url":""},{"body":"first public release","version":"1.0.2","timestamp":1726200474000,"url":""}]},"extendable-severed-heads":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"extendable-severed-heads","version":"1.1.1","title":"extendable-severed-heads","description":"Library for adding new character head icons","repository":"","tags":["library"],"authors":["ac2pic","nax","elluminance"],"plugin":"plugin.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"extendable-severed-heads-1.1.1","hash":{"sha256":"f5613ac92ac20e138dec801063f8673aa15696836dd15700305e9007f6de119a"}}],"stars":3,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708512538000,"releasePages":[{"body":"","version":"1.1.1","timestamp":1708512538000,"url":""},{"body":"## What's Changed\r\n* Add support for custom headIdx names, fixes #2 by @EL20202 in\r\n* Update ccmod.json. Remove hidden. by @conorlawton in\r\n* Update version numbers by @conorlawton in\r\n","version":"1.1.0","timestamp":1707054345000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1676763744000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1568693016000,"url":""}]},"extension-asset-preloader":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"extension-asset-preloader","version":"1.0.0","title":"Extension Asset Preloader","description":"Fixes files from extensions potentially not being loaded during the game's loading.","repository":"","tags":["library"],"authors":"elluminance","postload":"postload.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"ec7f83e4064a220ac6ca44d8bb4659cc2665709b5dcc173ea515133ef06b7b09"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708372180000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Initial Release","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1674268883000,"url":""}]},"font-utils":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"font-utils","version":"1.2.0","title":"Font Utilities","description":"Adds various new font colors!","repository":"","tags":["library"],"authors":"elluminance","prestart":"dist/prestart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"82b694a6e808081d9db494a57598944c6c7363439f561e87832225677e61769a"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708372178000,"releasePages":[{"body":"- Added 6 new font colors: Fuchsia, olive, violet, brown, gold, and dark red.\r\n- Ported code to TypeScript.","version":"1.2.1","timestamp":1693058899000,"url":""},{"body":"- Added support for `\\l[]` which will dynamically replace text in a string with what's at the lang label.","version":"1.2.0","timestamp":1688231405000,"url":""},{"body":"- Added named font color aliases. See [readme]( for more details.","version":"1.1.0","timestamp":1687802885000,"url":""},{"body":"Initial release, adds many cool, new font colors!\r\n\r\n![image](\r\n","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1687658470000,"url":""}]},"french":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"french","version":"1.5.0","title":{"en_US":"French","fr_FR":"Français","de_DE":"Französisch"},"description":{"en_US":"CrossCode in french !","fr_FR":"CrossCode en français !","de_DE":"CrossCode im Französisch !"},"repository":"","tags":["language"],"authors":["L-Sherry","KevinBonnoron"],"icons":{"24":"flaglea.png"},"dependencies":{"localize-me":">=0.5 <2"},"postload":"mod.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"784ec246a62d901c0969b42c1b2fb95f51302db6aa54dc639cee00e55686844c"}}],"stars":17,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1710697554000,"releasePages":[{"body":"La der des der, ou peut-être pas.\r\n\r\nCorrigé:\r\n* Plusieurs erreurs de genrage de la part des PNJs, probablement parce que la version allemande avait originalement les mêmes erreurs.\r\n* Le nom d'un PNJ obscur de Bergen qui n'était pas traduit parce que le jeu de base ne considérait pas qu'il était traduisible.\r\n* Quelques textes de ce même PNJ.\r\n\r\nUn grand merci à @Fredimimi pour avoir signalé toutes ces erreurs.\r\n\r\nAh, et aussi, cette version améliore la compatibilité avec (encore) un autre gestionnaire de mod.\r\n\r\n---\r\n\r\nThe last of the last one, or maybe not.\r\n\r\nFixed:\r\n* Multiple gendering mistakes from NPCs, probably because the german version originally had the same mistakes.\r\n* The name of an obscure NPC in Bergen that wasn't translated because the base game didn't consider it translatable.\r\n* Some texts from that said NPC.\r\n\r\nBig thanks to @Fredimimi for reporting all these mistakes.\r\n\r\nAh, and also, this version improve compatibility with (yet) another mod manager.","version":"1.5.0","timestamp":1710697554000,"url":""},{"body":"La version \"Putain 4 ans déjà !\"\r\n\r\nHé oui, la première release date d'il y a 4 ans déjà, sachant que tout à commencé encore avant. En avril 2019 pour être exact. Je devais sacrément m'ennuyer ce jour là. Mais en même temps il pleuvait.\r\n\r\nCorrigé:\r\n* La compatibilité avec CrossCode 1.4.2-3 (je parie que ce sera pas la dernière).\r\n* C'est tout.\r\n\r\n---\r\nThe \"4 fucking years already!\" version.\r\n\r\nYep, the first release was 4 years ago, even if everything started even before. In April 2019 actually. I must have been very bored that day. But it was raining at the time.\r\n\r\nFixed:\r\n* Compatibility with CrossCode 1.4.2-3 (I bet it's not the last one).\r\n* That is all.","version":"1.4.0","timestamp":1687718066000,"url":""},{"body":"La version que personne n'a demandée. Un peu comme les élections en France, quoi.\r\n\r\nCorrigé:\r\n- La compatibilité avec CrossCode 1.4.2-2.\r\n- Les typos que les développeurs ont faites et que j'ai recopié sans réfléchir.\r\n\r\n---\r\nThe version nobody asked for. Just like the French elections, yeah.\r\n\r\nFixed:\r\n- Compatibility with CrossCode 1.4.2-2.\r\n- The typos made by the developers that I blindly copied.","version":"1.3.0","timestamp":1650997765000,"url":""},{"body":"La dernière des dernières des versions, avec un peu de chance.\r\n\r\nEntièrement traduit :\r\n- Tout, y compris les petits changements dans 1.4.2-1\r\n\r\nCorrigé :\r\n- Les traductions des quêtes des consoles sont maintenant dans l'archive, au lieu d'être chez moi. Merci à @la-symeyronie de me l'avoir signalé.\r\n\r\n---\r\n\r\nThe last of the last version, with a bit of luck.\r\n\r\nEntirely translated:\r\n- Everything, including the small changes from 1.4.2-1\r\n\r\nFixed:\r\n\r\n- The console quests are now in the archive, instead of being left at home. Thanks @la-symeyronie for letting me know.","version":"1.2.0","timestamp":1633461915000,"url":""},{"body":"\"La version 1.0.0 qui sera probablement la dernière\", Tu parles ! C'était sans compter sur la sortie de CrossCode 1.4.2. Et il se trouve qu'un rigolard de chez Radical Fish Games a encore envie d'en sortir d'autres. Probablement pour corriger des typos, mais qui sait !\r\n\r\nEntièrement traduit :\r\n\r\n- Toutes les nouvelles anciennes quêtes auparavent disponibles uniquement sur les consoles (en théorie). Elles étaient déjà partiellement traduites avant, mais à [La Rache™](, vu que seul les moddeurs y avaient accès.\r\n\r\n---\r\n\r\n\"The 1.0.0 version which will probably be the last\", give me a break ! This wasn't for the release of CrossCode 1.4.2. And it turns out that a goofy guy from Radical Fish Games still want to release more. Probably to fix typos, but who knows !\r\n\r\nEntirely translated:\r\n\r\n- All the new old quests previously only available on consoles (in theory). They were already partially translated, but badly, because only modders had access to them.","version":"1.1.0","timestamp":1632680996000,"url":""},{"body":"Une nouvelle version, avec peu de changements (principalement les quelques nouveaux textes de la version 1.4.1-6), mais qui sera probablement la dernière, puisque les développeurs ne prévoient pas de nouveau contenu pour CrossCode.\r\n\r\nCette version est aussi la première à proposer un ccmod et une installation simplifiée.\r\n\r\nEntièrement traduit :\r\n\r\n- Tout\r\n\r\n---\r\n\r\nA new version, with few changes (mainly the new texts from version 1.4.1-6), which will probably be the last, since the developpers do not plan any new content for CrossCode.\r\n\r\nThis version is also the first one to provide a ccmod and a easy installation.\r\n\r\nEntirely translated:\r\n- Everything","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1624127114000,"url":""},{"body":"Une nouvelle mais... version.\r\n\r\nEntièrement traduit :\r\n- Tous les textes de la version\r\n- Même les textes du DLC \"A New Home\"\r\n\r\n---\r\nA new ho... version.\r\n\r\nEntirely translated:\r\n\r\n- All texts from version\r\n- Even the texts from the DLC \"A New Home\"","version":"0.12.0","timestamp":1620761596000,"url":""},{"body":"La version après le désastre.\r\n\r\nOui, parce qu'il y a eu un désastre. La version de CrossCode est sortie et a cassé pas mal de textes, comme on pouvait s'y attendre.\r\nPour ne rien arranger, CCLoader v2.20.0 est sorti et a tout cassé le mod en voulant bien faire.\r\n\r\nAjouté :\r\n\r\n- Un logo.  Inutile, donc indispensable !\r\n\r\nCorrigé :\r\n\r\n- La compatibilité avec CCLoader v2.\r\n\r\nEntièrement traduit :\r\n\r\n- Tous les textes de la version\r\n- Tous les textes de l'épisode après-jeu qui ne sont pas dans le DLC, bien qu'ils méritent une bonne relecture.\r\n\r\nTrès partiellement traduit :\r\n\r\n- L'arène du DLC.\r\n\r\n---\r\n\r\nThe version after the disaster.\r\n\r\nYes, because a disaster happened.  CrossCode version was released and broke loads of texts, as one could have expected.\r\nTo make things worse, CCLoader v2.20.0 was released and it broke the entire mod, even if it had the bests of intentions.\r\n\r\nAdded:\r\n\r\n- A Logo.  Useless, therefore absolutely necessary !\r\n\r\nFixed:\r\n\r\n- Compatibility with CCLoader v2\r\n\r\nEntirely translated:\r\n\r\n- Every text from version\r\n- Every text from the post-game episode which aren't in the DLC, even if they could use some serious proofreading.\r\n\r\nVery partially translated:\r\n\r\n- The DLC arena.","version":"0.11.0","timestamp":1616534146000,"url":""},{"body":"La version calme avant le déluge.\r\n\r\nCette version contient de nombreuses corrections de la part d'Angelis (merci à lui !) et corrige aussi de nombreuses erreurs signalées par des sources... diverses et inattendues.\r\n\r\nElle cible toujours CrossCode version 1.3.0-4, en attendant la prochaine grosse maj qui va tout casser.\r\n\r\nChangé :\r\n- Accordé un mot de Lea au féminin (Angelis)\r\n- Changé « Spheromancer » en « Sphéromanceur/Sphéromanceuse » (Angelis)\r\n- Changé « item » en « objet » (Angelis)\r\n\r\nCorrigé :\r\n- Plusieurs incohérences sur l'usage du vouvoiement. (Angelis)\r\n- Certains textes trop longs.\r\n- Une quantité non-négligeable de textes divers. (Angelis mais pas que)\r\n\r\nAjouté :\r\n- Une traduction du mod CCExtraGamepadOptions (Angelis)\r\n\r\n---\r\n\r\nThe calm version before the storm.\r\n\r\nThis versions contains numerous fixes from Angelis (Thanks !) and also fixes many issues reported by... various unexpected sources.\r\n\r\nIt is still targets CrossCode version 1.3.0-4, until the next big update that will break everything.\r\n\r\nChanged:\r\n- Genderized one Lea word (Angelis)\r\n- Changed « Spheromancer » into « Sphéromanceur/Sphéromanceuse » (Angelis)\r\n- Changed « item » into « objet » (Angelis)\r\n\r\nFixed:\r\n- Many inconsistencies about the usage of the polite plural form. (Angelis)\r\n- Some texts that were too long.\r\n- A non-negligible amount of texts. (not only Angelis)\r\n\r\nAdded:\r\n- A translation of the CCExtraGamepadOptions mod (Angelis)","version":"0.10.0","timestamp":1612116547000,"url":""},{"body":"Autrement dit, la version \"Wait, there's more !\"\r\n\r\nEntièrement traduit:\r\n\r\n    Tous les 2500 nouveaux textes de la version 1.3.0-4.\r\n\r\nCorrigé:\r\n\r\n    Une quantité non-négligeable de textes.\r\n    Le support de CCLoader v3, qui n'est pas encore sorti.\r\n\r\nAjouté:\r\n\r\n    La compatibilité avec Localize-Me 1.x, qui n'est pas encore sorti.\r\n\r\n--\r\n\r\nThe \"Quand y en a plus, y en a encore !\" release\r\n\r\nFully translated:\r\n\r\n    All 2500 new texts from version 1.3.0-4.\r\n\r\nFixed:\r\n\r\n    A non-negligible amount of texts.\r\n    Compatibility with CCLoader v3, which isn't out yet.\r\n\r\nAdded:\r\n\r\n    Compatibility with Localize-Me 1.x, which isn't out yet.\r\n","version":"0.9.0","timestamp":1599676471000,"url":""},{"body":"Autrement dit, la version \"wait, is that all ?\"\r\n\r\nEntièrement traduit:\r\n- Tout de la version 1.2.0-5.\r\n\r\nCorrigé:\r\n- Une quantité non-négligeable de textes.\r\n\r\nAjouté:\r\n- Des noms dans le générique de fin.\r\n\r\nCette version ajoute également la compatibilité avec CCLoader v3, en plus de CCLoader v2. Pour utiliser ce mod avec CCLoader v3, il faut mettre à jour Localize-Me vers au moins la version 0.6.\r\n\r\n----\r\n\r\nThe \"Mince alors, c'est déjà fini ?\" release\r\n\r\nFully translated:\r\n- Everything from version 1.2.0-5.\r\n\r\nFixed:\r\n- A non-negligible amount of texts.\r\n\r\nAdded:\r\n- Some names in the end-game credits.\r\n\r\nThis version also adds compatibility with CCLoader v3, in addition to CCLoader v2. To use this mod with CCLoader v3, Localize-Me must be updated to at least version 0.6.","version":"0.8.0","timestamp":1593374237000,"url":""},{"body":"The \"Oooops, all your texts have been translated !\" release.\r\n\r\nFully translated:\r\n- Everything\r\n- Even the new texts from 1.2.0-5\r\n\r\nFixed:\r\n- A crash due to invalid landmark references introduced in 0.3.0 and 0.4.0.\r\n- A huge amount of spelling and grammar mistakes.\r\n\r\nThere are still 2.7% of texts which could do with a bit of polishing.","version":"0.7.0","timestamp":1576788079000,"url":""},{"body":"The \"OMG we're nearing the end\" release.\r\n\r\nFully translated:\r\n- All maps.\r\n- All achievements.\r\n- All quests.\r\n- All Credits (no, didn't add anything)\r\n- All \"Chapters\" lore entries\r\n- All \"People\" lore entries.\r\n\r\nStill partially translated:\r\n- \"Crossworlds\" lore entries.\r\n\r\nSince the end is near, most of the effort is focused on fixing spelling and grammar errors. Many were fixed in this version, but around 3% of translations still need to be fixed.\r\n\r\nThis release also incidentally drop support for old CCLoader versions. So make sure to update yours.","version":"0.6.0","timestamp":1575214690000,"url":""},{"body":"The 90% Release. Ok, that's maybe cheating, it's probably between 89% and 90%, but at least one metric is above 90%, because there are 32111 translated strings out of 35461, including bad translations and duplicates.\r\n\r\nFully translated:\r\n- Gaia's Garden\r\n- Basin Keep\r\n- Zir'vitar Temple\r\n- So'najiz Temple\r\n- Grand Krys'kajo\r\n- Arena cups\r\n- Enemies names and descriptions from 1.2.0-4\r\n\r\nVery partially translated:\r\n- Some chapter lore entries\r\n- Sapphire Ridge\r\n\r\nRefreshed these translations to v1.2.0-4 :\r\n- Every translated map.\r\n- The common events, which should have been part of the previous release. Except... well... the translations have been lost. And remade.\r\n- Made the new items for unreleased (and probably exclusive) content fit on their boxes.","version":"0.5.0","timestamp":1572732609000,"url":""},{"body":"The 75% Release. Or the update to v1.2 release. Whichever suits you the most.\r\n\r\nFully translated:\r\n- Maroon Valley\r\n- Ba'kii Kum\r\n- Faj'ro Temple\r\n- Vermillion Wasteland\r\n- Vermillion Dungeon & Tower\r\n- Flashbacks\r\n\r\nVery partially translated:\r\n- Gaia's Garden\r\n\r\nRefreshed these translations to v1.2 :\r\n- Gui texts, especially related to New Game Plus\r\n- Every already translated map.\r\n- Added new items from v1.2, even if some of them don't fit (#4).\r\n\r\nAnd some fixes, of course.","version":"0.4.0","timestamp":1571174926000,"url":""},{"body":"The 20k release. Or 59% release. Whatever.\r\n\r\nFully translated:\r\n- Rookie Harbor\r\n- Autumn's Rise\r\n- Bergen's Trails\r\n- Bergen Village\r\n- Mine Temple\r\n- Quests for all of the above.\r\n\r\nPartially translated:\r\n- Maroon Valley\r\n\r\nRefreshed these translations to 1.1:\r\n- Common events\r\n- Enemies\r\n- Area names\r\n\r\nRefreshed these translations to 1.1.0-3:\r\n- Hideout\r\n- Cargo ship\r\n\r\nThis version adds the following patches:\r\n- Patch up the '°' character, used as a number sign in French\r\n\r\nAnd a lot more of them fixes.\r\n\r\nLocalize-Me-Tool now has a length checker which can automatically detect when certain texts are too long to fit in tiny boxes, and this release is the first one that have been entirely checked as correct by this tool. The effort to track texts that don't fit in their box is summarized in issue #4.","version":"0.3.0","timestamp":1565818566000,"url":""},{"body":"The 33% release.\r\n\r\nThe Localize-Me dependency is bumped to 0.4.0, which adds the following features:\r\n* This mod can now be installed in any subdirectory of `assets/mods/`. Previously, it expected `assets/mods/french`.\r\n* Number formatting support.\r\n* This mod now works with both CCLoader and CCInjector.\r\n\r\nFully translated:\r\n* The game manual in the GUI.\r\n\r\nPartially translated:\r\n* Game achievements\r\n* Rookie Harbor (much more complete than before, but still not complete).\r\n\r\nAnd of course, various fixes there and there.\r\n\r\nThis version adds the following patches:\r\n* Patched font again, to have a î character.\r\n* Patch the number format to use spaces as a thousand separator and ',' as a decimal separator. Not every part of the game is patched yet, but later versions of Localize-Me should improve this.\r\n","version":"0.2.0","timestamp":1562968090000,"url":""},{"body":"Initial release.\r\n\r\nFully translated (but not polished):\r\n- Gui (without the manual)\r\n- Items\r\n- Common events from v1.0.3-4\r\n- Enemies from v1.0.3-4\r\n- Area names\r\n- Hideout\r\n- Cargo ship\r\n- Rhombus square\r\nPartially translated :\r\n- Rookie Harbor\r\n- CrossWorlds lore entries\r\n\r\nThis releases also add patches for the game :\r\n- Patched fonts to have a working 'ï' character\r\n- Patched font metrics to have a non-break space and a short non-break space.\r\n- Patched the small font to have better \"éèêë\" characters that don't look like they are upper case.","version":"0.1.0","timestamp":1560285095000,"url":""}]},"input-api":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"input-api","version":"1.0.2","title":"input-api","description":"Allows mods to add rebindable key bindings","repository":"","tags":["library"],"authors":"dmitmel","postload":"postload.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"input-api-1.0.2","hash":{"sha256":"414d3b091a4644b6d52ec64cac1e8017fda69fec5792f32ff1b40e674d1aec78"}}],"stars":5,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708513309000,"releasePages":[{"body":"","version":"1.0.2","timestamp":1708513309000,"url":""},{"body":"See [README]( for more information.\r\n\r\n- The mod can now be used on the speedrunner branch of the game.","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1646924346000,"url":""},{"body":"See [README]( for more information.","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1589783872000,"url":""}]},"item-api":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"item-api","version":"0.4.5","title":"Item API","description":"Allows custom items to be prepared in such a way that they 'just work'.","repository":"","tags":["library"],"authors":["elluminance","dmitmel","hsifnus","ac2pic"],"icons":{"24":"icon-24.png"},"postload":"postload.js","prestart":"prestart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"","hash":{"sha256":"f0e37b242aaea1375a837638d0b392e27129c7e82fda8ee31c6827bf91bf6880"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708528670000,"releasePages":[{"body":"- Fixed var accessor for `item.{id}.amount`.","version":"0.4.5","timestamp":1708528670000,"url":""},{"body":"- Enemy drops properly use alias.\r\n- Party members now can use custom equipment.\r\n- Vars related to `item.{id}` should now always work.\r\n- Trade menu now properly handles custom equipment.\r\n- Custom items can now be carried over into NG+.\r\n- Improved support for CCLoader3.\r\n- Added mod icon.","version":"0.4.4","timestamp":1692894543000,"url":""},{"body":"Fix custom items with buffs crashing the game when opening the shop menus. (#6)","version":"0.4.3","timestamp":1635315483000,"url":""},{"body":"Fix a bug when the custom items in enemy drops wouldn't be shown in the Monster Fibula. (#5)","version":"0.4.2","timestamp":1631343801000,"url":""},{"body":"Fix a bug when a category in the \"Add-Ons\" inventory tab consisting only of modded items wouldn't be shown. (#4)","version":"0.4.1","timestamp":1630409312000,"url":""},{"body":"The code of templating-api is now included with item-api! Please, uninstall templating-api after updating.","version":"0.4.0","timestamp":1613259291000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.3.0","timestamp":1583633711000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.2.1","timestamp":1577806756000,"url":""}]},"jetpack":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"jetpack","version":"0.2.1","title":"Jetpack","description":"Turns your CTRL key into a jetpack","repository":"","tags":["speedrun","fun","cheats"],"authors":["2767mr","dmitmel"],"dependencies":{"crosscode":"^1.1.0"},"poststart":"poststart.js","prestart":"prestart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"CCJetpack-0.2.1","hash":{"sha256":"bae0bbb4c500cf27725e1dce963829c0d5e253333d8362e42b563f66a3e275dd"}}],"stars":4,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708511891000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Turns your CTRL key into a jetpack.","version":"0.2.1","timestamp":1708511891000,"url":""},{"body":"Turns your CTRL key into a jetpack.\r\n\r\nChanges in this version:\r\n* Added support for input-api if it is installed.","version":"0.2.0","timestamp":1589834743000,"url":""},{"body":"Turns your CTRL key into a jetpack.\r\n\r\nChanges in this version:\r\n* Added mod description","version":"0.1.1","timestamp":1575129410000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.1","timestamp":1503673985000,"url":""}]},"junolea":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"junolea","version":"1.0.0","title":"Junolea Skin","description":"Adds a skin which makes Lea look like Juno","repository":"","tags":["cosmetic"],"authors":["Inevitabilis","dmitmel"],"icons":{"24":"icon24.png"},"dependencies":{"item-api":">=0.2.0 <1.0.0"},"assets":["data/animations/player-skins/junolea-hugging.json","data/animations/player-skins/junolea-hugging.json.patch","data/animations/player-skins/junolea-poses-debug.json","data/animations/player-skins/junolea-poses-debug.json.patch","data/animations/player-skins/junolea-poses.json","data/animations/player-skins/junolea-poses.json.patch","data/animations/player-skins/junolea-sleeping.json","data/animations/player-skins/junolea-sleeping.json.patch","data/animations/player-skins/junolea-weak.json","data/animations/player-skins/junolea-weak.json.patch","data/animations/player-skins/junolea.json","data/animations/player-skins/junolea.json.patch","data/characters/main/junolea.json","data/characters/main/junolea.json.patch","data/database.json.patch","data/effects/skins/junolea.json","data/effects/skins/junolea.json.patch","data/item-database.json.patch","media/entity/player/junolea-hugging.png","media/entity/player/junolea-move-weak.png","media/entity/player/junolea-move.png","media/entity/player/junolea-poses-debug.png","media/entity/player/junolea-poses.png","media/entity/player/junolea-sleeping.png","media/entity/player/junolea-throw.png","media/face/junolea-hand.png","media/face/junolea-panic.png","media/face/junolea-special.png","media/face/junolea.png","media/gui/skins/junolea.png","media/map/baked/lea-bakii-kum-junolea.png","media/map/baked/lea-ctron-bakii-kum-junolea.png","media/map/baked/lea-server-junolea.png","media/map/baked/the-room-conversation-clear-junolea.png","media/map/baked/the-room-conversation-shelf-junolea.png","media/map/baked/tree-top-ctron-junolea.png"]},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"CC-Junolea-1.0.1","hash":{"sha256":"caa6fce0f7b2d604622f06c32b19e8cf1e1026ec1ac0bd4e07beec2a060b3fc6"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708374201000,"releasePages":[{"body":"","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1708374201000,"url":""},{"body":"See [README]( for more information.","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1628412353000,"url":""}]},"localize-me":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"localize-me","version":"0.6.1","title":{"en_US":"Localize Me","fr_FR":"Régionalisez-Moi","de_DE":"Lokalisiert mich"},"description":{"en_US":"Add support for more locales, languages and translations","fr_FR":"Ajoute la gestion de plus de locales, de languages et de traductions","de_DE":"Fügt Unterstützung für mehr Lokalen, Sprachen und Übersetzungen hinzu","ru_RU":"Мод для создания дополнительных региональных настроек, языков и переводов"},"license":"MIT","repository":"","tags":["library","language"],"authors":["L-Sherry","dmitmel"],"postload":"mod.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"Localize-me-0.6.1","hash":{"sha256":"9929a522987ec0d7e32163708c089b353f48feeb1f1129ca97ef133bc56f80b6"}}],"stars":5,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1710692661000,"releasePages":[{"body":"This minor version:\r\n* Fixes a minor issue when the game is started for the first time\r\n* Fix a crash when translating mods with CCLoader v3\r\n* Add support for CCModManager, which is yet another mod installer","version":"0.6.1","timestamp":1710692661000,"url":""},{"body":"This version adds support for CCLoader v3 while keeping compatibility with the other modloaders.\r\n\r\nCompared to CCLoader v2, CCloader v3 has a localizable interface and the ability to translate mod names and descriptions.","version":"0.6.0","timestamp":1593374803000,"url":""},{"body":"This new release adds one feature and one feature only:\r\n- DLCs can now be translated.","version":"0.5.3","timestamp":1589646348000,"url":""},{"body":"A bugfix release fixing these bugs:\r\n- The first invocation of `reserve_char` no longer gives a location already occupied by a character of the game.\r\n- Will no longer crash if there is a jQuery.ajax() user that does not use a context object.","version":"0.5.2","timestamp":1584140278000,"url":""},{"body":"A new release with loads of improvements.\r\n\r\n- Everything has been refactored for greater ~~code size~~ maintainability.\r\n- Add a proper documentation separate from the source code.\r\n- Several new font patching features:\r\n  * Allow to replace the font entirely.\r\n  * The font patcher functions will now always receive a canvas.\r\n  * Add a algorithm that takes the base font image and automatically create colored variants from it.\r\n  * Add `patch_base_font` to disambiguate between patching the base font and patching the colored variants.  The default for colored variants is now to recolor them automatically.\r\n  * Add `reserve_char` function that finds free space for a new character or resize the font image if\r\n    there is no space left.\r\n  * Add `import_from_font` which can import new characters from externally-defined fonts.\r\n- Add support for displaying flags in the language menu.\r\n- Stop caching pack files to save RAM.","version":"0.5.1","timestamp":1582481082000,"url":""},{"body":"This is merely a re-release of 0.4.2 that improve compliance of metadata with an upcoming CLS standard.\r\n\r\nNothing else changed.","version":"0.4.3","timestamp":1575145541000,"url":""},{"body":"This is a bugfix release, with only one change:\r\n- Workaround a bug of the game's bundled old CryptoJS version that would crash the game when using stale encrypted translations.","version":"0.4.2","timestamp":1565723789000,"url":""},{"body":"Changes:\r\n* Remove dependencies on some modloader features, which mean this mod is now compatible with both CCLoader and CCInjector (and also by editing `node-webkit.html` by hand if you don't like modloaders)\r\n* Make uninstallation safer by never saving any custom locale in the global settings. only localStorage is used to store the current custom locale, and the game handles missing locales just fine there.\r\n* Add `pre_patch_font` hook that can wait, since the `patch_font` hook cannot wait.\r\n* Add number formatting support, to override what the game does.  This is not complete yet, but the\r\n  `format_number` hook and `number_locale` setting are available now.","version":"0.4.1","timestamp":1562965727000,"url":""},{"body":"Changes:\r\n- When trying to find a pack file for a lang file (i.e. a file in assets/lang), use the path to the original file path first, then fall back to the modified path for backward compatibility.\r\n\r\nThis mean that if a mod tries to translate e.g. `lang/sc/gui.de_DE.json` into `lang/sc/gui.de_AT.json`, then previously, we would look for a packfile matching lang/sc/gui.de_AT.json, expecting it to contain stuff like`lang/sc/gui.de_AT.json/labels/...`.\r\n\r\nNow, we first look at `lang/sc/gui.de_DE.json` for `lang/sc/gui.de_DE.json/labels/...`. If `lang/sc/gui.de_DE.json` is not found in the map file, then use the previous scheme instead.\r\n\r\n- Add url_prefix entry to allow translation mods to be relocatable. Every URL found in a map_file or\r\neven the URL of the map file itself is prefixed with url_prefix. A script can get its own URL using document.currentScript.src and could derive a url_prefix value from that.\r\n\r\n- the 'en_LEA' test translation can now be enabled by putting 'en_LEA' somewhere in the query string.","version":"0.3.1","timestamp":1561150227000,"url":""},{"body":"Initial release with:\r\n\r\n- support for selecting new languages in the menu.\r\n- support for patching langLabels in all files.\r\n- support for patching Lang files.\r\n- support for customizing missing translations.\r\n- support for patching fonts.","version":"0.2.0","timestamp":1560283969000,"url":""}]},"lqm-joern-mod":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"lqm-joern-mod","version":"0.5.73","title":{"en_US":"Lubkuluk's \\c[7]Quadroguard\\c[0] Mod \\i[class-quadro] \\c[1](WIP)"},"description":{"en_US":"Adds Playable Quadroguards and Custom PvP content. \\c[1]Is in early access, expect some bugs.\\c[0]"},"repository":"","tags":["player character","party member"],"authors":["Lubkuluk","HeartLychee"],"icons":{"24":"icon.png"},"main":"main.js","preload":"preload.js","postload":"postload.js","prestart":"prestart.js","poststart":"poststart.js","dependencies":{"extendable-severed-heads":">=1.1.0","xenons-playable-classes":">=2.0.0"}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"lubkuluks-quadroguard-mod","hash":{"sha256":"ec78d505aa0570a9c8225689843f37bf7ff56a57bca94ef8e51e8e4c3fd5a69e"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1712076955000,"releasePages":[{"body":"","version":"0.5.73","timestamp":1712076955000,"url":""},{"body":"[](\r\n","version":"0.5.72","timestamp":1712076955000,"url":""},{"body":"[](\r\n","version":"0.5.71","timestamp":1712076955000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.5.70","timestamp":1712076955000,"url":""},{"body":"[](\r\n","version":"0.5.6","timestamp":1712076955000,"url":""},{"body":"[](\r\n","version":"0.5.5","timestamp":1712076955000,"url":""},{"body":"[](\r\n","version":"0.5.4","timestamp":1707477054000,"url":""},{"body":"[](\r\n\r\nPatch Notes can be found on the mod's Discord Server","version":"","timestamp":1707477054000,"url":""},{"body":"Fixed a bug that was causing error on start\r\n[](\r\n","version":"0.5.3","timestamp":1707476782000,"url":""}]},"map-watch":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"map-watch","version":"1.1.1","title":"Map Watcher","description":"A mod that automatically loads a map when changes are detected","repository":"","tags":["dev"],"authors":["2767mr","lexisother"],"plugin":"plugin.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"map-watch-1.1.1","hash":{"sha256":"d5001f812cc76c45669b9770317f33eb350a058e89d366094ac188dd6af9b6e2"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708513132000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Added tags to the mod's description","version":"1.1.1","timestamp":1708513132000,"url":""},{"body":"A simple mod that automatically loads/reloads a map when it was changed.\r\nUseful when combined with the [CrossCode Map Editor](\r\n\r\nChangelog:\r\n* Use chokidar to watch files. This means the mod now works on linux.","version":"1.1.0","timestamp":1694528575000,"url":""},{"body":"A simple mod that automatically loads/reloads a map when it was changed.\r\nUseful when combined with the [CrossCode Map Editor](\r\n\r\nChangelog:\r\n* Fixed loading new files.\r\n* Fixed loading non-existing files.","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1587293535000,"url":""},{"body":"A simple mod that automatically loads/reloads a map when it was changed.\r\nUseful when combined with the [CrossCode Map Editor](\r\n","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1586527146000,"url":""}]},"menu-ui-replacer":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"menu-ui-replacer","version":"1.0.5","title":"menu-ui-replacer","description":"Replace Lea with the character of your choice in the menu!","repository":"","tags":["library"],"authors":["hsifnus","ac2pic"],"plugin":"plugin.js","postload":"postload.js","assets":["assets/data/menu.json"]},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"cc-menu-ui-replacement-1.0.5/cc-menu-ui-replacement","hash":{"sha256":"fa7b1ad6524e49c03716d51d036b887ab29868f43ca13a89268be792d083eac9"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1722967706000,"releasePages":[{"body":"* Fix map floor buttons not reacting to area changes #3 ","version":"1.0.5","timestamp":1722967706000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.4","timestamp":1708540517000,"url":""},{"body":"New Portrait by Rioreur.","version":"1.0.2","timestamp":1578086063000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1578083223000,"url":""}]},"modifier-api":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"modifier-api","version":"0.1.1","title":"Modifier API \\c[3]Reborn\\c[0]","description":"Enables easier creation and usage of custom modifiers and statuses.","repository":"","tags":["library"],"authors":"elluminance","postload":"./dist/postload.js","prestart":"./dist/prestart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"2e2ebf66a3bdb3a98d19b59c6e51918cea050940a28de4657b7dc05c62d1b30b"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708372181000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Initial release.","version":"0.1.1","timestamp":1703964806000,"url":""}]},"mw-rando":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"mw-rando","version":"0.6.1","title":"Multiworld randomizer","description":"Client for CrossCode Archipelago Integration","repository":"","tags":["puzzle","speedrun"],"authors":"CodeTriangle","plugin":"mw-rando/plugin.js","icons":{"24":"icon-24.png"},"dependencies":{"open-world":">=0.3.2","nax-ccuilib":">=1.2.4"}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"cd4ed9a436f615f4a433dff0fec998fd2149aaa355324354a355d00b1ccd557c"}}],"stars":7,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1724963325000,"releasePages":[{"body":"## Changes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Added a \"locked\" icon to shop slots which are not able to be purchased due to not having received the unlock item for that slot.\r\n\r\n## Changes to Generation\r\n\r\n* Added two previously-unavailable shops: **Vermillion Items** and **Vermillion Weapons**.\r\n\r\n## Fixes to Generation\r\n\r\n* The following locations have had their conditions updated to match what is required by the game:\r\n  * **Bull on Fire** (added requirement for Cold element)\r\n  * **Training with the Master** (added requirement for Blue Ice Shade)\r\n  * **Rooting for Power** (added requirement for Wave element)\r\n  * **Trail: Horncave** (requires access to Goatfather quest conditions)","version":"0.6.1","timestamp":1724963325000,"url":""},{"body":"# Changes since 0.5.1\r\n\r\n## New Features\r\n\r\nThere are three main features whose inclusion gives this version its novelty. They are:\r\n\r\n* **Chest Lock Randomization**: This option randomizes the locks on each shuffled chest (Bronze, Silver, Gold, or None), meaning that they will require different keys than in vanilla. Probabilities can be configured.\r\n* **Progressive Equipment**:  This option replaces all shuffled equipment with progressive items, balanced into various progressive item chains of approximately equal length. Massive thanks to @Treeways, without whom this would not have happened!\r\n* **Shop Randomization**: Allows items purchased from shops to be sent as locations. Multiple modes of sending and receiving are supported and can be mixed and matched.\r\n\r\n## Changes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Added support for Chest Lock Randomization, Progressive Equipment, and Shop Randomization.\r\n* Added support to Universal Tracker for chest lock randomization.\r\n* Modify the Randomizer Start button in the New Game+ options menu to indicate that the option is always on and cannot be toggled.\r\n* (@Treeways) Patched the Quest Hub Menu to show correct icons (as defined by the randomized items)\r\n\r\n## Changes to Generation\r\n\r\n* Added support for Chest Lock Randomization, Progressive Equipment, and Shop Randomization.\r\n* Renamed most chest and cutscene location names to be a bit shorter, changing full area names to single words.\r\n\r\n## Changes to Options\r\n\r\n* **Shop Randomization** (`shop_rando`): If enabled, all shops will be added to the location list.\r\n* **Shop Send Mode** (`shop_send_mode`): Controls what exactly counts as a check when shop randomization is enabled.\r\n  * **Per Item Type** (`per_item_type`): A check is added for each type of item (for example, Sandwich). Therefore, purchasing a sandwich from any shop in the game clears the same check.\r\n  * **Per Slot** (`per_slot`)  A check is added for each item slot in each shop. Therefore, purchasing a Sandwich in Rookie Harbor clears a separate check than purchasing a Sandwich in Bergen Village.\r\n* **Shop Receive Mode** (`shop_receive_mode`): Controls how shops are unlocked when shop randomization is enabled.\r\n  * **None** (`none`): All shop slots are able to be purchased as soon as the player can access the shop.\r\n  * **Per Item Type** (`per_item_type`): A check is added for each type of item (for example, Sandwich) which unlocks the ability to purchase that item from any shop.\r\n  * **Per Shop** (`per_shop`): A check is added for each shop (for example, Rookie Harbor Items) which unlocks the ability to purchase items from that shop.\r\n  * **Per Slot** (`per_slot`): A check is added for each item slot in each shop which unlocks the ability to purchase that item from\r\nthat shop (this may lead to tedious playthroughs).\r\n* **Shop Dialog Hints** (`shop_dialog_hints`): If enabled, upon opening the dialog for a shop, corresponding hints (for progressive items only) are sent to the Archipelago server.\r\n* **Progressive Equipment** (`progressive_equipment`): If enabled, equipment will be progressive, sorted into different categories according to playstyle depending on which of the other location-adding options are enabled.\r\n* **Chest Lock Randomization** (`chest_lock_rando`): If enabled, the lock on all chests (Bronze, Silver, Gold, or None) will be randomized.\r\n* **No Chest Lock Weight** (`no_chest_lock_weight`), **Bronze Chest Lock Weight** (`bronze_chest_lock_weight`), **Silver Chest Lock Weight** (`silver_chest_lock_weight`), and **Gold Chest Lock Weight** (`gold_chest_lock_weight`): Controls the likelihood of giving a chest no lock, bronze lock, silver lock, or gold lock, respectively (if chest lock randomization is enabled).\r\n\r\n## Fixes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Fixed an issue occurring in the base game where, in analyze mode, when playing with a controller, the cursor would not be\r\n  able to reach to all corners of the screen.\r\n* Improved the performance of the networking code (technical details follow):\r\n  * Fixed an issue where, upon connecting to a multiworld, two connections would always be opened, and one of them would\r\n    not be able to be closed by any means other than closing the game.\r\n  * Fixed an issue where, upon checking a location, the full unabridged list of received items would always be sent back\r\n    to the game, despite this information not being necessary.\r\n  * Fixed an issue where, when disconnecting from a multiworld, occasionally the client would still show as connected,\r\n    and the client would become nonfunctional as a result.\r\n  * Fixed an issue where, on every screen transition, unnecessary packets would be sent indicating the player was \"playing\".\r\n    These packets are ignored by Archipelago and are therefore unnecessary.\r\n* (@Treeways) Fixed an issue where, in the Quest Dialog menu, equipment with a level would still show as having the level even if icons were set to be obscured.\r\n\r\n# Note\r\n\r\nThis mod version is intended to be **fully compatible** with worlds generated under version 0.5.X. If this is found not to be the case, consider it a bug and report it.","version":"0.6.0","timestamp":1724436549000,"url":""},{"body":"## Changes to Mod\r\n\r\n* (@Treeways) Patched the Quest Hub Menu to show correct icons (as defined by the randomized items)\r\n\r\n## Fixes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Fixed an issue where, when using the left and right buttons to increment or decrement the amount of a randomized shop slot to purchase, the count could increase beyond one or fail to change at all, depending on the item and the contents of the shop.\r\n* Fixed an issue where, when purchasing from specific shops, randomized slots would appear disabled despite possibly being crucial.\r\n* Fixed an issue where, when creating a New Game+ file, it would be impossible to start a new game with no additional perks beyond Randomizer Start without toggling an option on and off.\r\n* (@Treeways) Fixed an issue where, in the Quest Dialog menu, equipment with a level would still show as having the level even if icons were set to be obscured.","version":"0.6.0-pre.5","timestamp":1723613731000,"url":""},{"body":"## Changes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Modify the Randomizer Start button in the New Game+ options menu to indicate that the option is always on and cannot be toggled.\r\n\r\n## Fixes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Fixed an issue occurring in the base game where, in analyze mode, when playing with a controller, the cursor would not be\r\n  able to reach to all corners of the screen.\r\n* Improved the performance of the networking code (technical details follow):\r\n  * Fixed an issue where, upon connecting to a multiworld, two connections would always be opened, and one of them would\r\n    not be able to be closed by any means other than closing the game.\r\n  * Fixed an issue where, upon checking a location, the full unabridged list of received items would always be sent back\r\n    to the game, despite this information not being necessary.\r\n  * Fixed an issue where, when disconnecting from a multiworld, occasionally the client would still show as connected,\r\n    and the client would become nonfunctional as a result.\r\n  * Fixed an issue where, on every screen transition, unnecessary packets would be sent indicating the player was \"playing\".\r\n    These packets are ignored by Archipelago and are therefore unnecessary.","version":"0.6.0-pre.4","timestamp":1723351714000,"url":""},{"body":"## Changes to APWorld\r\n\r\n* Improved Universal Tracker support (Chest Lock Rando should now work).","version":"0.6.0-pre.3","timestamp":1723180050000,"url":""},{"body":"## Changes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Added a mod icon.\r\n\r\n## Changes to Generation\r\n\r\n* Added four new shops whose checks will be randomized when shop randomization is enabled. The shops are: **Rhombus Items**, **Rhombus Weapons**, **Rhombus Curios**, and **Rhombus Backer Items**.\r\n  * DLC items within these shops are *not* part of the pool.\r\n* Expanded parameters for being able to access Rookie Harbor stores.\r\n  * Previously, they required access to Autumn's Rise specifically. Now, they will be in logic if either Autumn's Rise or Autumn's Fall is in logic.\r\n* Updated some progressive chains for better balance (by @Treeways)\r\n* Added basic support to Universal Tracker for chest lock randomization.\r\n\r\n## Fixes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Fixed a crash that occured when purchasing items from a shop that cannot be shuffled.\r\n\r\n## Fixes to Generation\r\n\r\n* Fixed an issue where, when generating with shop randomization enabled, incorrect progressive item chains would be selected and added to the pool due to an oversight involving items found in arena shops.\r\n* Fixed an issue where, when generating with per-item-type shop sends, slots would be considered in logic whenever the shop could be accessed, regardless of any additional requirements to unlock that item within the shop.\r\n\r\n## Migration Guide\r\n\r\nThis mod version is intended to be backwards compatible with worlds generated using v0.6.0-pre.1. However, you may want to consider restarting your world if you haven't gotten too far into it as this version patches up a few issues you *will* encounter if you are using any of the new features.","version":"0.6.0-pre.2","timestamp":1723014414000,"url":""},{"body":"## New Features\r\n\r\nThere are three main features whose inclusion gives this version its novelty. They are:\r\n\r\n* **Chest Lock Randomization**: This option randomizes the locks on each shuffled chest (Bronze, Silver, Gold, or None), meaning that they will require different keys than in vanilla. Probabilities can be configured.\r\n* **Progressive Equipment**:  This option replaces all shuffled equipment with progressive items, balanced into various progressive item chains of approximately equal length. Massive thanks to @Treeways, without whom this would not have happened!\r\n* **Shop Randomization**: Allows items purchased from shops to be sent as locations. Multiple modes of sending and receiving are supported and can be mixed and matched.\r\n\r\n## Changes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Added support for Chest Lock Randomization, Progressive Equipment, and Shop Randomization.\r\n\r\n## Changes to Generation\r\n\r\n* Added support for Chest Lock Randomization, Progressive Equipment, and Shop Randomization.\r\n* Renamed most chest and cutscene location names to be a bit shorter, changing full area names to single words.\r\n\r\n## Changes to Options\r\n\r\n* **Shop Randomization** (`shop_rando`): If enabled, all shops will be added to the location list.\r\n* **Shop Send Mode** (`shop_send_mode`): Controls what exactly counts as a check when shop randomization is enabled.\r\n  * **Per Item Type** (`per_item_type`): A check is added for each type of item (for example, Sandwich). Therefore, purchasing a sandwich from any shop in the game clears the same check.\r\n  * **Per Slot** (`per_slot`)  A check is added for each item slot in each shop. Therefore, purchasing a Sandwich in Rookie Harbor clears a separate check than purchasing a Sandwich in Bergen Village.\r\n* **Shop Receive Mode** (`shop_receive_mode`): Controls how shops are unlocked when shop randomization is enabled.\r\n  * **None** (`none`): All shop slots are able to be purchased as soon as the player can access the shop.\r\n  * **Per Item Type** (`per_item_type`): A check is added for each type of item (for example, Sandwich) which unlocks the ability to purchase that item from any shop.\r\n  * **Per Shop** (`per_shop`): A check is added for each shop (for example, Rookie Harbor Items) which unlocks the ability to purchase items from that shop.\r\n  * **Per Slot** (`per_slot`): A check is added for each item slot in each shop which unlocks the ability to purchase that item from\r\nthat shop (this may lead to tedious playthroughs).\r\n* **Shop Dialog Hints** (`shop_dialog_hints`): If enabled, upon opening the dialog for a shop, corresponding hints (for progressive items only) are sent to the Archipelago server.\r\n* **Progressive Equipment** (`progressive_equipment`): If enabled, equipment will be progressive, sorted into different categories according to playstyle depending on which of the other location-adding options are enabled.\r\n* **Chest Lock Randomization** (`chest_lock_rando`): If enabled, the lock on all chests (Bronze, Silver, Gold, or None) will be randomized.\r\n* **No Chest Lock Weight** (`no_chest_lock_weight`), **Bronze Chest Lock Weight** (`bronze_chest_lock_weight`), **Silver Chest Lock Weight** (`silver_chest_lock_weight`), and **Gold Chest Lock Weight** (`gold_chest_lock_weight`): Controls the likelihood of giving a chest no lock, bronze lock, silver lock, or gold lock, respectively (if chest lock randomization is enabled).\r\n\r\n## Note\r\n\r\nThis mod version is intended to be **fully compatible** with worlds generated under version 0.5.X. If this is found not to be the case, consider it a bug.","version":"0.6.0-pre.1","timestamp":1722932793000,"url":""},{"body":"## Changes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Made the analyze menu trigger for shuffled multiworld chests visible anywhere on the map.\r\n* When Quest Dialog Hints are enabled, only progressive items will be given as hints.\r\n  * This change has been made to reduce the chance that excessive amounts of largely unhelpful information are shown wherever hints are listed.\r\n\r\n## Changes to Generation\r\n\r\n* Added two new chests that will be shuffled when Quest Randomization is enabled.\r\n  * **Bergen Trail - Horncave**, found during the Goatfather questline.\r\n  * **Gaia's Garden - Chilled Den**, found during the Tropical Chill questline.\r\n\r\n## Changes to Options\r\n\r\n* Classified most options into option groups.\r\n  * This gives each group a heading in the template YAML; it also increases readability when customizing a YAML on web hosts.\r\n\r\n## Fixes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Fixed a longstanding issue where shuffled quests would *only* give their item rewards, therefore failing to give experience, credits, or circuit points.\r\n\r\n## Fixes to Logic\r\n\r\n* Fixed an issue where locations in the final rooms of So'najiz Temple incorrectly do and do not require Shock to access.\r\n  * This bug was fixed in 0.4.3, but was never applied to the 0.5 branch.","version":"0.5.1","timestamp":1722847430000,"url":""},{"body":"# Changes since 0.4.6\r\n\r\n## Changes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Improved file size and load time.\r\n* Added auto-scrolling text elements for long item names and update various displays to prefer these.\r\n  * All quest dialogs, including the box that appears when accepting or completing a quest as well as the Quest Details View found in the menu, now use this instead of introducing vertical scrolling and multiline item descriptions.\r\n  * This system will also be used to display long item names in shops and trades.\r\n* Add an icon to the New Game menu representing Archipelago Start (created by @buanjautista)\r\n\r\n## Changes to Generation\r\n\r\n* Filler items are no longer based on the list of items encountered in the shuffled locations in a vanilla playthrough of the game. Instead, when the generator requires a filler item, it randomly pulls one from the weighted filler item pools. The weights of the pools can be modified by changing relevant options (see the section in **Changes to Options**).\r\n\r\n## Changes to Options\r\n\r\n* Added Option **Start with Discs**.\r\n  * If set to a value other than \"none\", the player will start with the corresponding disc items. Disc of Insight unlocks the records menu. Disc of Flora unlocks the botany menu.\r\n  * This option was added to give players the ability to see one or both of these menus that are normally unlocked over the course of the game. In the case of the botany menu, this is especially helpful as it allows the player to work toward the botany analysis checks earlier.\r\n* Added Option **Start with Pet**.\r\n  * If enabled, the player will start with a random pet.\r\n  * This is just for fun (and for giving you emotional support as you endure the gauntlet of Archipelago).\r\n* Added Option **Progressive Area Unlocks**.\r\n  * If enabled, the items that unlock overworld areas and dungeons (including shades and some passes) will be made progressive.\r\n  * Players may choose to enable this for dungeon unlocks (i.e. Mine Pass, Yellow Sand Shade) or overworld unlocks (i.e. Blue Ice Shade, Green Seed Shade).\r\n  * If both are enabled, players may choose whether to shuffle all area unlocks into a single pool or keep them separate.\r\n  * This option was added as an alternative way to play through the game in a fashion that does not require the Get on My Level NG+ perk. It also serves as a way to demo the progressive item functionality ahead of the upcoming Progressive Equipment update. It will not be for everyone and may go away soon.\r\n* Added Options **Common Pool Weight**, **Rare Pool Weight**, **Epic Pool Weight**, **Legendary Pool Weight**, **Consumable Weight**, and **Drop Weight**.\r\n  * These options allow the player to control the likelihood of drawing from each of the filler item pools. For each level (common, rare, epic, and legendary), there exist two pools, one for consumables (like sandwiches) and one for drops (including plant drops).\r\n  * The chance of the game generating a common item is the common pool weight divided by the sum of all level weights. Then, the selection of consumable or drop is made using a similar weighted algorithm.\r\n  * Experimentation with these options is encouraged as the current default values are essentially randomly chosen.\r\n  * These options may disappear at some point if a generally accepted balance is reached.\r\n\r\n## Fixes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Fixed an issue where, upon receiving a progressive item after having already completed the progressive chain, the game would enter an errored state.\r\n\r\n## Fixes to Generation\r\n\r\n* Fixed an issue where, when Quest Randomization was disabled, the chest **Bergen Village South - Storage Room** was not shuffled while the chest **Bergen Village - Omni Gilders Basement Left (Bronze)** was.\r\n  * This was intended to be inverted.\r\n\r\n## Fixes to Logic\r\n\r\n* **Clinging River Left** now requires Wave.\r\n* Subquests of **Training with the Master** now require Heat and Cold.\r\n* Renamed **Preemptive Mining** to **Preemptive Debugging**.\r\n\r\n# Changes since 0.5.0-pre5\r\n\r\n## Changes to Item Pools\r\n\r\n### Changes to Item Weights\r\n\r\n| Item | In Pool | Old Weight | Current Weight |\r\n|---|---|---:|---:|\r\n| Sandwich | Common Consumables | 50 | 40 |\r\n| Mega-Sandwich | Rare Consumables | 30 | 35 |\r\n| Flaming Bun | Rare Consumables | 35 | 30 |\r\n\r\n### Changes to Default Pool Weights\r\n\r\n| Pool | Old Weight | Current Weight |\r\n|---|---:|---:|\r\n| Common | 42 | 38 |\r\n| Legendary | 2 | 6 |\r\n\r\n## Fixes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Fixed a few visual glitches in the quest dialog.","version":"0.5.0","timestamp":1720159208000,"url":""},{"body":"## Changes and New Features\r\n\r\n### Changes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Improved file size and load time.\r\n* Added auto-scrolling text elements for long item names and update various displays to prefer these.\r\n  * All quest dialogs, including the box that appears when accepting or completing a quest as well as the Quest Details View found in the menu, now use this instead of introducing vertical scrolling and multiline item descriptions.\r\n  * This system will also be used to display long item names in shops and trades.\r\n\r\n## Fixes\r\n\r\n### Fixes to Generation\r\n\r\n* Fixed an issue where, when progressive items were added to a world's starting inventory either by the player or by the apworld, this would not limit the number of instances of that item in the pool.\r\n* Fixed an issue where patches to generation released in versions pre2 through pre4 were not be correctly applied.\r\n* Fixed an issue where specific equipment usually found in chests would not be added to the multiworld.\r\n\r\n### Fixes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Fixed an issue where, upon receiving a progressive item after having already completed the progressive chain, the game would enter an errored state.\r\n\r\n## Migration\r\n\r\nMigration to this version is **encouraged**. Previous saves will not break under this system, and the new features require testing.","version":"0.5.0-pre5","timestamp":1719370633000,"url":""},{"body":"## Fixes to Generation\r\n\r\n* Fixed an issue where, when Quest Randomization was disabled, the chest `Bergen Village South - Storage Room` was not shuffled while the chest `Bergen Village - Omni Gilders Basement Left (Bronze)` was.\r\n  * This was intended to be inverted.\r\n* Fixed an issue where, when generating the game, keyring logic would be used by the generator and mod regardless of YAML options.\r\n  * If keyrings were not enabled in your YAML, the number of keys required to beat the game will still be available in your world, but even one of them will open up all doors in its dungeon.\r\n\r\n## Fixes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Fixed an issue where attempting to start a new game would always fail when communicating with the servers.","version":"0.5.0-pre4","timestamp":1719175324000,"url":""},{"body":"## Fixes to Logic\r\n\r\n* Two quests, Hot Trail and Tropical Chill, have had Cold added as a requirement.","version":"0.5.0-pre2","timestamp":1718493537000,"url":""},{"body":"## Changes to Generation\r\n\r\n* Filler items are no longer based on the list of items encountered in the shuffled locations in a vanilla playthrough of the game. Instead, when the generator requires a filler item, it randomly pulls one from the weighted filler item pools. The weights of the pools can be modified by changing relevant options (see the section in **Changes to Options**).\r\n\r\n## Changes to Options\r\n\r\n* Added Option **Start with Discs**.\r\n  * If set to a value other than \"none\", the player will start with the corresponding disc items. Disc of Insight unlocks the records menu. Disc of Flora unlocks the botany menu.\r\n  * This option was added to give players the ability to see one or both of these menus that are normally unlocked over the course of the game. In the case of the botany menu, this is especially helpful as it allows the player to work toward the botany analysis checks earlier.\r\n* Added Option **Start with Pet**.\r\n  * If enabled, the player will start with a random pet.\r\n  * This is just for fun (and for giving you emotional support as you endure the gauntlet of Archipelago).\r\n* Added Option **Progressive Area Unlocks**.\r\n  * If enabled, the items that unlock overworld areas and dungeons (including shades and some passes) will be made progressive.\r\n  * Players may choose to enable this for dungeon unlocks (i.e. Mine Pass, Yellow Sand Shade) or overworld unlocks (i.e. Blue Ice Shade, Green Seed Shade).\r\n  * If both are enabled, players may choose whether to shuffle all area unlocks into a single pool or keep them separate.\r\n  * This option was added as an alternative way to play through the game in a fashion that does not require the Get on My Level NG+ perk. It also serves as a way to demo the progressive item functionality ahead of the upcoming Progressive Equipment update. It will not be for everyone and may go away soon.\r\n* Added Options **Common Pool Weight**, **Rare Pool Weight**, **Epic Pool Weight**, **Legendary Pool Weight**, **Consumable Weight**, and **Drop Weight**.\r\n  * These options allow the player to control the likelihood of drawing from each of the filler item pools. For each level (common, rare, epic, and legendary), there exist two pools, one for consumables (like sandwiches) and one for drops (including plant drops).\r\n  * The chance of the game generating a common item is the common pool weight divided by the sum of all level weights. Then, the selection of consumable or drop is made using a similar weighted algorithm.\r\n  * Experimentation with these options is encouraged as the current default values are essentially randomly chosen.\r\n  * These options may disappear at some point if a generally accepted balance is reached.","version":"0.5.0-pre1","timestamp":1718493397000,"url":""},{"body":"## Note\r\n\r\nThis release is labeled 0.4.6. This is not to be confused with the current release of Archipelago, whose version number is also 0.4.6. This similarity is purely coincidental and does not imply an equivalence.\r\n\r\n## Fixes to Logic\r\n\r\n* Two quests, Hot Trail and Tropical Chill, have had Cold added as a requirement.\r\n\r\n## Fixes to Mod\r\n\r\n* Fixed an issue where, when moving the cursor in the quest screen on quests with no decline button, it would then become impossible to complete those quests at any point.","version":"0.4.6","timestamp":1718495587000,"url":""},{"body":"## Fixes to Logic\r\n\r\n* Outside grand krys'kajo bronze chest now requires correct shades to access\r\n* Outside So'najiz chest no longer requires wave\r\n* Omni Gilders basement chest is only present when Quest Randomization is enabled\r\n\r\n(thanks @Lurch9229)\r\n\r\n## Fixes to mod\r\n\r\n* Fix an issue where entering a loading zone while running a new game hosted by specific versions of the web host would result in neverending loading.\r\n\r\n## Not fixed\r\n\r\n* It has been reported that subquests will not be assigned properly under certain circumstances. This has been reported twice but I have not attempted to reproduce it.","version":"0.4.5","timestamp":1716676624000,"url":""},{"body":"## Fixes to Logic\r\n\r\n* Modified logic for several long quest chains to be more in line with changes made in [CC-Open-World version 0.3.2](\r\n  * A Promise is A Promise 2-4 can be started without their prerequisite quests, allowing players to complete the first four quests in the sequence in any order.\r\n  * A Promise is a Promise 5 is only available after all four previous quests have been completed.\r\n  * Trailblazing quests (excluding Henry Trailblazing) can be started without their prerequisite quests, allowing players to complete Autumn's Rise, Bergen, Maroon Valley, and Gaia's Garden Trailblazing quests, and their subquests in any order.\r\n  * Henry Trailblazing is only available after all four previous quests and their subquests have been completed.\r\n* Fixed an issue where many rooms on floor U2 of Temple Mine were accessible in logic with one fewer key than was actually required to reach them.\r\n\r\n## Migration Guide\r\n\r\n* Worlds generated using the CrossCode APWorld version 0.4.4 **require** [CC-Open-World version 0.3.2 or greater](, otherwise games may become impossible to complete due to more locations being in logic earlier.\r\n* Upgrading to CCMWR 0.4.4 from worlds generated on versions 0.4.0 through 0.4.3 is optional, as no major changes to the mod have occurred.","version":"0.4.4","timestamp":1715993666000,"url":""},{"body":"**New Features**:\r\n* Inserted the New Game+ prompt after the credentials screen while using Archipelago Start.\r\n\r\n**Fixes to Logic**:\r\n* Fixed an issue where locations in the final rooms of So'najiz Temple incorrectly do and do not require Shock to access.\r\n* Added Heat elemet as a prerequisite for the Bull on Fire quest.\r\n\r\n**Changes to APWorld**:\r\n* Removed lengthy and redundant topology section in spoiler logs.\r\n\r\n**Full Changelog**:","version":"0.4.3","timestamp":1715145817000,"url":""},{"body":"**Fixes to APWorld:**\r\n* Fixed an issue where, when generating with the Beta Dark Souls 3 release, the world would fail to generate.\r\n\r\n**Fixes to CCMultiworldRandomizer Mod:**\r\n* Fixed an issue where items would fail to be given correctly if other mods added new items.\r\n* Fixed an issue where, when the world had been played previously on a different save file, specific locations would fail to send or crash the game.\r\n\r\n**PLEASE NOTE:** Upgrading to 0.4.2 from 0.4.1 is supported and encouraged. You may receive a list of warning messages on the side of the screen the first time you start the game after the transition. This is expected and does not indicate any error.","version":"0.4.2","timestamp":1714289429000,"url":""},{"body":"Changes:\r\n* Add additional metadata for an upcoming mod downloader from @krypciak.","version":"0.4.1","timestamp":1708711533000,"url":""},{"body":"Changes:\r\n* Made the following changes to logic:\r\n  * In Temple Mine, removed two key gates in the entrance to B3 and three key gates in the entrance to B4. This change was made to make the experience of finding all the keys for Temple Mine less miserable.\r\n  * In So'najiz and Zir'vitar Temples, removed the puzzles in the entrances that require Heat and Cold. This change was made to allow the player more latitude in which order they decide to attempt the dungeons.\r\n  * In So'najiz Temple, remove one key gate at the beginning of Trial of Persistence so that both branches are opened by one key.\r\n  * These changes coincide with a change in cc-open-world which actually removes these puzzle elements in game.\r\n* Changed the specifications of some options:\r\n  * **VT Shade Lock**: Settings have been added which allow the player more fine-tuned control over how the gate displays.\r\n* Added support for new options:\r\n  * **Element Shuffle**: Where elements will appear in the multiworld.\r\n  * **Small Key Shuffle**: Where small keys will appear in the multiworld.\r\n  * **Master Key Shuffle**: Where master keys will appear in the multiworld.\r\n  * **Chest Key Shuffle**:  Where the Thief's Key, White Key, and Radiant Key (the keys that open bronze, silver, and gold chests, respectively) will appear in the multiworld.\r\n  * **VW Meteor Passage**: Allows the player to create a gate between Sapphire Ridge and Vermillion Wasteland, unlockable using the Meteor Shade item.\r\n  * **Keyrings**: If enabled, all keys for each dungeon are replaced by a single item that unlocks all doors in that dungeon. On the client side, this is implemented as giving 99 keys to the player so that they will never be able to run out.\r\n* Added support for new items:\r\n  * **SP Upgrades**: When received, increases the SP of Lea and all of her party members.\r\n* Added support for new locations:\r\n  * **Faj'ro SP Upgrade** and **Krys'kajo SP Upgrade**: the locations where the two SP upgrades are found in game.\r\n  * **Bergen Village - Omni Gilders Basement Left (Bronze)**: A chest that contains a filler item located in the basement of the Omni Gilders' base in Bergen.\r\n* Changed all location names of chests to fit the tracker better.\r\n* Changed some behaviors:\r\n  * When a party member is added, their SP level is set to Lea's SP level to coincide with SP Upgrades being receivable items. \r\n* Changed how chests display in game:\r\n  * Items marked by archipelago as filler are light blue and have no icon (they display as vanilla).\r\n  * Items marked by archipelago as useful are dark blue and have a \"+\" icon.\r\n  * Items marked by archipelago as progression are dark green and have a \"!!\" icon.\r\n  * Key and master key icons no longer appear on chests even if there is a key or master key in them.\r\n  * Archipelago type icons will appear even if the chest is bronze, silver or gold.\r\n  * To aid in legibility, the gold and silver chest textures have been modified such that the top of the chest is always visible.\r\n* Modified the generic progression item icon to be the same approximate color as the progression chest.\r\n* Added an analyze mode tooltip for chests. These include the chest name, what kind of item it stores (one of \"filler\", \"useful\" and \"progression\"), and what level of key it requires (one of \"bronze\", \"silver\" or \"gold\", if applicable).\r\n* Revamped the quest reward displays in the quest details view in the pause menu and the quest accepted/completed dialog.\r\n  * Placed all item rewards in a scroll box.\r\n  * Made long item names wrap.\r\n* Added an Archipelago New Game button to the main menu.\r\n  * This does **NOT** allow you to set NG+ parameters, but it does allow you to put in your AP credentials before starting the game.\r\n\r\nFixes:\r\n* Fixed a bug where, if the player found an element for their own world, no entry would be shown in the Archipelago log.\r\n* Fix occasional crashes when an unexpected chest was loaded.","version":"0.4.0","timestamp":1708542596000,"url":""},{"body":"Changes:\r\n* Revamped the quest reward displays in the quest details view in the pause menu and the quest accepted/completed dialog.\r\n  * Placed all item rewards in a scroll box.\r\n  * Made long item names wrap.\r\n* Added an Archipelago New Game button to the main menu.\r\n  * This does **NOT** allow you to set NG+ parameters, but it does allow you to put in your AP credentials before starting the game.\r\n\r\nFixes:\r\n* Fix logic for some Quests and Dungeons (thanks @lurch9229).\r\n* Fix occasional crashes when an unexpected chest was loaded.","version":"0.4.0-pre6","timestamp":1707379238000,"url":""},{"body":"Changes:\r\n* Changed all location names of chests to fit the tracker better.\r\n* Changed how chests display in game:\r\n  * Items marked by archipelago as filler are light blue and have no icon (they display as vanilla).\r\n  * Items marked by archipelago as useful are dark blue and have a \"+\" icon.\r\n  * Items marked by archipelago as progression are dark green and have a \"!!\" icon.\r\n  * Key and master key icons no longer appear on chests even if there is a key or master key in them.\r\n  * Archipelago type icons will appear even if the chest is bronze, silver or gold.\r\n  * To aid in legibility, the gold and silver chest textures have been modified such that the top of the chest is always visible.\r\n* Modified the generic progression item icon to be the same approximate color as the progression chest.\r\n* Added an analyze mode tooltip for chests. These include the chest name, what kind of item it stores (one of \"filler\", \"useful\" and \"progression\"), and what level of key it requires (one of \"bronze\", \"silver\" or \"gold\", if applicable).\r\n* Added the following locations:\r\n  *  **Bergen Village - Omni Gilders Basement Left (Bronze)**\r\n\r\nMigration guide:\r\n* Requires version 0.4.0-pre5 of the CrossCode APWorld. You can download that [here](","version":"0.4.0-pre5","timestamp":1705902501000,"url":""},{"body":"Changes:\r\n* Added the following items:\r\n  * **SP Upgrades**: When received, increases the SP of Lea and all of her party members.\r\n* Added the following locations:\r\n  * **Faj'ro SP Upgrade** and **Krys'kajo SP Upgrade**: the locations where the two SP upgrades are found in game.\r\n* Changed the following behaviors:\r\n  * When a party member is added, their SP level is set to Lea's SP level to coincide with SP Upgrades being receivable items. \r\n\r\nFixes:\r\n* Fixed a bug where, if the player found an element for their own world, no entry would be shown in the Archipelago log.\r\n\r\nMigration guide:\r\n* Requires version 0.4.0-pre4 of the CrossCode APWorld. You can download that [here](\r\n* Requires version 0.3.0-pre2 of the CC-Open-World mod. You can download that [here](","version":"0.4.0-pre4","timestamp":1705482974000,"url":""},{"body":"Changes:\r\n* Added support for new options:\r\n  * **Keyrings**: If enabled, all keys for each dungeon are replaced by a single item that unlocks all doors in that dungeon. On the client side, this is implemented as giving 99 keys to the player so that they will never be able to run out.\r\n\r\nMigration guide:\r\n* Requires version 0.4.0-pre3 of the CrossCode APWorld. You can download that [here](\r\n* No CC-Open-World upgrade required.","version":"0.4.0-pre3","timestamp":1705395250000,"url":""},{"body":"Changes:\r\n* Added support for new options:\r\n  * New VT Shade Lock settings which allow the player more fine-tuned control over how the gate displays\r\n  * The VW Meteor Passage option, which allows the player to create a gate between Sapphire Ridge and Vermillion Wasteland.\r\n\r\nMigration guide:\r\n* Requires version 0.4.0-pre2 of the CrossCode APWorld. You can download that [here](\r\n* No CC-Open-World upgrade required.","version":"0.4.0-pre2","timestamp":1705300536000,"url":""},{"body":"Changes:\r\n* Logic:\r\n  * In Temple Mine, removed two key gates in the entrance to B3 and three key gates in the entrance to B4. This change was made to make the experience of finding all the keys for Temple Mine less miserable.\r\n  * In So'najiz and Zir'vitar Temples, removed the puzzles in the entrances that require Heat and Cold. This change was made to allow the player more latitude in which order they decide to attempt the dungeons.\r\n  * In So'najiz Temple, remove one key gate at the beginning of Trial of Persistence so that both branches are opened by one key.\r\n  * This coincides with a change in cc-open-world which actually removes these elements in game.\r\n\r\nMigration guide:\r\n* This version requires cc-open-world version 0.3.0-pre1. You can download that [here](\r\n* This version requires crosscode.apworld version 0.4.0-pre1. You can download that [here](","version":"0.4.0-pre1","timestamp":1704958654000,"url":""},{"body":"Fixes:\r\n* FINALLY FIX THE CURSED TEMPLE TREASURE ROOM BRONZE CHEST BUG","version":"","timestamp":1702459089000,"url":""},{"body":"New features:\r\n* Added support for the following generation options:\r\n    * Quest Randomization\r\n    * Hidden Quest Reward Mode\r\n    * Hidden Quest Obfuscation Level\r\n    * Quest Dialog Hints\r\n    * Start with Chest Detector\r\n* Quest dialog boxes now show the quest reward information if the quest is randomized.\r\n* The Archipelago items feed GUI now shows an icon representing the item being received.\r\n* The client now sends a goal completion ping to the APWorld when the Creator is defeated.\r\n\r\nFixes:\r\n* Fixed a bug where a new session would be initiated every time the player dies.\r\n* Fixed a bug where acquiring the element change ability in Rhombus Dungeon would allow the player to upgrade circuits for elements they wouldn't have at that point.\r\n* Fixed a bug where a circuit tree that had been partially upgraded would be cleared after receiving the check for its corresponding element pillar.\r\n\r\nMigration Notes:\r\n* Make sure to have 0.4.0 of the poptracker and 0.2.1 of the cc-open-world mod.","version":"0.3.0","timestamp":1699854204000,"url":""},{"body":"Fix some crashes with nonshuffled cutscene and quest items.","version":"0.3.0-pre8","timestamp":1698902204000,"url":""},{"body":"**Fixes:**\r\n* Fixed a bug introduced in 0.1.5 where, when the player would collect a multiworld item as a quest reward, the game would behave normally and fail to send the item.\r\n* Fixed a bug introduced in 0.2.0 where, when the player would open a chest that the server already considers collected, the game would throw a non-critical error and would not show the item being sent.","version":"0.2.2","timestamp":1694134667000,"url":""},{"body":"**Fixes:**\r\n* Fix an error where, after opening a chest that is not in logic with a save file, the game refuses to connect to the Archipelago server again when playing that save file.\r\n\r\n**Migration Notes:**\r\n* If you're upgrading from 0.1.x to 0.2.1, do not forget to follow all of the instructions in the [0.2.0 migration guide](","version":"0.2.1","timestamp":1694104012000,"url":""},{"body":"**Changes:**\r\n* Very little, just some internal stuff to work with new versions of other software.\r\n\r\n**Migration Notes:**\r\n* Pursuant to my [versioning policy](, this release includes breaking changes to the client-server interface, meaning that you need version 0.2.x of the APWorld for this to work. [Get your APWorld here]( and feel free to check out the patch notes.\r\n* This mod now relies on version 0.1.7 or greater of `cc-open-world`. The new generation includes checks previously inaccessible due to sequence breaking, and `cc-open-world` adds ways to get those checks. [Get your copy of `cc-open-world` here]( and definitely read the patch notes on this one too.\r\n\r\nI have already said this, but massive thanks go to @buanjautista and @lurch9229 for making this release possible.","version":"0.2.0","timestamp":1693980503000,"url":""},{"body":"**Changes:**\r\n* Added several new GUI elements to make checking connection status and joining games easier.\r\n\r\n**Migration Notes:**\r\n* `apConnection.json` is no longer read. Feel free to delete it.\r\n* All worlds associated with an archipelago connection retain that connection going forward unless modified in the menu.\r\n* I have added some **new dependencies** to facilitate the GUI additions:\r\n  * [CCUILib]( gives access to the text input box.\r\n  * [nax-module-cache]( technically just a requirement for CCUILib.\r\n* Note that there is a bug with CCUILib where pressing tab while a text input field is selected unfocuses the window. This is expected, just don't press tab. I've submitted a fixed release to the author, but that has not been released yet and I can't be bothered to package someone else's mod.","version":"0.1.5","timestamp":1693804590000,"url":""},{"body":"**Fixes:**\r\n\r\n* *Actually* fix the issue I said I fixed last release. I did not test enough. Sorry.","version":"0.1.4","timestamp":1693086260000,"url":""},{"body":"**Fixes:**\r\n\r\n* Element pedestals now send the correct items instead of adding the element that they would normally give and in some cases resetting the player's progress.","version":"0.1.3","timestamp":1693083767000,"url":""},{"body":"**Fixes:**\r\n\r\n* Fix a bug where, after dying, checks would only be sent after going through a loading zone.","version":"0.1.2","timestamp":1693038604000,"url":""},{"body":"Fixes:\r\n* Fixed an issue where elements received as multiworld would not be given to the player.\r\n* Fixed an issue where checks collected before a player associates their save file with an archipelago connection would not be uploaded when a connection is found.","version":"0.1.1","timestamp":1692946617000,"url":""},{"body":"Initial Alpha release.\r\n\r\nIncludes basic randomization.","version":"0.1.0","timestamp":1692861616000,"url":""}]},"nax-ccuilib":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"nax-ccuilib","version":"1.2.9","title":"CCUILib","description":"Library of additional UI elements as well as making existing ones configurable","repository":"","tags":["QoL","library"],"authors":["nax","krypek"],"dependencies":{"nax-module-cache":">=1.0.0","ccmodmanager":">=0.9.21"},"plugin":"nax-ccuilib/plugin.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"fed5523fe08d934eea951badd796254a3e2c3f9ad501b4ae11513a1b5bb2d9ab"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1725017690000,"releasePages":[{"body":"**Full Changelog**:\r\nHuge thank you to Krypek for all his hard work :)","version":"1.2.9","timestamp":1725017690000,"url":""}]},"nax-module-cache":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"nax-module-cache","version":"1.0.2","title":"Module Cache","description":"Caches module paths for ig._loadScript","repository":"","tags":["library"],"authors":"nax","plugin":"nax-module-cache/plugin.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"fd6d103ddceff381d20c1944d9fafc03b11b43d0ce15bea7b61d7b47bf91aa1f"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1724951534000,"releasePages":[{"body":"**Full Changelog**:","version":"1.0.2","timestamp":1724253192000,"url":""}]},"nine-rooms":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"nine-rooms","version":"0.1.0","title":"Nine Rooms","description":"A little piece of lost history.","repository":"","tags":["maps","fun"],"authors":"Pyrocorvid"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"CCNineRooms-1.0.2/nine-rooms","hash":{"sha256":"92e33f6054472644a86dc3d3502d193455e32de31d05772299efae8bc1aca95f"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708371875000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Updated ccmod for new mod database","version":"1.0.2","timestamp":1708371875000,"url":""},{"body":"Now with .ccmod files?","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1649296678000,"url":""},{"body":"Original public release of Nine Rooms mod.","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1632598770000,"url":""}]},"open-world":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"open-world","version":"0.3.2","title":"Open World patches","description":"Open World map patches for randomizer","repository":"","tags":["maps"],"authors":"buanjautista","plugin":"plugin.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"02c1714a05a7ff350cd173d5866eb6f244cb55b12596ec1b8ebdf405d83d1cfa"}}],"stars":2,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1712386197000,"releasePages":[{"body":"**IMPORTANT!!!**\r\nThis version requires a new dependency for the new patching changes: CC-Alybox, which you can find **[here](**. Extra patches WILL NOT WORK without it.\r\n\r\n**Version Changes**\r\nReworked code and added cc-alybox / logic-steps as a dependency for easier patching from now on.\r\n\r\nChanges: \r\n- Removed Green Seed Shade requirement from Para Island entrance\r\n- Old Dojo can be entered without quest now as long as you have the key.\r\n- Trial of Golden Bug quest is now separate from Dojo entry and fights, so its easier to check it's pickup on randomizers\r\n- Autumn's Falls holo-bunny barriers are open by default\r\n- Actual fix for Smelter fight (map patch was wrongly named)\r\n\r\nAdd:\r\n- Extra Shade barriers on Sapphire Ridge and Gaia's Garden, leading to Autumn's Fall; and Maroon Valley leading to Bergen Trail \r\n- There's now an option to have all maps and areas visited beforehand.","version":"0.4.0-pre","timestamp":1712386197000,"url":""},{"body":"Update related to upcoming Mod Manager compatibility, with minor fixes/changes\r\n\r\nFixes:\r\n- Schneider doesn't spawn and fall into the void in Vermillion Basement\r\n- Smelter Digmo patch is now correctly named and works\r\n\r\nChanges:\r\n- Henry quest (Bergen, Maroon, Gaia) and Promise is a Promise (Bergen, Maroon, Gaia) quests can be started without the prerequisites\r\n- Moved the trigger that doesn't let you enter Guild HQ to First Scholars area instead of the whole guilds area. This allows doing Last Minute Heroes quest without issues","version":"0.3.2","timestamp":1710166002000,"url":""},{"body":"Mostly fixes from previous update changes\r\n\r\nFixes:\r\n- Fixed weird collision issues with barrier blocks in Autumn's Fall entrance \r\n- Made the DLC maps requirements dependant on randomizer DLC activate options, for any possible dlc applications in the future\r\n- Fixed the Meteor Shade cutscene having wrong conditions which made the player softlock in RH expo space\r\n- Added a emergency exit NPC on Rookie Harbor expo space in case player gets stuck there\r\n- Fixed an error with shop index in database patch","version":"0.3.1","timestamp":1707895517000,"url":""},{"body":"New:\r\n- DLC areas access first implementation. Now you should be able to get to these areas as soon as you gain access to their locations. This also includes being able to do the raid (for no reason yet)\r\n- **Enhanced Skip Beginning:** Allows skipping Rhombus Dungeon and start right away in Rookie Harbor quest hub.\r\n\r\nChanges:\r\n- Added visuals to determine when VT barrier is locked by boss or shades\r\n- Less clutter in Expo Space for easier maintenance later\r\n- Lower puzzle in Sinus Transmit room in Zir'vitar doesn't hard-require heat and cold anymore, and can be solved with any element (elements spawned by default)\r\n**- Entrances to So'najiz and Zir'vitar are active by default**\r\n**- Temple Mine B3 and B4 key locks only require 1 key each instead of 3 and 4 keys respectively**\r\n**- So'najiz Trial of Persistence only uses a key to open both South and North hallways**\r\n- Changed certain shop conditions for shop randomizer purposes\r\n- Added a Meteor Shade prop to show Rhombus Square also opens with the shade\r\n\r\nFixes:\r\n- Meta Space (after finishing the game), will send you back to CrossCentral instead of guild to avoid any weird potential issues\r\n- Removed extra unnecessary story events from Guild HQ \r\n- Fixed a locked door in Vermillion Wasteland Lea's Room (not a softlock but its inconvenient)\r\n- Hide Apollo cutscene in Autumn's Rise if you already done/meet him on Gaia's Garden\r\n- Hide Emilie on Bergen Trail entrance","version":"0.3.0","timestamp":1706113363000,"url":""},{"body":"New:\r\n- DLC areas access first implementation. Now you should be able to get to these areas as soon as you gain access to their locations. This also includes being able to do the raid (for no reason yet)\r\n\r\nChanges:\r\n- Added visuals to determine when VT barrier is locked by boss or shades\r\n- Less clutter in Expo Space for easier maintenance later\r\n- Lower puzzle in Sinus Transmit room in Zir'vitar doesn't hard-require heat and cold anymore, and can be solved with any element (elements spawned by default)\r\n- Entrances to So'najiz and Zir'vitar are active by default\r\n- Temple Mine B3 and B4 key locks only require 1 key each instead of 3 and 4 keys respectively\r\n- So'najiz Trial of Persistence only uses a key to open both South and North hallways\r\n\r\nFixes:\r\n- Meta Space (after finishing the game), will send you back to CrossCentral instead of guild to avoid any weird potential issues\r\n- Removed extra unnecessary story events from Guild HQ \r\n- Fixed a locked door in Vermillion Wasteland Lea's Room (not a softlock but its inconvenient)\r\n- Hide Apollo cutscene in Autumn's Rise if you already done/meet him on Gaia's Garden\r\n- Hide Emilie on Bergen Trail entrance","version":"0.3.0-pre2","timestamp":1705515098000,"url":""},{"body":"New:\r\n- DLC areas access first implementation. Now you should be able to get to these areas as soon as you gain access to their locations. This also includes being able to do the raid (for no reason yet)\r\n\r\nChanges:\r\n- Added visuals to determine when VT barrier is locked by boss or shades\r\n- Less clutter in Expo Space for easier maintenance later\r\n- Lower puzzle in Sinus Transmit room in Zir'vitar doesn't hard-require heat and cold anymore, and can be solved with any element (elements spawned by default)\r\n- Entrances to So'najiz and Zir'vitar are active by default\r\n- Temple Mine B3 and B4 key locks only require 1 key each instead of 3 and 4 keys respectively\r\n- So'najiz Trial of Persistence only uses a key to open both South and North hallways","version":"0.3.0-pre1","timestamp":1704957424000,"url":""},{"body":"Fixes:\r\n- More guild fixes (hopefully) to prevent softlocks due to NPCs not spawning\r\n\r\nChanges: \r\n- A NPC to remove any party-locks has been introduced in Rookie Harbor - Info Hub GF\r\n- All SP upgrades are now incremental instead of fixed (which also includes a small \"fix\" of game code)\r\n- Kit quest (An unfortunate series of features) can now be started with party\r\n- VT Boss&Shade barrier can now be set to be only boss, only shades or both\r\n\r\nCC-Item-Randomizer specific:\r\n- Any toggles are now saved into storage.\r\n- GUI is hopefully now fixed (again) since .ccmod files don't read directories?","version":"0.2.2","timestamp":1703453380000,"url":""},{"body":"Grab only the .ccmod release, unless something goes wrong and you need the folder version.\r\n\r\nFixes:\r\n    Emilie now is not locked anymore if she joins through the guild cutscene in Old Obelisk\r\n    Guild intro is now completable\r\n    Hlin should be present for observatory quest intro in Guild HQ (it was locked to plot being around post-meteor shade events)\r\n    V'rda Vil NPCs should now hide properly\r\n    Smelter Digmo only activates when entering the room after having Infected Digmo killed\r\n\r\nChanges:\r\n    All the shareholder events in Rhombus Square can be now done as soon as you gain access to Rhombus Square, and finish the guild intro\r\n","version":"0.2.1","timestamp":1701800218000,"url":""},{"body":"Fixes:\r\n- Emilie now is not locked anymore if she joins through the guild cutscene in Old Obelisk\r\n- Guild intro is now completable (and works properly in pre3 hopefully)\r\n- Hlin should be present for observatory quest intro in Guild HQ (it was locked to plot being around post-meteor shade events)\r\n- V'rda Vil NPCs should now hide properly\r\n- Smelter Digmo only activates when entering the room after having Infected Digmo killed (pre-2)\r\n\r\nChanges:\r\n- All the shareholder events in Rhombus Square can be now done as soon as you gain access to Rhombus Square, and finish the guild intro (pre-2)","version":"0.2.1-pre","timestamp":1699828815000,"url":""},{"body":"New Patches:\r\n- Open Faj'ro (still a prototype, could be quite messy)\r\n- Meteor Wasteland (Locks Vermillion Wasteland passage behind a Meteor Shade barrier)\r\n\r\nChanges:\r\n- Made the VTower-ShadeLock barriers 2 instead of 4 for clarity (and it looked kind of awful to be honest)\r\n- Can explore Sephisloth cave now and beat the boss\r\n- Changed Emilie being Offline after starting the Maroon Tree until you finished it.\r\n- Changed Faj'ro Top cutscene to be a single cutscene rather than 2 \r\n\r\nFixes:\r\n- Fixed the compatiblity between multiple extra patches, which wasn't working at all since VT Skip patch was added\r\n- Fixed a few V'rda Vil mentions about the cat plague, and also removed the cat plague outside Elder's House (there's still a few outside K'tara's House lets pretend these are their pets)\r\n- Fixed a wrong variable that didn't let you start Mr. Nomsworth second quest in Rookie Harbor\r\n- Fixed the Black Market guard despawning after talking to him once\r\n- Fixed the missing GUI labels for Item-Rando menus for Open World finally. (pre2)\r\n- Fixed a small issue that arise from meeting Sephisloth, that raised a barrier in Zir'vitar entrance\r\n- A few Open Faj'ro fixes (pre2)","version":"0.2.0","timestamp":1697926092000,"url":""},{"body":"First patch for quest rando implementation.\r\n\r\nNew patches:\r\n- Vermillion Tower floor skips: Enables all Tower floors once you finish the ground floor fight. This allows skipping the entirety of Vermillion Tower up to the last fight before the boss\r\n\r\nFixes:\r\n- Sprouting Business quest is not longer locked if you open the black market barriers first (still tied to obtaining Wave)\r\n- Meteor Shade cutscene wasn't tracking conditions properly \r\n- Added a check to not start Apollo fight if you have a party \r\n- Extra conditions checks in V'rda Vil area that were missing \r\n\r\nChanges:\r\n- Rookie Harbor quests after Faj'ro Temple, now unlock when you obtain Red Flame Shade\r\n- Bergen Village quests after Temple Mine, now unlock after obtaining Blue Ice Shade\r\n- Ba'kii Kum quests after Faj'ro Temple, now unlock after obtaining Red Flame Shade\r\n- Basin Keep quests after So'najiz and Zir'vitar, now unlock after obtaining Azure Drop Shade and Purple Bolt Shade instead\r\n- Last Minute Heroes quest unlocked after obtaining Meteor Shade","version":"0.1.8","timestamp":1694329306000,"url":""},{"body":"- Made access to Guild Area tied to meeting Schneider after getting Mine Pass, and not tied to plot.line\r\n- Changed Meteor Shade room cutscenes in Sapphire Ridge's Old Dojo to not be tied to plot.line\r\n- Made the Vermillion Tower stealth section only completable up till the basement to allow grabbing chest, but not enter Vermillion Tower from there\r\n\r\n- Removed the dependencies entirely, for compatibility with either CCItemRando, CCMultiworldRandomizer, or standalone purposes.\r\n- Added Shade Lock option compatibility for Multiworld","version":"0.1.7","timestamp":1693975626000,"url":""},{"body":"- Changed how the shade-boss lock patch in Vermillion Tower works. Extra event patches per dungeon not needed anymore.\r\n- Fixed a remaining save fix issue that locks landmarks after a certain point of the plot.line\r\n- Fixed two dungeon end maps that had wrong key info\r\n\r\n\r\n- Added a secondary version that doesn't require item-rando as dependency.","version":"0.1.6","timestamp":1690754369000,"url":""},{"body":"- Open World now requires Item Randomizer mod 0.4.3+ to be loaded.\r\n- Add a optional feature to patch the end of Vermillion Tower to have boss and shade locks.\r\n- Fix for Basin Keep center not loading patch correctly","version":"0.1.5","timestamp":1690754369000,"url":""},{"body":"- Fixes a bug with the end cutscene in Vermillion Tower entrance not playing.\r\n- Fixes a syntax error in Rhombus Dungeon entrance.\r\n- Adds a few barriers in Vermillion Tower Entrance that require beating the 4 element dungeon bosses and getting each of its shades.\r\n- Fixes the barrier in Autumn Fall not having visuals","version":"0.1.4","timestamp":1690685296000,"url":""},{"body":"Patches to remove barriers, and story progress. Plus extra changes\r\n\r\n- Removes save fix prompts and story updates.\r\n- More party invite options and less locked team layouts.\r\n- Optional duels between Apollo and Shizuka.\r\n- Vermilion Wasteland access available at any time.","version":"0.1.3","timestamp":1690600634000,"url":""}]},"parrot-pet":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"parrot-pet","version":"1.0.0","title":{"en_US":"Pet Parrot!","de_DE":"Pet Parrot!","fr_FR":"Pet Parrot!","zh_CN":"Pet Parrot!","zh_TW":"Pet Parrot!","ja_JP":"Pet Parrot!","ko_KR":"Pet Parrot!"},"description":{"en_US":"Adds a new pet parrot you can find in gaia's garden using unused assets. ","de_DE":"Adds a new pet parrot you can find in gaia's garden using unused assets. ","fr_FR":"Adds a new pet parrot you can find in gaia's garden using unused assets. ","zh_CN":"Adds a new pet parrot you can find in gaia's garden using unused assets. ","zh_TW":"Adds a new pet parrot you can find in gaia's garden using unused assets. ","ja_JP":"Adds a new pet parrot you can find in gaia's garden using unused assets. ","ko_KR":"Adds a new pet parrot you can find in gaia's garden using unused assets. "},"repository":"","icons":{"24":"icon.png"},"authors":["TigerYasou"],"tags":["cosmetic","fun"],"dependencies":{"item-api":">=0.4.4"}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"","hash":{"sha256":"cafe253a052e8b34d9d933be0f5688951e49e225c5e185fca4d5924ed2f1ba29"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1725231195000,"releasePages":[{"body":"first release of the mod, likely wont be others unless there's bugs with it.","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1725231195000,"url":""}]},"party-element-effects":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"party-element-effects","version":"1.1.0","title":{"en_US":"Party Element Effects","de_DE":"Party Element Effects","fr_FR":"Party Element Effects","zh_CN":"Party Element Effects","zh_TW":"Party Element Effects","ja_JP":"Party Element Effects","ko_KR":"Party Element Effects"},"description":{"en_US":"Shows the proper effect when party members swap elements","de_DE":"Shows the proper effect when party members swap elements","fr_FR":"Shows the proper effect when party members swap elements","zh_CN":"Shows the proper effect when party members swap elements","zh_TW":"Shows the proper effect when party members swap elements","ja_JP":"Shows the proper effect when party members swap elements","ko_KR":"Shows the proper effect when party members swap elements"},"repository":"","tags":["cosmetic","party member"],"authors":["XenonA7","Azure Lazuline"],"icons":{"24":"icon.png"},"prestart":"prestart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"party-element-effects-1.1.0","hash":{"sha256":"64e1bd4d771e982345e6da52bf54617bc1f97aecc284a3088a222ac8ec108c42"}}],"stars":2,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1731089927000,"releasePages":[{"body":"## 1.1.0 (11/08/2024)\r\n- Additional features by Azure Lazuline:\r\n   * Party members switch back to neutral after combat ends\r\n   * Element aura particle effect now works like Lea's (only shows while character is moving)\r\n- Added","version":"1.1.0","timestamp":1731089927000,"url":""},{"body":"Updated ccmod.json to new standard","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1708402780000,"url":""},{"body":"Initial release, tested with Crosscode 1.4.2-1 and CCLoader 2.21.0","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1654592020000,"url":""}]},"past-booster":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"past-booster","version":"0.1.0","title":"Past Booster","description":"Makes the Nine Rooms mod a little more... post-gamey.","repository":"","tags":["maps","fun"],"authors":"Pyrocorvid","dependencies":{"nine-rooms":">=0.1.0"}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"CCNineRooms-1.0.2/past-booster","hash":{"sha256":"92e33f6054472644a86dc3d3502d193455e32de31d05772299efae8bc1aca95f"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708371875000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Updated ccmod for new mod database","version":"1.0.2","timestamp":1708371875000,"url":""},{"body":"Now with .ccmod files?","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1649296678000,"url":""},{"body":"Original public release of Nine Rooms mod.","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1632598770000,"url":""}]},"player-clone":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"player-clone","version":"1.1.2","title":{"en_US":"Player Clone","de_DE":"Player Clone","fr_FR":"Player Clone","zh_CN":"Player Clone","zh_TW":"Player Clone","ja_JP":"Player Clone","ko_KR":"Player Clone"},"description":{"en_US":"Adds a custom skill to spawn a \\c[3]PlayerClone\\c[0] entity.","de_DE":"Adds a custom skill to spawn a \\c[3]PlayerClone\\c[0] entity.","fr_FR":"Adds a custom skill to spawn a \\c[3]PlayerClone\\c[0] entity.","zh_CN":"Adds a custom skill to spawn a \\c[3]PlayerClone\\c[0] entity.","zh_TW":"Adds a custom skill to spawn a \\c[3]PlayerClone\\c[0] entity.","ja_JP":"Adds a custom skill to spawn a \\c[3]PlayerClone\\c[0] entity.","ko_KR":"Adds a custom skill to spawn a \\c[3]PlayerClone\\c[0] entity."},"icons":{"24":"icon.png"},"repository":"","tags":["fun","combat arts"],"authors":["eisus","XenonA7"],"prestart":"prestart.js","dependencies":{"arcane-lab":">=0.1.7","cc-alybox":">=1.1.0"}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"player-clone-1.1.2","hash":{"sha256":"4d1c059163d2c3ffefa2c10a3d1c79165b6b41dc6b3445fb36b8d13799bdadaf"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1731112652000,"releasePages":[{"body":"## 1.1.2 (11/08/2024)\r\n- Changed custom skill icon color to match XPC cheat skills\r\n- Removed character-specific database implementation\r\n- All XPC characters are now supported if XPC is installed","version":"1.1.2","timestamp":1731112652000,"url":""},{"body":"## 1.1.1 (08/23/2024)\r\n- Logic step support changed to xenons-playable-classes","version":"1.1.1","timestamp":1724476490000,"url":""},{"body":"Initial release","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1723616355000,"url":""}]},"preset-revival-plus":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"preset-revival-plus","version":"2.1.1","title":"Preset Revival Plus","description":"Brings back the preset menu, which allows you to start the game at a specific point.","repository":"","tags":["speedrun","dev"],"authors":["ac2pic","2767mr","EpicYoshiMaster"],"prestart":"prestart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"19aa49547dfd4fe686be1e490b6b004ef36250d057de896984a91c11bf2adb77"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708116396000,"releasePages":[{"body":"## Changes/Fixes\r\n-  Fixed title screen button selection ordering when multiple custom buttons are added, thanks to @krypciak for contributing!","version":"2.1.1","timestamp":1708116396000,"url":""},{"body":"## Changes/Fixes\r\n- Added functionality for the Continue button to support presets","version":"2.1.0","timestamp":1679104429000,"url":""},{"body":"## Changes/Fixes\r\n- No longer require case sensitive `.json` preset file endings.","version":"2.0.1","timestamp":1674233302000,"url":""},{"body":"## Changes/Fixes\r\n- Adds Folder Support for the `save-presets` folder\r\n- Implements Tabs into the preset menu, allowing for better organization.","version":"2.0.0","timestamp":1674195008000,"url":""}]},"spin-to-win":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"spin-to-win","version":"0.1.0","title":"Spin to win","description":"Changes the idle animation to a T-Pose which then spins faster and faster","repository":"","tags":["cosmetic","fun"],"authors":["WatDuhHekBro"],"icons":{"24":"icon.png"},"prestart":"prestart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"7e950b5a4fd1d1eb1c2ba8d963ff1fa66dc53840fd417c5ffe2d719124900f81"}}],"stars":2,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1722927895000,"releasePages":[{"body":"CCModManager Integration by @krypciak ","version":"0.1.0","timestamp":1722928003000,"url":""}]},"timer":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"timer","version":"3.0.2","title":"CCTimer","description":"A speedrun timer for CrossCode.","repository":"","tags":["speedrun"],"authors":["2767mr","EpicYoshiMaster","krypek"],"icons":{"24":"icon.png"},"dependencies":{"ccloader":"^2.19.0"},"plugin":"plugin.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"CCTimer-3.0.2","hash":{"sha256":"4ce4598a04a0a9582dcbc57f8c5753d033940f22e86d8c9a216c78dc41ed4b18"}}],"stars":2,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708512378000,"releasePages":[{"body":"* Added tags to the mod's description","version":"3.0.2","timestamp":1708512378000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed the game crashing when closing LiveSplit.\r\n  * However, it will still not reconnect and instead display a warning whenever a split was not transmitted ","version":"3.0.1","timestamp":1692199567000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added LiveSplit One support\r\n  *  Contributed by @krypciak in #5 \r\n* Added level up event to the auto splitter.\r\n  * Contributed by @EpicYoshiMaster in #4  ","version":"3.0.0","timestamp":1691916386000,"url":""},{"body":"* Implemented two new options for whether pressing New Game or starting a Preset will reset splits\r\n* Added a hotkey which can do this manually at any time for runs that use several files / want to start from a non-preset location.\r\n* Fixed an issue where combined events did not pass the action through for recursive checks\r\n\r\nThis was contributed by @EpicYoshiMaster in","version":"2.6.0","timestamp":1674985937000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added support for multiple autosplitter scripts\r\n\r\nThis was contributed by @EpicYoshiMaster in #2 ","version":"2.5.0","timestamp":1659774860000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added a room timer that can be enabled in the options even if livesplit is connected.\r\n* Added conditional starts for autosplitter.","version":"2.4.0","timestamp":1649838833000,"url":""},{"body":"* Splits now properly reset on new game\r\n* Added option to see more log output using `frame.contentWindow.logTimer = true`","version":"2.2.3","timestamp":1578823920000,"url":""},{"body":"* Added mod description","version":"2.2.2","timestamp":1575130641000,"url":""},{"body":"* Fixed start triggering early","version":"2.2.1","timestamp":1568484696000,"url":""},{"body":"* Now supports New Game+ introduced in CrossCode v1.2.0","version":"2.2.0","timestamp":1568483737000,"url":""},{"body":"This release contains major changes to the `settings.json` file.\r\n\r\n(Note that the legacy format is still supported)\r\n\r\n## Configuration\r\n\r\nThe options for the autosplitter are located in the `settings.json` file.\r\n\r\n## Time\r\n\r\nThere are two methods of time tracking:\r\n\r\n### IGT\r\n\r\nIf the `\"time\"` entry is not set or has the value `\"time\": \"IGT\"` the game takes the actual ingame time and sends it to livesplit.\r\n\r\n#### Example \r\n```json\r\n{\r\n    \"time\": \"IGT\"\r\n}\r\n```\r\n\r\n### State\r\n\r\nThe time can be tracked using the states of the game if `\"time\": \"state\"`. If this method is used, the time is independent of the ingame time and continues even after restarts or different saves.\r\n\r\nThe possible values for the state filter (`\"filter\"`) can are:\r\n* RUNNING\r\n* TELEPORT\r\n* LOADING\r\n* NEWGAME\r\n* RESET\r\n* LOADGAME\r\n* MENU\r\n* PAUSE\r\n* LEVELUP\r\n* QUICK\r\n* ONMAPMENU\r\n* QUESTSOLVED\r\n\r\nThese values can be either used inclusive or exclusive (or both)\r\n\r\n#### Example\r\n```json\r\n{\r\n    \"time\": \"state\",\r\n\t\"filter\": {\r\n\t\t\"include\": [\r\n\t\t\t\"RUNNING\",\r\n\t\t\t\"MENU\",\r\n\t\t\t\"LEVELUP\",\r\n\t\t\t\"QUICK\",\r\n\t\t\t\"ONMAPMENU\",\r\n\t\t\t\"QUESTSOLVED\"\r\n\t\t],\r\n\t\t\"exclude\": []\r\n    }\r\n}\r\n```\r\n\r\n## Splits\r\n\r\nThe splits that are automatically triggered are stored as an array in `\"splits\"`. If the split contains `\"once\": true` it is only triggered once gamestart. Otherwise it is triggered on every frame the condition is valid. There are four types of splits:\r\n\r\n### Start\r\n\r\nThe `\"start\"` split is a special split that starts the timer when any map is loaded.\r\n\r\n#### Example\r\n```json\r\n{\r\n\t\"splits\": [{\r\n\t\t\"type\": \"start\"\r\n\t}]\r\n}\r\n```\r\n\r\n### Loadmap\r\n\r\n`\"loadmap\"` checks if the map that is loaded is the same that is in `\"name\"`.\r\n\r\n#### Example\r\n```json\r\n{\r\n\t\"splits\": [{\r\n\t\t\"type\": \"loadmap\",\r\n\t\t\"name\": \"rookie-harbor.south\"\r\n\t}]\r\n}\r\n```\r\n\r\n### Event triggered\r\n\r\n`\"eventtriggered\"` checks if a var condition is valid. To see which var conditions are possible enable `Print all events` in the options menu.\r\n\r\n#### Example\r\n```json\r\n{\r\n\t\"splits\": [{\r\n\t\t\"type\": \"eventtriggered\",\r\n\t\t\"name\": \"maps.cargoShip/cabins1.kitchenScene\",\r\n\t\t\"value\": true\r\n\t}]\r\n}\r\n```\r\n\r\n### Combined\r\n\r\nThe `\"combined\"` split is triggered if all `\"conditions\"` apply. Every condition is a split and can contain `\"once\": true`.\r\n\r\n#### Example\r\n```json\r\n{\r\n\t\"splits\": [{\r\n\t\t\"type\": \"combined\",\r\n\t\t\"conditions\": [{\r\n\t\t\t\"type\": \"loadmap\",\r\n\t\t\t\"name\": \"rookie-harbor.south\",\r\n\t\t\t\"once\": true\r\n\t\t}, {\r\n\t\t\t\"type\": \"eventtriggered\",\r\n\t\t\t\"name\": \"maps.cargoShip/cabins1.kitchenScene\",\r\n\t\t\t\"value\": true\r\n\t\t}]\r\n\t}]\r\n}\r\n```","version":"2.0.0","timestamp":1555329192000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.1","timestamp":1510667143000,"url":""}]},"timewalker":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"timewalker","version":"0.3.1","title":"timewalker","description":"Lets you control time.","repository":"","tags":["fun"],"authors":["2767mr","tiredcoffee"],"dependencies":{"crosscode":"^1.1.0"},"plugin":"walker.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"CCTimeWalker-0.3.1","hash":{"sha256":"e197eaf2927a7b24c51e1560f5076268492fd2c12ccb3fde6cff7c2677fb3220"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1708512139000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Allows you to control time!","version":"0.3.1","timestamp":1708512139000,"url":""},{"body":"Allows you to control time!","version":"0.3.0","timestamp":1599128445000,"url":""},{"body":"Allows you to control time!","version":"0.2.1","timestamp":1575122189000,"url":""},{"body":"Allows you to control time!","version":"0.2.0","timestamp":1563222666000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.1","timestamp":1503674127000,"url":""}]},"uwuifier":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"uwuifier","version":"1.0.2","title":"uwuifier","description":"Dynamically uwuifies text.","repository":"","tags":["fun"],"authors":["WatDuhHekBro","dmitmel"],"prestart":"prestart.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"ea3640d48aff58910c543625b42ac505b8f439aa7bdadf071fd3a4c2c00446cd"}}],"stars":4,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1722926240000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Simple update by @krypciak to add CCModManager integration.","version":"1.0.2-1","timestamp":1722926494000,"url":""},{"body":"Fixes a crash by dmitmel","version":"1.0.2","timestamp":1636657887000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1618691957000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1618634251000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.1.4","timestamp":1580666793000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.1.3","timestamp":1580666621000,"url":""},{"body":"","version":"0.1.2","timestamp":1580627435000,"url":""},{"body":"Place the .ccmod file in \"assets/mods/\".","version":"0.1.1","timestamp":1580585381000,"url":""},{"body":"Place the .ccmod file in \"assets/mods/\". Archive purposes only.","version":"0.1.0","timestamp":1580585155000,"url":""}]},"vermillion-training-facility":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"vermillion-training-facility","version":"1.2.2","title":{"en_US":"Vermillion Training Facility","de_DE":"Vermillion Training Facility","fr_FR":"Vermillion Training Facility","zh_CN":"Vermillion Training Facility","zh_TW":"Vermillion Training Facility","ja_JP":"Vermillion Training Facility","ko_KR":"Vermillion Training Facility"},"description":{"en_US":"A training facility in \\c[1]Vermillion\\c[0]. (\\c[2]WIP\\c[0])","de_DE":"A training facility in \\c[1]Vermillion\\c[0]. (\\c[2]WIP\\c[0])","fr_FR":"A training facility in \\c[1]Vermillion\\c[0]. (\\c[2]WIP\\c[0])","zh_CN":"A training facility in \\c[1]Vermillion\\c[0]. (\\c[2]WIP\\c[0])","zh_TW":"A training facility in \\c[1]Vermillion\\c[0]. (\\c[2]WIP\\c[0])","ja_JP":"A training facility in \\c[1]Vermillion\\c[0]. (\\c[2]WIP\\c[0])","ko_KR":"A training facility in \\c[1]Vermillion\\c[0]. (\\c[2]WIP\\c[0])"},"icons":{"24":"icon.png"},"repository":"","tags":["maps","dungeon","boss","puzzle"],"authors":["RookieBr","2767mr"],"prestart":"prestart.js","dependencies":{"item-api":">=0.4.5"}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"","hash":{"sha256":"3d8237ef53665adb77f6a2fd3fb09fabc2b5b2891aee1c67cac447c63295d883"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1727109644000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Updated some things:\r\n\r\nAdded \"(WIP)\" to the title\r\nThe mod now has a dependency of the \"Item-api\" mod","version":"Version-2","timestamp":1727109644000,"url":""},{"body":"WAVE CORRIDOR\r\n\r\nDo not activate the switch in the training area.\r\nDo noy use any of the dev teleporters i leaved there.","version":"update-1","timestamp":1727039694000,"url":""}]},"world-map-overhaul":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"world-map-overhaul","version":"1.1.3","title":"World map overhaul","description":{"en_US":"A better world map","ru_RU":"Улучшенная карта мира"},"repository":"","tags":["cosmetic"],"authors":"dmitmel","icons":{"24":"icon24.png"},"prestart":"prestart.js","assets":["media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/colored/arid.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/colored/autumn-area.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/colored/autumn-fall.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/colored/beach.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/colored/bergen-trails.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/colored/final-dng.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/colored/forest.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/colored/heat-area.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/colored/jungle.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/colored/rookie-harbor.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/default/arid.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/default/autumn-area.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/default/autumn-fall.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/default/beach.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/default/bergen-trails.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/default/final-dng.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/default/forest.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/default/heat-area.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/default/jungle.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/default/rookie-harbor.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/reveal/arid.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/reveal/autumn-area.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/reveal/autumn-fall.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/reveal/beach.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/reveal/bergen-trails.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/reveal/final-dng.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/reveal/forest.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/reveal/heat-area.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/reveal/jungle.png","media/gui/better-world-map/overlays/reveal/rookie-harbor.png","media/gui/better-world-map/patched-area-buttons.png","media/gui/better-world-map/sea.png"]},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"7f68505e1c4b7dd688d0ed18a9a714445084bfa80d36745801ae62f95b387134"}}],"stars":1,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1626540789000,"releasePages":[{"body":"See [README]( for more information.\r\n\r\n## Changes\r\n\r\n- Now the mod works when CrossCode is running in the browser (don't ask).","version":"1.1.2","timestamp":1622218886000,"url":""},{"body":"See [README]( for more information.\r\n\r\n## Additions\r\n\r\n- Added an icon!\r\n\r\n   ![icon24@4x.png](\r\n","version":"1.1.1","timestamp":1617575716000,"url":""},{"body":"See [README]( for more information.\r\n\r\n## Additions\r\n\r\n- Add sprites for the new DLC-only areas.\r\n- Add a reveal animation for newly visited areas.","version":"1.1.0","timestamp":1616107283000,"url":""},{"body":"See [README]( for more information.\r\n\r\n## Changes\r\n\r\n- Prepare the code to the DLC release based on what code was added in the 1.3.0 update.","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1588679936000,"url":""},{"body":"See [README]( for more information.","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1585167991000,"url":""}]},"xenons-playable-classes":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"xenons-playable-classes","version":"2.4.0","title":{"en_US":"Xenon's Playable Classes \\i[class-tri] \\i[class-hexa]","de_DE":"Xenon's Playable Classes \\i[class-tri] \\i[class-hexa]","fr_FR":"Xenon's Playable Classes \\i[class-tri] \\i[class-hexa]","zh_CN":"Xenon's Playable Classes \\i[class-tri] \\i[class-hexa]","zh_TW":"Xenon's Playable Classes \\i[class-tri] \\i[class-hexa]","ja_JP":"Xenon's Playable Classes \\i[class-tri] \\i[class-hexa]","ko_KR":"Xenon's Playable Classes \\i[class-tri] \\i[class-hexa]"},"description":{"en_US":"Playable characters, PVP, and more!","de_DE":"Playable characters, PVP, and more!","fr_FR":"Playable characters, PVP, and more!","zh_CN":"Playable characters, PVP, and more!","zh_TW":"Playable characters, PVP, and more!","ja_JP":"Playable characters, PVP, and more!","ko_KR":"Playable characters, PVP, and more!"},"icons":{"24":"icon.png"},"repository":"","tags":["player character","party member","pvp duel","arena","combat arts"],"authors":["XenonA7","HeartLychee","krypek"],"prestart":"prestart.js","poststart":"poststart.js","dependencies":{"Simplify":">=2.12.1","extendable-severed-heads":">=1.1.0","cc-alybox":">=1.1.0","menu-ui-replacer":">=1.0.5","extension-asset-preloader":">=1.0.0","crosscode":">=1.4.0","post-game":">=1.4.0"}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"xenons-playable-classes-2.4.0","hash":{"sha256":"7e7330aa354615d8adea7990c70af314fd6a22d412fe96d7eec602ca30861d2c"}}],"stars":20,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1729576503000,"releasePages":[{"body":"## 2.4.0 (10/21/2024)\r\n### New Content\r\n- Added base Hexacast ranged/attack actions as Lea custom skills\r\n- Added Lea Hexacast attack animation (sprites by HeartLychee)\r\n- Added hideout-hexa map to XPC hideout area and updated Bergen area map\r\n- Added OLV fade in/out effects to xpc-utility effect sheet\r\n- Added weather XPC_SPACE and env particle DARK_DUST_XPC_SPACE\r\n- Added doormat-spawn-fix.js (code by Krypek)\r\n### Changes\r\n- Added Azure Lazuline to mod credits\r\n- Increased dot particle size in effect miasmaBuffAura\r\n- Renamed \\patches\\data\\animations\\player.json to \\patches\\data\\animations\\lea-tri.json\r\n- Deleted unused Hexacast animations\r\n * spinClosedFull\r\n * spinClosedShort\r\n * spinClosedShortRev\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Fixed unintentional charged shots when using Hexacast uncharged throws (code by Azure Lazuline)","version":"2.4.0","timestamp":1729576503000,"url":""},{"body":"## 2.3.0 (10/06/2024)\r\n### New Content\r\n- New Hexacast combat art: Celestial Cohort (Wave Dash Lv.3B)\r\n- New Hexacast combat art: Temporal Miasma (Wave Dash Lv.2A)\r\n- New Hexacast custom skill: Miasmic Mortar (Wave Throw Lv.2)\r\n- New Hexacast custom skill: Healing Burst (Wave Melee Lv.1)\r\n- Defined new animation \"chestFrame1\" to Triblader2/3/4/5/Lea\r\n- Added new Hexacast tips to hideout-lobby\r\n- Added a new xenodialogue conversation to hideout-east\r\n### Changes\r\n- Upgrade rooms in Rhombus Dungeon now support XPC characters for animations\r\n- Element unlock rooms in all dungeons now support XPC characters for animations\r\n- Added dialogue to the party member NPC advisor in the unused content room\r\n- Extended hideout-east map width by 2 tiles\r\n- Removed sourceMappingURL line from map-styles.js\r\n- Updated Essence Steal description\r\n- Hexacast homing shots now disabled if any air conditioner enemies are present on the map\r\n- Reduced dot particle count in effect specials.wave-slowDebuff\r\n- Renamed healTargetFXProxy to healMortarFXProxy\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Fixed player disappearing sometimes on Calamity Beacon descent\r\n- Fixed a typo in char-select/basement\r\n- Fixed a typo in hideout-lobby\r\n- Fixed Abandoned Site appearing on world map\r\n- Fixed Lightning Hex to not apply jolt status effect\r\n- Heal Mortar impact is no longer guardable","version":"2.3.0","timestamp":1728217672000,"url":""},{"body":"## 2.2.2 (09/14/2024)\r\n### Changes\r\n- Tweaked Hexacast character portraits\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Re-added missing NPC encounter from Basin Keep","version":"2.2.2","timestamp":1726345236000,"url":""},{"body":"## 2.2.1 (09/14/2024)\r\n### Changes\r\n- Removed NPC encounter in beach/path-04 (Rough Lagoon) and replaced it with a new conversation in the same map\r\n- Tweaked player animations during Spell Volley combat art\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Fixed a file path issue in triblader animation sheets\r\n- Fixed Ether Bomb hitbox verticality","version":"2.2.1","timestamp":1726301506000,"url":""},{"body":"## 2.2.0 (09/12/2024)\r\n### New Content\r\n- New Hexacast combat art: Reciprocal Gale (Cold Dash Lv.2A)\r\n- Added a xenodialogue to hideout-north\r\n### Changes\r\n- Icy Gust is now dash-cancelable before the art completes\r\n- Made Beam Blaster hitbox slightly more reliable\r\n- Ashen Inferno no longer stops player at cliff edge\r\n- Reduced light raduis of effect ashenInfernoSweep\r\n### Balance\r\n- Beam Blaster hitbox size slightly increased\r\n- Beam Blaster hitbox now hits 16 below vertically","version":"2.2.0","timestamp":1726142219000,"url":""},{"body":"## 2.1.0 (09/10/2024)\r\n### New Content\r\n- New Hexacast combat art: Icy Gust (Cold Dash Lv.1A)\r\n### Changes\r\n- Tweaked Hexacast character portraits\r\n- Added additional ground detailing to unused-content and enemy-testing maps\r\n- Reduced opacity of hailBullet2 trail\r\n- Deleted Shield Generator combat art\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Fixed typo and text description for custom skill sign in art-testing\r\n- Fixed crash in ultimate-pvp when talking to Triblader3 as Hexacast2\r\n- Fixed effect wavePullHex using WAVE_DOT1 instead of WAVE_DOT2 particles\r\n### Balance\r\n- Added a start delay to Cosmic Recursion\r\n- Kindling Triad now provides a temporary shield during the counter attack","version":"2.1.0","timestamp":1725976962000,"url":""},{"body":"## 2.0.1 (08/25/2024)\r\n### New Content\r\n- Added a \"Quest Debug\" sign to the unused-content map in the Bergen hideout basement\r\n * This can be used to fix the Flamepeng quest retroactively in save files where it was completed in the old XTM\r\n   mod and is now broken in XPC after updating and playing on the same save file.\r\n### Changes\r\n- Added a dialogue box to the character change sign in hideout-north\r\n- Added art-testing-sound-test map to files (unused in-game)\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Fixed xpc-lab props animation timing variation\r\n- Removed old XTM terminology from","version":"2.0.1","timestamp":1724569637000,"url":""},{"body":"## 2.0.0 (08/23/2024)\r\n### Important\r\n- Mod is now known as \"Xenon's Playable Classes\", also known as the \"playable classes mod\"\r\n- Hexacast mod discontinued, all content is now merged here\r\n- Hexacast litter mod updated to 2.0.0 to support XPC\r\n- Save-compatible with old mod versions but progress for mod content will be reset, such as unlocking the triblader arena cup\r\n### Dependency Updates\r\n- Now requires AlyBox 1.1.0 or higher\r\n- Now requires menu-ui-replacer 1.0.5 or higher\r\n- Please uninstall any versions of the old \"xmc-hexacast\" mod you might have\r\n- Please uninstall any versions of the old \"logic-steps\" mod you might have\r\n### Changes\r\n- Hexacast characters are now playable options in the mod intro maps\r\n- Added cutscene option to skip mod intro\r\n- Removed Krypek plugin.js menu option to skip mod intro\r\n- Cut down on BGM bloat\r\n- Renamed BGM scarpsCave to lazCave\r\n- Renamed all internal files and variables to xpc from xtm/xmc\r\n- The Triblader League now has a proper associated quest in post-Ku'lero Rhombus Square\r\n- Updated all mod credits in-game\r\n- Removed DLC assets due to extension-asset-preloader fix:\r\n * \\assets\\media\\entity\\effects\\gynthar-heat-copy.png\r\n * \\assets\\media\\entity\\effects\\rainbow-ring.png\r\n- Added class subdirectories in \\assets\\media\\entity\\effects\r\n- Renamed MULTI_CIRCLE_GUI to RAINBOW_CIRCLE_GUI in combat.tribladerXPC\r\n- Renamed triblader-mm.png to tri-misc.png\r\n- Reduced sound effect volume for molten dagger in blade rink cutscene\r\n- Reduced fail sound effect volume for Wild Gambit\r\n- Removed a lot of text pauses from intro maps\r\n- Changed teleporter labels in unused content maps\r\n- Retrofitted char-select.basement with conditional lights\r\n- Dialogue tweaks in char-select.basement\r\n- Modernized character change signs in info hub and arena lobby\r\n- Slight dialogue tweaks in dark-passage-1\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Fixed internal map names for char-select maps\r\n- Fixed lights in char-select.basement being visible early\r\n- Fixed a typo in hideout-east\r\n- Fixed Apollo 4, Shizuka, and Lily stats being invisible in XPC pvp maps","version":"2.0.0","timestamp":1724475100000,"url":""},{"body":"## 1.3.0 (08/05/2024)\r\n### Important\r\n- Added dependency mod: crosscode-extension-asset-preloader\r\n  *\r\n### New Content\r\n- Added Triblader, Pentafist, AL, and Lily custom skills to Lea (136 total)\r\n- Added \\patches\\data\\effects\\specials\\wave-custom.json\r\n### Changes\r\n- Imported \\assets\\media\\gui\\custom-skills from hexacast mod\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Fixed Triblader-Lea sprite offset for northeast jump animaitons\r\n- Fixed Triblader-Lea sprite offset for east and southeast throwSpecial animation","version":"1.3.0","timestamp":1722917129000,"url":""},{"body":"### Changes\r\n- Removed remaining content from dev room, migrated to Hexacast mod\r\n- Removed the following maps (now part of Hexacast mod):\r\n  * \\maps\\xtm\\bonus\\guild-war.json\r\n  * \\maps\\xtm\\bonus\\statue-cutscene.json","version":"1.2.5","timestamp":1722760222000,"url":""},{"body":"## 1.2.4 (07/31/2024)\r\n### Changes\r\n- Removed dev room teleporter from Lea's attic; the new dev room is currently in the Hexacast mod\r\n- Deleted \"training-island\" teleporter from dev room\r\n- Deleted \"training-2v2\" teleporter from dev room\r\n- Removed the following maps (now part of Hexacast mod):\r\n  * \\maps\\xtm\\bonus\\training-island.json\r\n  * \\maps\\xtm\\bonus\\training-1v1.json\r\n  * \\maps\\xtm\\bonus\\training-2v2.json","version":"1.2.4","timestamp":1722477420000,"url":""},{"body":"## 1.2.3 (07/14/2024)\r\n### Changes\r\n- Updated XTM dev room combat music settings\r\n- Added effect spikeAuraNPC\r\n- Removed the following maps (now part of Hexacast mod):\r\n  * \\maps\\xtm\\bonus\\art-testing.json\r\n  * \\maps\\xtm\\bonus\\art-testing.-ALjson\r\n  * \\maps\\xtm\\bonus\\art-testing-unused.json\r\n  * \\maps\\xtm\\bonus\\green-screen-room.json\r\n- Deleted \"art-testing\" and \"green-screen-room\" teleporters from dev room","version":"1.2.3","timestamp":1721010538000,"url":""},{"body":"## 1.2.2 (06/26/2024)\r\n### Changes\r\n- Moved WIP maps to Hexacast mod\r\n- Added particle pLight source to Triblader charged ball trails\r\n- Updated charged ball light settings to Hexacast standard\r\n- Added light sources to standard melee attack effects","version":"1.2.2","timestamp":1719417130000,"url":""},{"body":"## 1.2.1 (06/18/2024)\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Added Menu UI Replacer to install instructions","version":"1.2.1","timestamp":1718697731000,"url":""},{"body":"## 1.2.0 (06/18/2024)\r\n### General\r\n- New dependency mod: Menu UI Replacer\r\n  *\r\n### New Content\r\n- New menu sprites when playing as Triblader2/3/4/5\r\n  * Original artwork by Orco Pixelado\r\n  * Thanks to Bakafish for library mod support\r\n- Added unfinished map file\r\n### Changes\r\n- Orco Pixelado added to mod credits\r\n- Hue adjustments to Triblader4 portraits\r\n- Updated Triblader4 sprite hue to be more consistent with portraits","version":"1.2.0","timestamp":1718697233000,"url":""},{"body":"## 1.1.1 (06/06/2024)\r\n### Changes\r\n- Blazing Mirage and So'najiz Phalanx clones no longer draw enemy aggro\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Fixed Spectral Legion clones able to consume SP","version":"1.1.1","timestamp":1717684472000,"url":""},{"body":"## 1.1.0 (05/29/2024)\r\n### New Content\r\n- Added green screen map to XTM dev room\r\n### Changes\r\n- Triblader5 DASH_SLOW action is now also steerable\r\n- Added light source to effect waveTriangleTrail (used in Soul Shatter)","version":"1.1.0","timestamp":1716967944000,"url":""},{"body":"## 1.0.3 (05/13/2024)\r\n### New Content\r\n- Added additional font icons needed for Hexacast mod custom skills","version":"1.0.3","timestamp":1715646908000,"url":""},{"body":"## 1.0.2 (05/05/2024)\r\n### New Content\r\n- Added font icons needed for custom skills in Hexacast mod\r\n- Added Lubkuluk to XTM credits for Hexacast KeyPanel code contribution\r\n- Added teleporter to AL dev room from XTM dev room (only works if AL is installed)\r\n- Added map art-testing-AL.json, not implemented by default\r\n### Changes\r\n- Moved the hologram sign slightly in the art-testing map\r\n- Removed the sword icon from the mod's name entry\r\n- Deleted unnecessary proxy groupings \"solarEruptionParts\" and \"solarEruptionGroup\"\r\n- Vermillion Firestorm effect laserSrc changed to laserSrcMega\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Fixed pvp opponents not charging before using Solar Eruption\r\n- Removed all broken animation references to \"attackMirrEnd\"\r\n- Fixed Spectral Legion clones shooting wrong proxy types occasionally","version":"1.0.2","timestamp":1714960561000,"url":""},{"body":"1.0.1 (03/16/2024)\r\n### Changes\r\n- Magnet Storm now resets camera during final strike\r\n- Magnet Storm added sound effect when final strike hits\r\n- Re-worded the description for Magnet Storm\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Blizzard Slash fixed missing HEAVY hit stability\r\n### Balance\r\n- Changes to both player and enemy:\r\n  * Icicle Slash reverted to old punch-style hitbox\r\n  * Icicle Slash hit stability decreased from MASSIVE to HEAVY\r\n  * Blizzard Slash first swing reverted to old punch-style hitbox\r\n  * Blizzard Slash second swing increased hitbox radius from 72 to 88","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1710647489000,"url":""},{"body":"## 1.0.0 (03/16/2024)\r\n### New Content\r\n- New character: Triblader Lea (sprites by **HeartLychee**)\r\n  * No special modifiers. Custom Daybreak, Wave charge shot, Sunfury particle sprites by **HeartLychee**)\r\n- New Triblader2/3/4/5 block pushing animations by **HeartLychee**)\r\n- Magnet Storm completely reworked\r\n- Added proper PVP enemy death handling in training maps and arena maps for duels with multiple opponents\r\n- Added NPCs to dev room to demonstrate whether or not you have other mods installed (logic steps)\r\n- Added new art-testing map to dev room\r\n- Added effect critical to new PVP death logic: teleport.showFastScale\r\n- Added \\assets\\data\\effects\\teleport.json.patch\r\n### Changes\r\n- Removed the \"beta\" map; You now proceed straight to the Rhombus Dungeon after choosing a character\r\n- PVP enemy healthbars are more compact now, they now overlap to save space (only applies when dueling multiple opponents)\r\n- Reformatted headIdx.json.patch for extendable-severed-heads 1.1.0\r\n- Removed unused \"pvp-lukas-old\" and \"pvp-schneiders\" arena maps\r\n- Added Triblader Lea character option to all XTM character change signs: XTM Dev Room, Rookie Harbor Info Hub, Rhombus Arena Lobby.\r\n- Removed all instances of \"plot.xtm.character\", which is obsolete with AlyBox\r\n- Removed \"characterInitOnce\" EventTrigger from arena lobby patch, which is obsolete with AlyBox\r\n- Removed \"plot.xtm.swapBack\" functionality from arena maps\r\n- Renamed custom-party-members.js to custom-party-options.js\r\n- Updated HeartLychee credits preferences\r\n- Changed BGM setting in \"Blade Rink\" arena match\r\n- Updated all \"XTM Credits\" signs\r\n- Removed unused \"Triblader Prime\" arena round\r\n- Standardized BGM options in training-1v1, training-2v2, and training island maps\r\n- Renamed enemy entities in training island map to XTM standard\r\n- Reformatted the character change sign in the Rookie Harbor info hub to align with all other XTM signs\r\n- Reduced particle count on Icicle Tomb to improve performance\r\n- Dev room changes\r\n  * Dev room teleporters now have spawn conditions, used for the mod crossover tests\r\n  * Removed the hedgehags from the dev room\r\n- Added combat dialogue support to apollo-4 and shizuka nozoom enemy variants (used for \"Ultimate PVP\" map)\r\n- Player walks to starting position when starting the duel on Training Island, instead of running\r\n- Re-worded description for Ice Flak\r\n- Re-worded description for Tower of Tranquility\r\n- Minor graphical tweak to Tower of Tranquility proxy sprites\r\n- Beekeeper: bees now constantly look for the nearest target rather than always chase their original target\r\n- Scorching Rays red screen flash is now less intense\r\n- Added shaking effect right before thawing for Ice Brace, Stasis Stance, and Tower of Tranquility\r\n- All BLUE_SPARKLE particles now have angleVary for all effects that use them\r\n- Player now travels farther during Polar Geyser final slash\r\n- Renamed effect megaTankAuraAltNoCircle to blizzardSlashSnowflakes\r\n- Snowstorm post-attack wait increased from 0.4 seconds to 0.6 seconds\r\n- Avalanche Assault and Frozen Rays initial screen flash is now less intense\r\n- Proxy fireDaggerStuck changed from breakType NEVER to COMBATANT\r\n- Greatly reduced zoom blur effect for Fire Saw\r\n- Moved effects related to proxy ms_main into file ball-shock-xtm.json\r\n- Effect shockLaserSource now moves with target\r\n- Improved effects for the following arts:\r\n  * Scorching Rays\r\n  * Tower of Tranquility (landing effect)\r\n  * Polar Geyser\r\n  * Blizzard Slash\r\n  * Snowstorm\r\n  * Avalanche Assault\r\n  * Calamity's Advent\r\n  * Frigid Hurricane\r\n  * Vermillion Firestorm\r\n  * Magnet Storm\r\n  * Sleet Singularity\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Fixed \"Wet Work\" quests for all Triblader characters by adding the \"STANDARD\" hint property\r\n- Fixed a crash related to gynthar-heat.png (by including gynthar-heat-copy.png in the mod files)\r\n- Fixed PVP enemies headIdx conflict with other mods (thanks to extendable-severed-heads 1.1.0)\r\n- Added a NPBLOCK wall to fix an out-of-bounds JDAC exploit in xtm/char-select/outdoors\r\n- Fixed wrong internal map name for xtm/char-select/outdoors\r\n- Fixed all PVP maps \"Match Point\" AR_MSG text\r\n- Retrofitted all pvp maps with new logic to handle deaths; no more defeated enemies sitting around\r\n- Fixed ice sliding during cutscene after duel in \"Blade Rink\" arena map\r\n- Fixed incorrect loop timing in BGM triangle-prep.ogg\r\n- Fixed a code typo in Wild Gambit\r\n- Fixed Wave Mortar \"status\" description property\r\n- Fixed proxy waveMortar breakType (changed from NEVER to COMBATANT)\r\n- Fixed proxy vitalityCurseDrain breakType (changed from NEVER to COMBATANT)\r\n- Effect \"stasisEffects\" is now centered properly for Stasis Stance and Tower of Tranquility\r\n- Fixed incorrect melee hitbox on Icicle Slash\r\n- Fixed incorrect melee hitbox on first slash of Blizzard Slash\r\n- Fixed looping sound in effect hurricane1 lingering too long\r\n- Fixed proxy lightningRodBolt stun lock release\r\n- Alternating Charge now ignores ice physics\r\n- Fixed an issue where the beam sound effect from Triforce Slash could get interrupted\r\n- Level adjustment switches in training-1v1 and training-2v2 maps now properly hide during duel\r\n- Fixed a softlock in the outdoor area from the mod intro maps caused by reloading during the puzzle\r\n- Fixed player able to be pushed around during Triforce Slash\r\n- Fixed Celestial Constellation status description\r\n- Fixed Celestial Constellation proxies not being DETACH_TIME_PARENT\r\n### Balance\r\n- Changes to PVP enemies only:\r\n  * Enemy First Fractal damage slightly nerfed\r\n  * Enemy Prismatic Meltdown laser chase speed greatly nerfed\r\n  * Enemy Prismatic Meltdown laser lasts 0.5s longer\r\n  * Enemy Frigid Hurricane internal pull force buffed from EASY_ESCAPE to RUN_ESCAPE\r\n  * Enemy Frigid Hurricane added concentric pull force at WALK_ESCAPE strength\r\n  * Enemy Vermillion Firestorm now has a suction effect to make it more difficult to escape\r\n  * Enemy Celestial Constellation new projectiles have higher knockback than player version\r\n  * Enemy Celestial Constellation new projectiles hit a single target, player versions are multiHit\r\n- Changes to player only:\r\n  * Reworked Wave Mortar, it now auto-adjusts the proxy range for enemies in view\r\n  * Wave mortar damage reduced\r\n  * Wave mortar knockback reduced greatly\r\n  * Magnet Storm completely reworked and redesigned\r\n  * Scorching Rays proxy subPierce damage/status increased\r\n  * Scorching Rays initial TACKLE damage increased\r\n  * Scorching Rays looping stun damage increased\r\n  * Tower of Tranquility now spawns icicles upon landing\r\n  * Faraday Formation now stun locks enemies on first hit\r\n  * Faraday Formation executes much faster overall, should be more viable\r\n  * Blade of E'nel activation time reduced from 1.0 seconds to 0.5 seconds\r\n  * Blade of E'nel duration increased from 6 seconds to 7 seconds\r\n  * Shadow Spark proxies orbit duration reduced from 5 seconds to 3 seconds\r\n  * Shadow Spark proxies attack velocity (after orbiting) increased from 300 to 400\r\n  * Frost Rupture final explosion damage greatly increased, crit chance disabled\r\n  * Frost Rupture status infliction increased\r\n  * Kindling Triad now grants weight -1 during counter attack (player no longer affected by push/pull)\r\n  * So'najiz Phalanx reduced delay on clones before shooting lasers\r\n  * Sleet Singularity charge time decreased\r\n- Changes to both player and enemy:\r\n  * Flash Freeze now grants the victim at 130% DEF multiplier while active\r\n  * Icicle Tomb status factor increased greatly\r\n  * Blizzard Slash icicleSmall startDistCollide changed from CLOSER to DROP (major nerf)\r\n  * Blizzard Slash now shoots weaker hail variant that does not bounce\r\n  * Blizzard Slash attack strength decreased from MASSIVE to HEAVY\r\n  * Blizzard Slash melee hitbox radius for final slash slightly increased\r\n  * Blizzard Slash melee damage increased\r\n  * Icicle Slash attack strength decreased from MASSIVE to HEAVY\r\n  * Icicle Slash melee damage slightly increased\r\n  * Molten Daggers damage tick rate cut in half, overall damage slightly reduced\r\n  * Molten Daggers status inflict slightly increased\r\n  * Molten Daggers (specifically fireDaggerStuck) will despawn past a total of 12 active at a time\r\n  * Ki Spin damage decreased\r\n  * Vortex Thrust projectile damage reduced, final slash melee damage increased\r\n  * Vortex Thrust can no longer crit on the final slash\r\n  * Lightning Rod damage slightly increased\r\n  * Thunder Wrath now terminates when running into a solid wall (this removes an exploit against bosses with solid collision)\r\n  * Heavy Slash now grants HEAVY hit stability, making it harder to interrupt\r\n  * Vitality Curse capped at 3 active at a time\r\n  * Celestial Constellation now shoots bonus projectiles as it travels (major buff)\r\n  * Celestial Constellation cc_main and cc_orbiter damage factor reduced","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1710640708000,"url":""},{"body":"## 0.9.4 (02/07/2024)\r\n### New Content\r\n- Added option to skip the modded intro maps in the options menu (feature by **Krypek**)","version":"0.9.4","timestamp":1707599013000,"url":""},{"body":"## 0.9.3 (02/05/2024)\r\n### General\r\n- Now requires CCLoader2 version 2.22.1 or higher!\r\n- Simplify requirement version increased to 2.12.1\r\n- New dependency mod: AlyBox by Alyxia\r\n   -\r\n   - Install instructions have been updated\r\n- Now requires extendable-severed-heads version 1.1.0\r\n   -\r\n### New Content\r\n- PVP fixes and improvements by **Krypek**\r\n   - Added variable support for detecting player death and enemy combatant death\r\n   - Game will fast-forward if player is defeated in a duel but has party members remaining\r\n   - Hide healthbars for defeated duel enemies\r\n   - Improvements and fixes to duel GUI rendering when multiple opponents are involved\r\n### Changes\r\n- Removed postload.js (code moved to AlyBox mod)","version":"0.9.3","timestamp":1707195479000,"url":""},{"body":"## 0.9.2 (03/06/2023)\r\n### New Content\r\n- Added a NPC in the mod dev room who will add all vanilla party members to your active party.\r\n   - I will not add support to any of the PVP duels for this, this is just a bonus feature.","version":"0.9.2","timestamp":1678151974000,"url":""},{"body":"## 0.9.1 (02/19/2023)\r\n### Changes\r\n- Triforce Slash ending particle effects changed to guiSprites\r\n- Triforce Slash ending particle effects added pLight property\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Marginal improvement to water collision issue in mod intro outdoor area\r\n- Fixed typo in Triforce Slash particle effects data","version":"0.9.1","timestamp":1676854914000,"url":""},{"body":"## 0.9.0 (02/19/2023)\r\n### New Content\r\n- PVP enemies now use Prismatic Meltdown instead of Triforce Slash (_Shock_Close3)\r\n- PVP enemies now use Beekeeper instead of Shadow Spark (_Shock_Close1)\r\n- Added an extremely hidden secret chest to the outdoor area of the mod intro maps\r\n- Added xtm-areas.json\r\n- Triforce Slash particle effect improvements\r\n### Changes\r\n- Reformatted changelog headings\r\n- Slight reformat to database patch steps\r\n- Moved database patches to \\patches\\data\\database\r\n- Triforce Slash updated description\r\n- Completely reworked the code for Triforce Slash\r\n- Proxy \"bolt\" deleted and replaced with \"triforceTrigger\"\r\n- Triforce Slash trigger proxy changed from BREAK to MASSIVE (player only)\r\n- Triforce Slash only deals MELEE_DMG now\r\n- Triforce Slash now uses brief super armor instead of invinsibility at the start of the attack\r\n- Triforce Slash can't interact with puzzle elements anymore\r\n- Triforce Slash no longer shoots proxies on the final hit\r\n- Triforce Slash has separate targeting methods for enemies with solid collision\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Fixed Ice Flak spawning hail at additional z+12 offset\r\n- Fixed a map bug where you could stand on a water tile in the mod intro area\r\n- Fixed Maroon Valley being revealed on the world map early due to modded maps\r\n- Triforce Slash trigger proxy no nonger pierces and causes targeting confusion\r\n- Fixed ability to shoot Triforce Slash through narrow walls\r\n- Fixed ability to shoot Lightning Strike through narrow walls\r\n- Fixed issue where Triforce Slash would target the wrong enemy\r\n### Balance\r\n- Fire Saw hit strength reduced from MASSIVE to HEAVY (knockback remains MASSIVE)\r\n- Fire Saw damage slightly reduced\r\n- Chilling Thrust status inflict factor reduced\r\n- Chilling Thrust contact damage slightly reduced\r\n- Triforce Slash trigger hitbox changed from 24x24x12 to 16x16x12\r\n- Lightning Strike proxy hitbox changed from 24x24x12 to 16x16x12\r\n- Triforce Slash damage greatly increased to bring it in line with Song of Storms\r\n- Overclock duration increased by 1 second","version":"0.9.0","timestamp":1676846007000,"url":""},{"body":"### Changes\r\n- Faraday Formation is now dash-cancelable","version":"0.8.5","timestamp":1674267590000,"url":""},{"body":"### Fixes\r\n- Fixed a crash that can happen when entering the mod's dev room","version":"0.8.4","timestamp":1674108305000,"url":""},{"body":"### Changes\r\n- Renamed the main effect file to tribladerXTM.json\r\n- Cold particle effects moved to patch file format\r\n- cold-tri.json effect file deleted, data merged into cold.json patch\r\n- Icicle particle effects moved to patch file format\r\n- Heat particle effects moved to patch file format\r\n- Neutral particle effects moved to patch file format\r\n- Shock particle effects moved to patch file format\r\n- Replaced modded vanilla effect \"slowMotionClock\" with modded effect \"slowMotionClockTriblader\"","version":"0.8.3","timestamp":1673904486000,"url":""},{"body":"### New Content\r\n- Added Ice Flak to PVP enemy move pool (they did not previously have a Lv.1 Cold Throw art)\r\n### Changes\r\n- Added a new particle effect when Verdant Infection is inflicted on an enemy\r\n- Warp Decoy can search further for a target to face (visual only)\r\n- Thunder Wrath audio volume slightly reduced\r\n- Removed maxGroundDistance restriction from Thunder Wrath (will work now even if you dash off cliffs)\r\n- Added DETATCH_TIME_PARENT to the following generic proxies:\r\n   - vitalityCurse\r\n   - vitalityCurseDrain\r\n   - bounceOrb\r\n   - vitalitySpring\r\n   - springAbsorbDot\r\n   - waveBomb\r\n   - waveDummy4\r\n   - waveLaserSpawn\r\n   - waveLaser\r\n   - waveMine\r\n   - waveDummy\r\n   - soulShatter\r\n   - waveDummy2\r\n   - spiritfall\r\n   - fallingFaeSmall\r\n   - fallingFaeBig\r\n   - waveTurretBody\r\n   - waveTurret\r\n   - essenceProxy\r\n   - essenceProxyController\r\n   - waveTimeBomb\r\n   - waveTimeBombExploder\r\n- Generic proxies that will remain without DETATCH_TIME_PARENT:\r\n   - waveMortar\r\n   - waveDashBoom\r\n   - exploTrail\r\n   - waveAbsorbDot\r\n### Balance\r\n   - Arcing Fae is now capped at two orbs maximum at a time. Shooting a third will despawn the first one.\r\n   - So'najiz Phalanx increased damage on initial wave bullets\r\n   - So'najiz Phalanx wave bullets attack strength changed from LIGHT to MEDIUM, will be harder to escape\r\n   - So'najiz Phalanx now starts shooting slightly faster (less starting lag)\r\n   - So'najiz Phalanx clones increased HP\r\n   - So'najiz Phalanx final lasers reduced delay between preview and activation","version":"0.8.2","timestamp":1673833639000,"url":""},{"body":"### Changes\r\n- Capitalized Triblader2/3/4/5 names in party menu\r\n- Minor adjustments to Daybreak throw sound effect properties\r\n- Trailblazer can no longer be canceled by dashing until the final spin attack\r\n- Ice Brace audio and effect adjustments\r\n- Schneider/Luke now use their sitting animation for Ice Brace and Stasis Stance\r\n- Schneider/Luke now use their own alternate animations for Tower of Tranquility\r\n- Proxy icicleMediumLineSimple changed to breakType ACTION\r\n- Added DETATCH_TIME_PARENT to the following generic proxies:\r\n   - frozenStar\r\n   - fallingRockBig\r\n   - fallingRockMed\r\n   - rockLine\r\n   - icicleSmall\r\n   - snowballFlurry\r\n   - iceFlak\r\n   - hailBomb\r\n   - iceFreeze\r\n   - icicleBigDmg\r\n- Generic proxies that will remain without DETATCH_TIME_PARENT:\r\n   - polarGeyser\r\n   - frozenRupture\r\n   - avalancheProxy\r\n   - snowHurricaneCharge\r\n   - snowHurricane\r\n   - frozenRay\r\n   - icicleMediumLineSimple\r\n   - icicleSubHit\r\n   - icicleSubHitNoFly\r\n   - icicleHugeDelay\r\n   - towerBase\r\n   - towerWeatherController\r\n   - icePlatform\r\n   - icicleSmallLasting\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Removed duplicate SET_TEMP_TARGET from Recoil Slash\r\n- Recoil Slash particle effects should show on countered enemy more consistently\r\n### Balance\r\n- Recoil Slash now grants super armor (hit resist MASSIVE) while counterattacking\r\n- Verdant Infection now grants super armor (hit resist MASSIVE) while counterattacking\r\n   - Enemy variant already contained this property, only player files updated\r\n- Ice Brace now heals 5% of HP throughout the full duration\r\n- Ice Brace can now be canceled with a dash\r\n- Stasis Stance can now be canceled with a dash\r\n- Added an additional icicle attack to Stasis Stance","version":"0.8.1","timestamp":1673750373000,"url":""},{"body":"### New Content\r\n- Added a warning about modded party members when Triblader2 is recruited at Bergen Trail\r\n- Added a proper story cutscene to unlock the Schneider PVP duel (near end of 3rd day in the DLC story)\r\n   - For save files after this point, the arena cup will be automatically unlocked\r\n   - Added many random assortments of party members that can be present in the stands for the duel\r\n### Changes\r\n- Removed Schneider vs Luke arena cup\r\n- Arena cups are all open to all playable characters now, removed relevant text from descriptions\r\n- Arena lobby EventTrigger for managing character configs remains implemented but is now unused\r\n- Minor Triblader2 party dialogue tweaks\r\n- Adjusted text displays for Triblader League unlock cutscene to be in-line with other arena cup unlocks\r\n- Vermillion Firestorm lasers audio volume reduced\r\n- Flash Freeze audio volume reduced when freezing enemy\r\n- Daybreak proxies changed from breaktype NEVER to COMBATANT\r\n- Added sound effect when Daybreak is thrown\r\n- Daybreak impact sound effect volume increased\r\n- Trailblazer particle effects overhauled\r\n- Proy turbineStunner changed from breaktype NEVER to COMBATANT\r\n- Added DETATCH_TIME_PARENT to the following generic proxies:\r\n   - rudeBuster\r\n   - gleamingSurgeProxy\r\n   - shardAura\r\n   - spikeAura\r\n   - dropShieldOrbit\r\n   - dropShieldStatic\r\n   - defenseAura\r\n   - fireDaggerBombThrow\r\n   - fireDaggerBombStuck\r\n   - fireDaggerThrow\r\n   - fireDaggerStuck\r\n   - daybreakThrow\r\n   - daybreakStuck\r\n   - fireTornado\r\n   - mirageController\r\n   - mirageDummy\r\n   - firePillar\r\n   - firePillarEffect\r\n   - turbineStunner (after rapid spin)\r\n   - turbineDot (after rapid spin)\r\n   - attackBuffProxy\r\n   - flameWall\r\n- Generic proxies that will remain without DETATCH_TIME_PARENT:\r\n   - gambitProxy\r\n   - neutralFreeze\r\n   - neutralLaser\r\n   - subPierce\r\n   - flameHitS\r\n   - solarEruptionTipR\r\n   - solarEruptionTipL\r\n   - solarEruptionHead\r\n   - solarEruptionChainHitbox\r\n   - sunsteelController\r\n   - heatPierce\r\n   - flameHit\r\n   - meteor\r\n   - turbineStunner\r\n   - flamethrowerTriangle\r\n   - enelSwordSummon\r\n   - enelSwordAura\r\n   - firestormBase\r\n   - subPierceWeak\r\n   - flameHitSWeak\r\n   - heatLaser\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Walls 1-3 now destroy with proper effects in mod\\char-select\\beta.json\r\n- Fixed Lily granting exp in training island duels\r\n- Minor typo fix in Bergen Trail entrance modded dialogue\r\n- Fixed a rare issue where Spectral Legion would only spawn 3 clones\r\n- Fixed First Fractal particle effect alignment\r\n### Balance\r\n- Beekeeper total bees reduced by 4, damage per bee increased\r\n- Beekeeper will now despawn any previous bees when used\r\n- First Fractal damage slightly reduced\r\n- Blade of E'nel now grants full super armor (hit resist MASSIVE) while buff is active\r\n- Blade of E'nel now grants a shield that resists 10% of all damage while active\r\n- Homing Shards increased proxy lifetime from 1.5 to 2.0 seconds\r\n- Throwing Knives now shoots 2 additional knives on third volley\r\n- Trailblazer rate of fire increased\r\n- Trailblazer now has additional explosions when fire is spawned, dealing additional damage\r\n- Trailblazer fire contact damage slightly reduced","version":"0.8.0","timestamp":1673157897000,"url":""},{"body":"### Fixes\r\n- Fixed Triblader2 party member contact event story progress threshold\r\n### Balance\r\n- Magnet Prism targeting range increased from 128 to 140","version":"0.7.1","timestamp":1670222024000,"url":""},{"body":"0.7.0 (11/19/2022)\r\n### New Content\r\n- Added a character changing station to the Info Hub in Rookie Harbor\r\n- Triblader2 can now join the player near the start of Bergen Trail as a party member\r\n   - This is in addition to the dev room NPC\r\n   - Level/element/SP scaling will work regardless of when the NPC is recruited in a playthrough\r\n- Added commonEvent logic to manage Triblader2 party member level/SP/element progression throughout the story\r\n- Added modified event step to allow setting party members to variable level values\r\n### Major Changes\r\n- Targeted Surge: If you miss and use it again before the triangles despawn then your first attempt will stack\r\n- Magnet Prism is no longer limited to 1 projectile at a time (2 max), and no longer pierces\r\n### Changes\r\n- Minor audio volume adjustements to Blade Rink first-time cutscene\r\n- Prismatic Meltdown audio volume reduced when it shoots the laser\r\n- Shadow Spark projectile damage type changed from RANGED_DMG to MELEE_DMG\r\n- Lightning Rod final lightning proxy hit changed from RANGEED_DMG to MELEE_DMG\r\n- Proxy magnetBolt changed to breakType COMBATANT\r\n- Proxy thunderMed removed legacy \"hints\" properties\r\n- Proxy thunderMed changed from RANGED_DMG to MELEE_DMG\r\n- Proxy thunderController changed to breakType NEVER\r\n- Thunder Wrath weather effects linger for longer\r\n- Lightning Rod guardable flag changed from FROM_ABOVE to blank (player version only)\r\n- Proxy thunderHeavy guardable flag changed from FROM_ABOVE to blank\r\n- Proxy thunderHeavySkew guardable flag changed from FROM_ABOVE to blank\r\n- Proxy thunderHeavySkew changed from RANGED_DMG to MELEE_DMG\r\n- Added DETATCH_TIME_PARENT to the following generic proxies:\r\n   - bee\r\n   - circleBallShooter\r\n   - circleBall\r\n   - ms_TT\r\n   - tt_ball\r\n   - magnetBoltLong\r\n   - forkBoltSpawn\r\n   - forkBoltSecondary\r\n   - forkBoltHitbox\r\n   - magnetSphere\r\n   - magnetSphereTurret\r\n   - magnetBolt\r\n   - thunderController\r\n   - thunderSpawner\r\n   - thunderSmall\r\n   - thunderHeavy\r\n   - meltdown (only after it shoots the shockLaser proxy)\r\n   - shockLaser\r\n- Proxies that will remain without DETATCH_TIME_PARENT:\r\n   - faradayDummy\r\n   - lightningRodBolt\r\n   - shockSpecial\r\n   - fractalCloneController\r\n   - fractalClone\r\n   - thunderMed\r\n   - meltdownTarget\r\n   - thunderHeavySkew\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Most shock art skillBonus corrections\r\n- Fixed missing stunType, dmgType, and status descriptions for most shock arts\r\n- Fixed minor animation quirk in Blade Rink first-time cutscene\r\n- Fixed Triblader2-specific issue with second projectile of Celestial Constellation\r\n- Fixed ice wind effects from Arctic Blast rendering beneath upper terrain\r\n- Reworked the logic for beekeeper bees, they should no longer linger endlessly on defeated enemies\r\n- Added the attribute \"checkCollision\" for the following (fixes ability to hit through walls):\r\n   - Beekeeper melee attack\r\n   - Faraday Formation final spin attack\r\n   - Lightning Rod lightning bolt\r\n   - Amber Flurry rapid hits\r\n   - Amber Flurry final hit\r\n   - First Fractal final hit\r\n   - Alternating Charge lightning proxies\r\n   - Proxy thunderSmall\r\n   - Proxy thunderHeavy\r\n   - Proxy thunderHeavySkew\r\n   - Prismatic Meltdown laser impact\r\n- Puzzle elements can now interact with:\r\n   - Faraday Formation final spin attack\r\n   - Lightning Strike (added a non-damaging hitbox that can interact with puzzles)\r\n   - Targeted Surge initial projectile (added a non-damaging hitbox that can interact with puzzles)\r\n   - Lightning Fork\r\n### Balance\r\n- Beekeeper bees reduced from MEDIUM hit strength to LIGHT\r\n- Beekeeper bees speed slightly increased\r\n- Slightly reduced beekeeper sword damage\r\n- Shadow Spark no longer inflicts status\r\n- Shadow Spark projectile damage and shoot velocity increased\r\n- Targeted Surge no longer inflicts status\r\n- Targeted Surge now shoots faster and has faster projectiles\r\n- Targeted Surge minor damage reduction\r\n- Lightning Fork damage significantly reduced\r\n- Magnet Prism no longer inflicts status\r\n- Magnet Prism no longer pierces enemies\r\n- Magnet Prism max projectiles increased from 1 to 2\r\n- Magnet Prism rate of fire increased, damage adjusted to balance\r\n- First Fractal damage slightly increased","version":"0.7.0","timestamp":1668917167000,"url":""},{"body":"### Fixes\r\n- Introduced the \"posEntity\" attribute to gambitProxy to prevent Wild Gambit's projectiles from shooting through walls","version":"0.6.1","timestamp":1666515218000,"url":""},{"body":"### New Content\r\n- Added some various Triblader2 party dialogue\r\n### Changes\r\n- All healing combat arts now have their names in green text\r\n- All self-damaging combat arts (Burning Sacrifice) now use red text\r\n- Changed BGM for Blade Rink\r\n- Minor text speed edit to Blade Rink first-time cutscene\r\n- Reformatted some Triblader2 party dialogue event steps\r\n- Modified visual effect for Wild Gambit roll 4\r\n- Wild Gambit roll 4 reduced volume on charging sound\r\n- Wild Gambit roll 7 proxy waveAbsorbBall startDist reduced\r\n- Removed assault proxies from Heavy Slash\r\n- Blade Aura changed from RANGED_DMG to MELEE_DMG\r\n- Laser Barrage executes faster now\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Neutral art skillBonus corrections\r\n- Fixed missing stunType, dmgType, and status descriptions for all neutral arts\r\n- Fixed Laser Barrage bug with laser particle effect lingering on enemies\r\n- Laser Barrage now works properly against walls, fences, and corners\r\n- Added the attribute \"checkCollision\" for the following (fixes ability to hit through walls):\r\n   - Wirbelschlitzer attack hitbox\r\n   - Wild Gambit basic melee hitbox\r\n   - Wild Gambit roll 6 melee attack\r\n   - Wild Gambit roll 8 melee attack\r\n   - Heavy Slash attack hitbox\r\n   - Shrapnel Field spin attack\r\n   - Sky Shredder initial combo starter swing\r\n   - Laser Barrage final strike\r\n- Puzzle elements can now interact with:\r\n   - Wild Gambit roll 6 melee attack\r\n   - Wild Gambit roll 7 melee attack\r\n   - Wild Gambit roll 8 melee attack\r\n- Puzzle elements no longer interact with:\r\n   - Gleaming Surge delayed hits on enemies\r\n   - Sky Shredder falling spin attack\r\n   - Laser Barrage lasers\r\n### Balance\r\n- Heavy Slash damage increased 12%\r\n- Laser Barrage individual laser damage increased 50%\r\n- Laser Barrage total lasers changed from 5 to 6","version":"0.6.0","timestamp":1666514440000,"url":""},{"body":"### Fixes\r\n- Fixed cutscene sound effect positioning in all 5 XTM arena maps\r\n### Changes\r\n- Slightly moved PVP sign in Blade Rink\r\n- Changed initial character animations on cutscene for subsequent Blade Rink rounds\r\n- Made timing adjustment on pvpBrake for Blade Rink in attempt to avoid invisible enemies on round start","version":"BETA_0.5.2","timestamp":1664165784000,"url":""},{"body":"### Fixes\r\n- Fixed alignment of effect in Blade Rink intro when Triblader5 switches to neutral\r\n- Fixed broken animation in map autumn\\path-3-1.json in cutscene that plays after Vermillion Wasteland\r\n","version":"BETA_0.5.1","timestamp":1664148681000,"url":""},{"body":"### New Content\r\n- Triblader League round 2: \"Blade Rink\" added\r\n- Cutscene for 1st-time attempt at Blade Rink only\r\n### Fixes\r\n- Removed unused debug spritesheet custom.png\r\n- Compressed file pvp-triblader-league-c.json\r\n- Removed unintentional assault proxies from Blizzard Slash","version":"BETA_0.5.0","timestamp":1664145061000,"url":""},{"body":"### Changes\r\n- Updated readme\r\n- Reorganized github","version":"BETA_0.4.3","timestamp":1663132337000,"url":""}]},"xpc-hexa-elemental-robe":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"xpc-hexa-elemental-robe","version":"1.0.1","title":"XPC - Elemental Robe \\i[class-hexa]","description":{"en_US":"Extends the Elemental Hair mod to apply to XPC Hexacasts."},"repository":"","tags":["cosmetic"],"authors":["Azure Lazuline","XenonA7"],"icons":{"24":"icon24.png"},"prestart":"_prestart.js","dependencies":{"element-hair":">=1.0.0","xenons-playable-classes":">=1.0.0"}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"xpc-hexa-elemental-robe-1.0.1","hash":{"sha256":"4b027e5e18e3c54825e8a42e45ae102b08e3c8da4b433f607f7943542077fb83"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1726352370000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Improved mod icon","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1726352370000,"url":""},{"body":"Initial Release","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1726351354000,"url":""}]},"xpc-litter":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"xpc-litter","version":"2.0.0","title":{"en_US":"XPC - Hexacast Litter"},"description":{"en_US":"Makes Hexacast spellcards linger on the ground for a long time \\c[3](visual only)\\c[0]"},"repository":"","tags":["cosmetic"],"authors":"XenonA7","icons":{"24":"icon.png"},"dependencies":{"xenons-playable-classes":">=2.0.0"}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"xpc-hexacast-litter-2.0.0","hash":{"sha256":"32a636b48aaf703ca0cfc796019b4a3b3088e35d0f2bad14d7bdd6264f8c0ba6"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1724475869000,"releasePages":[{"body":"2.0.0 (08/23/2024)\r\n- Support for XPC 2.0.0 and higher\r\n- Support for xmc-hexacast discontinued\r\n- Mod ID changed from xmc-litter to xpc-litter","version":"2.0.0","timestamp":1724475869000,"url":""},{"body":"1.0.9 (08/11/2024)\r\n- Support for Hexacast 0.45.0\r\n- Added and standardized \"explodeCardNeutral\" type effects","version":"1.0.9","timestamp":1723429319000,"url":""},{"body":"1.0.8 (02/21/2024)\r\n- Compliance with new version format standard","version":"1.0.8","timestamp":1708583987000,"url":""},{"body":"1.8 (02/19/2024)\r\n- Updated to new ccmod.json standard","version":"1.8","timestamp":1708403478000,"url":""},{"body":"1.7 (01/01/2024)\r\n- Added support for Polarity Spark (Hexacast mod 0.25.0)","version":"1.7","timestamp":1704159985000,"url":""},{"body":"1.6 (07/23/2023)\r\n- Added support for Acceleration Mine (Hexacast mod 0.21.0)","version":"1.6","timestamp":1690178874000,"url":""},{"body":"1.5 (07/15/2023)\r\n- Added support for Ace of Flames (Hexacast mod 0.20.0)","version":"1.5","timestamp":1689405355000,"url":""},{"body":"1.4 (06/28/2023)\r\n- Tweaked explodeCardDeath velocity parameters","version":"1.4","timestamp":1688019831000,"url":""},{"body":"- Initial Release","version":"1.0","timestamp":1675656232000,"url":""}]},"xpc-triblader-trithrow":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"xpc-triblader-trithrow","version":"1.0.2","title":"XPC Triblader Tri-Throw","description":{"en_US":"Changes XPC's Tribladers to have unique VRPs instead of just Spheromancer's."},"repository":"","tags":["fun"],"authors":"Azure Lazuline","icons":{"24":"icon24.png"},"prestart":"_prestart.js","dependencies":{"xenons-playable-classes":">=1.0.0"}},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","source":"","hash":{"sha256":"2ecf52c6889855142916bcec82ba414e7c848daf0ed60e7344af3ddd6306d314"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1728323525000,"releasePages":[{"body":"First public release.","version":"1.0.2","timestamp":1728323525000,"url":""}]},"yoshi-open-circuits":{"metadataCCMod":{"id":"yoshi-open-circuits","version":"1.0.2","title":"Open Circuits","description":"Gives enhanced control over the Circuit Menu.","repository":"","authors":["EpicYoshiMaster"],"tags":["QoL","cheats"],"prestart":"prestart.js","main":"main.js"},"installation":[{"type":"zip","url":"","hash":{"sha256":"d397dbd7d10ac7b98680e5b948cf5327e985f2b87b809bb4dbf807eb920e6266"}}],"stars":0,"lastUpdateTimestamp":1715082341000,"releasePages":[{"body":"Add tags and authors to the mod description","version":"1.0.2","timestamp":1715082341000,"url":""},{"body":"## Changes/Fixes\r\n- Fixed a bug where the \"Refund\" localized text would not display properly\r\n- Fixed a bug where unlearning skills would not immediately apply their effects due to stats not being refreshed","version":"1.0.1","timestamp":1674093182000,"url":""},{"body":"Initial Release.","version":"1.0.0","timestamp":1645833668000,"url":""}]}}
\ No newline at end of file