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Tom Elkin edited this page May 10, 2014 · 14 revisions

More practice

A series of tiny exercises to walk you through all of Clojure's syntax features. Goes from basics all the way through to advanced, so don't feel dismayed when you get to the harder bits.

PRO USER TIP: You can use LightTable's InstaREPL mode in the same way we did in the workshop, instead of using the 'lein koans run' command in the instructions: just take all of the functions from each file out of the (meditations) block.

Fun stuff

Welcome to the ClojureBridge Curriculum wiki!

Fun "music" making library featured in Jen's lightning talk:

For people who were interested in hardware, there are two great videos by Carin Meier, who programs her roomba and drone to dance together, and then writes her own language to allow her drone to talk to her:

OSCON 2013: Carin Meier, "The Joy of Flying Robots with Clojure"

Carin Meier - Learning to Talk to Machines with Speech Acts

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