Vue3 Pinboard is a framework for creating apps for investigating a single data layer in great detail. It has a refine panel along the top, which you can use to filter some of the pins and data off of the app. It also shows a map panel on the right, and a list of pins on the left, which can opened and closed to show more data about the pin.
The package is in npm as @phila/pinboard.
It is used to create multiple apps for the City of Philadelphia, including:
Site | GitHub |
Primary care finder | repo |
Food and meal finder | repo |
Resources for immigrants | repo |
Resources for recycling and donation | repo |
npm install
To set up an app that uses @phila/pinboard, create a vue3 project, and do npm install @phila/pinboard
From an app that uses @phila/pinboard, do npm link @phila/pinboard
and then npm run dev
, and changes you make to vue3-pinboard will be visible in the dev app running.
Create pull request for changes and merge into main
branch. run npm version patch
, npm version minor
or npm version major
to bump the version number up and then git push --tags
for github actions build to kick-off.
- fixes placement of ExpandCollapse + icon in mobile
- adds clearAllClicked flag to MainStore, so that RefinePanel.vue watch selectedArray does not change route if it is true
- fixes automatic holiday banner
- fixes removing zipcode from map if you hit back button
- fixes README for new vue3-pinboard repo
- sets up MainStore.filterChangeCounter to remove map popups if the popup is related to a point that is filtered off the map
- fixes back button for removing a keyword
- fixes bug in push process
- does release in production mode, so that the console logs are hidden
- uses vue3
These are not listed, as this was the development in upgrading pinboard from vue2 to vue3 All versions previous to this were in the original repo pinboard
- comments out sorting of currentData in Map.vue, since it can be done in the data query
- fix for backwards compatibility for recycling finder
- allows sorting the data for the map, so you can put some points above others (when they are doubled)
- adds a fix for a tooltip for a multiple refine group
- adds a fix to Fuse for handling keyword matches
- merges all work for setting up lactation-spaces-finder
- allows sizing the logo
- fixes bug in MapPanel.vue that was causing a console error when loading with a pin in the url
- uses @phila/vue-datafetch that adds headers to http request
- allows forced message in holiday banner
- makes "forceBanner" option work for a week after a holiday
- sets up "forceBanner" option for holidays, which overrules the automatic holiday banner option
- incorporates @phila/vue-datafetch 2.2.16, which has a small bugfix for pinboard after major changes for mapboard
- small bugfixes for running business resource finder off 1.2.x release
- sets up holiday banner for translating holiday names
- uses new gtag id for GA4 for 2nd time
- small fix for holiday banner
- reverts gtag change
- sets up automatic holiday banner
- changes gtag to use GA4 id
- bugfix for singular section titles in expand-collapses
- releases many features created during user testing
- adds css for alert modal
- fixes bug with using maplibre
- uses @phila/vue-mapping with updated maplibre and @phila/vue-datafetch with updated geoserver
- fixes bug with apps that do not use circlemarkers
- fixes bug with using tab and spacebar to open refine panel
- updates packages
- undoes change to filtering of categoryField_array apps
- fixes bug with filtering of categoryField_array apps
- fixes gtag for language selector
- changes terminology from from dependent/independent to checkbox/radio
- fixes for screen readers
- ran package updates
- allows website text to wrap in default cards
- cleans up css of default cards
- moves more css into main project
- does not conditionally import any @phila/vue-mapping elements
- moves css from primary care finder into src/assets/scss/expandCollapse.scss
- fixes refine to filter in default i18n files
- further bug fix for translating tags in refine panel
- makes default link behavior to open a new tab
- bug fix for translating tags in refine panel
- bug fix for icon size
- fixes for refine panel css spacing
- fixes css of Apply Filters button in Mobile
- fixes appLink
- fix for initial services routing bug
- ui changes in refine panel
- cleans up searchBar code
- splits i18n file into separate language files
- opens refine panel when view list is clicked if not mobile
- makes independent groups (radio buttons) also affect refine results
- fixes bug with finding languages for i18n
- allows routing by language selected
- fixes z-index of address search bar to be beneath the language dropdown
- fixes bug where wrong expandCollapse stays open when you search an address
- allows address marker color to be settable
- changes color of address marker to purple, fixes length of address search bar issues
- fixes sorting of locations alphabetically and numerically
- fixes padding in non-mobile refine panel
- fixes padding in mobile refine panel
- fixes refine panel issues for categoryField_value app like Food Finder
- cleans up major mobile ux issues
- fixes bug with app that has no tooltips
- fixes bug with tooltips for larger checkbox label
- fixes tooltips for multiline option
- makes tooltips in checkbox category label work
- removes old i18n Banner entirely, fixes bug with header placement on phila-ui lang selector
- fixes bug with categoryField_value apps and routing
- uses phila-ui for i18n
- makes tooltips in mobile permanent
- cleans up mobile screen css
- allows retractableRefine option
- fixes small issues with accessibility
- fixes issues with z-index of input over map, placement of i18n globe
- allows @phila/phila-ui radio buttons in refine panel that work with i18n
- makes it so that the address/keyword input can be for addresses only
- fixes bug with loading app filtered when coordinates are projected
- uses pvm 3.1.4, fixing z-index issues
- fixes longstanding bug with loading the app filtered and then unfiltering
- uses pvm 3.1.3, fixes placement of text in mapbox popups
- uses pvm 3.1.2 which fixes circle markers and popups
- cleans up old scss and vestigial files
- uses new commits of pvd and pvm
- fixes scrollbar issues
- fixes tag searching
- uses @phila/phila-ui, stops using @phila/vue-comps
- fixes refine for Multiple Field Groups apps
- removes undefined boxes from refine panel
- fixes bug in RefinePanel.vue if refine value is a string
- adds fuse.js, uses it on keyword search
- hides tags label in default expand-collapse-content if there are none
- allows tags types to be set in config
- makes any categoryField_value app use radio buttons instead of checkboxes
- makes filtering using multiple checkboxes use an AND query, to reduce results if more boxes are clicked
- fixes githubs actions for push to npmjs
- uses pvc 2.1.19
- uses pvd 1.4.4
- uses github actions for push to npmjs
- changes for adding sections to the voting site
- adds "cityOfPhiladelphia" to pinboard built in i18n values
- makes vue-gtag work for all resource finders
- adds vue-gtag package and tags events
- uses upgraded vue libraries:
- @phila/vue-mapping 2.2.9
- @phila/vue-comps 2.1.15
- @phila/vue-datafetch 1.4.3
- fixes issues with i18n when you use fewer languages
- updates packages, small changes for voting finder
- uses pvd and pvm releases that do not import leaflet unless needed
- fixes bugs with i18n in refine panel, info circles in refine panel
- fixes bug with point color
- fixes css issues
- fixes bug with missing latlng
- fixes bug with font awesome marker placement in mapbox map
- fixes keyword search when keyword is the first option
- fixes keyword search when keyword is the only option
- fixes search by keywords
- moves up minor version to test npm
- uses mapbox FontAwesomeMarker.vue from @phila/vue-mapping
- fixes issues with data rows that are missing geometries
- uses new releases of vue packages, uses airtable sources, mapbox styles hosted by mapbox
- uses pvm 2.1.5, with many new mapbox features added
- upgrades all packages
- adds to footer
- adds all kinds of alert functionality
- fixes tiny bug with custom greeting
- fixes small css issues and bugs
- fixes small issues to make new changes compatible with original pinboard apps
- uses @phila/vue-comps 2.1.2
- adds major changes to refine panel options
- uses minor updates to libraries:
- @phila/vue-comps 2.1.1
- @phila/vue-mapping 2.1.1
- @phila/vue-datafetch 1.2.0
- pushes to @phila/pinboard* uses new locations for phila libraries:
- @phila/vue-comps 2.0.9
- @phila/vue-mapping 2.0.5
- @phila/vue-datafetch 1.1.7
- pushes to @phila/pinboard instead of @philly/pinboard
- Adds how to use content.
- Uses pvc 1.0.47
- Adds new fields + accessibility features
- adds all upgrades that depedabot put into separate pull requests
- Uses pvm 1.0.43 which fixes VectorMarker updating - allows more points to be used on the pinboard
- Uses pvc 1.0.42
- Uses new releases of @philly libraries which ran upgrades
- Uses @philly/vue-comps 1.0.41
- Uses @philly/vue-mapping 1.0.41
- Uses new restructured pvd (which also ran upgrades)
- Uses @philly/vue-datafetch 0.0.27
- Uses new releases of @philly libraries which ran upgrades
- Uses @philly/vue-comps 1.0.37
- Uses @philly/vue-mapping 1.0.36
- Uses @philly/vue-datafetch 0.0.24
- release that had to be replaced right away
- Uses new releases of @philly libraries which ran upgrades
- Uses @philly/vue-comps 1.0.36
- Uses @philly/vue-mapping 1.0.35
- Uses @philly/vue-datafetch 0.0.22