- for this Workshop: Nicco Kunzmann <Nicco.Kunzmann ät student.hpi.uni-potsdam.de>
- for the location: Mario Behling <mb ät mariobehling.de>
Have a look at the workshop schedule online: http://makerfaire.berlin/en/about/workshops/
- 13:00 - 16:00 Coding for Kids
- Material: opentechschool-und-coder-dojo-potsdam-auf-der-maker-faire-tutorials.md
- Nicco Kunzmann
- 13:00 - 16:00 OpenTechSchool Programming for Adults
- Material: opentechschool-und-coder-dojo-potsdam-auf-der-maker-faire-tutorials.md
- Nicco Kunzmann
- 16:00-... Awesome Shield
- Chris, Awesome Shield
- OpenTechSchool
- Mailinglist (done)
- Discourse (done)
- Slack (todo)
- IT-Labs for OperatingSystem USB-Sticks (mail sent, inprogress)
- Technologiestiftung Berlin about Hackingboxes (done) 1.Oct - 6.Oct
- Hackidemia (mail sent)
- Awesome shield (done)
- HPI-Students club (done)
- Junge Tüftler, Julia (done)
- Stefan Hermann - starthardware.org (done)
- OpenTechSummit Mentoren (done)
- Coder Dojo Berlin (done)
- Immmobilienscout for Laptops (mail sent)
- Rails Girls Berlin (todo)
- Raspberry Pi Jam Berlin (todo)
Link to the Mentors' Meeting: http://doodle.com/poll/a49bg89gq5d53aha Link to the OTS Meetup page: http://www.meetup.com/opentechschool-berlin/events/225532149 Link to the OpenXLab Meetup Page: http://www.meetup.com/OpenXLab/events/225644499/ Ticket Link: https://ticketing.ticketpay.de/DSKYJUHO (discount code) XQTWIY or FLDUXH
- 10 - 15 tables, 20 - 30 chairs (todo, mario)
- power plugs 3-6 places x 12 (todo, Mario)
- Ethernet LAN + Internet (if there is only one access point in this room, it may go down) (todo)
- 10 ethernet LAN cables, 1 long one (done, got from admins)
- switches with 20 slots (done)
- drinks 30liters 50€ (for Meshcon included) (todo, nicco)
- something to eat
- create online feedback form
- Create offline material server (in progress)
- organize good overview at http://makerfaire.berlin/en/about/workshops/
- ask people for OTS-talk at Maker Faire (CC Mario)
- Ben brings the OTS Banner
- inform opentechschool via meetup, announced (done)
- mentors meeting in Person? Answer: yes: http://doodle.com/poll/a49bg89gq5d53aha
- How big is the room?
- We have 15 tables,
- people walk between makerfaire and meshcon through the room
- There are tents in the court in case of too many people coming (one with twitch plays reality)
- Do we have the room all the time - if I want to invite others to do workshops there at different times: Done by Mario Behling, we have the whole room for that time. other workshops will be before and after