This extensions allows you to parse any field you have defined in TS.
Creates output based on TypoScript.
This example shopuld create a link with label "Wohoo" wrapped by a linkt o the page with uid 1.
lib.testlink = TEXT
lib.testlink {
field = label
typolink.parameter.field = pid
{{ t3cObject('lib.testlink', {'data' : {'pid': 1, 'label': 'Wohoo'}}) }}
Creates output based on TypoScript.
This example shopuld output foo
lib.testtext = TEXT
lib.testtext {
current = 1
{{ t3stdWrap('lib.testtext', {'current_value': 'foo'}) }}
Reads the raw content of the given typoscript path.
lib.raw = Foo
lib.raw {
key = value
<!-- creates the output "Foo" -->
{{ t3stdWrap('lib.raw') }}
<!-- dumps the array ["key" => "value"] -->
{{ dump(t3stdWrap('lib.raw')) }}
Renders a string by passing it to the TYPO3 parseFunc_RTE.
<!-- Renders the Field "bodytext" as RTE -->
{{ item.bodytext|t3rte() }}
Renders a string by passing it to a TYPO3 parseFunc.
<!-- Renders the Field "bodytext" as RTE -->
{{ t3parseFunc('lib.parseFunc_RTE', {'current_value' : item.bodytext}) }}