Releases: ColdTrick/event_manager
Releases · ColdTrick/event_manager
- added: button to delete selected address on edit event form
- added: group event page
- added: group support on live events page
- added: group support on maps page
- added: summary now shows on full view
- added: support for groups on calendar page
- changed: default group page in now upcomming events
- changed: default site menu item link
- changed: event icon shows current date if event is underway
- changed: event_type logic
- changed: minimal requirements set to Elgg 3.0
- changed: moved contact details back into main content
- changed: moved registration info/actions on event page to top
- changed: no longer showing the rsvp menu in widgets
- changed: no time created info in summary imprint
- changed: plugin init now uses elgg-plugin and bootstrap class
- changed: region rework
- changed: replaced custom entity delete action with generic versions
- changed: rewrote all event links to elgg standards
- changed: rsvp actions are now a menu
- changed: separate listing for live and upcoming events
- fixed: declare event entity
- fixed: entitiy tools integration
- fixed: getExcerpt uses shortdescription
- fixed: search in correct fields
- fixed: widgets
- removed: friends attending search param
- removed: unknown rss view
- added: event->getRelationships now supports changing time order
- added: Event function for getting supported relationships
- added: search on event attendees page
- added: seperate page for event attendees
- changed: limited ordering of members on event detail page
- changed: removed the attendees search feature from event view page
- fix: allow users to unsubscribe from full events
- added: ability to change some event data during copy action
- added: ability to set default location of OSM map view
- added: maps data can now come from OpenStreetMap
- added: plugin setting to disable maps integration
- changed: all actions have been updated to return correct http responses
- changed: moved googlemaps specific code to own views
- fixed: show correct icon for logged out user registrations
- fixed: use output/longtext on event registration view page
- added: more information in Event->toObject()
- added: option to disable addthis event features
- added: option to set map location without pin
- fixed: addthisevent links not working in email
- fixed: attending events on the map don't have correct pin
- fixed: solved timing issue where maps not opened on location edit form