u can test ur code directly in console tab in browser
u can put script tag in <head>
or in <body>
- it prefered to put it in the end of the
- u can put it in head but use code to select html element in
Output to screen
Console Methods
to log any msgconsole.error
to print msg as an errorconsole.table()
to print array element with its index
directive -%c
to style certin text in log u can do this
console.log("Hello %cjs %cworld","font-size: 40px,color: red","font-size: 40px,color: bleu")
console not a js thing but a webApi thing u can read more in MDN
There is grouping method u can group and make nested group in console like that
console.group("Group 1");
console.log("Msg 01");
console.log("Msg 02");
console.group("Child Group");
console.log("Msg 01");
console.log("Msg 02");
console.group("Grand Child Group");
console.log("Msg 01");
console.log("Msg 02");
console.group("Group 2");
console.log("Msg 01");
console.log("Msg 02");
Data Types And Typeof Operator
- String
- Number
- Array => Object
- Object
- Boolean
- undifened
- null => Object
- there is more
To know type of var u can use
typeof (var)
ortypeof var
- if var is string u should put it in double quotes
- if not put it as same like
typeof 347
ortypeof [3,4,7]
- if var is string u should put it in double quotes
Any id
inside html is a global variable and u can use it it javaScript
- for example
<div id= "option">Option Text<div>
- u can use it like this
output isOption Text
- or u can change inner html like that
option.innerHTML = "New Text
- u can use it like this
Var, Let, Const Compare
- Redeclare (Yes)
- Access Before Declare (Undefined)
- Variable Scope Drama [Added To Window] ()
- Block Or Scope Function
- Redeclare (No => Error)
- Access Before Declare (Error)
- Variable Scope Drama ()
- Block Or Scope Function
- Redeclare (No => Error)
- Access Before Declare (Error)
- Variable Scope Drama ()
- Block Or Scope Function
Any variable u decalre using var
added to window object unlike let
or const
String Syntax + Character Escape Sequences
- \ Escape + Line Continue
- to ignore next characheter from programming language
- \n
- Concatenation
u can concat strings with +
if u want to log multi var u can use seperate them with comma ,
in log and it will add spaces between like console.log(a,b,c)
- Template Literals Template Strings
u can use dollar sign $
to concat varibles in string by using backtick `
like this console.log(`${a} ${b} ${c}`)
u can add new line simply by pressing enter
u can repeat certin string by using var.repeat()
for example
let a = "Lab"
console.log(a.repeat(2) + "La");
output: LabLabLa
Arithmetic Operators
expontional operator2 ** 4
is the same as 2^4
a = 1;
console.log(a); //1
a++; //1
console.log(a); //2
++a; //3
console.log(a); //3
Unary Plus And Negation Operators
- Unary Plus [Return Number If Its Not Number]
- Unary Negation [Return Number If Its Not Number + Negates It]
- Normal Number
- String Number
- String Negative Number
- String Text
- Float
- Hexadecimal Numeral System => 0xFF
- null
- false
- true
u can also use Number(" ")
- Compiler ignore
betwwen number - u can use
to represent exponetional value like2e6
output is2000000
To use toString() u can do that
.toFixed( )
it used to control the number- of decimal value
as string
- of decimal value
.parseInt( )
|.parseFloat( )
- Number Methods
- Two Dots To Call A Methods
- toString()
- toFixed()
- parseInt()
- parseFloat()
- isInteger() [ES6]
- isNaN() [ES6]
- Math Object
- round()
- ceil()
- floor()
- min()
- max()
- pow()
- random()
- trunc() [Es6]
Equal- assign values
Equality- compare value only and ignore type
Identical operator recommended- compare value and type
To check if data type equal data type but ignore value u can use
typeof var1 === typeof var2
Conditional Ternary Operator => Shortend if
Nullish Coalescing Operator And Logical Or
Logical Or
- Null + Undefined + Any Falsy Value
Nullish Coalescing Operator
- Null + Undefined
Switch Statement
U can do multi case with same todo like that
let day = 2;
Switch (day) {
case 1:
//do something;
case 2:
case 3:
//do something else;
to check if something is array
- string is sequence not an array
Add And Remove From Array
add element at the start of array
add element at the end of array
remove first element from array
remove last element from array
Searching array
Arrays Methods [Search]
- indexOf(Search Element, From Index [Opt])
- lastIndexOf(Search Element, From Index [Opt])
- includes(valueToFind, fromIndex [Opt]) [ES7]
Sorting Arrays
to sort array depend on alphapet not value
Arrays Methods [Slicing]
Slice return new array & dosen't affect current array
- slice(Start [Opt], End [Opt] Not Including End) --- slice() => All Array --- If Start Is Undefined => 0 --- Negative Count From End --- If End Is Undefined || > Indexes => Slice To The End Array.length --- Return New Array
Splice Affect current array
- splice(Start [Mand], DeleteCount [Opt] [0 No Remove], The Items To Add [Opt]) --- If Negative => Start From The End
Arrays Methods [Joining]
concat(array, array)
=> Return A New Arrayjoin(Separator)
join all items as string and u can define separetor between them
Loop Control - Break, Continue, Label
|| break label;
stop iteration
|| Continue label;
exclude this iteration
parent: for(let i = 0; i<5; i++){
//do someting
child: for(let k = 0; k <5 ; k++) {
//do someting
break parent;
vs DoWhile
do something while condition is true -
but is do first loop regardless the condition is true or not
Function Rest Parameters
- Rest Parameters
- Only One Allowed
- Must Be Last Element
function calc(...numbers) {
// console.log(Array.isArray(numbers));
let result = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
result += numbers[i]; // result = result + numbers[i]
return `Final Result Is ${result}`;
Anonymous Function And Practice
Anonymous Function
Calling Named Function vs Anonymous Function
Argument To Other Function
Task Without Name
setTimeout(function elzero() { console.log("Good"); }, 2000);```
Arrow Function Syntax
- Arrow Function -- Regular vs Arrow [Param + No Param] -- Multiple Lines
let print = function () {
return 10;
let print = () => 10;
let print = _ => 10;
let print = function (num) {
return num;
let print = (num) => num;
// in case of one param
let print = num => num;
let print = function (num1, num2) {
return num1 + num2;
let print = (num1, num2) => num1 + num2;
console.log(print(100, 50));
Scope - Block
Block Scope [If, Switch, For]
If u define a variable in block scope with
keyword it will be rechable out of the block -
To prevent that u must use
keyword to define it
Scope - Lexical (Static)
Higher Order Functions ---> is a function that accepts functions as parameters and/or returns a function.
- Map --- method creates a new array --- populated with the results of calling a provided function on every element --- in the calling array.
Syntax map(callBackFunction(Element, Index, Array) { }, thisArg)
- Element => The current element being processed in the array.
- Index => The index of the current element being processed in the array.
- Array => The Current Array
- Map Return A New Array
- Anonymous Function
- Named Function
let myNums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
let newArray = [];
for (let i = 0; i < myNums.length; i++) {
newArray.push(myNums[i] + myNums[i]);
// Same Idea With Map
// let addSelf = myNums.map(function (element, index, arr) {
// // console.log(`Current Element => ${element}`);
// // console.log(`Current Index => ${index}`);
// // console.log(`Array => ${arr}`);
// // console.log(`This => ${this}`);
// return element + element;
// }, 10);
// let addSelf = myNums.map((a) => a + a);
// console.log(addSelf);
function addition(ele) {
return ele + ele;
let add = myNums.map(addition);
- Filter --- method creates a new array --- with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function.
Syntax filter(callBackFunction(Element, Index, Array) { }, thisArg)
- Element => The current element being processed in the array.
- Index => The index of the current element being processed in the array.
- Array => The Current Array
- Reduce --- method executes a reducer function on each element of the array, --- resulting in a single output value.
Syntax reduce(callBackFunc(Accumulator, Current Val, Current Index, Source Array) { }, initialValue)
- Accumulator => the accumulated value previously returned in the last invocation
- Current Val => The current element being processed in the array
- Index => The index of the current element being processed in the array. ---------- Starts from index 0 if an initialValue is provided. ---------- Otherwise, it starts from index 1.
- Array => The Current Array
- forEach --- method executes a provided function once for each array element.
Syntax forEach(callBackFunction(Element, Index, Array) { }, thisArg)
- Element => The current element being processed in the array.
- Index => The index of the current element being processed in the array.
- Array - The Current Array
- Doesnt Return Anything [Undefined]
- Break Will Not Break The Loop
Dot Notation vs Bracket Notation
let myVar = "country";
let user = {
theName: "Osama",
country: "Egypt",
console.log(user.country); // user.country
console.log(user.myVar); // user.country
console.log(user[myVar]); // user.country
Function this Keyword
- this Introduction
- this Inside Object Method --- When a function is called as a method of an object, --- its this is set to the object the method is called on.
- Global Object
- Test Variables With Window And This
- Global Context
- Function Context
- What Is DOM
- DOM Selectors --- Find Element By ID --- Find Element By Tag Name --- Find Element By Class Name --- Find Element By CSS Selectors --- Find Element By Collection ------ title ------ body ------ images ------ forms ------ links
let myIdElement = document.getElementById("my-div");
let myTagElements = document.getElementsByTagName("p");
let myClassElement = document.getElementsByClassName("my-span");
let myQueryElement = document.querySelector(".my-span");
let myQueryAllElement = document.querySelectorAll(".my-span");
DOM [Get / Set Elements Content And Attributes]
- innerHTML
- textContent
- Change Attributes Directly
- Change Attributes With Methods --- getAttribute --- setAttribute
DOM [Check Attributes]
- Element.attributes
- Element.hasAttribute
- Element.hasAttributes
- Element.removeAttribute
DOM [Create Elements]
- createElement
- createComment
- createTextNode
- createAttribute
- appendChild
DOM [Deal With Childrens]
- children
- childNodes
- firstChild
- lastChild
- firstElementChild
- lastElementChild
DOM [Events]
- Use Events On HTML
- Use Events On JS --- onclick --- oncontextmenu : to create custom menu fro example --- onmouseenter --- onmouseleave
--- onload --- onscroll --- onresize
--- onfocus: when select input to use it --- onblur: when end input and become out of focus --- onsubmit
Event Simulation to simulate events
Click Focus Blur
DOM [Class List]
- classList
get length of classes ---.classList.contains("")
check if certin class name is exists or not ---.classList.item("index")
get class name by index ---.classList.add()
check if class name is exsist it will remove if not exisit it will be added
CSS Styling And Stylesheets
DOM [Class List]
-- style
-- style.cssText = ""
-- style.removeProperty(propertyName)
[inline, Stylesheet]
-- style.setProperty(propertyName,value,priority)
priority like "priority"
-- document.styleSheets
to get all stylesheets in pages
-- document.styleSheets[index].rules
to get all rules in stylesheets in pages rules mean every element style in sheet
-- document.styleSheets[index].rules[index].style
to access certin style in certin styleSheet
DOM [Deal With Elements]
before [Element || String]
-- put ele1 before certin ele2 -
after [Element || String]
-- put ele1 after certin ele2 -
append [Element || String]
prepend [Element || String]
DOM [Traversing]
parentElement: get parent element
DOM [Cloning]
- cloneNode(Deep)
is a boolean value if true it will clone element and its childern
if false or not written it will clone element without children
for all cases it will clone element property
let myP = document.querySelector("p").cloneNode(true);
let myDiv = document.querySelector("div");
myP.id = `${myP.id}-clone`;
DOM [Add Event Listener]
add listener on element even before its exisitance
- addEventListener
- Use Without On
- Attach Multiple Events
- Error Test
- Capture & Bubbling JavaScript
- removeEventListener
// u can get clicked element by this way
to get type of htmlelement
BOM [Browser Object Model]
- Introduction --- Window Object Is The Browser Window --- Window Contain The Document Object --- All Global Variables And Objects And Functions Are Members Of Window Object ------ Test Document And Console
- What Can We Do With Window Object ? --- Open Window --- Close Window --- Move Window --- Resize Window --- Print Document --- Run Code After Period Of Time Once Or More --- Fully Control The URL --- Save Data Inside Browser To Use Later
BOM [Browser Object Model]
- alert(Message) => Need No Response Only Ok Available
- confirm(Message) => Need Response And Return A Boolean
- prompt(Message, Default Message) => Collect Data
library SweetAlert2
BOM [Browser Object Model]
- setTimeout(Function, Timeout, Additional Params)
- clearTimeout(Identifier)
if u use an anonymous function and u want to pass paramerters u can do it like this
setTimeout(sayMsg, 3000, "Osama", 38);
function sayMsg(user, age) {
console.log(`Iam Message For ${user} Age Is : ${age}`);
if u write function like this
setTimeout(sayMsg("Osama", 38), 3000);
function sayMsg(user, age) {
console.log(`Iam Message For ${user} Age Is : ${age}`);
it will be always called and the timer won't work
BOM [Browser Object Model]
- setInterval(Function, Millseconds, Additional Params)
- clearInterval(Identifier)
The diffrence between interval and setTimeout
that interval call function repeatly after given time
unlike settimeout which call function only one time after given time
BOM [Browser Object Model]
location Object
To deal with url
.href =
Get / Set [URL || Hash || File || Mail] =========>Don't replace site entery from history
---.host =
=========> u can fro example change host or hostname and leave rest of url the same ---.hash =
---.protocol =
to reload page ---.replace("url")
=========>Replace site entery from history
=========>Don't replace site entery from history
BOM [Browser Object Model]
- open(URL [Opt], Window Name Or Target Attr [Opt], Win Features [Opt], History Replace [Opt])
- close()
Only close windows which opened by open()
- Window Features --- left [Num] --- top [Num] --- width [Num] --- height [Num] --- menubar [yes || no]
- Window.Open Window Features
// _blank default value || open in new tab
// _self || open in current tab
window.open("https://google.com", "_blank", "width=400,height=400,left=200,top=10");
BOM [Browser Object Model]
- History API --- Properties ------ length --- Methods ------ back() ------ forward() ------ go(Delta) => Position In History
Search [For Advanced Knowledge]
- pushState() + replaceState()
BOM [Browser Object Model]
- stop()
- print()
- focus()
- scrollTo(x, y || Options)
- scroll(x, y || Options)
- scrollBy(x, y || Options)
// window.scrollTo({
// left: 500,
// top: 200,
// behavior: "smooth"
// });
BOM [Browser Object Model]
- Practice => Scroll To Top
- scrollX [Alias => PageXOffset]
- scrollY [Alias => PageYOffset]
BOM [Browser Object Model] Local Storage
- setItem
- getItem
- removeItem
- clear
- key
- No Expiration Time
- Private Tab
// Set
window.localStorage.setItem("color", "#F00");
window.localStorage.fontWeight = "bold";
window.localStorage["fontSize"] = "20px";
// Get
// Remove One
// window.localStorage.removeItem("color");
// Remove All
// window.localStorage.clear();
// Get Key
// Set Color In Page
document.body.style.backgroundColor = window.localStorage.getItem("color");
console.log(typeof window.localStorage);
BOM [Browser Object Model] Session Storage
- setItem
- getItem
- removeItem
- clear
- key
- New Tab = New Session
- Duplicate Tab = Copy Session
- New Tab With Same Url = New Session
Destructuring " is a JavaScript expression that allows us to extract data from arrays, objects, and maps and set them into new, distinct variables. "
- Destructuring Array
let a = 1;
let b = 2;
let c = 3;
let d = 4;
let myFriends = ["Ahmed", "Sayed", "Ali", "Maysa"];
[a = "A", b, c, d, e = "Osama"] = myFriends;
// console.log(myFriends[4]);
// if u want to ignore certin index leave it empty in the oppiste arrays
let [, y, , z] = myFriends;
- Destructuring Array Advanced Examples
let myFriends = ["Ahmed", "Sayed", "Ali", ["Shady", "Amr", ["Mohamed", "Gamal"]]];
// console.log(myFriends[3][2][1]);
// let [, , , [a, , [, b]]] = myFriends;
let [, , , [a, , [, b]]] = myFriends;
console.log(a); // Shady
console.log(b); // Gamal
- Destructuring Array => Swapping Variables
let book = "Video";
let video = "Book";
// // Save Book Value In Stash
// let stash = book; // Video
// // Change Book Value
// book = video; // Book
// // Change Video Value
// video = stash; // Video
[book, video] = [video, book];
- Destructuring Object
const user = {
theName: "Osama",
theAge: 39,
theTitle: "Developer",
theCountry: "Egypt",
// console.log(user.theName);
// console.log(user.theAge);
// console.log(user.theTitle);
// console.log(user.theCountry);
// let theName = user.theName;
// let theAge = user.theAge;
// let theTitle = user.theTitle;
// let theCountry = user.theCountry;
// console.log(theName);
// console.log(theAge);
// console.log(theTitle);
// console.log(theCountry);
// ({ theName, theAge, theTitle, theCountry } = user);
// Here order isn't impoaratant because u call property by its name
const { theName, theAge, theCountry } = user;
- Destructuring Object --- Naming The Variables --- Add New Property --- Nested Object --- Destructuring The Nested Object Only
const user = {
theName: "Osama",
theAge: 39,
theTitle: "Developer",
theCountry: "Egypt",
theColor: "Black",
skills: {
html: 70,
css: 80,
const {
theName: n,
theAge: a,
theColor: co = "Red",
skills: { html: h, css },
} = user;
console.log(`My HTML Skill Progress Is ${h}`);
console.log(`My CSS Skill Progress Is ${css}`);
const { html: skillOne, css: skillTwo } = user.skills;
console.log(`My HTML Skill Progress Is ${skillOne}`);
console.log(`My CSS Skill Progress Is ${skillTwo}`);
- Destructuring Function Parameters
const user = {
theName: "Osama",
theAge: 39,
skills: {
html: 70,
css: 80,
// function showDetails(obj) {
// console.log(`Your Name Is ${obj.theName}`);
// console.log(`Your Age Is ${obj.theAge}`);
// console.log(`Your CSS Skill Progress Is ${obj.skills.css}`);
// }
function showDetails({ theName: n, theAge: a, skills: { css: c } } = user) {
console.log(`Your Name Is ${n}`);
console.log(`Your Age Is ${a}`);
console.log(`Your CSS Skill Progress Is ${c}`);
- Destructuring Mixed Content
const user = {
theName: "Osama",
theAge: 39,
skills: ["HTML", "CSS", "JavaScript"],
addresses: {
egypt: "Cairo",
ksa: "Riyadh",
const {
theName: n,
theAge: a,
skills: [, , three],
addresses: { egypt: e },
} = user;
console.log(`Your Name Is: ${n}`);
console.log(`Your Age Is: ${a}`);
console.log(`Your Last Skill Is: ${three}`);
console.log(`Your Live In: ${e}`);
to get name of key
for example
const game = {
title: "YS",
developer: "Falcom",
releases: {
"Oath In Felghana": ["USA", "Japan"],
"Ark Of Napishtim": {
US: "20 USD",
JAP: "10 USD",
Origin: "30 USD",
let [o, a] = Object.keys(game.releases); // o=> "Oath In Felghana" a=>"Ark Of Napishtim"
Set Data Type Syntax: new Set(Iterable) -- Object To Store Unique Values -- Cannot Access Elements By Index
- size
- add
- delete
- clear : clear all data in set
- has : check if certin data is exsist
let myData = [1, 1, 1, 2, 3, "A"];
// let myUniqueData = new Set([1, 1, 1, 2, 3]);
// let myUniqueData = new Set(myData);
// let myUniqueData = new Set().add(1).add(1).add(1).add(2).add(3);
let myUniqueData = new Set();
console.log(`Is Set Has => A ${myUniqueData.has("a".toUpperCase())}`);
// myUniqueData.delete(2);
- Set vs WeakSet " The WeakSet is weak, meaning references to objects in a WeakSet are held weakly. If no other references to an object stored in the WeakSet exist, those objects can be garbage collected. "
- Set => Can Store Any Data Values
- WeakSet => Collection Of Objects Only
- Set => Have Size Property
- WeakSet => Does Not Have Size Property
- Set => Have Keys, Values, Entries
- WeakSet => Does Not Have clear, Keys, Values And Entries
- Set => Can Use forEach
- WeakSet => Cannot Use forEach
Usage: Store objects and removes them once they become inaccessible
Map Data Type Syntax: new Map(Iterable With Key/Value)
Map vs Object
- Map => Does Not Contain Key By Default
- Object => Has Default Keys
- Map => Key Can Be Anything [Function, Object, Any Primitive Data Types]
- Object => String Or Symbol
- Map => Ordered By Insertion
- Object => Not 100% Till Now
- Map => Get Items By Size
- Object => Need To Do Manually
- Map => Can Be Directly Iterated
- Object => Not Directly And Need To Use Object.keys() And So On
- Map => Better Performance When Add Or Remove Data
- Object => Low Performance When Comparing To Map
Map Data Type
- set
- get
- delete
- clear
- has
- size
- Map vs WeakMap " WeakMap Allows Garbage Collector To Do Its Task But Not Map. "
Map => Key Can Be Anything WeakMap => Key Can Be Object Only
Array Methods
Array.from(Iterable, MapFunc, This)
- Variable
- String Numbers
- Set
- Using The Map Function
- Arrow Function
- Shorten The Method + Use arguments
u can use
to return all arguments in function
function test() {
return arguments;
console.log(test("A","B","C")); // ["A","B","C"]
Array Methods
Array.copyWithin(Target, Start => Optional, End => Optional)
"Copy Part Of An Array To Another Location in The Same Array"
Any Negative Value Will Count From The End
- Index To Copy Part To
- If At Or Greater Than Array Length Nothing Will Be Copied
- Index To Start Copying From
- If Ommited = Start From Index 0
- Index To End Copying From
- Not Including End
- If Ommited = Reach The End
Array Methods
- Array.some(CallbackFunc(Element, Index, Array), This Argument)
- CallbackFunc => Function To Run On Every Element On The Given Array
- Element => The Current Element To Process
- Index => Index Of Current Element
- Array => The Current Array Working With
- This Argument => Value To Use As This When Executing CallbackFunc
- CallbackFunc => Function To Run On Every Element On The Given Array
- Check if Element Exists In Array
- Check If Number In Range
Array Methods
- Array.every(CallbackFunc(Element, Index, Array), This Argument)
- CallbackFunc => Function To Run On Every Element On The Given Array
- Element => The Current Element To Process
- Index => Index Of Current Element
- Array => The Current Array Working With
- This Argument => Value To Use As This When Executing CallbackFunc
Spread Operator => ...Iterable "Allow Iterable To Expand In Place"
// Spread With String => Expand String
// Concatenate Arrays
let myArray1 = [1, 2, 3];
let myArray2 = [4, 5, 6];
let allArrays = [...myArray1, ...myArray2];
// Copy Array
let copiedArray = [...myArray1];
// Push Inside Array
let allFriends = ["Osama", "Ahmed", "Sayed"];
let thisYearFriends = ["Sameh", "Mahmoud"];
// Use With Math Object
let myNums = [10, 20, -100, 100, 1000, 500];
// Spread With Objects => Merge Objects
let objOne = {
a: 1,
b: 2,
let objTwo = {
c: 3,
d: 4,
console.log({ ...objOne, ...objTwo, e: 5 });
- To convert object to map
new Map(Object.entries(myInfo))
Regular Expression
- IP
- Phone
Regular Expression
Syntax /pattern/modifier(s); new RegExp("pattern", "modifier(s)")
Modifiers => Flags i => case-insensitive g => global m => Multilines
Search Methods
- match(Pattern)
Match -- Matches A String Against a Regular Expression Pattern -- Returns An Array With The Matches -- Returns null If No Match Is Found.
let myString = "Hello Elzero Web School I Love elzero";
let regex = /elzero/ig;
Regular Expression
Part 1
=> X Or Y[0-9]
=> 0 To 9[^0-9]
=> Any Character Not 0 To 9 Practice -
Part 2
let tld = "Com Net Org Info Code Io";
let tldRe = /(info|org|io)/ig;
let nums = "12345678910";
let numsRe = /[0-2]/g;
let notNums = "12345678910";
let notNsRe = /[^0-2]/g;
let specialNums = "1!2@3#4$5%678910";
let specialNumsRe = /[^0-9]/g;
let practice = "Os1 Os1Os Os2 Os8 Os8Os";
let practiceRe = /Os[5-9]Os/g;
Regular Expression
- Character Classes
=> matches any character, except newline or - other line terminators.\w
=> "word" => matches word characters. [a-z, A-Z, 0-9 - And Underscore]\W
=> "not word" => matches Non word characters\d
=> "digit" => matches digits from 0 to 9.\D
=> "not digit" => matches non-digit characters.\s
=> "space" => matches whitespace character.\S
=> "not space" => matches non whitespace character.
Any thing u want start with first letter but small
what that mean?
If u want any word then write
but if u want non word use it capital
let email = 'O@@@g...com [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] O-g.com [email protected] [email protected]';
let dot = /./g;
let word = /\w/g;
let valid = /\w@\w.(com|net)/g;
Regular Expression
Character Classes
=> "beginning" => matches at the beginning or end of a word.\B
=> "not beginning" => matches NOT at the beginning/end of a word.
Test Method
let names = "Sayed 1Spam 2Spam 3Spam Spam4 Spam5 Osama Ahmed Aspamo";
let re = /(\bspam|spam\b)/ig;
Regular Expression
- Quantifiers
=> One Or Moren*
=> zero or moren?
=> zero or one\
=> escape character
let mails = "[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]"; // All Emails
// let mailsRe = /\w+@\w+.(com|net)/ig;
let mailsRe = /\w+@\w+.\w+/ig;
let nums = "0110 10 150 05120 0560 350 00"; // 0 Numbers Or No 0
let numsRe = /0\d*0/ig;
let urls = "https://google.com http://www.website.net web.com"; // http + https
let urlsRe = /(https?:\/\/)?(www.)?\w+.\w+/ig;
Regular Expression
- Quantifiers
=> Number ofn{x,y}
=> Rangen{x,}
=> At Least x
let serials = "S100S S3000S S50000S S950000S";
console.log(serials.match(/s\d{3}s/ig)); // S[Three Number]S
console.log(serials.match(/s\d{4,5}s/ig)); // S[Four Or Five Number]S
console.log(serials.match(/s\d{4,}s/ig)); // S[At Least Four]S
- Quantifiers
=> End With Something^
=> Start With Something?=
=> Followed By Something?!
=> Not Followed By Something
let myString = "We Love Programming";
let names = "1OsamaZ 2AhmedZ 3Mohammed 4MoustafaZ 5GamalZ";
- Regular Expression
- replace
- replaceAll
Test Your Regular Expressions And Discussions