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Species interaction models with Stan (and R)

This collection contains code for fitting common species interaction models using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo in Stan. It is intended as a learning resource, rather than flexible "production-ready" implementations. Expect that the code may contain errors and inefficiencies--use at your own risk!

Each model is contained in a sub-folder. The naming convention specifies each model as three components separated by underscores:

  • the interaction type (compet_* for competitive, conres_* for consumer-resource)
  • the time framework (*_disc_* for discrete, *_cont_* for continuous)
  • the common name of the model in the ecological literature

Each folder has a GitHub-viewable Markdown document (.md), the RMarkdown document (.Rmd) that generated it, and a stand-alone Stan file (.stan) containing the portable model source code. R is used to either generate or import example data and interfaces Stan via the cmdstanr package. The posterior distribution of the model parameters are presented, and when possible a meaningful calculation on the posterior parameters is performed (e.g., finding the posterior distribution of the equilibrium point).

Models available

Competition (compet_*)

  • Lotka-Volterra (discrete time)
  • Lotka-Volterra (continuous time)
  • Beverton-Holt
  • Leslie-Gower
  • Law-Watkinson
  • Ricker
  • Hassell

Consumer-Resource (conres_*)

  • Lotka-Volterra (discrete time)
  • Lotka-Volterra (continuous time)
  • Rosenzweig-MacArthur
  • Beverton-Holt
  • Leslie-Gower
  • Nicholson-Bailey
  • Arditi-Ginzburg
  • Yodzis-Innes
  • DeAngelis-Beddington
  • Wangersky-Cunningham

Similar resources

Stan ecology page: additional case studies, event materials, & collected peer-reviewed papers

Spatial models for plant neighborhood dynamics in Stan: a spatially-explicit competition model wherein competitors affect focals more when they are larger and closer

Ecology tag on Stan Discourse


We welcome contributions to this example model base. Please use model_template.Rmd in the home directory to format your contribution. Please include the following in your pull request:

  • an RMarkdown source file
  • a rendered Markdown file with *_files subfolder (e.g., containing images of plots)
  • a stand-alone Stan file

We also welcome bug reports & ideas to make the models more efficient.

Please note our code of conduct for contributors.