Implemented enhancements:
- Add Just Sleep #831 [enhancement] [mod]
- Cleaned up JAOPCA Items #830 [config] [enhancement]
- Add Pam's Beegrub to IF Protein Reactor #823 [enhancement] [script] [suggestion]
- Remove Energy Acceptor Task from AE Gate #816 [enhancement] [quests]
- Black Quartz blocks to Black quartz #814 [enhancement] [script]
- Nitrogen JEI Hint #796 [enhancement] [suggestion]
- Add hint about getting titanium in the JEI page for Rutile Ore #795 [enhancement] [suggestion]
- Add Witherproof Glass Recipe #794 [enhancement] [script] [suggestion]
- Add Hint to key Thaumcraft items that they need to be unlocked first #773 [enhancement] [suggestion]
- Mystical Aggraditions Neutronium Seeds #764 [enhancement] [script]
- Buff Advanced Rocketry Metal Working Machines #742 [enhancement] [suggestion]
- ET Void Resource Miner Additions #741 [config] [enhancement]
- Eclipsed Clock / Time in a Bottle #739 [enhancement] [script]
- Seed Oil Unification #733 [enhancement] [suggestion]
- Expertify Rocket Fuel Recipe #441 [enhancement] [quests] [suggestion]
Fixed bugs:
- Cyclic Hydrator creates same result from any input (Temp fix for Sponge recipe) #817 [mod issue] [script]
- Thermal Expansion Resevoir can not put its liquid inventory into Drums from Extra Utilities 2 #807 [mod issue]
- Dupe Thaumcraft Amber #805 [bug] [script]
- constantly being slammed with 1 specific error message in the logs #798 [mod issue] [not fixed]
- item dupe with /dank/null and sieves #647 [mod issue]
- Make ExtraCells unstable/deprecated items uncraftable #616 [mod issue] [script]
Merged pull requests:
- Readd replication values and clean up extra metal blocks #826 (Isolol)
- Various stuff, mostly more forestry compat #767 (MorganSimic)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator