An overview of use cases to consider for the Transparency Exchange API. The use cases are marked with a short code for reference. All use cases needs a story like "Alice has bought a..."
The use cases are divided in two categories:
- Use cases for customers (end-users, manufacturers) to find a repository with Transparency Artefacts for a single unit purchased
- Use cases where there are different products
- This applies after discovery where we need to handle various things a customer may buy as a single unit
As a consumer that has an SBOM for a product, I want to be able to retrieve VEX and VDR files automatically both for current and old versions of the software. In the SBOM the product is identified by a PURL or other means (CPE, …)
As a consumer, I want to download artifacts for a product based on known data. A combination of manufacturer, product name, vendor product ID, EAN bar code or other unique identifier. After discovering the base repository URL I want to be able to find a specific product variant and version.
If the consumer is a business, then the procurement process may include delivery of an SBOM with proper identifiers and possibly URLs or identifiers in another document, which may bootstrap the discovery process in a more exact way than in the case of buying a product in a retail market. Alice bought a gadget at the gadget store that contains a full Linux system. Where and how will she find the SBOM and VEX for the gadget?
As a consumer, I want to retrieve one or more supply chain artifacts for the products that I have access to, possibly through licensing or other means. As a consumer, I should be able to retrieve all source artifacts such as xBOMs, VDR/VEX, CDXA, and CLE.
As a consumer, I want the ability to get the current lifecycle values for a given product. A CLE captures all lifecycle events over time, however, there is a need to retrieve only the current values for things like product name, vendor name, and milestone events.
As a consumer, I want the ability to simply ask the API questions rather than having to download, process, and analyze raw supply chain artifacts on my own systems. Common questions should be provided by the API by default along with the ability to query for more complex answers using the Common Expression Language (CEL).
NOTE: Project Hyades (Dependency-Track v5) already implements CEL with the CycloneDX object model and has proven that this approach works for complex queries.
A developer needs a component - software, library (open source and/or proprietary) to include in a product - publicly available (may be commercial) or in an internal system. Developer can be individual, company or public sector. They need insight into the library or component and be able to automatically keep upstream artefacts up to date.
Acme LLC buys 3 000 gadgetrons from Emca LTD to be distributed over a retail chain. Acme runs an in-house vulnerability management system (Dependency Track) to manage SBOMs and download VEX files to check for vulnerabilities. Acme has products from exactly 14.385 vendors in the system. How will their systems get continuous access to current and old documents - attestations, SBOM, VEX and other files?
Alice & Bob Enterprises AB has gotten a EUCC certification to get their Whola Firewall certified for CRA-compatible CE labeling. In order to maintain the certification the certifying body needs access to SBOM and VEX updates from A&BE in an automated way.
Palme Auditors INC wants to buy the ACME SWISH product from a vendor. They want to examine vulnerability handling and get some insights into the products before making a decision.
There are non-customers and not-to-be-customers that wants to get insight into how a product is composed by getting the transparency docs.
Palme Inc considers using the open source telephony PBX. They need to make an assessment before starting tests and possible production use. The can either use the Debian package, the Alpine Linux Package or build a binary themselves from source code. How can they find the transparency exchange data sets?
The hatturl open source project publish a library and a server side software on Github. This is later packaged as packages in many Linux distributions.
How does the project publish artefacts? What are the requirements?
Customer buys a standalone application that is delivered as a binary
Customer gets a container with many third party components and a binary software developed by the manufacturer