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CapsAdmin edited this page Oct 26, 2014
41 revisions
- 3DMesh(path, flags, now)
- Buffer(val)
- ColorBytes(r, g, b, a)
- ColorHex(hex, a)
- ColorToHSV(c)
- Color(...)
- FrameBuffer(width, height, format)
- GBufferPass(name, stage)
- GLProgram(cb)
- GLShader(type, source)
- Gif(path)
- HSVToColor(h, s, v, a)
- Matrix44(m)
- Mesh(vertices, indices, is_valid_table)
- ParticleEmitter(max)
- R(path, is_folder)
- Rect(...)
- Sound(...)
- TCCState()
- TextureAtlas(page_width, page_height, format)
- Texture(width, height, buffer, format)
- VertexBuffer(vertex_attributes, vertices, indices, vertices_size, indices_size)
- Window(width, height, title)
- assert(...)
- check(var)
- checkx(var)
- collectgarbage(...)
- dofile(path)
- error(...)
- errorf(str, level)
- func(...)
- gcinfo(...)
- getfenv(...)
- getlogfile(name)
- getmetatable(...)
- hasindex(var)
- include(source)
- ipairs(...)
- istype(var)
- load(...)
- loadfile(path)
- loadstring(...)
- log(...)
- logf(str)
- logf_nospam(str)
- logn(...)
- logn_nospam(...)
- module(name)
- mz_crc32(buff, buf_len, crc)
- newproxy(...)
- next(...)
- npairs(a)
- pairs(...)
- pcall(...)
- print(...)
- rawequal(...)
- rawget(...)
- rawlen(...)
- rawset(...)
- sbuffer_append_int64(n, h)
- select(...)
- setfenv(...)
- setlogfile(name)
- setmetatable(...)
- solve_path(name, extensions, directory_hint)
- tonumber(...)
- tostring(...)
- tostring_args(...)
- tostringx(val)
- type(...)
- typex(var)
- unpack(...)
- vprint(...)
- wait(seconds, frames)
- warning(verbosity, format)
- xpcall(...)