Streamlit is a Web Framework which is build for Data Scientist to readily convert their projects/analysis into a web application.
To install streamlit run the following command at the prompt, after cloning this repo.
$ sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ streamlit run
# The well known alias
import streamlit as st
# c is the altair chart object
st.altair_chart(c, use_container_width=True)
# chart_data is a pd.DataFrame object
# audio_bytes is a BytesIO object, format='audio/ogg')
# data is a pd.DataFrame object
show_data = st.checkbox('Show Raw Data')
if show_data:
option = st.selectbox('Which Language do you know?', ('C', 'Python', 'Java'))
st.write('You Know:', option)
# To display text in it
st.text("This is simply a text")
# Render latex code on the dashboard
E = MC^2
# Display markdown code
st.markdown("I have rendered **markdown code** in this")
# Display the title(it is usually in bold and caps)
st.title('Display Title')
# Header of any section(much less bold than title)
st.header('Section Header')
# This is a subheader
st.subheader('My Subheader')