If you do not already have Anaconda installed, please download it via the downloads page and install it.
IOPro is included with Anaconda Workgroup and Anaconda Enterprise subscriptions.
To start a 30-day free trial just download and install the IOPro package.
If you already have Anaconda (free Python platform) or Miniconda <http://conda.pydata.org/miniconda.html> installed:
conda update conda conda install iopro
If you do not have Anaconda installed, you can download it.
For more information about IOPro please contact [email protected].
If you have Anaconda (free Python platform) installed, first update the conda package management tool to the latest version, then use conda to update the IOPro product installation:
conda update conda conda update iopro
To uninstall using conda:
conda remove iopro
The IOPro license can be installed with the graphical Anaconda Navigator license manager or manually with your operating system. In your organization this may be handled by your site administrator or IT department. Both installation methods are explained in the :doc:`License installation </anaconda/license-installation>` page.