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File metadata and controls

147 lines (114 loc) · 4.66 KB

Azure Key Vault secrets


You need to have a Key Vault instance with a secret and an application registered in your Azure Active directory with Read access to the Vault's secrets.

The following script creates everything needed for sample purposes. It assumes you have Azure ClI installed and it is already authenticated.
For more information about Azure CLI refer to the Azure CLI's documentation page.

# The tennatId will be needed to get the secrets
TENANT_ID=$(az account show --query tenantId | tr -d \")

# Name and location of the Resource Group

# Create the Resource Group
az group create --location $LOCATION --name $RESOURCE_GROUP


# Create the Key Vault
az keyvault create --name $VAULT_NAME --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP

SECRET_VAlUE="This is our secret now!"

# Add a secret to the vault
az keyvault secret set --name $SECRET_NAME --vault-name $VAULT_NAME --value "$SECRET_VAlUE"

# Now you need to create an app to access the Key Vault
APP_NAME="ExtSectret Query App"
APP_ID=$(az ad app create --display-name "$APP_NAME" --query appId | tr -d \")

# A Service Principal must also be created
SERVICE_PRINCIPAL=$(az ad sp create --id $APP_ID --query objectId | tr -d \")

# Add permission to your App to query the Key Vault
# The --api-permission refers to the Azure Key Vault user_impersonation permission (do not modify)
# The --api refers to the Azure Key Vault API (do not modify)
az ad app permission add --id $APP_ID --api-permissions f53da476-18e3-4152-8e01-aec403e6edc0=Scope --api cfa8b339-82a2-471a-a3c9-0fc0be7a4093

# A password must be created for the app
az ad app credential reset --id $APP_ID --password "$APP_PASSWORD"

# Finnaly, the Key Vault must have an Access Policy for the created app
az keyvault set-policy --name $VAULT_NAME --object-id $SERVICE_PRINCIPAL --secret-permissions get

For a detailed view on how to create the above mentioned resources in the Azure Portal, please go to: How To Access Azure Key Vault Secrets Through Rest API Using Postman

  • Now you're ready to tnstall CRDs
  make install


  • Uncomment and update credentials to be used in config/credentials/kustomization.yaml:
# - credentials-gsm.yaml
# - credentials-asm.yaml
# - credentials-dummy.yaml
# - credentials-gitlab.yaml
- credentials-akv.yaml
  • Update the Azure Key Vault backend credentials config/credentials/credentials-akv.yaml with your personal access token
    "tenantId": "<Active Directory's Tenant ID>",
    "clientId": "<Application (client) ID>",
    "clientSecret": "<Application's secret value>",
    "keyvault": "<Key Vault name>"

You can run the following script that will generate the above mentioned json object

echo -e "{ \n \
  \"tenantId\": \"$TENANT_ID\", \n \
  \"clientId\": \"$APP_ID\", \n \
  \"clientSecret\": \"$APP_PASSWORD\", \n \
  \"keyvault\": \"$VAULT_NAME\" \n \

Beware of the indentation if you paste the output from above into your file.

  • Update the SecretStore resource definition config/samples/store_v1alpha1_secretstore.yaml
% cat  `config/samples/store_v1alpha1_secretstore.yaml
kind: SecretStore
  name: secretstore-sample
  controller: staging
    type: akv
        name: externalsecret-operator-credentials-akv
    parameters: {}
  • Update the ExternalSecret resource definition config/samples/secrets_v1alpha1_externalsecret.yaml
% cat config/samples/secrets_v1alpha1_externalsecret.yaml
kind: ExternalSecret
  name: externalsecret-sample
    name: externalsecret-operator-secretstore-sample
    - key: example-externalsecret-key
      version: ""
  • The operator fetches the Key Vault secret from Azure and injects it as a Kubernetes secret:
% make deploy
% kubectl get secret externalsecret-operator-externalsecret-sample -n externalsecret-operator-system \
  -o jsonpath='{.data.example-externalsecret-key}' | base64 -d

Clean up

  • Delete the resource group (it willa lso delete the Kay Vault created)
az group delete --name $RESOURCE_GROUP 
  • Delete the Active Directory application
az ad app delete --id $APP_ID