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Cisco NGFWv Autoscale Solution for GCP

  • The FTDv Auto Scale for GCP is an automated horizontal scaling solution that positions an FTDv instance group sandwiched between a GCP Internal load balancer (ILB) and a GCP External load balancer (ELB).
  • The ELB distributes traffic from the Internet to FTDv instances in the Instance Group; the FTDv then forwards traffic to the application.
  • The ILB distributes outbound Internet traffic from an application to FTDv instances in the Instance Group; the FTDv then forwards traffic to the Internet.
  • A network packet will never pass through both (internal & external) load balancers in a single connection.
  • The number of FTDv instances in the scale set will be scaled and configured automatically based on load conditions.

Note: Cloud Editor commands can be run directly from the terminal if Gcloud SDK is installed.

Detailed Deployment Guide:


There are 2 use cases:

  1. FTDv with Diagnostic Interface
  • In this use-case, FTDv four network interfaces are in use: management, diagnostic, inside and outside.
  • Outside(Gig0/0) is to be placed in trusted zone same as applications or different. This interface doesn't require default route to internet. User can change Network Security Group for these interfaces for the subnet.
  • Inside(Gig0/1) is to be placed in un-trusted zone, where default route is set to internet. Also ports that needs to be opened on External Load Balancer, has to be opened on the network security groups.
  • Management interface needs to be placed in a subnet where FMC connection is possible.
  • Diagnostic interface can be connected to any VPC for diagnostic purpose.
  1. FTDv without Diagnostic Interface
  • Only supported from FTDv 7.4 and above.
  • In this use-case, FTDv four network interfaces are in use: management, diagnostic, inside and outside.
  • Outside(Gig0/0) is to be placed in trusted zone same as applications or different. This interface doesn't require default route to internet. User can change Network Security Group for these interfaces for the subnet.
  • Inside(Gig0/1) is to be placed in un-trusted zone, where default route is set to internet. Also ports that needs to be opened on External Load Balancer, has to be opened on the network security groups.
  • Management interface needs to be placed in a subnet where FMC connection is possible. Diagnostic functions can be configured through this interface.

Disclaimer: It is required to have prior understanding of GCP deployments & resources

Basic Steps:

  1. With Diagnostic Case:
  • Create 4 VPCs and Subnets for Inside, Outside, Management and Diagnostic, and in the Management VPC we need to have /28 subnet say
  • We need 4 firewall rules for the interfaces Inside, Outside, Management and Diagnostic, and a Firewall rule to allow the health check probes.
  1. Without Diagnostic Case:
  • Create 3 VPCs and Subnets for Inside, Outside and Management, and in the Management VPC we need to have /28 subnet say
  • We need 3 firewall rules for the interfaces Inside, Outside and Management, and a Firewall rule to allow the health check probes.
  • Ips for health checks:

Common Steps

  • Create the VPC Connector gcloud beta compute networks vpc-access connectors create --region --subnet=</28 subnet name>
  • Clone the git repository to the Local Folder git clone git_url -b branch_name
  • Create the bucket in gcloud CLI gsutil mb -c nearline gs://bucket_name
  • Make the Zip Files of the following files of the Folders (scalein_action and scaleout_action)
    • requirements.txt
  • Rename them to and and upload the zips to the storage bucket. Note: Make sure you just compress the files and not the folder.
  • Upload the following files from Deployment-Manager-Template to Cloud Editor Workspace
    • ftdv_template.jinja
    • ftdv_parameters.yaml
    • ftdv_predeployment.jinja
    • ftdv_predeployment.yaml
  • Update the Parameters in yaml files for the Pre-Deployment(ftdv_predeployment.yaml) and FTDv Autoscale Deployment(ftdv_parameters.yaml).
  • Create 2 secrets fmc-password and ftdv-new-password using Secret Manager GUI Link:

FMCv Setup

  • Deploy an FMCv on any public cloud platform with a public IP.
  • Create a user “restapi” for FMCv and use the same password saved in fmc-password secret.
  • Create
    • Device Group
    • Access Policy, Access Rule
    • Objects, Security Zone(Interface Objects)
    • NAT Policy, NAT Rules
  • Objects to be created:
    • object network hc1 subnet
    • object network hc2 subnet
    • object network elb-ip host
    • object network hc3 subnet
    • object network hc4 subnet
    • object network metadata host
    • object network ilb-ip host
    • object network inside-linux host
    • object network outside-gateway host <>
    • object network inside-gateway host <>
  • Create two interface objects(security zones):
    • inside-security-zone
    • outside-security-zone

NAT rules to be deployed:

  • nat (inside,outside) source dynamic hc1 interface destination static ilb-ip metadata service SVC_4294968559 SVC_4294968559
  • nat (inside,outside) source dynamic hc2 interface destination static ilb-ip metadata service SVC_4294968559 SVC_4294968559
  • nat (inside,outside) source dynamic any interface
  • nat (outside,inside) source dynamic hc1 interface destination static elb-ip metadata service SVC_4294968559 SVC_4294968559
  • nat (outside,inside) source dynamic hc2 interface destination static elb-ip metadata service SVC_4294968559 SVC_4294968559
  • nat (outside,inside) source dynamic hc3 interface destination static elb-ip metadata service SVC_4294968559 SVC_4294968559
  • nat (outside,inside) source dynamic hc4 interface destination static elb-ip metadata service SVC_4294968559 SVC_4294968559
  • nat (outside,inside) source dynamic any interface destination static elb-ip inside-linux

Deploying Templates

gcloud deployment-manager deployments create <predeployment_name> --config ftdv_predeployment.yaml

gcloud deployment-manager deployments create <deployment_name> --config ftdv_autoscale_params.yaml

Ensuring Traffic Flow

Create Route for ILB to forward the packets from inside application to internet

gcloud beta compute routes create <ilb-route-name> --network=<inside-vpc-name> --priority=1000 --destination-range= --next-hop-ilb=<ilb-forwarding-rule-name> --next-hop-ilb-region=<region>


  • not found. • Make sure that zip is made only from the files. You can go to Cloud Functions and check the file tree. There should not be any folder.
  • Error while deploying Template.
    • Make sure that all the parameter values within “<>” are filled in .jinja and .yaml as well or the deployment by the same name exists already.
    • Iferrors with parameters, use the recommended value.
  • Google Function cannot reach FTDv • Make sure that the VPC connector is created and the same name is given in the yaml parameter file
  • Traffic blocked:
    • Check for the Access Policy and Rules.
    • Check that all the Object IPs are correct.