A simple utility module which will help you implement time-based applications.
$ npm install @caltrop/ms.js
The function will always return a Time
For example:
const time = require('ms.js');
will return:
eternity: 0,
aeon: 0,
century: 0,
decade: 0,
year: 0,
day: 0,
hour: 0,
minute: 0,
second: 5,
millisecond: 200,
microsecond: 0,
nanosecond: 0,
ms: 5200,
str: '5 seconds and 200 milliseconds'
Invoking the toString
function will always return the .str
For example:
const time = require('ms.js');
console.log(`Shutting down in ${time(5200)}`); // => 'Shutting down in 5 seconds and 200 milliseconds'
Invoking the valueOf
function will always return the .ms
For example:
const time = require('ms.js');
time(5200) + 300; // => 5500
Valid Input is always either a Number
or a String
const time = require('ms.js');
time(1000).str; // => '1 second'
time(1000 * 60).str; // => '1 minute'
time('2 hours').ms; // => 7200000
time('50y, 30h, 20m, 10s').str; // => '5 decades, 1 day, 6 hours, 20 minutes and 10 seconds'
time('30 hours, 20 min10seconds5 0y').str; // => '5 decades, 1 day, 6 hours, 20 minutes and 10 seconds'
time(time('2 hours') + time(10000)).str; // => '2 hours and 10 seconds'
time('-3 days').ms; // => -259200000
time('20').str; // => '20 minutes'
time(20).str; // => '20 milliseconds'
time(2.5).str; // => '2 milliseconds and 500 microseconds'
time('2.5 hours').str; // => '2 hours and 30 minutes'
time('minute').ms // => 60000
time(Infinity).str // => '1 eternity'
// you may also parse a Date Object
`it has been ${time(Date.now() - new Date(1567951242668))} since ms.js was released!`
(assuming that all relevant values will be shown, see: Options section)
Unit Name | Definition | Aliases |
Eternity | An Infinite amount of time | eternites |
Aeon | 3.1536e+19 ms or 1 billion years |
ae ,æ , aeons , eon , eons |
Millenium | 3.1536e+13 ms or 1,000 years |
ml , milleniums , millennia |
Century | 3.1536e+12 ms or 100 years |
l , cent , centurys , centuries |
Generation | 1103760000000 ms or 3 decades and 5 years |
generations |
Decade | 3.1536e+11 ms or 10 years |
dc , decades |
Megaminute | 60000000000 ms or 1,000,000 minutes or about 1 year and 329 days |
megaminutes |
Year | 3.1536e+10 ms or 365 days |
y , yr , yrs , years |
Season | 7884086400 ms or about 91 days and 6 hours |
quarter , trimonth |
Month | 2628028800 ms or about 30 days and 10 hours |
mo , mon , months |
Lunar Month | 2449440000 ms or about 28 days and 8 hours |
lunarmonth , lunarmonths |
Fortnight | 1209600000 ms or 14 days |
biweek , fortnights , biweeks |
Week | 604800000 ms or 7 days |
w , weeks |
Day | 86400000 ms or 24 hours |
d , days |
Hour | 3600000 ms or 60 minutes |
h , hr , hrs , hours |
Moment | 90000 ms or 1 minute and 30 seconds |
moments |
Minute | 60000 ms or 60 seconds |
m , mn , min , mins , minutes |
Instant | 8000 ms or 8 seconds |
in , instants |
Second | 1000 ms |
s , sec , secs , seconds |
Millisecond | 1 ms |
ms , msec , msecs , milliseconds |
Microsecond | 0.001 ms |
µs , micro , micros , microsec , microsecs ,microseconds |
Nanosecond | 0.000001 ms or 0.001 microseconds |
ns , nano , nanos , nanosec , nenosecs ,nanoseconds |
Input is case insensitive!
If none of these are found directly, it will try to match the most similar unit instead (Assuming that strict mode is disabled, see: Options section)
Options are parsed in an Object as the 2nd parameter to the function.
Option Name | Purpose | Default |
verbose | Whether or not to show the entire Unit name or to use a shortened name | true |
relevant | How many relevant Units to display in the String | 2 |
strict | Whether or not to limit the use of incomplete input for String input | false |
const time = require('ms.js');
time(55555, {verbose: true}).str // => '55 seconds and 555 milliseconds'
time(55555, {verbose: false}).str // => '55s, 555ms'
time(55555555, {relevant: 2}).str // => '15 hours and 25 minutes'
time(55555555, {relevant: 3}).str // => '15 hours, 25 minutes and 55 seconds'
time(55555555, {relevant: 4}).str // => '15 hours, 25 minutes, 55 seconds and 555 milliseconds'
time('minute', {strict: false}).str // => '1 minute'
time('1', {strict: false}).str // => '1 minute'
time('1minu', {strict: false}).str // => '1 minute'
time('minute', {strict: true}).str //TypeError: Cannot read property 'str' of undefined
time('1', {strict: true}).str //TypeError: Cannot read property 'str' of undefined
time('1minu', {strict: true}).str //TypeError: Cannot read property 'str' of undefined
time('66666', {strict: false, verbose: false, relevant: 99}) // => 46d, 7h, 6m