Competitive Programming Guide and Analyzer
Table of Contents
CPGA is a competitive programming guide and ananlyser where users can improve their DSA and CP skills through the use of this website's features such as:
- Combined statistics across multiple platforms such as Codeforces, CodeChef, Leetcode, etc. to get a complete understanding of your level.
- Daily practice problems recommended based on your preferred topics and skill level.
- Leaderboard ranking of users based on the number of daily problems solved.
- Discussion Page where people can ask annd answer doubts and learn.
- Chatbot that also helps in solving doubts
Mention all languages/libraries/frameworks used in your project domain-wise
You can use icons too - find them here
Tailwind CSS
- Daisy UI, react-toastify (notifications)
- Chart.js, Recharts
- Lucide-react (icons)
List of all the fully implemented features in your project
- Home page with statistical data about your competitive programming profiles like Codeforces, Codechef, Leetcode
- Daily problem suggestions based on your preferences and skill level
- Discussion page to ask doubts to more experienced programmers
- Chatbot to answer your questions based on DSA and CP
- Leaderboard based on number of daily problems practiced
- Profile page with all your data for quick reference
List of all the partially implemented features in your project
- Fine tuned chatbot for CP questions
- Can add 'reputation points' for users who answer queries in discussion reliably
- Can add other platforms like GeeksForGeeks, AtCoder etc
- Interactive IDE for collaborative problem solving
- To enhance and speed up your competitive programming journey with the help of
- other people in dicussion
- chatbot
- monitoring your progress through data
For the Web-App
1.Clone the GitHub repo.
git clone
2.Enter the client directory. Install all the required dependencies.
cd frontend
npm install
npm start
3.To start the backend server:
cd backend
npm install
nodemon server.js
Add names of your team members with their emails and links to their GitHub accounts
Add names of your mentors with their emails and links to their GitHub accounts