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Vault to Tink


  1. The public internet is accessible OR lein dependencies are pre-cached

  2. The kubectl context needs to be in the correct namespace (kubectl config set-context --current --namespace <namespace>)

  3. Docker is running and accessible without sudo to run the clojure container

  4. jq is installed.

  5. The API token from your Kubernetes secret is accessible to be used for the import.

  6. The Postgres server is internal to the CircleCI installation

    • If Postgres has been externalized, please reach out to your account representative.
  7. You have a Tink keyset ready to go with tinkey create-keyset --key-template XCHACHA20_POLY1305

    • To successfully run the aforementioned command, Java must be installed. On a Mac you may brew install openjdk.
  8. If on a Mac, please brew install iproute2mac

Note: This script will open one REPL per context ID, where one ID is one context; not to be confused with individual variables within a context. If you have a firewall that will rate-limit you, please take that into consideration before proceeding.

Warning: There will be downtime for jobs using contexts during this migration; specifically after updating the values.yaml and before the import script finishes.

Warning: Exporting contexts will create a file on your system named contexts.json. This file will contain all the names and values of your secrets. It is strongly recommended to rm -f contexts.json after importing the contexts and verifying the system operates as expected.


  1. Run a job that uses contexts and verify it worked as expected.


  1. Navigate to this directory in your terminal
  2. Run bash

Moving to Tink

  1. Update your values.yaml to reference Tink and disable Vault:
  enabled: true
  keyset: '{"primaryKeyId":1981846258,"key":[{"keyData":{"typeUrl":"","value":"GiCibSVjG2+bLaeShz+M67BcsEZt7GPI+zcE8J+HKYew==","keyMaterialType":"SYMMETRIC"},"status":"ENABLED","keyId":1981846258,"outputPrefixType":"TINK"}]}'
  internal: false


  1. Get your API token by running API_TOKEN=$(kubectl get secrets api-token -o jsonpath="{.data.api-token}" -n <namespace> | base64 --decode)
  2. Run the import script bash [--hostname <circleci-hostname>] [--token $API_TOKEN]


  1. Trigger the same pipeline as the preparation phase to ensure contexts work as expected. If things do not work as expected, please reach out to your account representitive.