Prop | Type | Default | Note |
provider |
string |
The map framework to use. Either "google" for GoogleMaps, otherwise null or undefined to use the native map framework (MapKit in iOS and GoogleMaps in android). |
region |
Region |
The region to be displayed by the map. The region is defined by the center coordinates and the span of coordinates to display. |
initialRegion |
Region |
The initial region to be displayed by the map. Use this prop instead of region only if you don't want to control the viewport of the map besides the initial region.Changing this prop after the component has mounted will not result in a region change. This is similar to the initialValue prop of a text input. |
liteMode |
Boolean |
false |
Enable lite mode. Note: Android only. |
mapType |
String |
"standard" |
The map type to be displayed. - standard: standard road map (default) - satellite: satellite view - hybrid: satellite view with roads and points of interest overlayed - terrain: (Android only) topographic view |
showsUserLocation |
Boolean |
false |
If true the app will ask for the user's location. NOTE: You need to add NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription key in Info.plist to enable geolocation, otherwise it is going to fail silently! |
followsUserLocation |
Boolean |
false |
If true the map will focus on the user's location. This only works if showsUserLocation is true and the user has shared their location. Note: iOS only. |
showsMyLocationButton |
Boolean |
true |
Android only If false hide the button to move map to the current user's location. |
showsPointsOfInterest |
Boolean |
true |
If false points of interest won't be displayed on the map. |
showsCompass |
Boolean |
true |
If false compass won't be displayed on the map. |
showsScale |
Boolean |
true |
A Boolean indicating whether the map shows scale information. |
showsBuildings |
Boolean |
true |
A Boolean indicating whether the map displays extruded building information. |
showsTraffic |
Boolean |
true |
A Boolean value indicating whether the map displays traffic information. |
showsIndoors |
Boolean |
true |
A Boolean indicating whether indoor maps should be enabled. |
zoomEnabled |
Boolean |
true |
If false the user won't be able to pinch/zoom the map. |
rotateEnabled |
Boolean |
true |
If false the user won't be able to pinch/rotate the map. |
scrollEnabled |
Boolean |
true |
If false the user won't be able to change the map region being displayed. |
pitchEnabled |
Boolean |
true |
If false the user won't be able to adjust the camera’s pitch angle. |
toolbarEnabled |
Boolean |
true |
Android only If false will hide 'Navigate' and 'Open in Maps' buttons on marker press |
cacheEnabled |
Boolean |
false |
If true map will be cached and displayed as a image instead of being interactable, for performance usage. |
loadingEnabled |
Boolean |
false |
If true a loading indicator will show while the map is loading. |
loadingIndicatorColor |
Color |
#606060 |
Sets loading indicator color, default to #606060 . |
loadingBackgroundColor |
Color |
Sets loading background color, default to #FFFFFF . |
moveOnMarkerPress |
Boolean |
true |
Android only If false the map won't move when a marker is pressed. |
legalLabelInsets |
EdgeInsets |
If set, changes the position of the "Legal" label link from the OS default. Note: iOS only. |
Event Name | Returns | Notes |
onRegionChange |
Region |
Callback that is called continuously when the region changes, such as when a user is dragging the map. |
onRegionChangeComplete |
Region |
Callback that is called once when the region changes, such as when the user is done moving the map. |
onPress |
{ coordinate: LatLng, position: Point } |
Callback that is called when user taps on the map. |
onPanDrag |
{ coordinate: LatLng, position: Point } |
Callback that is called when user presses and drags the map. NOTE: for iOS scrollEnabled should be set to false to trigger the event |
onLongPress |
{ coordinate: LatLng, position: Point } |
Callback that is called when user makes a "long press" somewhere on the map. |
onMarkerPress |
Callback that is called when a marker on the map is tapped by the user. | |
onMarkerSelect |
Callback that is called when a marker on the map becomes selected. This will be called when the callout for that marker is about to be shown. Note: iOS only. | |
onMarkerDeselect |
Callback that is called when a marker on the map becomes deselected. This will be called when the callout for that marker is about to be hidden. Note: iOS only. | |
onCalloutPress |
Callback that is called when a callout is tapped by the user. | |
onMarkerDragStart |
{ coordinate: LatLng, position: Point } |
Callback that is called when the user initiates a drag on a marker (if it is draggable) |
onMarkerDrag |
{ coordinate: LatLng, position: Point } |
Callback called continuously as a marker is dragged |
onMarkerDragEnd |
{ coordinate: LatLng, position: Point } |
Callback that is called when a drag on a marker finishes. This is usually the point you will want to setState on the marker's coordinate again |
Method Name | Arguments | Notes |
animateToRegion |
region: Region , duration: Number |
animateToCoordinate |
region: Coordinate , duration: Number |
fitToElements |
animated: Boolean |
fitToSuppliedMarkers |
markerIDs: String[] , animated: Boolean |
If you need to use this in ComponentDidMount , make sure you put it in a timeout or it will cause performance problems. |
fitToCoordinates |
coordinates: Array<LatLng>, options: { edgePadding: EdgePadding, animated: Boolean } |
type Region {
latitude: Number,
longitude: Number,
latitudeDelta: Number,
longitudeDelta: Number,
type LatLng {
latitude: Number,
longitude: Number,
type Point {
x: Number,
y: Number,
enum MapType : String {
"terrain" //Android only
type EdgePadding {
top: Number,
right: Number,
bottom: Number,
left: Number
type EdgeInsets {
top: Number,
left: Number,
bottom: Number,
right: Number