All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Improve documentation
- Improve documentation looks
- Data_logger: Added packages for statistics processing
- Histogramer: Fixed histogram box update
- Fixed missing prefix DMA Medusa jenkins verification script.
- NFB-200G2QL: Fixed missing lock DNA_PORT2E to X0Y1 due to different Chip ID in each SLRs (private submodule).
- NFB-200G2QL: Fixed all PCIE paths for pblock (private submodule).
- Fixed PCIE0 path for pblock to SLR1 on Netcope NFB-200G2QL card (private submodule).
- Fixed single-bit input problem on Agilex DSP counters in new Quartus.
- Fixed coding style in lots of files.
- Fixed Modules.tcl paths due to compatibility with new NDK-FPGA in external APPs.
- Fixed verification jenkins files.
- Fixed build jenkins files of APP-Minimal.
- Initial release of NDK-FPGA. The changelog for the previous versions of this repository (formerly known as ndk-app-minimal) was not maintained, so the changelog starts here.