- 2021/2/17: Fixes Plasma Generator Sound by ThatDan123 in PR #6043
- 2021/2/16: Removed blob attack messages, to reduce spam by ThatDan123 in PR #6036
- 2021/2/16: Blob now ends round after 60 seconds rather than 180 seconds when it wins by ThatDan123 in PR #6036
- 2021/2/16: Fixed blob sound by ThatDan123 in PR #6036
- 2021/2/16: Switched detect objects to use physic2D instead by ThatDan123 in PR #6036
- 2021/2/16: Fixed blob spawning with multiple start scripts by ThatDan123 in PR #6036
- 2021/2/15: Removes old blob event script by ThatDan123 in PR #6034
- 2021/2/15: Fixes job ban on ghost role not working when occupation isnt set by ThatDan123 in PR #6034
- 2021/2/15: Moves Blob and Fugitive spawning to antag tab in event manager by ThatDan123 in PR #6034
- 2021/2/12: Player lights now update sprite on player character where relevant (e.g. hardhat headlamps). by NoooneyDude in PR #6002
- 2021/2/12: Tesla now moves through walls and does correct damage by ThatDan123 in PR #6010
- 2021/2/12: Fixed escape and close button not working on menu by ThatDan123 in PR #6010
- 2021/2/12: Adds some emitters and other stuff to box, square and outpost, not full PA set up by ThatDan123 in PR #6010
- 2021/2/12: Removed fugitive from traitor gamemode by ThatDan123 in PR #6010
- 2021/2/11: Adds grounding rods and tesla coils by ThatDan123 in PR #5998
- 2021/2/11: Adds Tesla Energy Ball by ThatDan123 in PR #5998
- 2021/2/10: Added particle accelerator, can be obtained through cargo by ThatDan123 in PR #5975
- 2021/2/8: Adds job banner when spawning as non-antag, though to distinguish from antag spawn there's no background colour by ThatDan123 in PR #5970
- 2021/2/8: Fixed bad bug in sound manager, which broke logic for changing sounds after they have started playing. by ThatDan123 in PR #5970
- 2021/2/8: Fixed music and juke box by ThatDan123 in PR #5970
- 2021/2/8: Adds field generators, emitters and radiation collectors by ThatDan123 in PR #5960
- 2021/2/8: Adds singularity by ThatDan123 in PR #5960
- 2021/2/5: fixed NRE when interacting with chickens with no item in hand. by corp-0 in PR #5914
- 2021/2/5: added feedable component as a generic way to make mobs able to be fed by hand. by corp-0 in PR #5914
- 2021/2/5: added milkable component to milk mobs based on their mood. by corp-0 in PR #5914
- 2021/2/5: added new generic mob ai that only becomes hostile after being attacked. by corp-0 in PR #5914
- 2021/2/5: added examination interaction to get what a mob's mood. by corp-0 in PR #5914
- 2021/1/28: Fixed Queens not laying eggs. by corp-0 in PR #5909
- 2021/1/28: Xenomorphs can become Queens now if there are no Queens in the round. by corp-0 in PR #5909
- 2021/1/27: Fixed bug where plasma cutters couldn't fire more than once. by PetMudstone in PR #5907
- 2021/1/27: Makes common allergies a little less common. by corp-0 in PR #5896
- 2021/1/27: Improves plasma intoxication symptoms. Plasma will only damage when its concentration is enough to be visible but still can be perceived before that. by corp-0 in PR #5896
- 2021/1/26: Fixed bug where igniter couldn't be put in machine frames, preventing certain machines such as the ore redemption machine from being built. by PetMudstone in PR #5895
- 2021/1/23: Adds new wounds description per body part visible on the new extended view of the examination window. by corp-0 in PR #5877
- 2021/1/23: Readds self-examination by corp-0 in PR #5877
- 2021/1/16: Added ability for bike horns to honk when people step on them. by PetMudstone in PR #5871
- 2021/1/11: Added ability for toolboxes to sometimes have two or three latches instead of just one on their sprites. This does not affect gameplay. by PetMudstone in PR #5852
- 2021/1/11: Adjusted Boxstation armory to be more in line with other maps. No more LMGs and Uzis. by PetMudstone in PR #5852
- 2021/1/10: Added drink animations. by NoooneyDude in PR #5851
- 2021/1/8: Added the Radiation Storm and Fugitives event. by NoooneyDude in PR #5838
- 2021/1/8: Added potted plant crate to Food and Hydroponics category in cargo. by PetMudstone in PR #5837
- 2021/1/8: Fixed machine connectors spawning wrong object on deconstruct and missing sprites. by NoooneyDude in PR #5833
- 2021/1/8: Added Carp Migration, Mice Migration and Portal Storm events. by NoooneyDude in PR #5834
- 2021/1/8: Added a bunch more random events. by NoooneyDude in PR #5825
- 2021/1/6: Ghost REVIVE button fixed. Ghost buttons animated. by NoooneyDude in PR #5824
- 2021/1/6: Added ability for soap to clean floors and to slowly get used up every time it's used to clean. by PetMudstone in PR #5821
- 2021/1/3: Added ability to extract seeds from banana peels and other trash made by eating crops. by PetMudstone in PR #5806
- 2021/1/3: Consolidated kitchen and botany categories in cargo console into Food and Hydroponics, added a few more items to buy in it. by PetMudstone in PR #5806
- 2021/1/3: Fixed bug where dead plant sprites didn't appear in trays. by PetMudstone in PR #5806
- 2021/1/3: Fixed bug that caused high amounts of weed in hydro trays to not create special plants when they were supposed to. by PetMudstone in PR #5806
- 2020/12/22: Added RockDrop spell. by NoooneyDude in PR #5766
- 2020/12/15: Adds mentors by craftxbox in PR #5365
- 2020/12/13: added ability to wrap all items, crates and lockers. by corp-0 in PR #5680
- 2020/12/9: Removed ability for stun batons to hurt people when used to stun on disarm and grab intent. by PetMudstone in PR #5725
- 2020/12/7: Added weapon cells. They can be removed from energy guns with screwdrivers (credit to Autumn) and be made in the autolathe. by PetMudstone in PR #5715
- 2020/12/7: Removed ability for welding fuel to create plasma gas when it is emptied out of containers. by PetMudstone in PR #5710
- 2020/12/5: fixed the radius around the player that caused them to accidentally attack themselves by the-other-autumn in PR #5707
- 2020/12/3: Added Contract of Apprenticeship. by NoooneyDude in PR #5700
- 2020/12/2: Added directional sprites for Gaggle the goose. by NoooneyDude in PR #5693
- 2020/12/2: Made the suit storage slot use a whitelist which includes: guns, PDAs, melee weapons, magazines, ammo casings, handcuffs, oxygen tanks, power cells, flashlights, spray bottles, radios, and masks. by PetMudstone in PR #5694
- 2020/12/1: Suit storage and pockets now Grey out when you're not wearing the appropriate Clothing, and drop the contents if taken off by Bod9001 in PR #5684
- 2020/12/1: Added ghost role system and simple death squad. by NoooneyDude in PR #5675
- 2020/11/26: adds functional suppressors by the-other-autumn in PR #5666
- 2020/11/25: Fixed bug where some floor tile items didn't get used up when you placed them down. by PetMudstone in PR #5674
- 2020/11/23: Removed ability to fly shuttles and asteroids that shouldn't have been able to be flown around. by PetMudstone in PR #5668
- 2020/11/17: Adds some more artifacts by ThatDan123 in PR #5632
- 2020/11/15: Renamed "Cutthroat" pistol to Makarov, since that's what it resembles now. by PetMudstone in PR #5615
- 2020/11/15: Added new Stechkin sprites by schwick. by PetMudstone in PR #5615
- 2020/11/13: Added instant Summons spell and book. by NoooneyDude in PR #5610
- 2020/11/13: Adds basic maint areas to SquareStation, racks and items still need to be added. by Akbadain29 in PR #5608
- 2020/11/9: Can use objects on walls and windows from an extra tile away by Ruzihm in PR #5570
- 2020/11/8: Added lightning bolt spell and the magic mirror. by NoooneyDude in PR #5561
- 2020/11/6: Added antags sounds for round start by Macoron in PR #5524
- 2020/11/5: Added new sprites for the ore redemption machine and mining vendor by Ghommie. by PetMudstone in PR #5505
- 2020/11/5: Added new sprites for pens by TetraZeta. by PetMudstone in PR #5500
- 2020/11/4: Added a couple more transformations for the null rod. by PetMudstone in PR #5493
- 2020/11/3: fix pkas by the-other-autumn in PR #5418
- 2020/11/3: adds id locks for weapons by the-other-autumn in PR #5418
- 2020/11/3: adds clown clumsy behaviour with guns by the-other-autumn in PR #5418
- 2020/11/3: adjusted high pop and medium pop maps by Bod9001 in PR #5482
- 2020/11/3: made nuclear operatives more likely by Bod9001 in PR #5482
- 2020/11/1: Drinking glass icon fixes by Macoron in PR #5456
- 2020/10/31: Fixes up directional signs so that the evac and cargo signs are now place-able prefabs. Adjusts sign placement on FallStation, Square, Outpost, adds directional signs to Box. Also connects HoP line's front shutters on FallStation to the door button. by Akbadain29 in PR #5441
- 2020/10/29: Adds Wizard Asteroid Spawn Scene. by Akbadain29 in PR #5432
- 2020/10/28: Fixed when dead blob would error on spawn, blob will no longer spawn if host is dead by ThatDan123 in PR #5431
- 2020/10/28: Fixed being able to attack own spores by ThatDan123 in PR #5431
- 2020/10/28: Fixed blob strain switching not defaulting to original resistances and armor by ThatDan123 in PR #5429
- 2020/10/27: Fixed minor issues with blob by ThatDan123 in PR #5428
- 2020/10/27: Added forcewall spell, spell books, random initial spells, wizard garb functionality. by NoooneyDude in PR #5426
- 2020/10/27: fix: access restrictions for brig timers by JustinTrotter in PR #5423
- 2020/10/26: search added to admin player manager by JustinTrotter in PR #5422
- 2020/10/26: Admins now can see disconnected players and banned them by Bod9001 in PR #5416
- 2020/10/25: fix gun projectiles and sounds for other clients by JustinTrotter in PR #5411
- 2020/10/24: Adds blob strains, some with custom abilities by ThatDan123 in PR #5404
- 2020/10/24: Fixed deconstructing disposal pipes, added distant explosion sounds by NoooneyDude in PR #5401
- 2020/10/24: Updates BoxStation. Fixes atmospherics, wiring in engineering and adds a few mobs by NoooneyDude in PR #5391
- 2020/10/23: Add the banning admin in job & normal ban json, not used within game. by craftxbox in PR #5122
- 2020/10/23: Blobs can now fight each other, may the best blob win by ThatDan123 in PR #5384
- 2020/10/23: Fixed blob attack message position by ThatDan123 in PR #5384
- 2020/10/23: Fixed blobs unable to build structures by ThatDan123 in PR #5384
- 2020/10/23: Added new sprites for the R550c by schwick and new sprites for the laser carbine and disabler pistol by Toriate. by PetMudstone in PR #5386
- 2020/10/22: Add charges to Emags by Skrimble in PR #5376
- 2020/10/22: Fixes being unable to dispose of yourself, and unable to drag disposal intakes. by NoooneyDude in PR #5373
- 2020/10/22: Fixed blob aghost by ThatDan123 in PR #5372
- 2020/10/22: Fixed blob attack effect not being played on client by ThatDan123 in PR #5372
- 2020/10/22: Stopped blob attack messages from auto expand by ThatDan123 in PR #5372
- 2020/10/22: Prohibited blobs from constructing node, factory and resources blobs on normal space blob tiles by ThatDan123 in PR #5372
- 2020/10/22: Fixed Blob tile count not decreasing when blob tiles are killed by ThatDan123 in PR #5372
- 2020/10/22: Fixed multiple blob sharing the UI updates by ThatDan123 in PR #5372
- 2020/10/22: Fixed blob sound being global by ThatDan123 in PR #5372
- 2020/10/22: Fixed blobs rejoining having wrong UI by ThatDan123 in PR #5372
- 2020/10/21: makes it so syndicate and Wizard scenes spawningon by Bod9001 in PR #5377
- 2020/10/21: fixes lathes UI and exprefab UI by Bod9001 in PR #5377
- 2020/10/21: fixes situations where power would bug out by Bod9001 in PR #5377
- 2020/10/20: Refactored hostile environment to allow for multiple problems by ThatDan123 in PR #5362
- 2020/10/20: Blobs now do more damage to objects and walls by ThatDan123 in PR #5362
- 2020/10/19: Fixed blob chat on client by ThatDan123 in PR #5349
- 2020/10/19: Fixed blob tile count by ThatDan123 in PR #5349
- 2020/10/19: Blobs now ignore damage deflection by ThatDan123 in PR #5349
- 2020/10/19: removes unneeded tile map Collider from outpost by Bod9001 in PR #5344
- 2020/10/19: you can walk across multiple tables now by Bod9001 in PR #5344
- 2020/10/19: Adds the wizard's fireball spell. ONI'SOMA! by NoooneyDude in PR #5341
- 2020/10/19: Blobs now have names by ThatDan123 in PR #5336
- 2020/10/19: Rebalanced blob damage by ThatDan123 in PR #5336
- 2020/10/19: Blob can no longer see ghosts by ThatDan123 in PR #5336
- 2020/10/19: Stops blob hearing all chat, speaking in ghost chat by ThatDan123 in PR #5336
- 2020/10/19: Made it possible to properly place chairs that you picked up back down. by PetMudstone in PR #5340
- 2020/10/19: Properly made the Suffering Bastard drink makeable. by PetMudstone in PR #5339
- 2020/10/19: misc fallstation fixes (sec timers, door switches, wiring) by the-other-autumn in PR #5338
- 2020/10/18: Added overlays to blob core and node by ThatDan123 in PR #5333
- 2020/10/18: Fixed spores not being able to move over blob by ThatDan123 in PR #5333
- 2020/10/18: Fixed some issues with blob messages by ThatDan123 in PR #5333
- 2020/10/18: Witch robe sprites by TetraZeta. Newer tool sprites by Azlan. Photocopiers, hand labelers, and claymores by Toriate. by PetMudstone in PR #5332
- 2020/10/17: fixes tile maps not updating properly by Bod9001 in PR #5326
- 2020/10/17: realigns text on tab reactor and tab boiler control by Bod9001 in PR #5326
- 2020/10/17: fixes NAN temperature from reactor by Bod9001 in PR #5326
- 2020/10/17: fixes mapping tools by Bod9001 in PR #5326
- 2020/10/17: Fixes tables on outpost by Bod9001 in PR #5326
- 2020/10/16: removed tables from objects, now on their own layer by Bod9001 in PR #5280
- 2020/10/16: removed tile map Colliders, replace it with a custom solution by Bod9001 in PR #5280
- 2020/10/16: moved tile get set out of unity functions to allow it to be thread safe, this opens up the possibility of radiation being more dynamic by Bod9001 in PR #5280
- 2020/10/16: ordered log levels to be alphabetical by Bod9001 in PR #5280
- 2020/10/12: Fixed being able to remove powered light blubs with no gloves on. by ThatDan123 in PR #5293
- 2020/10/12: Fixed captains gloves not allowing you to remove powered light bulbs. by ThatDan123 in PR #5293
- 2020/10/12: Fixes Random Sickness Events by ThatDan123 in PR #5294
- 2020/10/12: Adds wizard spells Lesser Summon Guns and Blink. by NoooneyDude in PR #5286
- 2020/10/10: Adds wizardry. "A wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he needs to." by NoooneyDude in PR #5274
- 2020/10/8: Alien alloy can be used to craft beds, lockers, floor tiles, table frames, and (useless) airlock frames if you somehow get it. by PetMudstone in PR #5263
- 2020/10/8: Table frames can now be moved around. Added table frames made out of wood and alien alloy. New table frames are craftable. by PetMudstone in PR #5263
- 2020/10/8: Adds a few more kinds of tables. Bronze, alien, and fancy (carpeted) tables. Not yet constructable, sadly. by PetMudstone in PR #5263
- 2020/10/7: Added holster and briefcase of cash to uplink. by PetMudstone in PR #5259
- 2020/10/7: Fixed certain grass tiles not using the right sprite. by PetMudstone in PR #5259
- 2020/10/7: Added medal boxes that appear in the quartermaster's, head of security's, head of personnels, and research director's lockers. Sadly, you can't pin the medals on your chest. by PetMudstone in PR #5259
- 2020/10/7: Added a few more belts. by PetMudstone in PR #5259
- 2020/10/7: Added a sabre for the captain. by PetMudstone in PR #5259
- 2020/10/5: Touches up advanced tools: sounds and sprites are updated with state changes. Adds sounds for Jaws of Life and Drill. by NoooneyDude in PR #5257
- 2020/10/3: Computers and their frames now have directional sprites. by PetMudstone in PR #5253
- 2020/10/2: First record in our changelog history 🎊 by corp-0 in PR #5242