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+# HA Web Konsole (Hawk)
+![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/ClusterLabs/hawk.svg?branch=master)
+![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/ClusterLabs/hawk/badges/gpa.svg)
+Hawk provides a web interface for High Availability clusters managed
+by the Pacemaker cluster resource manager. The current goal of the
+project is to provide a complete management interface to the HA
+cluster, both in the form of a flexible REST API as well as a modern
+client frontend using the API.
+ - [Features](doc/features.md)
+ - [Build Dependencies](#build-dependencies)
+ - [Release](doc/release.md)
+ - [Installation](#installation-and-deployment)
+ - [Devel notes](#devel)
+## Build Dependencies
+The exact versions specified here may not be accurate. Also, note that
+Hawk also requires the rubygems listed in `hawk/Gemfile`.
+* ruby >= 2.2
+* crmsh >= 3.0.0
+* hawk-apiserver
+* graphviz
+* graphviz-gd
+* dejavu
+* pacemaker >= 1.1.8
+* bundler
+* iproute2
+For details about the Hawk API server, see the separate repository at Github:
+* https://github.com/ClusterLabs/hawk-apiserver
+## Installation and deployment:
+On openSUSE use following commands:
+zypper install hawk2
+crm cluster init
+Once initialized, go to `https://:7630/`.
+### Deploy:
+use the following project for deploying hawk https://github.com/SUSE/pacemaker-deploy
+# Devel
+### Puma server configuration
+You can change the configurations of both instances of the Puma sever through
+the configuration file in `hawk/config/puma.rb`. You can also pass options directly
+through environment variables.
+Please also note that the Puma server is configured to use a maximum number of
+16 threads withing one worker in clustered mode. This application is thread safe
+and you can customize this through the puma.rb file.
+For further information about threads and workers in Puma, please take a look at
+this great article by Heroku: [Puma web server article](https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/deploying-rails-applications-with-the-puma-web-server)
+### Hacking hawk tools
+Hawk's tools are the programs under the `hawk/tools` folder
+(`hawk_chkpwd` and `hawk_invoke`).
+ls /usr/sbin/hawk_* -l+ +
+-rwsr-x--- 1 root haclient 9884 2011-04-14 22:56 /usr/sbin/hawk_chkpwd+
+-rwsr-x--- 1 root haclient 9928 2011-04-14 22:56 /usr/sbin/hawk_invoke+
+`hawk_chkpwd` is almost identical to `unix2_chkpwd`, except it restricts
+acccess to users in the `haclient` group, and doesn't inject any delay
+when invoked by the `hacluster` user (which is the user the Hawk web
+server instance runs as).
+`hawk_invoke` allows the `hacluster` user to run a small assortment
+of Pacemaker CLI tools as another user in order to support Pacemaker's
+ACL feature. It is used by Hawk when performing various management
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+# Design
+## API
+Hawk is being restructured to provide a cleaner separation between the
+frontend and the backend. As a first step towards this goal, Hawk now
+uses its own small API proxy daemon as a web server, which is
+maintained as a separate project:
+* [API Server Repository](https://github.com/krig/hawk-apiserver)
+## A Note on SSL Certificates
+The Hawk init script will automatically generate a self-signed SSL
+certificate, in `/etc/hawk/hawk.pem`. If you want
+to use your own certificate, replace `hawk.key` and `hawk.pem` with
+your certificate. For browsers to accept this certificate, the node running Hawk will need to be accessed via the domain name specified in the certificate.
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+## Overview
+Hawk runs on every node in the cluster, so that you can just point
+your web browser at any node to access it. E.g.:
+Hawk is always accessed via HTTPS, and requires users to log in prior
+to providing access to the cluster. The same user privilege rules
+apply as for Pacemaker itself: You need to log in as a user in the
+`haclient` group. The easiest thing to do is to assign a password to
+the `hacluster` user, and then to log in using that account. Note that
+you will need to configure this user account on every node that you
+will use Hawk on.
+For more fine-grained control over access to the cluster, you can
+create multiple user accounts and configure Access Control Lists (ACL)
+for those users. These access control rules are available directly
+from the Hawk user interface.
+Once logged in, you will see a status view displaying the current
+state of the cluster. All the configured cluster resources are shown
+together with their status, as well as a general state of the cluster
+and a list of recent cluster events (if any).
+The navigation menu on the left hand side provides access to the
+additional features of Hawk, such as the history explorer, the
+multi-cluster dashboard and configuration management. On the top right
+of the screen you can enable or disable the simulator, configure user
+preferences and log out of the cluster.
+Resource management operations (start, stop, online, standby, etc.)
+can be performed using the menu of operations next to the resource in
+the status view.
+* [The Hawk Guide](http://hawk-guide.readthedocs.org/en/latest/)
+* [SUSE Linux Enterprise High Availability Extension Documentation](http://www.suse.com/documentation/sle_ha/book_sleha/?page=/documentation/sle_ha/book_sleha/data/cha_ha_configuration_hawk.html)
+## Features
+Note that this list of features is not complete, and is intended only
+as a rough guide to the Hawk user interface.
+### Resource Management
+From the status view of Hawk, you can control the state of individual
+resources or resource groups, start / stop / promote / demote. You can
+also migrate resources to and away from specific nodes, clean up
+resources after failure and show a list of recent events for the
+On the status page you can also manage nodes including setting node
+attributes and displaying recent events related to the specific node.
+Additionally, if there are any tickets configured (requires the use of
+geo clustering via booth (https://github.com/ClusterLabs/booth/)
+these are also displayed in the status view and can be managed in a
+similar fashion to resources.
+### Multi-cluster Dashboard
+The Dashboard can be used to monitor the local cluster, displaying a
+blinkenlights-style overview of all resources as well as any recent
+failures that may have occurred. It is also possible to configure
+access to remote clusters, so that multiple clusters can be monitored
+from a single interface. This can be useful as a HUD in an operations
+center, or when using geo clustering.
+Hawk can also run in an **offline mode**, where you run Hawk on a
+non-cluster machine which monitors one or more remote clusters.
+### History Explorer
+The history explorer is a tool for collecting and downloading cluster
+reports, which include logs and other information for a certain
+timeframe. The history explorer is also useful for analysing such
+cluster reports. You can either upload a previously generated cluster
+report for analysis, or generate one on the fly.
+Once uploaded, you can scroll through all of the cluster events that
+took place in the time frame covered by the report. For each event,
+you can see the current cluster configuration, logs from all cluster
+nodes and a transition graph showing exactly what happened and why.
+### Configuration
+Hawk makes it easy to configure both resources, groups of resources,
+constraints and tags. You can also configure resource templates to be
+reused later, and cloned resources that are active on multiple nodes
+at once.
+### Wizards
+Cluster wizards are useful for creating more complicated
+configurations in a single process. The wizards vary in complexity
+from simply configuring a single virtual IP address to configuring
+multiple resources together with constraints, in multiple steps and
+including package installation, configuration and setup.
+### View Configuration and Graph
+From the web interface you can view the current cluster configuration
+in the `crm` shell syntax or as XML. You can also generate a graph
+view of the resources and constraints configured in the cluster.
+### Command Log
+To make the transition between using the web interface and the command
+line interface easier, Hawk provides a command log showing a list of
+recent commands executed by the web interface. A user who is learning
+to configure a Pacemaker cluster can start by using the web interface,
+and learn how to use the command line in the process.
+### Access Control Lists
+Pacemaker supports fine-grained access control to the configuration
+based on user roles. These roles can be viewed and configured directly
+from the web interface. Using the ACL rules, you can for example
+create unprivileged user accounts that are able to log in and view the
+state of the cluster, but cannot edit resources.
+### Simulator
+Hawk features a cluster simulation mode. Once enabled, any changes to
+the cluster are not applied directly. Instead, events such as resource
+failure or node failure can be simulated, and the user can see what
+the resulting cluster response would be. This can be very useful when
+configuring constraints, to ensure that the rules work as intended.
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+# Release
+# Release Github Branches:
+Actively maintained are:
+- SLE15 and higher -> `master`
+- SLE12SP4 and SLES12P3 -> `sles12-sp3 and sp4` github branches.
+# Note on sle15 and sles12 branches:
+sle15 and sle12 have completely different design and also, the ruby supported is quite different
+### Packaging Notes
+For anyone looking to package Hawk for distributions, the best approach is probably to look at the RPM packaging at the SUSE Open Build Service and begin from there:
+* https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/network:ha-clustering:Factory/hawk2