A simple module for generating CSS from JS and a helper for custom properties aka. CSS variables.
import {css} from 'css.js'
// CamelCase will be turned into kebab-case
css({div: {backgroundColor: "red"}})
// will produce:
// div {background-color: red}
css({div: {
transition: ["border 1s", ["color", "2s"]]
// will produce:
// div {transition: border 1s, color 12}
// Nesting will be resolved
".foo": {
color: "purple",
".bar": {
color: "red",
".baz": {
color: "blue",
// will produce:
// .foo {color: purple}
// .foo .bar {color: red}
// .foo .baz {color: blue}
// Nested lists will be resolved too
".foo": {
color: "purple",
".bar, .baz": {
color: "red",
// will produce:
// .foo {color: purple}
// .foo .bar, .foo .baz {color: red}
// A leading _ will remove the space when nesting
".foo": {
color: "black",
"_bar": { color: "red" }
// will produce:
// .foo {color: black}
// .foobar {color: red}
// $ will be replaced with . for convenience
// This can be combined with _ for to avoid quoting keys
$foo: {
_$bar$baz: {
color: 'red'
// will produce:
// .foo.bar.baz {color: red}
Variables helper:
import {variable as v} from 'css.js'
// Index for automatic hyphenation
v.fooBar.toString() // var(--foo-bar)
v.fooBar("Hello") // var(--foo-bar, Hello)
// Call for unchanged variable names
v("fooBar") // var(--fooBar)
v("fooBar", "Hello") // var(--fooBar, Hello)