These alerts are related to the service and raised in the #twd_tv_dev Slack channel.
- Check the Sentry dashboard to see if any Errors are being logged.
- Check the Logit event log to see in real-time if any Errors are being logged.
- Check the GitHub Deploy workflow to determine if any recent deployments may have caused the issue.
- Check the DFE Azure
namespace ins189-teacher-services-cloud-production
Further information on setting up and logging in to AKS
are in the hosting document.
- Request editor role access to
subscription throguh the Azure Portal - Login with
az login --tenant tenantid
- List apps with
kubectl get deployments -n tv-production
(or other desired namespace) - List apps pods statuses for the namespace with
kubectl get deployments -n tv-production
- Get the logs for the app
make production logs CONFIRM_PRODUCTION=YES
- Restart apps with
kubectl rollout restart deployment teaching-vacancies-production -n tv-production kubectl rollout restart deployment teaching-vacancies-production-worker -n tv-production
Most AKS settings are in production.tfvars.json
postgres_flexible_server_sku = "GP_Standard_D4ds_v5"
postgres_enable_high_availability = true
redis_queue_sku_name = "Premium"
aks_web_app_instances = 8
worker_app_instances = 4
aks_worker_app_memory = "1.5Gi"
Scale out the number of instances by increasing:
Scale up the worker app memory by increasing:
(the default for app memory is set to 1Gi in, and then overridden for the worker app in production only.
You can list the computing and storage options for the Postgres flexible server instances from this list
Change the value for postgres_flexible_server_sku
From Azure Cache for Redis documentation
You can list the different Redis Cache tiers in this page
Change the value for redis_queue_sku_name
, redis_queue_family
and redis_queue_capacity
. Same for redis_cache_