These are the most useful functions:
Exec: Abbreviation used in exec files
C++: name of the function in C++
Addr./Val.: Address in ROM (OS version 2.1.2) (or value if it is not a function)
Exec | C++ | Addr./Val. | Explanation |
#C | void LCD_ClearScreen(); | 0x800394C0 | Clears the VRAM |
#R | void LCD_Refresh(); | 0x8003733E | Copys VRAM content to the screen |
uint16_t *LCD_GetVRAMAddress(); | 0x8002E154 | Function, that returns the VRAM address | |
#V | 0x8C000000 | The actual VRAM address (in OS version 2.1.2) | |
void LCD_GetSize(int *width, int *height); | 0x8002E140 | Stores the size of the screen in the variables pointed to | |
#X | 320 | The actual width of the screen | |
#Y | 528 | The actual height of the screen | |
#S | int Debug_SetCursorPosition(int x, int y); | 0x8002E430 | Sets the cursor for PrintString |
#G | void Debug_GetCursorPosition(int *x, int *y); | 0x8002E448 | Gets the cursor position |
#W | int Debug_WaitKey(); | 0x80094380 | Waits until clear is pressed (some other keys also work) |
#PS | bool Debug_PrintString(const char *string, bool invert); | 0x8002DA0C | Prints the string at the cursor position |
#PN | void Debug_PrintNumberHex_Nibble(uint8_t value, int x, int y); | 0x80094466 | prints a hex nibble |
#PB | void Debug_PrintNumberHex_Byte(uint8_t value, int x, int y); | 0x800944A0 | prints a hex byte |
#PW | void Debug_PrintNumberHex_Word(uint16_t value, int x, int y); | 0x800944C8 | prints a hex word |
#PL / #PD | void Debug_PrintNumberHex_Dword(uint32_t value, int x, int y); | 0x80094514 | prints a hex long/dword |
#PF | void Debug_Printf(int x, int y, bool invert, int zero, const char *format, ...); | 0x8002DBC8 | prints the format string |
void LCD_VRAMBackup(); | 0x8002D3FA | Backs up the VRAM | |
void LCD_VRAMRestore(); | 0x8002D41A | Restores the VRAM |
You can find all functions in the .hpp files in /sdk/include/
Their adresses are in /sdk/os/