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This document records all notable changes to CRIkit2.

This project adheres to PEP 440 -- Version Identification and Dependency Specification.

0.4.4 (22-10-13)

  • Bug fixes (x- and y-axis vectors failing to generate with imported HDF5 files)
  • Minor tweaks and improvements

0.4.3 (22-08-03)

  • Spectrum and Hsi now moved to data.spectra. This could break your fork if you have custom code.
  • LazyHDF5 now within CRIkit2 instead of external library
  • Import macrostage raster images (NIST) from multiple datasets

0.4.2 (22-03-24)

  • Changes to Phase Error Correction UI and some quality of life improvements

0.4.1 (22-03-24)

  • The UI for Phase Error Correction now incorporates the wavenumber-increased parameter of 0.4 release

0.4 (22-03-11)

  • Important: PhaseErrCorrectALS now has parameter for whether wavenumber is increasing left-to-right. This is important to set correctly. This should match the conjugate parameter in the KramersKronig.

0.3.1 (21-11-29)

  • Updated h5py deprecated syntax from .value to [:] (@XavierAutier)
  • Minor updates

0.3.0 (21-10-21)

  • H5 files with problematic X- or Y- assigned scales will revert to pixel units
  • Upgraded to LazyHDF5 0.3.0 nuances.
  • Added option to hilbertfft to return full padded results
  • Bug fixes

0.2.5 (20-03-05)

  • Significant performance improvement to ALS-detrending (15-50%)

0.2.4 (20-02-19)

  • Added more unit tests
  • Performance improvements (especially related to ROI-spectra)
  • Bug fix: Phantom dataset now included in pip installation

0.2.3 (20-02-06)

  • Added more tests - Algorithms: KK, hilbert
  • KK (class) uses less memory but at a slight decrease to speed using iteration. 'no_iter' flag to disable.
  • Visualize the real part of the KK in interactive mode
  • Conjugate the KK (function, class, and GUI) - Support for spectra that are high-to-low wavenumber oriented (left-to-right) - Auto-checks for this in the KK dialog (UI), though not in interactive mode
  • Crop (or some other options) m spectra every n spectra - In preprocess.crop - Added GUI as well (Preprocess header) -- separate for NRB and Dark
  • Updated KK GUI to incorporate edge-averaging (n_edge KK parameter)

0.2.2 (19-11-20)

  • Added a calculate Anscombe parameters function (calc_anscombe_parameters) to crikit.preprocess.standardize - Added an associated GUI dialog for calculating based on NRB and Dark spectra (Preprocess>Standardize submenu) - Note: you will need to perform Dark subtraction before performing the Anscombe transform (though the calculation of parameters can handle either scenario) - Added unittest for calculation function (not the GUI itself) - Added Jupyter Notebook (Calculating Anscombe Parameters.ipynb) to demonstrate use of calc_anscombe_parameters
  • Added a function that will take the respective RGB images + composite and de-mosaic them into TIFFs (NIST Special > DeMosaic RGB Images)
  • Fixes - Closing Mosaic tool doesn't close CRIkit UI as well

0.2.1 (19-09-17)

  • New toolbar ribbon setup scheme and default
  • New kkrelation and hilbertfft function - Select axis - Performs on N-dimensional arrays (not limited to 1- or 2D) - Removed pyFFTW support - Set min values - Set value to set Inf's and NaN's - Note: Does consume more RAM during computation (user may iteratively apply)
  • New KramersKronig incorporating new kkrelation/hilbertfft features - Does not iterate through data, which can require a lot more memory
  • New padding function pad_edge_mean - Pads along specified axis with edge values - Edge values can be a mean of n neighboring values as well - Now the default padding function for hilbert and kkrelation
  • Tweaks and bug fixes - Fixed sign error in PhaseErrorCorrectALS that mainly affected real part of spectra

0.2.0 (19-05-23)

  • Initial version