A Minestom-powered void limbo server.
Open a Terminal in a directory of your choosing. You will need git
installed on your system.
Clone the repository from GitHub:
git clone https://github.com/CodeTheDev/OverflowLimbo.git
Navigate to the cloned repository:
cd OverflowLimbo
Compile using the following Gradle command:
./gradlew shadowJar --stacktrace
To find the compiled server jar, navigate to the build/libs
directory inside the repository after running the above commands.
Key | Default Value | Type | Information |
server-brand | OverflowLimbo |
String | The server brand displayed in the F3 menu. |
server-address | |
IP | The IP address to bind for the server. |
server-port | 25565 |
Integer | The port of the server. |
compression-threshold | -1 |
Integer | Network Compression (-1 is 0, which means no compression). |
view-distance | 3 |
Integer | Player view distance (May cause visual issues if set below 3). |
max-players | -1 |
Integer | Maximum player limit (-1 is unlimited). |
motd | <dark_aqua><i>An OverflowLimbo Server</i></dark_aqua> |
String | Server list MOTD (Uses MiniMessage text formatting). |
tablist-enabled | false |
Boolean | Toggle tablist visibility. |
proxy-type | none |
String | Specifies the type of proxy being used (velocity, bungeecord, none). |
velocity-secret | |
String | Velocity secret for modern forwarding. |
bungeeguard-token | |
String | BungeeGuard token for secure BungeeCord forwarding. |