- getaddrinfo(), etc. (from netdb.h, etc.)
- Win32: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/dns/dns-functions
- Win32 POSIX compliance: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/ws2tcpip/nf-ws2tcpip-getaddrinfo
- gettaddrinfo(), getnameinfo(), etc.?
iOS and related (etc.)
- ?
- ?
Specifics for BSD, System V, etc.
- ?
Specifics for IoT, embedded systems, etc.
- ?
- libresolv: libresolv is a C library that is commonly used on Unix-like systems for DNS resolution. It provides functions like getaddrinfo() and gethostbyname() for resolving hostnames.
- java.net.InetAddress: This is a Java library that provides basic DNS resolution capabilities. It allows you to resolve hostnames to IP addresses and vice versa.
- dnsjava: dnsjava is a DNS implementation library written in Java. It offers a full DNS resolver, DNS server, and client APIs for building DNS-related applications.
- System.Net.Dns (C#): This is a .NET framework library for DNS resolution in C#. It provides methods to resolve hostnames to IP addresses and perform reverse DNS lookups.
- dnspython: dnspython is a popular DNS toolkit for Python, providing a comprehensive set of DNS functionality. It allows you to perform DNS queries, zone transfers, dynamic updates, and more.
- aiodns - Simple DNS resolver for Python asyncio
- python3-dnslib - Serialization/Deserialization for DNS in Python
- GNU adns: adns is an asynchronous DNS resolver library written in C. It is designed to handle high loads and is commonly used in network applications that require efficient DNS resolution.
- C-ares: C-ares is a C library for asynchronous DNS requests. It offers a non-blocking API for performing DNS queries, making it suitable for high-performance networking applications. (1.6k stars)
- node-dns: node-dns is a DNS library for Node.js. It provides DNS lookup and reverse lookup capabilities and supports features like querying DNS records, resolving hostnames, and handling DNS responses.
- Go DNS: Go DNS is a DNS library for the Go programming language. It provides functions for DNS resolution and manipulation, supporting features like querying DNS records, performing zone transfers, and dynamic updates.
- getdns (and also https://getdnsapi.org/documentation/spec/) (~400 stars)
- rust-dns: rust-dns is a DNS library for the Rust programming language. It provides DNS resolution and manipulation functionalities, including querying DNS records, performing lookups, and building DNS messages.
- ldns: A C library to simplify DNS programming, supporting DNSSEC. (~230 stars)
- libidn: A library that provides support for internationalized domain names (IDNs).
- libunbound: A validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver. (part of unbound)
- lwres: A lightweight resolver library. (part of bind)
- Net::DNS: A Perl module that provides a DNS resolver and client interface.