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Create a local testnet for fast, private testing

Adam Kelly edited this page Jun 22, 2021 · 6 revisions
  1. Stop all chia processes. Check that they have stopped with ps -ef | grep chia
  2. Create a new chia root using export CHIA_ROOT="~/.chia/my_testnet, then chia init. Don't forget to export CHIA_ROOT, or prefix your chia commands with CHIA_ROOT="~/.chia/my_testnet if you want to run on my_testnet when starting a new terminal.
  3. Create a new entry in config.yaml with a different GENESIS_CHALLENGE, and reduced DIFFICULTY_CONSTANT_FACTOR. 2^67 constant factor is around 110PiB assuming a fast timelord. So if you have around 110GiB, you can set it to 2 ^ 47. Decrease SUB_SLOT_ITERS_STARTING if you are using a slow computer. Decrease PLOT_FILTER if you want to have more proof checks per signage point.
  4. Make sure to add my_testnet to all places that need it, like network_overrides.config, and selected_network
  5. Change the introducer URLs to point to localhost so you don't contact the real ones
  6. Do sh
  7. Run the system with chia start all
  8. If you have installed the gui, run (cd chia-blockchain-gui && npm run electron &)
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